Siglas and Simmons, Jack's opponents in those days.

A couple of monsters living in the sea near New Guinea Island, Simmons can emit lightning from the horns on his head.

Then Siglas and his wife Simmons worked together to cause huge tsunamis and tornadoes.

Siglas and Simmons have a harmonious relationship. They usually lurk in the sea or underground. When they sense that their wives are in danger, they will rush to rescue them and defeat the enemies with powerful attacks.

They landed in Japan with Simmons and tried to lay eggs on land. After their proud horns were broken, they lost their will to fight and fled back to the sea with their wife.

Now they are here as a couple.

And above the sky, there are even more monsters with wings.

For example, the primitive monster bird Litera.

At the same time, there is a very oppressive monster, Barton.

Cui Ming continued to translate with the monster language translator while pointing at the opposite side and said: "See the pile on the opposite side!!! That's them!! They are not from Earth!!! We can fight each other on Earth! If these aliens and other-dimensional bumpkins want to make trouble, let's tear them apart first!!! Also, the red and silver ones are friendly forces!!! Don't hit the wrong ones!!!"


Several monsters roared together.

Damn! That's right! We can fight each other on Earth, but you alien bumpkins dare to come to our side, right? !

"Roar!!!!" TM, come on!!! ! ! ! !

Red King took the lead and roared and rushed forward.

And its charge was a signal!

Ultraman, Barga and other monsters also rushed forward.

The scene was quite shocking.

Ultraman, mecha, monsters!


Cui Ming roared, and Long Goro and the others also reacted!


Muramatsu did the same: "Hit!!!!"

The next moment was like a holiday!

Countless attacks began to hit the Ultra Beast and the Metronians.

Red King took the lead and hit a Dragley with his arm!

The powerful arm instantly knocked the Dragley down, and then he stepped on it directly! ! !

TM, the alien country bumpkin came to your grandfather Red King's territory, right? !

Just when Red King was stepping on the Dragley, a Dragley rushed towards Red King and tried to launch a sneak attack, but Gomora rushed over and hit the Dragley with his horn!

Super shockwave! ! ! !

This is the energy generated by vibrating the horn on the head to dig forward in the ground as a weapon. Gomora can emit vibration energy like light.

It can also concentrate the energy of the crescent horn to the nose horn, and after piercing the nose horn into the enemy's body, emit vibration energy from the horn to attack at zero distance.

Now it is a zero-distance attack!

The terrifying force instantly caused the blocked Dragli to explode.

The volcanic bird Barton from Earth was even more terrifying.

It was eating.

Moth Super Beast Dragli, right?

I just like to eat this bug!!!

As Barton continued to attack with his beak, he instantly pecked a Dragli into pieces and ate some meat.

The primitive bird Litera was flying in the sky.

Many monsters in the sky did not land!

Only Barton came down and started eating directly.

Eat eat eat! I eat so much!!!

Ultraman, Seven and Ace were even more powerful! ! !

Because there was too much energy, the three Ultramen had to find more opponents quickly!

Barga even played music and rushed directly to knock down a Udolinka with his iron ball and then started drilling with a drill.


The two Metrons were scared.

Damn! What's going on?

Why did it suddenly become a big melee? !

"Father, what should I do?"



No need to say more! Just run!!! Father, you are so wise!

Something is wrong with this earth!!!

In the melee, no one cared about these two deserters! After all, these two guys are not important now!

The revenge in the mountain can be avenged later.

For the valuable research materials left by the Metrons in the sphincter of the mountain.

No pursuit this time.

Cui Ming just took two guns and fired everywhere!

In the eyes of the super beast, he looked like a madman.

But he was very mobile.

At the same time, he did not forget to replenish energy for Ace and the others!

Ace and the others were actually quite helpless.

Brother, there is no need, really no need!

Too much!

In the past, I felt that the energy was too little and not enough, but now there is too much energy and nowhere to use it!

Of course, the most outrageous thing is that Cui Ming always takes out the recovery gun to heal friendly units!!!

Do you understand the value of a super medic on the battlefield? !

It was useless for the Dragalis to attack Cui Ming!

Because Red King and his men were standing in front of them!

Red King knocked down a Dragali with his elbow and gave Cui Ming a thumbs up!

Brother! Great support!

Cui Ming did not respond, but raised his hand and fired a recovery bullet.

And Jiru was even more brutal.

He directly lay on the Dragali and used a lava bullet.

Kiru only needs to open the carapace on his abdomen to fire red ultra-high-heat fireballs from the molten core of the exposed energy organ. Several rounds can be fired at a time.

And Dolagli, who was pressed by it, was in bad luck!

His whole body was attacked by lava bombs!

But Barton, who was eating next to him, was the scariest thing.

Let me show you what it means to eat a super beast alive.

The blood of the people of Arbo ran cold with fear.

No, what is happening on earth? !

Why are there so many outrageous monsters?

Why did my super beast become food? ! Is this earth really the earth I know? !

However, now it is about the dignity of the Yabo people!

Earth must be taken!

At this time, Mefilas, who was watching the battle from a distance, couldn't help but said: "Sure enough, my idea was right back then."

The Baltan people next to Mefilas were also very emotional.

"These monsters are only part of it."

"That's right." Dada also said at this time: "According to the intelligence, a couple of monsters are coming here, one is named Siglas and the other is Simons. They can summon tsunamis, and many of the earth are oceans. "

"So I told you, don't underestimate the earth. But" Mefilas said and looked at Cui Ming on the battlefield.

"Storm One, he is the most dazzling one."

Mephilas was a little emotional.

"Indeed. For humans, he is very strong."

"It's also scary." said the Zabra star.

"Hehehe, okay, let's see how they face the remaining demon stars."

Don't tell me, everyone is really not in a hurry.

After all, there are three Ultraman here, and Cui Ming and Yichu are helping with supplies.

Daisuke Lan looked at Yi Chu with envy.

He also wants to replenish energy for Ultraman.

Now we can only use the spider gun to help shoot.

As for Cui Ming, after equipping his Raven with Spark No. 8, he instantly transformed into a God of War.

There is no need for other monsters to take action against the shameful Oil Super Beast!

Cui Ming took care of it himself!

But at this moment, Muluch suddenly hit King Red and the others.

King Red was very unhappy about being sneak-attacked, and he was also sneak-attacked by Dolagli.

Cui Ming immediately fired a reply bomb at King Red.

King Red instantly felt better.


Red King yelled at Cui Ming.

The monster voice translator came out with a voice at this time.

"Use that device! Hit me!"


Without saying anything, Cui Ming raised his hand and shot King Red!

In an instant, King Red felt full of power! Then

evolution! ! !

When Cui Ming fired the light energy supplementary bomb directly to King Red.

Cui Ming didn't know what would happen.

But now King Red is a comrade, and he believes in his comrades!

This is Cui Ming’s creed!

Of course, scammers won’t believe it.

And it turns out!

King Reid was confident when he asked Cui Ming to give it a try!

King Red has evolved!

EX Red King!

"." Yichu opened his mouth wide, and after reacting, he said with a complicated expression: "Can this also strengthen monsters?"

"No, that's not right." Muramatsu noticed something unusual.

"King Red seems to be strengthened because it is a monster of the earth. You see, Doragali and the others are afraid of the energy bombs of Storm One."

"It's true!" Yi Chu also discovered that this was indeed the case.

Then it'll be fine.

At this time, the evolved King Red showed a ferocious smile.

Did Muluch, a bastard, attack me just now?

Then I won't be polite! ! !

Cui Ming also said at this time: "Attacking friendly forces, right!!! King Red! It's up to you!"

EX Red King patted his chest muscles with his terrifying arms, and then.

Just hit the ground!

Path of Fire! ! ! !

This is the powerful attack skill of EX Red King. He uses his huge arms to knock out magma energy on the ground and rushes straight towards the enemy.

The flames that soared into the sky instantly engulfed Muluch, but King Red still couldn't forgive his hatred.

He rushed over and knocked down Mulucci with one fist, and then raised Mulucci high with both arms.


Tear! ! !

Tear Muluch apart with your hands! ! ! !


EX Red King roared towards the sky.


Cui Ming gave this comrade a handsome evaluation.

And EX Red King turned his gaze to Dolagli, who had sneak attacked him before!

You were the only one who sneak-attacked me, right?


Dolagli took a step back in fear.


Super beasts are fighting machines that have almost no sense of pain, but the current scene is beyond their understanding.

Then EX Red King waved his fist and rushed over! ! !

Hot uppercut! ! !

EX Red King's strongest skill is to concentrate the magma all over his body on his right arm to make it bigger. After spinning a few times, he throws a right uppercut at the enemy and knocks the opponent away.

And when EX Red King whirled and punched Dolagli, Dolagli instantly exploded into a pile of blood mist.


This kind of King Red is really scary.

Ultraman and the others were glad that King Red was a friendly force at this time.

The main reason is that the Red King's strength is indeed very terrifying. He can tear monsters apart with his bare hands and turn super beasts into blood mist.

But Seven is not worried, after all, he can directly enter Seven X state!

"I know how to strengthen!"

Cui Ming suddenly said, and then.

Cui Ming aimed at Ultraman and Ace.


Ouch! No need! Too much! ! !

What a waste! ! !

However, Cui Ming doesn't care about these!

Enough energy! ! !

Blessing from the earth! Praise moment!

Cui Ming silently praised Mother Earth in his heart, and then fired energy replenishment bombs at Ultraman and Ace.

When the two Ultramen were hit, they instantly felt a huge force increasing their physical strength!

No! Too much!

Ace Ultraman looked directly at a Doragli!

Rainbow Ultra Guillotine! ! !

As Ace raised his hands, a huge rainbow-colored rotating Ultra Guillotine appeared.


Brother, not really. I'm just an ordinary Ultra Beast

"Evil Ultra Beast! You and the Yabo people's evil plan will be annihilated in the bond between us and the Earthlings!!!"

Ace said and threw the huge rainbow beheading chainsaw out.


Doragli was instantly slashed by the huge colorful chainsaw as if it was hit by a spell.


it walked forward a few steps.

When a gust of wind blew over, the body of Doragli gradually separated into pieces

Through these Doragli pieces, you can even see the scenery next to it.

And there are more Ultraman here!!!

Rainbow Specium!!!

The rainbow-colored Specium instantly submerged several Doragli.

Baltan, who was watching the battle, shuddered instantly.

Too. Too scary

This is the attack that our clan fears the most. Specium matter

It's really scary

And Mefilas comforted: "Don't worry, I won't let you fight them."

"Sorry, sir"

"No, no need to apologize, after all, it is really too scary."

Mefilas admitted that Cui Ming really kept refreshing its cognition.


What are you going to do with the remaining planets like the demon star Koala?

Oh, by the way, you have Ultraman.

Just when Mefilas was thinking, several beetle-like monsters suddenly jumped out of the ground and said something to Cui Ming.

The monster language translator also conveyed their meaning.

"We need energy, let's deal with those balls."

"Energy? Use Barga! Team member Katsuragi! Come out!"


Misato Katsuragi hurried out of Barga, and Cui Ming went directly to respond.

Then Cui Ming shouted directly: "Use Barga's energy!"

Barga also opened his chest to reveal his energy core.

Several beetle-like monsters immediately came over to hug Barga to absorb energy, and then

Golden light began to flash on their bodies.

Afterwards, several beetle monsters aimed at the sky together.

"This is!!!"

Yi Chu's eyes widened.

"These beetles. Their energy is rising! Could it be!!!!"

"Woo!" (For our home!!!)*N


High-heat beam!!!!!!

This is the super-high-heat beam generated by the monster named Taganura when its internal temperature increases and finally reaches 1 million degrees (enough to achieve nuclear fusion) through the flashing of its abdomen to the horns on its chest and head.

This brightness will instantly turn into daytime even at night, and can penetrate the sky and even reach outer space.

This will consume all of Taganura's energy and cool Taganura's body, making it unharmed without causing it to melt or explode.

When it hits the target, it will produce a huge blue flame explosion.

And now.

What the Taganuras absorb is a special substance they need.

Liquid Titrim, a special substance that Cui Ming found as Aguru.

It is even a trace substance contained in water, which can be infinitely extracted from it. After triggering energy fusion, it can generate a huge amount of heat energy. It is non-flammable, so there is no risk of explosion.

Now, these beams of light turned into the brightest beams of light and rushed directly into space!

And Cui Ming saw this and silently took out his energy supply bomb.

"You want energy, right? Take it all!"

As Cui Ming fired energy supply bombs at the Taganuras.

The light of the Taganuras shone even brighter.


The remaining few demon star koalas were instantly completely destroyed by the light of several Taganuras.

This blue planet is our eternal guardian.

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