Ultraman: It turns out this is the easy mode

Chapter 70 Yabo people: What a stupid teammate!

Mefilas's intelligence is very accurate. The Yabo people are indeed preparing for the demon star koala to attack the earth.

And it has a collaborator.

Little Metron.

It comes for revenge.

Back then, its father was Ultraman Seven's opponent.

At that time, the little Metronite's father, Metronite, exchanged cigarettes from the automatic cigarette vending machine in front of Tokyo's Kitagawa-ku station for cigarettes mixed with the seeds of a cosmic poisonous plant that excites the brain and drives people crazy.

Shortly after inhaling it, smokers will go berserk and attack those around them at all costs. In an attempt to destroy the trust and order of human society and eliminate mankind.

And in order to prevent Ultraman Seven from ruining his plan, the Metron people warned Ultraman Seven many times not to get into trouble, but the Metron people didn't even think about it. Ultraman Seven can be said to be the most doting. The human Ultraman was therefore unable to pay attention to its request, and therefore its plan failed due to the obstruction of Severn and the Ultra Guard.

As the plan failed, the Metronians had to reveal their true form and deal with Ultraman Seven personally. After their bodies became huge, they fought with Seven under the sunset. In the end, he was defeated by Ultraman Seven's head dart and Emelim's beam attack. He survived but his whereabouts are unknown.

The little Metrotronian is here to avenge his father!

At this time, it was discussing countermeasures with the Yabo people.

But it was very disdainful of the Arbois.

Because now the leader of the Abo people is actually afraid of an ordinary human being! What a disgrace to the cosmonauts!

You must know that this is a group of human beings who cannot become gigantic!

He doesn't have any special abilities, he's just a guy with some weapons at most!

Compared with our cosmic beings who can become gigantic, what do Earthlings mean?

Ant! ! ! !

"Humph, Aboman, what are you worried about?"

"No, you don't understand"

The Yabo people knew that the Metrons looked down upon them now, but they still wanted to explain the pros and cons clearly.

The two are now in a cooperative relationship!

"That's Storm One, a terrifying human being who is cruel, ruthless, cold-blooded, and has a strong desire to kill!"

Hearing Yabo's words, the Metronian said coldly: "Haha, so what? It's just a human being anyway." After saying that, the Metronian sat in front of Yabo and continued: "I I used to think you were a good guy, your plan was terrible, and your super beast was very powerful, but now I have to take back my opinion."

The Metron people spoke very arrogantly.

The Yabo people didn't have any special reaction to this, they just looked at the Metron people indifferently.

"You will understand, but by the time you understand the horror of Storm One, it will be almost too late."


The Metron man snorted coldly.

The people of Abos were so weak!

I'm actually afraid of this! ! ! We Metronians are different!

My father's failure was mainly because of damn Severn! Ultraman Seven! Just wait! After I defeat Ultraman Ace, you will be next! ! ! !

The Metron man is full of confidence and he wants to make his father proud.

The Yabo people sneered at this.

Oh! Stupid idiot!

I looked at Storm One with the same sentiments as you, but I paid a heavy price.

Sure enough, the cub species of Storm One is also terrifyingly confusing.

"So, Metron, what are you going to do? Are you going to kill Storm One now?"

"What's wrong! Let me show you! The combat methods of our Metronians!"

Then the figure of the Metronian disappeared.

The Yabo people were stunned when they saw the Metron people taking direct action. '

no! You really go! ! !

"Holy shit! Let him come back quickly!!!! Isn't he delivering food to Baofeng No. 1!!!!"

It’s not because the conscience of the Yabo people found out, it’s mainly because the TMD Metronians are their allies now, and the Metronians know how to enter the world of different dimensions!

If the Metron people were captured by Cui Ming, the Yabo people couldn't imagine what terrible things Cui Ming would do to the Metron people!

TM's Storm One has a deep understanding of the cruelty and ruthlessness of the Yabo people! ! !

The little tiger was almost sliced ​​into pieces by Storm One before! ! !

Damn it! None of us would be so cruel to our own race!

"Sir, we don't dare to go."


The Yabo people looked at their subordinates and fell silent.

Don't talk about your subordinates, it doesn't even dare to go on its own

never mind

"Can't you be brave? You know you are Abo people!"

"Sir, it's not that we are not brave, but that is Storm One. We really don't have the courage and dare not face such an opportunity, especially since we are only human-sized!!!"


The Abo people were silent.

That seems to be the case.

Forget it, I hope that Metron guy won't be too desperate.

"Forget it, I'll take action myself. At least I have to save the Metron people, or else I'll kill him with my own hands!!!"

TM’s idiot Metron people! It's nothing if you die! But if you expose our location in another dimension! There's going to be a storm in our fucking house! ! ! !

As aliens with extremely high IQs, the Yabo people are very aware of the terrible consequences of beings like Cui Ming entering their rear!

At that time, I will really never be able to live in peace again!

Cui Ming would constantly harass his logistics base, and then eat his own people to replenish their physical strength. He would become the most feared nightmare of his people, and his people would dream of him!!!

Thinking of this, no! It was not thinking of that kind of future!

The Yabo people said that such a thing should not happen!!!

So, the Yabo people took action.

This time it took action personally! At the same time, it was also a meeting with Cui Ming.

On the other side, the Metron star had come to find Cui Ming.


It stopped just after arriving at Cui Ming's door


There is a problem.

Thinking of this, it threw a stone inside.

Click! ! ! ! *N

Countless turrets started instantly and began to aim.


Should I become huge?

Will this attract Ace?

Forget it, don't fight here.

I'd better go halfway to intercept Storm No. 1.

Thinking of this, the Metron star left.

However, it didn't know that Cui Ming was watching the surveillance.




Catch it! And then take out all the information it knows!

Then, I can happily prepare to deal with the Yabo people! ! !

This guy should know how to find the Yabo people.

Cui Ming thought so, and a cheerful smile appeared on his face.

After all

Finally, a fool fell into the trap again!

No, just kill him for safety...

In order to ensure that he can kill this guy, Cui Ming specially prepared several transformation devices.

Ace's, Zoffy's, Nexus's, the power from the earth, Gaia and Aguru's!

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