Ultraman: It turns out this is the easy mode

Chapter 69 Cui Ming: This is difficult, please help me, senior!

Chapter 69 Cui Ming: It’s hard to handle...please ask senior!

"It seems that I need to disturb Senior Yi Chu."

Facing real seniors, Cui Ming always maintains a humble attitude.

Especially a true scientific research master like Yi Chu.

This is a valuable asset that transcends the level of human nationality.

So Cui Ming respects this kind of person very much, and senior Yi Chu is also a truly good person. He will be angry because of what happened to Jamila.

Although Jamila is a monster, it is actually mankind's own sin. It was an astronaut from a certain country who was stranded on a planet without water due to an artificial satellite accident and turned into a monster after that.

Filled with hatred for the motherland and humanity that abandoned him, he returned to Earth on an invisible rocket, attempting to sabotage the international peace conference and seek revenge on humanity.

Yi Chu had a direct quarrel with the senior officials of the headquarters because of this incident.

Cui Ming could only say that EDF is indeed a great organization.

Although I think I dropped a nuclear bomb on my area during my first reincarnation.

But there was nothing we could do at that time, the city was full of monster lairs!

How do you want to deal with it?

The fire of mankind must continue, and Cui Ming knew very well that at that time, all the top leaders of EDF had been on the battlefield, and some even died directly on the battlefield.

That's enough.

They've done a great job.

And the most outrageous thing about EDF is that it not only achieves global unification, but also achieves peaceful coexistence with nature.

It truly achieves the peaceful coexistence of man and nature.

In fact, speaking of it, I have to thank the Star Guide for this.

The world where Cui Ming is currently fighting the reincarnation war originally did not have the existence of EDF.

Humanity in this world disappeared due to the outbreak of nuclear war a long time in the future.

But even so, the earth still regained its vitality after this, and there were even many giant creatures that could change the environment after death.

These creatures were also the vanguards later used by the Star Guides to attack humans.

But because the Star Guides used their own time and space technology to go back in time, they allowed humans to see possible threats from aliens and thus founded EDF.

Then, while human beings were unified, they also reached coexistence with the natural environment.

This caused the Star Guides to fear that there would be a time and space paradox, and then they decided to wipe out humans themselves.

What arrogance!

But they do have arrogant qualifications.

After all, they have a time-travel device that can infinitely send reinforcements from the future and change time nodes.

In fact, they don't need to worry at all.

Because it's just opening up a new world line.

Obviously everyone can coexist and become friends, but they chose to declare the death penalty to humans in a superior manner.

Then I, Storm One, will be your gravedigger.

This is a war with no possibility of reconciliation! asshole!

It is precisely because of this that Cui Ming respects senior researchers like Yi Chu who have a sense of justice and are capable.

And that Jamila is actually a talent.

The vehicle Jamila took when she returned to Earth was the product of repair/modification of the faulty rocket she originally rode on when she was an astronaut. It caused visual errors through high-speed rotation, making it impossible for human vision to see. It is called "seeing". "The Missing Rocket" shoots destructive rays from underneath the spacecraft.

What a wonderful invention!

It can obviously increase the guarantee for the future of the earth.

So Cui Ming wants to admit that EDF is pretty good.

Therefore, Cui Ming also decided

Find a way! Bring these good seniors into EDF!

Seniors that the earth here does not cherish! I'll cherish it! Anyway, there are already life-extending technologies, and I have to help these scientists shine!


The environment at EDF is better.

After the Star Guide is completely defeated, it will be considered a very good vacation spot.

In addition, the atmosphere in the entire EDF world is very good now. Cui Ming believes that senior Yi Chu and the others will be willing to go there with their old friends to retire in the future!

Cui Ming believes that EDF will be very happy to provide these scientists!

After all, they are really capable of making superpowers to deal with huge biological weapons.

"Senior Yichu, I'm sorry to bother you. I need your help with something here."

Yichu was very happy when he received the communication from Cui Ming.

This junior is very good!

Even more powerful than Team Kurt in battle! If there had been combatants like Cui Ming back then, Ultraman would have been able to be more relaxed!

"Xiao Cui, what's going on?"

Yichu is indeed qualified to be called Cui Mingxiaocui.

Cui Ming has no objection. This is the prerogative of scientific research bosses!

"Senior, I got a piece of information here. The Yabo people may use the demon star koala to attack us, so I hope to contact you, and then"

"Is the information accurate?"

Yi Chu also became serious.

After all, the problem with this intelligence is serious!

"Very accurate, senior. To be honest with you, it was the information given by Mephilas."

"Mephilas. Are you talking about the Mephilas we met back then?"

"Yes, that's it."

Hearing Cui Ming say this, Yi Chu felt a little emotional.

It's actually it.


No wonder, that was a cosmic person who impressed Yichu deeply.

Not only did he tie with Ultraman, but he also had a magnanimity that other invading aliens did not have.

Such a person can accomplish great things.

It is also a good thing that he did not become a complete enemy with him.

After all, the Mephilas alien obviously has not used his full strength yet.

"It actually gave you this information?"

"Well, it wants me to join its ranks."

Cui Ming did not even hide anything because there was no need.

After hearing this, Yi Chu laughed directly: "Hahahaha, then it will be disappointed."

"Yes, I did not agree, so it wanted to be friends with me as a second choice, and now gave me this information."

"I see, if it is it, then it is no wonder"

Yi Chu believes that Mephilas is indeed such an alien.

"I understand. I will tell the captain and will start developing weapons to deal with the monster koalas right away!"

"Well, but I need your help with something."

"What is it? Don't worry, as long as it's my invention, I can make it for you even if it's lost!"

"Monster language translator."

Cui Ming directly stated his request.

"I hope you can make a machine that allows monsters to understand our language."

"Oh? You want it."

"I'm worried about some situations and can't say it directly."

"Well, it's a good thing to be vigilant. Leave it to me with confidence!"

"Then I'll leave it to you! Senior Yichu."

With the guarantee of this big guy, Cui Ming felt much more relieved.

Ah. What a good scientific research big guy! Sure enough, the professor should be pulled over to study with him!

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