Chapter 19

Aura takes the watch out of Keisuke's father's body, restarts it, and puts it back into his body

"Ultimate Zi-O, goodbye then."

Aura stood up and smiled back at Xiao Tian, then disappeared.


Keisuke's father's body glowed purple, and he transformed into the Alien Knight Exside again. At this moment, the power of Kamen Rider Exside became extremely unstable.

Purple energy impacted the game space, the game world disappeared, and several people returned to the real world. The

Alien Knight disappeared, and Kamen Rider Exside turned back into Doctor Hosou Eimeng. As history changed, Hosou Eimeng's memory also changed.

Alien Knight Exside reappeared, and there was no Kamen Rider Exside.

"What's the matter, are you okay?"

Tsukuyomi came to the side of Ultimate Zi-O and asked with concern.

Xiao Tian changed from Kamen Rider form back to human form, shook his head and said,"I'm fine."

Due to the changes in history, Hosho Eimu no longer recognized Xiao Tian and the others, and immediately asked them curiously,"Who are you guys?"

Tsukuyomi whispered to Xiao Tian, "Has he really forgotten that he is a knight?"

"Well, once the Alien Knight appears, history will be rewritten. When the Alien Knight Exide appears, Kamen Rider Exide will not appear in the future. The current Hosho Eimeng is no longer Kamen Rider."

Hosho Eimeng looked displeased,"Hey, you guys, don't you think it's rude not to answer other people's questions? Why are you following me all the way?"

Tokiwa Sougo said righteously,"Of course it is to help those unconscious victims, the same for you, can you please help us?"

Gates said seriously,"You also saw the Alien Knight, as long as we defeat him, all problems will be solved."

Hosho Eimeng pondered for a while,"I advise you not to interfere in this matter. There is a fundamental difference between what I should do and what you do."

"I know what you want to do"


Baosheng Yongmeng looked at Xiao Tian strangely. What did he mean by that?

"We want to defeat the Alien Knight, and you want to call back the Alien Knight, because you know that this Alien Knight is the father of a dead child."


Baosheng Yongmeng was shocked,"How do you know this?!"

"Why I know this is not important, but the child died in 2016, right? How can you summon him back? Don't you think it's unrealistic? Or do you have the ability to revive the child who died in 2016? Pediatrician Hosho Eimeng"


Xiao Tian's words left Baosheng Yongmeng speechless. Yes, he knew that this alien knight was a pitiful man. The people he knocked out were all young people, just to have one of them provide a heart for his son (his son suffered from heart disease). Although his son was dead, his son was still alive in his boundless fatherly love. He did n't know how to call back the child's father, but this was all he could do.

Xiao Tian came to Hosho Eimu and patted his shoulder,"You don't have the ability to change this matter, but I'm different. I have the ability to change history. You probably don't know now, but you were also a Kamen Rider before. I can go back to 2016, defeat the Alien Rider in that era, and find a way to save that child. Do you believe it?"

Hosho Eimu's eyes lit up,"Are you serious?! You can really change history?!" Tokiwa Sougo smiled proudly and said,"That's normal. We are the King of Time, the king who controls time. There is nothing we can't do, hehe."

Xiao Tian rolled his eyes at him,"The words are rough, but the truth is, that's the case."

Hosho Eimu put his hands on both sides of Xiao Tian's shoulders with shining eyes, and said excitedly,"If you can really go back to 2016 and find a child named Keisuke, and that child has heart disease, and give that child to me in 2016, I have a way to save that child, and you must also save that child's father, please!"

After that, he bowed deeply to Xiao Tian. At this time, a watch suddenly appeared in Hosho Eimu's hand, which scared him.

"this is?"

"Exide timepieces, this is yours"

"No, I don't need this thing. This thing should be returned to its real owner."

Hosho Eimu stuffed the watch into Xiao Tian's hand. Xiao Tian's words just now had touched him. People like him are the real Kamen Riders, and he only needs to be a good doctor.

Xiao Tian was stunned for a moment. Why was it given to him? According to the plot, it should have been given to Tokiwa Sougo.

Little did he know that because of his appearance, history has also changed.

"Please follow my wishes and save the child's father, please!"

"I see"......


A time tunnel was formed, and a white time magic machine appeared. Inside the time magic machine were Xiao Tian and Yue Du.

"This is the date, let's land."

Xiao Tian was sure that he had come at the right time. This day was the day when Keisuke was sick and hospitalized, and Keisuke's father was turned into Kamen Rider Exide by the Time Robber Aura.

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