Chapter 18

The virtual attribute panel in front of Xiao Tian showed Exside's information. His strength was equivalent to Silver 5, and his average attribute was 490, which was slightly weaker than Gates, but much stronger than his Bronze 3 strength.

So Xiao Tian did not hesitate and took out the Creation Rider's watch. He had already tested the power of the Crozier's watch last time, so today he would try how powerful the Creation Rider's watch was.

Xiao Tian activated the Creation Rider's watch and loaded it into the control table.

"Create a Rider!"

"Armored moment! The best match!"

The Founding Knight armor is elegantly equipped on the Ultimate Zi-O, which shocked Gates and Tsukuyomi. Wasn't the power of Founding Knight obtained by Tokiwa Sougo? How come Xiao Tian also has it?

"What's going on? Sougo, did you give the Founding Watch to Xiao Tian?"

Tokiwa Sougo shook his head in confusion and took out the Founding Watch from his body. After gaining the power of Founding, he had an extra watch on his body. If he threw it away, it would automatically appear in his hand.

"No, here, this is my Chuangqi timetable."

"How could it be!"

Gates took the watch and examined it in surprise. Tokiwa Sougo's watch was real, but how could there be two Creation Knight's watches?!

Where did Xiao Tian's Creation Knight's watch come from?

After equipping the Creation Knight armor, Xiao Tian took a look at his attribute values, which soared to more than 600 before stopping. His strength level stopped at Silver IV.

"Silver IV?"

The power of the Chuangqi watch is stronger than that of the Crozier watch. He is only Silver V when equipped with Crozier armor.

"The rules of victory have been determined, prepare to die!"

The Ultimate Zi-O rushed towards Ex-seid, and the two fought hand-to-hand. The Ultimate Zi-O firmly gained the upper hand, and the overwhelming strength left Ex-seid with no way to resist.

"The end moment! Build Knight!"

Ultimate Zi-O flew into the air, and a long virtual timeline bound Exide.

""Fatal kill! Vortex Time Crush!"

The Ultimate Zi-O kicked down and brushed past the monster. The monster exploded in the air and turned into a human and fell to the ground.

Tokiwa Sougo was shocked,"What, human?"

The man lying on the ground was Keisuke's father who was transformed into the alien knight Exide by the Time Robber Aura. At this time, a young doctor in a white coat walked up to him and looked at the Ultimate Zi-O with interest.

"I didn't expect that someone other than me could enter the game world. I understand. Did you read my note?"

This young doctor, named Bao Sheng Yong Meng, is the only top game player in the world. No matter how difficult the game is, he can complete it.

He heard about this weird game while working in the hospital. After completing the game, he left a note on the table and entered the game world.

"Notes? What notes?"

Tokiwa Sougo didn't understand what Hosou Eimu was saying,"I entered this game after Xiaotian cracked it, so I didn't see any notes on you."


Hosho Eimu looked at Ultimate Zi-O with interest,"You are Xiao Tian, right? Or a Kamen Rider, with some strength, but I'm sorry, I won't let you get close again."

Hosho Eimu took out a device similar to a watch head and fixed it on his lower abdomen, and activated a cassette in his hand.

"All-Action X!"

"Big transformation!"

"Cassette! Click! Upgrade!"

A circle of virtual cards spun around Hosou Eimu, who clicked on them one by one.

"All-around jump!"

"All-around flying kick!"

""Extreme All-Around Action X!"

With each sound, Hosho Eimeng transformed into a Kamen Rider with a few purple hair crowns like chicken feathers on his head. His name was Kamen Rider Exide.

The monster just now was the Alien Knight Exide.

"Silver III?!"

The virtual panel in front of Xiao Tian displayed the information of Kamen Rider Exide.

"You stop right here!"

Kamen Rider Ex-seid rushed towards the Ultimate Zi-O. As soon as the two started fighting, time suddenly stopped and everyone froze in place. Time Robber Aura appeared, walked step by step to the Ultimate Zi-O and stopped, looking at him with interest.

Although time and movement stopped, Xiao Tian's consciousness was still clear.

""Time Robber Aura? Why are you looking at me like that? Are you attracted to me?"

Hearing Xiao Tian's voice, Aura was stunned for a moment and looked at him in surprise.

"Your consciousness is still active, which really surprises me. You must be the new Zi-O who goes against history - the Ultimate Zi-O. This armor is really cool."

Aura gently stroked the Ultimate Zi-O's body.

"Thank you for the compliment. Please stop touching me. I will sue you for indecent assault. Believe it or not"


Aura covered her mouth and chuckled, then lifted the chin of Ultimate Zi-O in a teasing manner,"You are really funny when you talk. I heard that you are good-looking. Can you let me see it?"

"I'm sorry, I'm afraid you'll commit a crime if you read it."

"Oh? Sister, what I fear the least is committing a crime. It doesn't matter if you don't want to. We still have plenty of time in the future. I look forward to your changes, Ultimate Zi-O."

After saying that, Aura turned and walked to Keisuke's father who was lying on the ground, looking at him disappointedly.

"Don't give me a headache anymore. It seems I have to start over again."

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