Two-dimensional System

Chapter 980: Interested to find out?

So, don’t say anything about how this world is, whether people in that world are idiots or not.

The experience is different, the environment is different, so this is the origin of the gap.

In this world, the situation in another world is reversed, as the first organization invincible in the world.

If S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau can accommodate the Uzumaki Goddai, unless the Uzumaki Goddai is obediently obedient and controlled by them.

They took the vortex **** from the inside out, every cell still has power, and Chakra has thoroughly studied everything.

It is estimated that he may not completely believe in the Uzumaki Goddai, and will add some to the Uzumaki Goddai, body bombs, brainwashing and so on, let the Uzumaki Goddai.

Thoroughly, it has become the "robot" of SHIELD. In SHIELD's black braised egg hand, he holds the remote control that controls Uzumaki God.

Then, in the original world, Uzumaki God was able to get along with SHIELD very happily.

But nothing. But in another world, SHIELD had this idea, and it was destined to go far on the road of death.

And this world, although Uzumaki Kamiyo's sense of belonging is not so strong, but with this world, Uzumaki Kamiyo maintains a friendly relationship: a cooperative relationship.

Although I have never thought about being the savior, but after all I have "saved" the world, this is beyond doubt.

As for the S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau in this world, Uzumaki Goddai was also very satisfied with his attitude towards himself.

That is, never disturb the Uzumaki Goddai, and give the Uzumaki Goddai full trust in this world.

Including now, S.H.I.E.L.D. has discovered this world. There seems to be an enemy hidden in the network who doesn't know how to squat.

But S.H.I.E.L.D. didn't think of blindly trust, superhero or something.

Put all hopes on the superhero, but rely on his own efforts.

Little by little, look for the hidden enemy in the network.

Secondly, the attitude of SHIELD in this world towards superpowers.

From himself, this vest food critic, you can see the SHIELD in this world.

Perhaps it was very shameless, but the things he experienced in this world made them more resilient.

A little setback can't hit the SHIELD in this world at all.

Even if it was, S.H.I.E.L.D. bureau seat, the black bitten egg disappeared for no reason.

But Maria Hill's methods and even arrangements were orderly.

So, this is why, even if you change a vest and become a food critic, you will agree to help SHIELD this time.

For the sake of everyone, he carried his weight forward and passed his own efforts. To dig out the enemy, he only needs others to pull him.

As a food critic, Uzumaki Goddai’s vest reminds Uzumaki Goddai, it was the same when he was little.

At that time, Uzumaki Goddai passed Diao Min's "reminder", and he felt him, Uzumaki Nagato and Xiao Nan himself.

In the darkness that the three of them could not see, there seemed to be a pair of eyes staring at them, but they were at that time.

Even if they wanted to find someone who could reach out to help them, they couldn't find it, because they didn't know either.

Even when he was being watched, he couldn't even think of such a thing. The head of the whirlpool had the eyes of the legendary six immortals: the eyes of reincarnation.

Under the circumstances, who would dare to provoke Uzumaki Nagato, Xiaonan, and Uzumaki Kamiyo?

Even so, Uzumaki Nagato, Xiao Nan and him, the three of them are still other people's'chess pieces'.

What about telling others? In addition to screaming, he may be targeted by the other party in advance, even for the other's ‘existence’.

He might be killed by the opponent, but he risked his life to prove this possibility.

Isn't this a silly thing? And the enemy is in the dark, they want to kill them in the light, there are ways.

Therefore, even at that time, the Uzumaki God used his own life as a bait to let the opponent out.

In the end, Uzumaki Goddai may die, and it is unlikely that he will be exposed.

The current dilemma faced by S.H.I.E.L.D. and Maria Hill are exactly the same as those faced by Uzumaki Nagato, herself, and Xiao Nan at that time.

They don't know who the other party is and what purpose it has.

"Let’s go back to now. You can see that the bus in front is full of students. You have arranged this ‘coincidence’.

Don't you realize that if you do this, it is very likely that these children will be in danger? "

"Danger? Don't talk about removing the enemy, the whole world is in danger, and look at your expression. It doesn't necessarily make you worry about these children in your heart~

We can't let the other party know that we are going to trouble them. It would be too eye-catching to let this child come as his hero.

But as an ordinary person, in the name of a student with classmates, it's just right to travel here without worrying about each other.

Know from the Internet what hero we plan to use against him. "

The food critic secretly sighed, Maria Hill's language is cruel, but it is very realistic.

And what the agents pursue is the most real thing in reality.

"Very awesome, admire~"

The food critic looked sideways at the woman beside him, Maria Hill, when she returned to the ninja world.

Do you want to bring this woman over?

At least, with this woman's IQ, brain and rich experience, this woman sits in Yuyin Village.

Even if the Uzumaki God is no longer the country of rain, he does not need to be careful of Yuyin Village's comfort.

Thinking about it this way, the woman next to her is the ‘safety consultant expert’ that Yuyin Village needs most.

"Huh? Why are you looking at me? Don't worry, I will not let these children be involved in danger.

Just like you said, since it is a coincidence, how can we protect these children without covering everything? "

Regarding the eyes of food critics, Maria Hill is really uncertain, but she still has to clarify.

In order to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings at that time.

However, even if Maria Hill said so, the food critics did not change anything, still looking at herself like this.

This makes Maria Hill very uncomfortable. Isn't this kind of look used by a large number of food critics before...

Or even, looking at yourself in turn? No, in the eyes of scrutiny, more of the joy of discovering'treasures'?

"I have a contract here. I wonder if you are interested in learning about it?"

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