Two-dimensional System

Chapter 979: Different treatment of the two worlds

The little guy in the bus in front looks like a student, but he is not an ordinary student.

Uzumaki Jindai has not seen such an ability, but it is best to be a food critic. Don't know who this guy is.

After all, there is still one sitting next to him, always thinking about how to collect little secret Maria Hill.

"Before you explain, I have to remind you that although we have repeatedly stopped to refuel because the car is out of gas. But my eyes will not deceive me. I am afraid you are more than just refueling.

When you stop to refuel, you seem to be waiting for something, so is this still a coincidence? "

This one......

Maria Hill, who was driving, had a flash of surprise on her face, she couldn't think of the guy next to her.

You still have such an observation ability? Isn't this guy's attention and brain dedicated to good food?

"How did you find out?"

Maria Sia didn't defend herself, she was tacitly acquiescing in what the food critic said, and she didn't need to cover up this thing.

"How did you find out? Please, I just don't care much about things other than food.

Just like everyone, the main experience will be placed on their own responsibilities. No matter how smart this person is, as long as he doesn't stop, no one will remind him of anything else.

I'm afraid I will only be quiet in my own world. I just focus on food, but it doesn't mean that I am blind.

And, let me think about it. I'm afraid this is not just a simple coincidence, right?

This is probably a coincidence made by you ‘intentionally’, right? "

When the food critic said this, the corner of his mouth evokes a smile that I have seen through all this.

"You are really talented, how about it? Do you want to change your job to work as an agent? Don't worry, I will teach you personally."

Maria Hill nodded, instead of a trace of frustration on her face, she showed that you should really think about it. You really have the potential to become an agent.


The food critic who was secretly proud, as if eating shit, instantly lost interest.

Really, this woman said in a few words, she broke the atmosphere that she could create by even beating her.

Does this woman still give up on herself? Are you still thinking about getting on the thief ship?

Doesn't he smell good food? Why do you want to be an agent who has to work overtime until March 9th?

"Forget it, I just said all jokingly, just treat it like I haven't said what I said just now,"

"Tsk tusk~ I didn't make a joke with you, I'm serious, your ability and your observation ability, I think you are a natural agent.

If you don't work as an agent, it's really a violent thing. "

Why did you put yourself in the pit again? The food critic, or Uzumaki Jindai, felt his own powerlessness this time.

Perhaps it has always been because of my own strength that has caused me to ignore the power of language.

When did you neglect this aspect? It should be when others are helpless about their own strength?

Uzumaki Kamidai just likes it, others look upset to me, but they can't help their expressions.

As for Uzumaki Goddai, what other people's opinions are, don't they have to say with their own fists in the end?

Food critics began to silently reflect on themselves, which has also led to the fact that the woman he deals with is an extraordinary agent.

But aren't agents also human?

"What are you looking out for? Don't worry about teaching and learning, and you don't need your tuition~"

Looking at the food critic with an inexplicable expression, according to Maria Hill, I am afraid that I am not a poor person who can't even pay the tuition?

"I didn't find out, you still have the black-out attribute, let's just leave it alone. Even if you are not joking, this world is such a big person who meets your requirements, don't you just let people choose at will?"

"But I want to choose you, but why can't I choose you?"

Food critic: .....

Helplessly covering half of his face with his hand, he was really not suitable for talking, or Maria Hill's purpose was too straightforward.

Moreover, this willpower is definitely not comparable to ordinary people. Perhaps it is this kind of ‘willpower’ that has led to the current SHIELD, right?

In all fairness to food critics, from the perspective of SHIELD, no one can do better than SHIELD.

However, it is precisely because of this that it lacks competitors and shoulders the heavy responsibility of protecting world peace.

In exploring the future, it seems that SHIELD is always dying

If you don't know your own strength at all, you have to intervene in everything.

But, but can SHIELD really be blamed for these things? After all, SHIELD was just crossing the river by feeling the stones.

No one has told S.H.I.E.L.D. what the future will look like, they should do this, and what will happen in the future.

And how to deal with all the difficulties in the future, the future strategy is given to SHIELD.

Of course, their S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau does their part in terms of location. They need to be a veritable shield in front of all human beings.

However, from the perspective of Uzumaki Goddai, so thinking about SHIELD is not because Uzumaki Goddai wants to join SHIELD or something.

It's just that, as an ordinary person, it's an affirmation of what SHIELD has done.

As for the S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau in the other world, Uzumaki Goddai had not given them a chance. At that time, Uzumaki Goddai was also already.

Repeated warnings, as long as the people from SHIELD do not appear in front of him, do not come to provoke him.

But the SHIELD of that world seemed to be too pretentious, so this can also be seen.

Even if this person is ‘self’, the world is different, and there is a big difference between himself and himself.

The S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau in this world has not experienced the horrific power of the Uzumaki Goddai, but has felt the care of the Uzumaki Goddai.

Uzumaki Goddai killed Thanos, so the S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau in this world would not fight against Uzumaki Goddai no matter how he died.

Nor would he directly treat the Uzumaki Goddai as an imaginary enemy.

But the original world was different. In the original world, S.H.I.E.L.D. and the entire world were still in an ordinary human world without superpowers.

Is there a threat of life or death, survival or extinction? Therefore, Uzumaki Kamdai naturally became, and that world became the first world organization.

S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau’s eyes are pierced, no matter whether Uzumaki Goddai does anything, he will regard Uzumaki Goddai as possible.

The big devil who will destroy the world when he is upset is the difference between the two worlds.

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