Two-dimensional System

Chapter 954: Difficulties for food critics~

The adults of the Black Braised Egg Board watched, Maria Hill’s current heart was no longer here.

Accompanied by the adults at the Black Braised Egg Board, play a game of cat and mouse.

I really want to go back home now and put the food that the food critics have described inside with my own hands.

Maria Hill, who made them one by one by herself, moved her fingers in both hands...

"Next, I'll leave it to you~"

Ugh? Give it to me?

Maria Hill was thinking in her mind that the food production process familiar to food critics must be tried by herself when she returns.

As a result, after hearing the explanation given to him by the right way, the black light and black marinated egg, she did not leave Maria Hill a chance to refute.

Just ran away~

So you can stand it?

Maria Hill watched silently, before leaving, while all the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents were busy catching food critics.

When she wiped her saliva on the side of the road, Maria Hill already knew what she was going to do in a hurry.

Fortunately, I was just a little bit ‘moved’ by the food critic’s black marinated eggs when he risked being controlled by food critics and killed him with the black light of justice.

who knows......

Maria Hill, who was speechless to the black marinated eggs, turned around and looked at the bead, one after another agents fell to the ground, like food critics who had been affected by that.

Maria Hill felt tired and crooked for a while. Now that she had eaten the food in her heart, she had no chance to taste it in a short time...

According to this rhythm, at least before the righteous black light and black marinated eggs have solved their appetite.

‘Yes~ I have to work overtime again...’

At this moment, Maria Hill, in such a 0.1 second time, has considered the food in her mind.

Isn't it just black marinated eggs? I really want to use my SHIELD work permit, slap! The sound of slammed on the face of Zhengdao Heiguang Heibaodan.

He stuck his waist in, and yelled at the black braised egg: "What is left to me, you just want to eat, my old lady is quitting~ you... black braised egg, you were fired by my old lady!

But reality~

"For you guys, take the God of Food and follow me~"



Don't blame me for being unkind, Maria Hill's eyes flashed with coldness.

The agents didn't know why, but they didn't dare to defy the orders of the deputy director of SHIELD, and now their immediate boss, Queen Maria Hill.

Now the evil **** of food, food critics have also caught them. They seem to be off work and go to a delicious meal~

As a professional food critic, a food critic at this time is really aggrieved and innocent.

Is it so dangerous to eat something for wool?

You spoilers, just because the chefs and soldiers are controlled by his illusions, they can make up for so many inner dramas on their own.

Food critics said that he really bought a dog.

The car was abnormal. This time Maria Hill did not. She sat in her seat as before.

Instead, the agents responsible for looking after the food critics rushed to another car and personally took care of the food critics.

Regarding Maria Hill's order, the agents responsible for guarding the food critics agreed with their hands.

Food critics have already talked about the mysterious Eastern cuisine from the influence of the soil and water on the ingredients of Western cuisine on various continents.

When it comes to Western cuisine, although they have not eaten everything, most of them know and have seen it.

However, food critics talk more about the gap between Western chefs and chefs.

The gap between each chef is really big in the West, and the characteristics of each store are different.

If this restaurant is plain, all the dishes will be very plain, if the taste is strong, then all the flavors will be heavy.

This is the difference that Western chefs only see, and there is also the difference in knives and fire conditions. These food critics are all justified.

What makes them even more unacceptable and imagined is that the food critic, even said that the food tastes of Her Majesty and Her Majesty, and even the President.

It tastes exactly the same as a restaurant that is going to close down in a corner of a certain street.

What this makes them listen is...

It's so crazy. Although they are very confused, they dare not question the **** of food.

Who let the **** of food, this food is eaten all over, and all the characters in the restaurant on the small ball?

They may have been lucky enough to have eaten the restaurant in XX Xiaoyang. For this reason, in their hearts, they are also complacent when they eat the same food with the same taste as the Queen and others.

Here, the food critics have already started, and they will talk more about the mysterious oriental cuisine, so the agents who guard the food critics.

I feel like I can't hold on anymore, and I'm thinking about drugging or letting food critics shut up.

Either the two of them jumped into the car together, and Maria Hill just rescued them. The food critic watched as he got into the car, and leaned in front of him, Maria Hill, who was close to him, looked horrified.

"Wait~ who are you? What are you going to do? I tell you~ I am not a casual person."

Looking at Maria Hill with the look of wolfish eyes, the food critic was really scared and swallowed.

The weak and trembling boy shrank into a small corner inside the car.

Isn't this woman going to lose her head because of hunger, and want to eat herself?

"Are you true?"

"What's real?"

"It's the delicacies you said in your mouth~"

Good food?

"Well~ of course it's true, I'm a person who has eaten all over the world, why?"

Seeing that this woman was not to herself, she wanted food critics seriously, and she was relieved.

Looking at Maria Hill who was eager to try, wondering what this woman wanted to do?

"I know that you have eaten the whole world, but what kind of food do you only say about what you say? Will you make it?"

Make food?

Looking at it, it seems that I have seen you through, so you will only say Maria Hill who can't do it.

How could food critics endure this woman's contempt for herself?

"Hmph~ I didn't blow to you, as long as it's something I've eaten, there is nothing I can't make~"

"Really? Hehe~ I don't believe it~ unless..."

Looking at Maria Hill with a cunning look in her eyes, the food critic felt the taste of conspiracy. Is this woman plotting against herself?

"Unless what?"

But the arrow is already on the string, how can it be retracted? And this woman's gaze seemed to be mocking herself for a five-second real man.

As a great food critic, he must tell this woman that not only can he eat, but he can also cook...

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