Two-dimensional System

Chapter 953: Right way black light: black braised egg

Wow! Hahaha!

In the "world" that everyone can't see, Xiao Mo smiled happily with her belly.

Uzumaki Goddai's irritable eyes were drawn. This little girl is waiting to watch her own good show, right?

This little girl must be retaliating against herself, not giving her the resentment of playing with the fat guy~

Although the food critics did not expect that he would enter these places simply by watching illusion.

I was late for the food without any obstacles, but the food critics did not give money when I left~

He used the bank card given by Tony Stark and paid a lot of money, and the money he gave was absolutely worthy of every chef.

As well as every chef, they carefully crafted food, but food critics did not expect it.

Some people will take advantage of the process of using illusion to solve the trouble, and they will make up for it, their own secret conspiracy?

Although unexpected, it is impossible to escape. Of course, in this world, such a SHIELD agent.

And even though this black marinated egg felt a little stupid, it was still polite anyway.

If you don't come up, you just want to die and do it yourself.

Therefore, there are no food critics, and they fought back against the SHIELD in this world.

Rather, he looked at him with a stunned look, and continued to look at the Lord Black Braised Egg, explaining what he was doing with a serious look.

Planning a conspiracy in an attempt to achieve an ulterior motive, but to be honest, the food critics only noticed that the black marinated egg said.

When did I become: the **** of food?

"Perhaps, they cook me food, instead of calling a guard or something when they come. They caught me because they felt my love for food?"

The food critic looked at the black marinated eggs explained in the affectionate section, his expression gradually became serious, and he defended the black marinated eggs.

Talking with like-minded people, how can it be considered control?

"They must have felt it, my soul of food! That's right, it must be like this."

Hei Bao Dan stopped himself, explained the problematic details outlined in the video, and looked at him dumbfoundedly.

I had a serious face and I believed it myself, and I was moved by myself.

A serious-looking food critic, you guy's ability to talk nonsense with your eyes on your back, if I hadn't been hungry for so many days.

I also believe it, the so-called soul of food in your mouth.

But I am righteous and black light, and swear in the name of braised eggs, if I believe your nonsense, I am sorry for my missing three-layered pork belly!

The black stewed egg has a black face...


It's a black bitten egg on your face, really, the little genius stared at him, talking about the chefs accepting themselves, but the soldiers and guards didn't arrest themselves.

It is because the soul of food is beckoning to itself, and the light of food is calling itself again~

I have absolutely no, ulterior motives, if I add a beam of light behind this guy's head...

He's meow~Marefak~

Isn't this guy really a god? Looking at the food critics, they talked about food.


For several days, there was no black braised egg that had eaten with peace of mind, so he swallowed his saliva with difficulty.

Moreover, he sensed on his head that the device that shielded brain waves was frantically alerting himself.

In an instant, Master Hei Lao Dan Ju Zuo was startled, and couldn't help putting his hands on the pistolman on his waist.

He looked at him with horror, and talked to himself in front of him, carefully analyzing and explaining the taste of the food there.

Really exquisite cuisine does not necessarily require fancy methods and complicated steps.

Often only need, the most common materials, and the unpretentious approach...

Feeling my heart, pounding under the temptation of food, following the description of food critics.

In the mind of the black braised egg, from the video, the details of the crime committed by the food critic.

Everything has become. In the mouth of food critics, the described plate has a beautiful plate, with a fragrance that seems to have come to life...

Oh my god! Guru~

"Shut up! You shut up..."

I felt the saliva in my mouth, the secretion began to accelerate, and the crazy swallowing was no longer possible, preventing the saliva from the corners of the mouth because of the food.

Not only, the black braised egg can't hold the pistol, even the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who besieged the food critic.

I don't even know, how many times I wiped it with my hand, the corner of my mouth was about to drip to the ground.

They swear that they have been hungry for several days that this mission is definitely their most dangerous time in their career.

The evil **** of food, he is using food to "pollute", their belief in the sacred profession of SHIELD agents.

They are suffering, they know that if this continues, they will be destined to be the **** of food, this terrible devil.

The delicacy described is ‘take control’, Gululu~

Feeling my empty abdomen, the sound of "surrender" seemed to be speaking to them.

Doesn't she smell good food? What a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent~ Let’s go eat delicious food together~

No way!

They are the righteous black light, the most recent elite troops...

Ming Ming Ming~

They would rather die than never accept this mental torture.

The God of Food is too evil, how could he be like this?

The black braised egg widened his eyes, and looked at the gushing food critics in fear.

Now, in his mind, there are no secrets. I am afraid that if this continues, let alone the secrets, the secrets are not impossible to remember.

I'm afraid he has forgotten his name. At that time, can he still remember his name?

I'm afraid it's not just memorizing, I am called: XXX dinner?

And it only exists in the secrets in my brain...

I'm afraid not, it will all become, such and such grilled foie gras, **** tender pepper steak...

can not be like this......

terrible! It is terrible! evil! It is extremely evil.

The **** of food, you fellow, wouldn't it be the evil alien that came out of Asgard, or a certain universe?

Before I felt my heart and mind, the delicious food was about to lose my resistance.

The Lord of the Right Road, Black Light and Black Marinated Egg Bureau, with bloodshot eyes and crimson eyes, issued a message to his subordinates, for the rest of his life.

Perhaps the most courageous decision: catch him! Seal his mouth! Don't let him talk anymore!


After giving him the task of screaming out with a cruel heart, the black brine egg looked at the funeral.

Already on the side, I felt stunned and couldn't control my hands.

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