Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 887: , The big monster that emerged from the forest!

If you look from the midair, you can see that after the flash of light that seems to split the earth. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

An obvious passage appeared in the sky of smoke and dust.

It was a passage that started in front of Zhang Xiang and spread to the smoke and dust that was hundreds of meters in the air. There was billowing smoke and dust on both sides, and there was no trace of dust in the middle. It was like a passage that existed in a vacuum.

And above this passage, everything disappeared.

Whether it's the smoke, trees, flowers, or the body of the single-eyed orange peel giant blocking the front.

Yes, above that passage, the body of the one-eyed orange peel monster that should have existed did not block the passage.

Because of that moment when the sword light flickered.

If it were the length of the body that was lying down, the body of the one-eyed orange peel giant tens of meters long had already been cut off.

Yes, in that instant, it was split in half.

The incision was extremely smooth, and matched with the black light reflecting from the incision, it was as smooth as obsidian after the cut.

But at this time, several smaller ‘bang’ sounds in succession were considered to be loud.

Several successive pieces of meat, the smallest and one-person-sized, fell from mid-air, making a sound.

That is the palm of the hands of the one-eyed orange peel monster.

It's just that its bombarded pair of fists couldn't stop it even for an instant, and they were cut apart.

On the other side, Zhang Xiang's body was filled with heat, and his breath was rare and rough. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

Because even if he wants to cut such a powerful blow, it takes a lot of mental and physical strength.

Not to mention, it was the first time he used the beheading knife to display it.

The difficulty naturally increased a lot.

"Did you kill it?" Zhang Xiang slowly retracted the beheading knife that had been slashed out, his eyes piercing and staring at the single-eyed orange peel monster that had become two halves.

If the other party is not dead, then he really has to spend some money.

However, Zhang Xiang didn't believe that the other party could survive this way.

If that were the case, the opponent's ability to recover would be terrifying.

Because, with that terrifying resilience, even the giants in "Attack on Titan" are not so terrifying.

And as if to prove what Zhang Xiang said, the one-eyed orange peel monster that was cut into two sections was at the same time Zhang Xiang was speaking.

Its orange skin also began to change, turning into a pale purple and dark color, and then suddenly decomposed, forming two piles of existence that could be called a monster Roshan.

If the number is counted down, then the number is no less than two thousand.

I am afraid that only when so many monsters gather together can they display such a powerful strength.

However, just when Zhang Xiang breathed a sigh of relief.

An extremely dark silk thread suddenly shot out from the gradually dissipating smoke and dust around his body, and quietly attacked Zhang Xiang behind him.

And when the pitch-black silk thread came to one meter behind Zhang Xiang.

A terrifying demon power burst out from the pitch-black silk thread, and it was instantly added to the pitch-black silk thread, making it as hard as a diamond.

That's right, this monster is the real body of the one-eyed orange peel monster.

No, it's no longer appropriate to call it a single-eyed orange peel now.

Because its real body is this pitch-black silk thread.

And the body of the single-eyed orange peel monster that appeared was just created by connecting the bodies of those monsters with the silk thread spreading from the body.

Moreover, it is still the big monster that is hidden among these monsters and has been commanding these monsters.

There are two reasons why it uses the body of the single-eyed orange peel monster to appear instead of its body.

One is that although it is a big monster, its own combat ability is not great, and it can be said to be the lowest existence among the big monsters.

Only by using black silk to control the monster can it exert its full strength.

And the other one did not want to take advantage of the enemy's mentality to underestimate the enemy, just like the guy who waited until the one-eyed orange peel monster was ‘killed’ before suddenly attacking successfully and relaxing his psychological defense.

However, what it didn't expect was that Zhang Xiang was the one to deal with it, not the legendary witch.

But even so, it was forced to such a point.

Because of this, it was a killer move when it shot, and it was bound to kill Zhang Xiang.

But at this time.

Zhang Xiang suddenly smiled at the corner of his mouth, and suddenly turned around.

In his pair of scarlet three-gou jade writing wheel eyes, the cold light flashed and disappeared, but the corner of his mouth showed a sneer.

You know, the Shaolunyan is called the three pupils of Hokage, and it's not a joke.

How could he not see the other person's figure that suddenly appeared in the smoke when the one-eyed orange peel fell?

Not to mention, after seeing the weird situation of the one-eyed orange peel monster being cut off, he had already expected it.

Coupled with his mental power perception that is constantly monitoring his body within five meters of his body, it is impossible for the other party to deceive Zhang Xiang.

"You want to attack me, don't you?" Zhang Xiang said with a smile, but opened his palm.

Suddenly, at the moment when Zhang Xiang's scarlet three-gou jade writing wheel eyes rapidly turned and merged into a pentagram writing wheel eyes, a dark red barrier suddenly appeared in front of Zhang Xiang.


The incomparably dark silk thread suddenly hit the dark red barrier, and the dark red barrier was swayed by waves.

"However, you don't seem to be able to succeed...!" Zhang Xiang smiled, but there was a hint of coldness from the corner of his mouth.

At the same time, his right hand raised the decapitating knife.

And in the sky, the originally bright moonlight was hidden by the layers of dark clouds without knowing when.


A purple-blue thunder light flashed past the edge of the dark cloud...

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