Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 886: , Instant kill thirty-three knives!

And just like what I said before, Zhang Xiang's attack was far from stopped. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

The two cuts at the beginning were nothing more than an experiment in Zhang Xiang's initial grasp of how to make a move under such a high-speed state.

After slashing twice in succession and judging how to make a move, Zhang Xiang's attack speed suddenly accelerated again.

"The body is activated 80!" Zhang Xiang's voice was icy with a hint of excitement.

And in the next instant, Zhang Xiang's figure completely turned into a purple-blue thunder light that was difficult to see from the figure, shining back and forth on the body of the single-eyed orange peel giant tens of meters high.

There is also the decapitating knife in Zhang Xiang's hand with a highly concentrated purple-blue thunder light. When it hits the single-eyed orange-skin monster figure, there will be a momentary pause, which makes people

"The third sword... the fourth sword... the fifth sword... the thirty-third sword!" Zhang Xiang's voice fell.

But at this moment, Zhang Xiang's attack like a squally rainstorm stopped.

In the whole process, Zhang Xiang only took two seconds.

Thirty-three dollars in two seconds, which is about sixteen dollars per second on average.

If you want to count the distance of the back and forth attack, the time wasted on it.

Then, the time it takes Zhang Xiang to swing the big knife in his hand is only half a second at most.

In half a second, thirty-three knives were cut out, which was a terrifying speed, and the speed definitely exceeded the speed of sound.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to do such a thing.

Moreover, the decapitating knife he used was still a big knife weighing 30 kilograms.

If it is an ordinary person, it is already good to be able to lift it up and slash it.

At the moment when Zhang Xiang stopped, a purple-black blood mist suddenly burst out from the body of the single-eyed orange peel giant.

A series of wounds appeared on its body one after another, and each wound was deeply submerged in its body.

As for the two most serious wounds, Zhang Xiang focused on the two blows that he slashed while he was cautiously probing.

Among the purple-black blood erupting like a fountain, the one-eyed orange peel giant tens of meters tall was suddenly unstable.

A huge gap was cut on its left calf, almost cutting off its calf.

What's more terrifying is that its right thigh was completely cut off.

Along the broken smooth incision of the thigh, its body was a little unstable, and the upper part of the broken opening slipped down the incision, revealing the shockingly huge smooth incision.

It is a pure fracture made of black silk threads.

Tired by this side, all the weight of its huge body.

At the next moment, it completely overwhelmed its almost broken left leg.

Then, there was a ‘click’.

The left leg of the one-eyed orange-peel monster suddenly broke apart under the pressure of the weight of nearly hundreds of tons, and it was brutally torn apart along the wound.

Countless black threads broke out from the torn wound, and they wanted to re-entangle each other and take them back again.

However, even if the black threads were so tough, they couldn't resist the weight of the single-eyed orange peel monster that weighed hundreds of tons.

As a result, the efforts of those black threads only slowed down the cracking speed by such an insignificant trace.

Then, the body of that one-eyed orange peel fell down suddenly.

Only its two short legs, one long and one short, are still standing in place.

However, after being cut off, the corpses of the monsters that were transformed into its bodies could no longer maintain that abnormal form.

In the next instant, the two short legs that were cut off, one long and one short, suddenly turned into two columns of monster corpses of different sizes.

Then, it collapsed suddenly, forming a pile of stinky bodies.

However, even such a ‘thousand knives’ attack could not make the vitality extremely tenacious, almost as long as enough monsters swallowed it, the single-eyed orange peel monster that could recover would die.

After it collapsed, it still didn't forget to attack Zhang Xiang.

As it fell down, it turned out to take advantage of its body weight to fully transform potential energy into impulse energy, and a pair of thick arms bombarded it in the direction of Zhang Xiang.

However, it is inevitable that the attack speed will be slower for such attacks using weight.

Facing the huge hands that came down by the bombardment, he just leaped to the back a few times and already avoided.

Then, the sound of ‘Boom’ suddenly sounded.

Even if the mountain peaks collapsed, the one-eyed orange peel monster fell down and the force of the bombardment caused the surrounding ground to tremble slightly, like an earthquake.

The powerful roar was also transmitted to the village a kilometer away, making everyone in the village pale.

But at this moment, Zhang Xiang was in the dust of the sky, holding the beheading knife in his hand, staring at the single-eyed orange peel not far in front of him.

A sharp momentum is boiling over him, that is a sword that belongs to him specially.

Although what he is using now is a decapitating broadsword, which can't fully exert the power of the sword, but the power used to enhance the slash is more than enough.

In front of him, the one-eyed orange peel monster was still struggling. It turned out that the giant hands waved out. Three fingers suddenly caught the monsters that were not escaping in time, and stuffed them in their mouths.

Because of this, the injuries on its body are slowly recovering.

However, it is at the next moment.

The one-eyed orange peel monster seemed to feel some threat, suddenly stopped eating, clenched his fists with both hands and blasted away in one direction.

However, this is already too late.

"Give me a clean break...!" Zhang Xiang said in a flat tone.

But his extremely sharp aura, like boiling hot water, suddenly rose up and turned into an invisible existence.


An incomparably bright line cut through the sky of smoke, flashed through the bombarded fist, and tore the light of the single-eyed orange peel monster's body, then suddenly flashed past.

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