This is the quiz from yesterday.

"I will distribute the test papers next, please come to the podium if you have called your name..." In the case that there is not much left in the math class, all the knowledge points have actually been covered. In this case, checking for omissions and filling in vacancies according to everyone's test papers is actually his favorite method.

And at this moment-

"Report!" Accompanied by such a voice, one arm was raised high.

After seeing who the person who raised his hand was, both the math teacher and the students in Class A couldn't help but widen their eyes, showing rather surprised expressions.

Because the person who raised his hand is Yuanjing.

This was the first time Yuanjing raised his hand in class.

Slightly pushing the eyes on the bridge of his nose, the math teacher suppressed his urge to look out the window to see if the sun came out from the west, and asked in a soft tone, "Student Yuan, what's the matter?"

"I'm not feeling well, I hope I can go to the health room." Yuan Jing said calmly.

"..." The math teacher looked at him speechlessly.

There was no trace of paleness on the young man's handsome face, nor was there that flush of fever.His tone just now was also full of air, without that kind of morbid hoarseness at all.

All in all, as an experienced teacher, he has developed a pair of sharp eyes for whether a student is really sick or pretending to be sick. It can be said that he can see through it at a glance.

Yuan Jing's body is quite healthy, without any disease at all.

This is the judgment he made.

Obviously, Yuanjing did not try to hide this.


"Yes." He still nodded, and then asked in a concerned voice. "When will you be back?"

"I'm not sure." Yuan Jing shook his head, "Maybe I won't be able to come back all morning."

"That's it." The math teacher nodded, "Then you go, I will explain the specific situation to Mr. Hiratsuka."

Yuanjing's request for leave, which he knew at a glance, was not true, was approved easily.

The math teacher even took the initiative to take care of the aftermath.

It can only be said that Yuan Jing has already convinced almost all the teachers by relying on his own grades. As long as the requirements are not too high, they will turn a blind eye.

The math teacher was even a little moved.

As an old teacher who has taught in St. Eden Academy for more than ten years, he has seen too many unruly geniuses.

Yuan Jing even deliberately found a reason instead of simply pulling away the chair and leaving...


This is out of respect for him!

"Thank you teacher." After standing up, Yuan Jing bowed his head towards the math teacher to express his gratitude.

After shaking his head slightly at Artoria, Fujiwara Chika and Hayasaka Ai who were looking worriedly at him, indicating that he was fine, he left his seat and strode out of the classroom.

However, this is only a small episode after all.

Calmly putting aside the top sheet of the test paper he was holding, the math teacher began to ask the students to come up to the stage to get their test papers in order of their test scores.

And the first person he called was—

"Chika Fujiwara."


"Hmm~~~" In front of the window in the Lamb Club's room, Zi Shibu stretched out his arms straight and stretched his waist greatly.

At this time, she had already taken off her coat and hung it behind the door of the Lamb Club's house, and the black sweater that was exposed because of her movements gently rubbed against her perfectly developed breasts, bringing out several attractive folds .

Today's weather is quite good. Looking from the window of the house, the sky is so clear that it is as deep and penetrating as if it had been gouged out by a sharp knife. It makes people feel at ease.

After admiring the scenery outside the window for a while, Zi Shibu turned around and walked towards where she was sitting yesterday.

Obviously, compared to her family, the current Murasaki Shikibu is actually more satisfied with the Lamb Club's house. She is going to stay here until she gets a review of "The Tale of Genji" from Yuan Jing and finds out the reason for his abnormal behavior that day. up.

After sitting down, Zi Shibu did not start her own reading and writing work immediately, but now cast her sight on a wooden box that she brought with her.

After taking off the lid of the wooden box, a sweet breath slowly poured out from it.

Zi Shibu lightly sniffed the pleasant smell, and a little intoxication flashed across his delicate face.

This is a dessert box, inside which are all kinds of pastries carefully prepared by the Fujiwara family.

Being heard by Yuanjing's stomach growl was the most embarrassing thing that happened to Zi Shibu yesterday.

Today, she will naturally not repeat the same mistakes, so she has long been prepared.

The snacks in this snack box are actually her daily snacks, which can fully satisfy her demand for sugar.

Of course, just eating this is not enough.

The lunch that Fujiwara Daichi had already prepared for him was still temporarily kept by Qianhua.

If he gave it to Murasaki Shikibu, his sister might secretly throw away her lunch because she ate too much dim sum.

When Zi Shibu often did such things when he was a child, Fujiwara Daichi was quite worried about it.

Have a snack, yes.

But you have to eat well at the same time.

This is what he means.

With his fair and slender fingers, he tapped the various snacks in the snack box. After hesitating for a moment, Zi Shikibu grabbed a Strawberry Daifuku.

This is her favorite snack.

After a while, when her mind was immersed in reading and writing, her tongue could no longer taste the taste of these snacks.

So before that, she was going to eat her favorite snack now, and also wanted to use this method to give herself a very good mood.


Holding this big, pink strawberry Daifuku in both hands, Zi Shikibu bit it at once.

That movement reveals an extremely natural innocence and cuteness, not at all like a "beautiful woman" who is nearly thirty years old.

Especially when she stuffed the whole strawberry Daifuku into her mouth and stretched her fair cheeks like a hamster, this kind of cuteness can be said to have reached its peak.

The body is completely ripe, but the behavior is still no different from that of a girl.

Such a contrast can be said to be the greatest charm of Murasaki Shikibu.

And when she was enjoying the snacks a little greedily...


Accompanied by such a sound, the door of the Lamb Club's house was suddenly opened, and a young man whom Zi Shibu was very familiar with walked in, and happened to have a face-to-face meeting with the pouting Zi Shibu.

The air seemed to be silent for a moment, and then——

"!!!" Zi Shibu began to hammer his chest with his small fist.

Because of such an accident, she suddenly choked.

Yuan Jing hurried forward, patted her back with his palm to comfort her, and handed her hot water.

The day of the two of them kicked off with such a slightly flustered meeting.


"Aren't you in class, why did you come here?" Zi Shibu said in a slightly complaining tone as he wiped away the tears that flowed from the corners of his eyes because of choking.

Obviously, the image of a "reliable adult" she wanted to portray has completely collapsed in Yuan Jing's mind.

If that's the case, she simply gave up such efforts and just let it go.

"...I said I'm not feeling well and I want to go to the health room." Yuanjing replied like this.

"And your teacher believed it?"

"I don't think so." Yuan Jing shook his head, "However, he still let me leave."

"This is the benefit of keeping my own place all the time."

Murasaki Shikibu gave Yuanjing a blank look.

For her, who had heard many stories about Yuanjing from Chika Fujiwara, and had roughly read the "Murder Case Book", the boy in front of her was undoubtedly far away from the so-called "safety and self-discipline".

But now is not the time to dwell on such minutiae.

Putting some hair from his temples behind his ears, Murasaki Shikibu's expression became quite serious——

"If I'm not mistaken, you came to find me on purpose, right?"

"Why are you in such a hurry, even running over in such a hurry in the first class?" This was completely beyond Murasaki Shikibu's expectations, so there was naturally a little curiosity in his voice.

"Wait a minute." Before Yuanjing could answer, Zi Shibu thought of something, and his tone became a little cheerful, "Could it be that you have finished reading "The Tale of Genji" and written a review?"

She asked with some surprise.

"Although I haven't had time to write my post-reading reflections, I have actually finished reading the whole book."

This is real.

Yuan Jing didn't sleep all night last night, and read until the sky turned pale, and then finished the last part.

However, to him, it was nothing more than a night without sleep.

"That's pretty good." Murasaki Shikibu nodded in satisfaction.

The total number of words in "The Tale of Genji" is almost 80 words. If you add her two editions of annotations, the total number of words should be between 110 million and 120 million words.

Zi Shibu thought that he would have to wait a week before he could get what he wanted from Yuan Jing, but he didn't expect Yuan Jing to be so fast.

'If you look at it this way, my comment should have played a big role, right? ' she thought in her mind.

It should be a shameful thing for ordinary people to hand over these things written in the early years to the juniors.

But Murasaki Shikibu didn't feel that way.

The existence of Yuanjing is indeed very special to Zi Shibu, not to mention, she still wants to use Yuanjing to draw material for her new book...

For the current Murasaki Shikibu, the preparation of the new book is what she cares most about, and it is the so-called top priority.

Everything else has to make way for this one.

"You came to discuss the content of "The Tale of Genji" with me." Murasaki Shikibu quickly thought of Genkei's motives, "But is there a need to be in such a hurry? You can come to this department to find me during your lunch break. "

"I don't want Qianhua, Kaguya, and Yukino to hear what I have to say." This is the biggest reason why he would skip class. When he said this, Yuanjing's face showed a little sadness Depressed, "How should I put it, although it was Sister Zi who told me to read this book, but to be honest, this book made me very uncomfortable."

"Oh?" Murasaki Shikibu was obviously not surprised by the boy's answer.

There was a slight smile in her deep purple eyes, she tilted her head slightly to one side, and asked with great interest, "What makes you feel uncomfortable about this book?"

"Should I say...all of it?" Yuan Jing thought for a while, then replied.

"However, if I have to say it, what I hate the most is that this book has been trying to tell me one thing—"

"It's easier for jerks to be happy than good people."

The boy looked at Zi Shibu with some stubbornness, and a little sadness flashed in his deep eyes.

"That's a fact that I really, really hate."

Chapter 40 Lust is... a virtue?

"When reading classical novels, there is a rule that must be paid attention to, I hope you can understand," Zi Shibu said in a breathless breath, facing Yuan Jing who was sitting across the table, in the room of the Lamb Club. "That is, it is necessary to consider the background of the times in which the author was writing this book."

Now, she no longer shows the slightest bit of embarrassment or embarrassment, and she exudes an extremely confident radiance from the inside out.

"The book "The Tale of Genji" is not focused on the court battle, but on the emotional entanglement of Guangyuan. In this case, we need to understand the marriage system at that time."

Speaking of which, Murasaki Shikibu stretched out a finger and pointed at Genkei who was sitting in front of him, "Then let me ask you, in the Heian Era written in this book, that is, 1000 years ago, the upper class on Sakurajima at that time, What is the prevailing institution of marriage?"

"It's [Visiting Wife and Marriage]." Yuan Jing answered very quickly.

"The answer is correct." Murasaki Shikibu nodded in satisfaction, "It seems that you have read my comments and know what kind of system this so-called [wife visit and marriage] system is."

What kind of system is the so-called [Wife Visiting and Marriage] system?

To put it simply, although a man and a woman are married, they do not live together, but still live in their own homes.When it is dark, the man will visit the woman's home and spend the night there; and after dawn, he will leave the woman's home.

This kind of marriage system is the so-called [wife-visiting marriage].

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