Fujiwara Koko unabashedly showed her abnormality, and did not deliberately cater to others because of her difference from others. In her own words, she did not "sprinkle white powder on the black fur on her body and pretend to be white." sheep'.

Rather than feel ashamed and fearful, Fujiwara Koko accepted her abnormality calmly, and such an approach is definitely not a mistake.

At least from Yuanjing’s point of view, it definitely doesn’t count.

As for this third note...

It is about what happened between Fujiwara Koko and Yuan Jing's adoptive mother.

At that time, Minamoto Raimitsu was still called 'Genharu'.

'Is mother like this before she met me? 'Of course Yuanjing knew the name of his adoptive mother before, but he knew very little about what she was like before meeting him.

The contents of this note made him slightly complete the image of Minamoto Raimitsu.

'When mom picked me up, I remember being... 12 years old? '

"In other words, when I wrote this, Fujiwara Koko should be about the same age..."

It's no wonder that the strokes of these words are so immature, far from her now.

Of course, Yuan Jing has read "The New Genji Tale" written by Murasaki Shikibu, so he can naturally see the gap in the use of words between the two.


I really want to see the follow-up.

In terms of making people interested in reading, the two can be said to be in the same line.

What was written on the third note was what happened when Murasaki Shikibu was 12 years old.

And the age when she broke up with Laiguang's mother was 18 years old.

During these six years, what happened between the two of them?After regaining 'jealousy', did the 'ignorant monster' regain any other emotions?

Has the current Murasaki Shikibu stepped out of the shadow of his childhood, or is he a so-called 'monster who doesn't know people'?

Yuan Jing was naturally quite curious about this.

According to Murasaki Shikibu's habits, there must be similar essays in the future, but I don't know how to see them.

In addition to this kind of emotion as a "reader", there are actually many related doubts.

The most important of which is——

Did Murasaki Shikibu put these three articles in "The Tale of Genji" in advance and let him read them on purpose?Or is it just her inadvertent mistake, she just put it in the book after writing it, and then forgot to take it out?

From an emotional point of view, Yuanjing is actually more inclined to the latter.

What is written on this note is undoubtedly the black history of Murasaki Shikibu's black history. If he is Murasaki Shikibu, he would rather burn these things, or simply bury them. In short, the fewer people who know The better, how could it be possible to deliberately let others watch this kind of thing?

But the problem is, Murasaki Shikibu is not the kind of careless person.

This "The Tale of Genji" was a very important book that Murasaki Shikibu brought to Tokyo from Kyoto, and it was not an old book buried deep in the library. How could she not find the note in it?

Moreover, the three notes are sandwiched in the upper, middle and lower books of "The Tale of Genji", and the order in time is also surprisingly consistent with the upper, middle and lower.

To say it was a coincidence would be too much of a coincidence.

In other words, is this what Zi Shibu deliberately put in the book and wanted him to see it?

However, Zi Shibu deliberately told him these past events, what was his intention?

Yuan Jing really couldn't figure it out.

Generally speaking, the purpose of telling others about one's secrets or past is to get closer to the other party. In other words, does Murasaki Shikibu also mean this?

...It always feels a little different.

Although Yuanjing only had a mere relationship with Murasaki Shikibu before, no matter from the relationship with Murasaki Shikibu today, or from the three notes, she can't tell that she will be the kind of person who will expose her past. The kind of person who came out to win sympathy.

Of course, the stories on these notes are actually fabricated, not the possibility of her own experience——

It cannot be said that there is absolutely no.

But... Yuanjing looked at the first note.

That is the beginning of everything, the source of all suffering.

It was because of what was written on this note that the subsequent series of events took place.

Yuanjing was unwilling to believe that this was fabricated by Murasaki Shikibu.

He would use his grandmother's death as a material to elaborate such a lie...

Yuan Jing really didn't want Zi Shibu to be such a person.

Of course, there are other possibilities, such as...

'never mind. '

Yuan Jing shook his head.

'There are too few materials at hand, no matter how much I think about it, I can't think of any results. '

"Sister Zi has obtained unlimited access to St. Eden Academy. According to her, until she receives my post-reading review, she will always be in the room of the Lamb Club. '

'All these questions can be answered slowly in contact with her. '

'And before that...'

Putting the three notes away solemnly, Yuan Jing picked up the first part of "The Tale of Genji" again, and he still didn't finish reading it.

This is the task assigned to him by Zi Shibu, and only after completing it can he get help from Zi Shibu.

Before seeing the three notes, this was Yuan Jing's entire motivation.

But now, it's not just that.

If Murasaki Shikibu has come out of the shadow of childhood, then naturally everything will be fine.

But if not... he can't just leave it alone.

The current Yuanjing, for Fujiwara Chika, can be said to feel quite guilty.

She can be said to be the person Yuanjing is most sorry for right now.

Zishibu clearly told Yuanjing that the reason why she appeared here was because of Chika Fujiwara.

Fujiwara Chika hoped that she could come forward to reduce Yuanjing's pressure on the Fujiwara family.

That is to say, even though she didn't explicitly turn to Yuanjing, Chika Fujiwara actually acquiesced to Yuanjing's plan.

From the fiancee at the beginning, to the four later, and now...

This optimistic and cheerful pink-haired girl is undoubtedly the one who paid the most.

From acquaintance, acquaintance to falling in love, she always supports every decision Yuanjing makes.


Yuan Jing also wanted to help her.

Zi Shibu is Fujiwara Chika's aunt, even if she is not considered to be a friend of his mother's, just because of her status, Yuan Jing can't ignore her.

As for what he was worried about before, Zi Shibu would have feelings for him, which might add another problem of confusion, Yuan Jing felt that the possibility was actually not too great.

From the third note, it can be seen that his mother Minamoto Raimitsu is actually quite special to Murasaki Shikibu.

Murasaki Shikibu thinks Minamoto Raimitsu is her 'kind', her [Immortal Enemy], [Best Friend], [The Other Half of My Body] and [Incompatible Enemy].

The reason why she was able to regain the feeling of jealousy is also because her mother is no longer what she used to be, no longer her 'kind'.

As for the object of jealousy, well, the biggest possibility should be him, right?

After all, it was his existence that allowed what she thought of as a 'heartless doll' to have a heart and truly become a human being.

In the heart of the person I value most, the most important thing is not myself...

It is quite normal to feel jealous because of this.

Because her mother inherited the name [Minarai Mitsu], she had to find out the names of contemporary singers and write a similar work to let everyone recognize this name, so as to be on an equal footing with her mother.

Such a sense of equality will subconsciously make Zi Shibu extinguish the fire of love in his heart.

Because once she fell in love with him, it meant that she wanted to be Minamoto's daughter-in-law, and the status of the two would no longer be equal.

For Murasaki Shikibu, this should be an unacceptable thing.

Moreover, even if there is such a possibility, will Yuanjing give up and do something?

Of course, this is not realistic. How is it different from giving up food because of choking?

If he was really this kind of person, he wouldn't have extended a helping hand to Yukinoshita Yukino in the first place.


At this moment, in the bathroom of the Fujiwara family.

"Did Aunt Raimiko look like that when she was a child?" Chika Fujiwara opened her eyes wide in surprise, "[Heartless doll], I never thought my aunt would comment on her like that."

Just when Yuan Jing finished reading the three notes, the conversation between Zi Shibu and Fujiwara Chika came to an end.

Of course, Murasaki Shikibu didn't tell how she witnessed her grandma's death, and of course how she was rejected by her classmates and began to be her "squat at home".

After all, Chika Fujiwara just wants to know how she and Minamoto Yorimitsu became friends.

Regarding his state at that time, Murasaki Shikibu did not elaborate at all. As for the reason for locking himself in the library, he simply explained it as 'I don't want to go to school'.

"So, the reason why Auntie Laiguang changed into her current appearance is because of Ajing." Fujiwara Chika asked curiously.

"Of course, you don't know how annoying she was at that time," Zi Shibu's voice contained a little complaint and hidden deep envy, "running up to me every now and then, boasting to me about how smart Ah Jing is." ', 'Ah Jing is so cute', 'Ah Jing's body is fragrant, and it is very comfortable to hold'..."

"Hearing it made my ears callous."

"The most important thing is that whenever I say, 'Since he is so good, can you show me too', she will use all kinds of prevarications, and she won't even show me the photos."

"'If I show it to you, you will definitely snatch it from me!' That's what she said at the time." When it comes to this, Zi Shibu can be said to have a face of resentment, "'Who will snatch your child adoptive husband? !' That's how I was ironic."

"[Tong Yang Fu]?" Fujiwara Chika obviously reacted to this word, she looked at her aunt with some panic, "Is that how Aunt Laiguang saw Ah Jing at that time?"

"No, no, of course not, don't be so nervous." Zi Shibu hurriedly comforted, "Of course she doesn't see the scene that way, I just want to make her angry on purpose."

Of course, such provocations often end up being spanked by Yuan Laiguang.

This is something that is inconvenient to say to Chika Fujiwara.

"After all, I was quite jealous of her at the time."

Chapter 39 The Assholes Are Always Happy

Tuesday, November 12.

The final exams are on Saturday and Sunday, that is to say, there are still 4 days from now.

No matter how sloppy the students were, they couldn't help becoming nervous at this moment. After all, it was related to whether they could have a good year.

The school at St. Eden's has always put a lot of emphasis on grades, and they see it as a great way to stir up the struggles of their students.

After the examination papers for the final exam are marked, the school will post the grades and rankings of all students on the bulletin board.

In addition, after the students come to the school to get the report card back, they will also ask their guardians to sign it, and hand it in together with the winter homework after the winter vacation.

The school doesn't think this is a wrong thing, and quite a few of them are even quite complacent about the policies they adopted, thinking that this is the reason why St. Eden Academy can always stand on top of Sakurajima.

However, even so, not everyone will take the final exam as a matter of time.

For example, Ryunosuke Akasaka, Kaguya Shimizu, Mako Shijo...

Also for example——

source scene.

He didn't intend to continue to be No.1 like the midterm exam, and he didn't even plan to enter the top three.

For him who has high school knowledge that has reached level 3, precise control of points is naturally a very simple matter.

not to mention......

He has more important things to do now.

The first class on Tuesday for Senior One Class A is mathematics.

"Cough, cough, cough." In front of the podium, the math teacher who was over forty years old coughed a few times, and the hair on his forehead that could hardly cover the entire scalp trembled a few times, almost revealing the light on the top of his head. A sloppy mess.

Scanning the faces of the students, he was satisfied that everyone's attention was focused on him, and then he took out the test paper he had corrected yesterday.

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