Not only that, in order to match the dress on her body, she still has a pair of crystal high heels on her feet.

Therefore, although she pushed the door first, someone was one step ahead of her.

When Yang Nai came to Yuan Jing's body, Yukinoshita Yukino had already sat on Yuan Jing's lap.

As the victor, she occupied Yuanjing's arms, raised her head proudly, and looked at her older sister who was a step behind with her dark blue eyes, revealing a smug gleam very rarely.

Yukinoshita Yoshino stopped in her tracks, she puffed up her cheeks childishly, showing a rather dissatisfied expression, "Yukino, what are you doing, quickly give up my position."

She didn't ask her sister to stand up, she just wanted her to give up her own space.

Yuanjing's arms are quite wide, fully able to accommodate the two of them.

Although she has never lay in this embrace with Yukino, she has actually done such a thing with Shimizu Kaguya and Arturia who are very similar to Yukino, so she knows quite clearly.

"No." Xue Nai rejected her sister very flatly, "Just now in front of mother, it was my sister who sat in this position. Now, of course, it will be me."

As if deliberately annoying her sister, Yukino pressed her body tightly against Yuan Jing's body, grabbed Yuan Jing's hands, and placed them on her lower abdomen, as if she was using such a way, to swear this own sovereignty.

For this kind of playfulness between sisters, Yuan Jing naturally has no intention of getting involved.

Holding Yukino's slender body tenderly in his arms, he even gave Yang Nao a helpless look.

"Can that be the same!" Yang Nai stomped her slender feet on the carpeted floor lightly, and Yang Nai said angrily, "In front of my mother, I can say that I dare not even move, let alone move." Don't mention any further things."

"Such an exchange is simply unfair!"

"Then I don't care." Putting her fair cheeks next to Yuanjing's and gently rubbing them, Yukino closed her eyes quite comfortably, and said in a lazy voice, "That's your problem, isn't it?" mine."


However, if you want to talk about playing tricks, ten Xue Nai can't compare with Yang Nao.

It has nothing to do with intelligence, it's just a difference in character and thickness of skin.

Seeing that Yang Nai's black and white eyes rolled around like this, it can be said that he was thinking about it in an instant.

Turning his gaze from his sister to Yuan Jing's face, Yukinoshita Haruno shouted in a delicate voice——

"Brother~brother~, hurry up and take care of my sister~"

"!!!" Yukinoshita shuddered all over, she was three years older than herself and Yuanjing, and she was also her own sister whom she had been chasing for a long time, now she was calling herself sister, and Xiang Yuanjing called her brother to act like a spoiled child... ...

A kind of numbness that she couldn't explain clearly came out of her heart just like that.

"You!" Yukinoshita Yukino's half-closed eyes suddenly opened wide, and she looked at Yango shyly.

"Oh, I can't take it anymore," Yukino Shishita covered his mouth and smiled lightly, like a general who had just won the battle, "Xue Nai's sister is really innocent."

"Is it really because she is still a girl?"

Anyway, there were no outsiders here, so Yukinoshita Yoshino was naturally able to let his bitch go.

Yang Nai calmly walked up to the two of them, and as the distance drew closer, the vigilance in Yukinoshita Yukino's eyes gradually became stronger, and the accompanying person was naturally a little uneasy.

From Yang Nai's words and deeds just now, it can be seen that she has completely abandoned the so-called shame, and what Yang Nai will do in such a state, she really can't think of it.

However, if you want her to give up this position, you can't even think about it!

Doesn't that make her lose?

Looking down at his younger sister, there was a smirk that Yukino was quite familiar with on the corner of Yang Nao's mouth, every time she tried to tease him, a similar smile would appear on Yang Nao's face.

"Xue Nai, I will ask here for the last time now," Yang Nai said condescendingly, "Do you want to give up my position?"

"Don't let!" Although there was a little ominous premonition in her heart, Yukino said so stubbornly.

"Then don't blame me." While saying this, Yang Nai opened his arms and just put his weight on his sister's body.

She hugged Yuanjing and her younger sister just like that.

Like the 'source scene ingredient', the 'xuenao ingredient' in Yang Nai's body has actually bottomed out, so I just took this opportunity to add it together.

Under Yang Nai's deliberate action, the chair Yuan Jing was sitting on had lost its balance, with Xue Nao's exclamation and Yang Nao's laughter, the three of them just fell down on the carpeted floor.

Of course, none of the three were injured.

Yang Nai has seen Yuan Jing's skills, so he naturally knows that he will protect her and Xue Nao well.

Now, she has fulfilled her wish and entered Yuanjing's embrace together with her younger sister,

For the first time since that weekend, the boy's face was so close to him.

Gently rubbing Yuanjing's face with his hand, feeling the real touch, Yang Nao resisted the urge to cry.

"This is all real, it's not just a dream of mine, isn't that right?" She couldn't help asking.

"Of course not." Yuan Jing looked at the pair of eyes as beautiful as the night sky, and said in an extremely gentle but also extremely firm tone.

He knew that what Yang Nai needed most now was such words of affirmation.

"Hey," Yang Nai smirked out of her image, both Yuan Jing and Xue Nai were in her arms at the moment.

Yang Nai felt that she had embraced her whole world.

"Ah Jing~" Yang Nai called softly.

Then he gently kissed Yuanjing's left lip.

After all, she had to leave some space for her sister.

"Ah Jing~" This time it was the left neck, Yang Nai sucked it on purpose, and planted a 'strawberry' on the boy's fair skin.

"Ah Jing~" This time it was the left collarbone.

Yang Nai was a little intoxicated by the smell coming from Yuan Jing's body, she felt light and confused, just relying on instinct, dreaming of the boy's name and kissing her lover lightly.

In the end, she came to Yuanjing's left earlobe.

She opened her white teeth and bit it lightly, but the girl who was about to cry didn't continue to say that pet name that she couldn't call enough.As if entrusting everything to the young man, she whispered in a tone full of sweet tenderness and deep trust——


Chapter 25 Qianhua's aunt, come on? !

October 12th, Sunday.

Tada Shrine in Kawanishi City, Hyogo Prefecture.

Although it was already past 8 o'clock in the morning, it was still gloomy here, as if it was still night.

The sky was densely covered by overcast clouds, as if it had been covered with several layers of gray film, from which the rain kept pouring down, drenching this ancient shrine that had existed for more than 1000 years.

Not long after, the needle-like drizzle turned into an indistinct transparent rain curtain, covering this place, which can be said to be the center of power in the Kansai region.

Just like its owner's mood at the moment.

Wearing a luxurious purple kimono, Minamoto Raimitsu couldn't help but sighed deeply when he heard the sound of winter rain hitting the roof, walls and windows.

She's been in a pretty bad mood lately.

The term "recently" is actually not accurate, so since her favorite adopted son left her and went to Tokyo to go to school, Minamoto Raimitsu has not been in a good mood. In the words of the shrine maidens, it is——

'Ever since Mr. Jing left, I haven't seen the Lord of God smile. '

Tada Shrine is the grave of the first Minamoto Yorimitsu, arguably the most important place for the Minamoto family.

After all, Minamoto Yorimitsu was originally left by the original Minamoto Yorimitsu to guard his tomb.

Therefore, the Patriarch of the Minamoto family will naturally also serve as the head of the shrine.

However, although Minamoto Raimiko has been in a low mood since Yuan Jing left home, but recently, after last Sunday to be precise, her mood can be said to have fallen below the bottom.

Even though a week has passed, Minamoto Raimitsu still hasn't come out of the shadow.

If you want to ask why...

"There are six people when they come up, they are really beasts..."

From her whispering, the reason can be seen.

Obviously, Minamoto Raimitsu is still worried about what happened at Yushima Tenmanji last Sunday.

By the way, there were actually seven of them.

But when Minamoto Shinpei told her in a cold sweat that the four people he reported at the beginning were not accurate and should be six, Minamoto Raimitsu couldn't listen anymore and hung up the phone all of a sudden.

No, how come Silver Party still adds people halfway?

I'll wait a little longer, do you still want to tell me that two more people were let in?

Well, although there will be no more people, there is already a person who accidentally broke in when Arturia was laying down the guarding maidens (referring to Yukinoshita Yono), So actually there were seven people.

Of course, Minamoto Shinpei was also a little numb when he learned about this kind of thing that afternoon.

He actually didn't have the guts to hide this matter from Yuan Laiguang.

But if you want to continue to call Minamoto Raikou and tell her that you made a mistake at the beginning, it is not six but seven...

That's really going into the toilet with a lantern-looking for death.

Fortunately, Yuanjing took over this matter.

He told Yuan Shinpei that he would explain all these things to Minamoto Raimiko.

This made the rich white-haired old man heave a sigh of relief.

As for why Yuanjing didn't explain to his stepmother immediately——

To put it simply, he wanted to give Minamoto some time to adjust her mental state.

Anyway, he also needs time to deal with the problems of the sisters Yukinoshita, Ai Hayasaka, Chika Fujiwara, and Concubine Shijo, so he can simply let the dust settle before explaining to his stepmother.

Yuanjing is going to report the progress of the matter to his mother when he returns home for the New Year.

At that time, almost a month has passed, Minamoto Raimitsu should have done the relevant psychological construction, right?

But judging from Minamoto Raimitsu's situation that hasn't improved after a week, it seems that Minamoto's estimate is a bit too optimistic...

"Hmm..." Lying weakly on the table in front of him, Minamoto made a reluctant voice.

In fact, after being defeated by Yuan Jing, she knew that such a day would come.

Her son would leave her for the arms of other 'pests'.

But isn't that also a little too fast!

She originally imagined that it would be ten years, well, this seems a bit unlikely.

However, there must be three years, right?

In the end, how long had she been gone before those impatient girls made their move?

And it was still six, six!

This is the first time for Yuan Jing, why don't you guys be so anxious!

Moreover, except for Dongma and Sha, they were all names she had never heard of.

Is the speed of this number of people expanding too fast?

Just as Minamoto Raimiko was full of resentful thoughts, the door of her room was gently knocked.

Didn't I give orders?I haven't seen anyone lately!

In the Yuan family, isn't my words useless? !

Minamoto Larimitsu didn't pay attention to the knock on the door. Now she didn't even have the thought of finding out who was defying her. She just hoped that that person would be sensible enough to leave obediently after seeing such a situation, and don't force her to draw her sword. Knock people.

It's a pity that the visitors this time are really not interesting enough.

After hearing the knock on the door for a long time, she not only did not leave, but pushed the door open.

Minamoto Raimiko's purple eyes flashed a cold light, and while holding the knife that would never leave her body, she looked at the door that was pushed open.

Of course she wouldn't take someone's life because of this kind of thing, but it's also impossible for her to do nothing.

In this case, where will the majesty of her Patriarch be?

Minamoto Raimiko was about to throw the sword in his hand at that person to scare her, but after seeing who the person who broke into the room was, her movements froze all of a sudden.

"Yo, Haruka, long time no see."

Fresh and elegant oval face, clear and bright big eyes, delicate skin that can be blown to pieces, of course, the most attractive thing is the dark purple long hair that is draped lazily behind the back and can even reach the ankles. send.

The one who pushed the door and entered turned out to be a peerless beauty who was about the same age as Minamoto Raimitsu and was very similar in every aspect.

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