Because the answer is already obvious.

"Yeah, how could Ha San-kun not see it? He just turned a blind eye on purpose." Miura Yuiko smiled self-deprecatingly, "Because he doesn't like me at all, Yui."

"He likes Yukinoshita Haruno."

Yuihama Yui stretched out her hand, and gently held Yumiko Miura's hand.

Her good friend's hand was frighteningly cold at the moment, but Yuigahama Yui knew quite well that the coldness was not due to the cold.

"But, isn't Sister Yang Nai Yuan Jun's girlfriend, and judging by the situation tonight, she and Yuan Jun have reached the point where they are discussing marriage. Ye Shan Jun's unrequited love is destined to be fruitless. When he realizes this..."

"When he realizes this, he will respond to my feelings and become my boyfriend. Yui, is this what you want to say?" Miura Yuiko slightly tilted her head, "In this case, What am I to Hayama Hayato?"

"Is it a substitute for him after he fails to pursue Yang Nai?"

"Sorry, I know it's wrong to think so," Yumiko lowered her eyes sadly, Yubihama Yui could feel her trembling through her clenched hands, "but I just can't restrain such thoughts."

"After Hayama told me that he likes Yukinoshita Yono, I have had such doubts about my future with him."

"If he doesn't succeed, and turns that face that has been looking at Yangno to me, what am I going to do..."

"Accordingly, this is something I've been looking forward to for a long time, and I should respond to him with tears of joy." Miura Yuiko's words seemed to shatter on the solid ground like grains of ice rain, "But , I knew in my heart that I couldn't do something like that."

"I'm really strange, Yui, you probably think so too, right?"

Yuigahama Yui shook her head——

"I understand you, Yumiko," she said in such a low voice.

Yumiko Miura's self-esteem is too high.

She couldn't accept being a substitute for someone, she wanted to be the only one.

Such an idea is naturally not wrong.

Because falling in love is a very personal matter, everyone has everyone's insistence.

"Fortunately, I don't care about such things now." She lowered her head slightly, and the sentence 'I hope you never cry' fell into Yumiko's eyes.

It will become so fast, I am really an excessive girl...

"...But, doesn't Gen-kun already have a girlfriend?" Yuigahama Yui said with some anticipation.

She doesn't have the obsession that Yumiko Miura must be with Hayama Hayato, and she is actually happy that her friend can let go of the entanglement in her heart.But......

But Yuan Jing already has a girlfriend.

And there's more than one...

"So what?" Yumiko Miura said nonchalantly, obviously, she had already considered this issue in her heart.

"I didn't intend to snatch Yuan-kun away from them, I just wanted to join them." At this moment, the haze was swept away from the face of the blond beautiful girl, and she turned towards Yuigahama Yui with a playful smile. Blinking his eyes, his tone seemed quite relaxed.

"Gen-kun should never have revealed his plan in front of me," Miura Yuiko said, "Although I won't say it, I will remember it in my heart."

"Anyway, he already has so many girlfriends, so it shouldn't be a problem for me to be one of them?"

"..." Yuigahama Yui was a little speechless.

Among young girls, there is an unwritten rule, that is, you can't grab other girls' boyfriends.

This kind of behavior of "digging other people's corners" will be despised.

However, what Yumiko Miura wants to do is not to grab the boyfriends of Yukinoshita Yukino and Yukinoshita Yoshino, but to become their boyfriend's girlfriend...

Of course, this is not a foul.

'Yeah, that seems to be the case...'

"Besides, Gen-kun still owes me, no, it should be said that he owes us an explanation." Miura Yuiko pointed at the chests of herself and Hihama Yui, "Why does he know my name and yours?"

She and Yui once asked Yuan Jing such a question, but before the boy could answer, the sound of Yukinoshita Yono's footsteps sounded from outside, and she and Yui could only hide in the closet.

And after that, because the development of the incident was completely beyond the expectations of the girls, neither she nor Yui asked Yuan Jing about this matter any more.

It's just that Yuigahama Yui Yui really forgot.

But Yumiko Miura felt that there was no such need.

"And it's not just as simple as knowing our names." Yumiko Miura read out the slightly different greeting written by Genke to the two.

"Look, he even knows that I'm actually a crybaby, Yui, you have always had low self-esteem and lack of self-confidence."

Miura Yuiko felt the fate in the dark.

What girls of her age believe in most are such mysterious and mysterious things.

"Ah, that's right." Yuigahama Yui said suddenly, she stopped, as if she wanted to turn around and go back to the lounge, and ask Yuanjing again.

But he was held back by Yumiko Miura.

"Didn't you notice his hesitant look at the beginning? Gen-kun, he actually didn't want to tell us the reason." Miura Yuiko still remembered Yuan Jing's somewhat embarrassed expression, so she became more and more sure that she and Between Yui and him, there must be a fate that the two of them don't know about.

"Besides, it would be too wasteful to ask him for this reason now." Yumiko Miura smiled and said expectantly, "Let's save it for the next meeting."

"...Do you mean the next meeting, Gen-kun's next concert?" Yuigahama Yui said.

Even she herself didn't notice that in her tone, there was a little emotion called 'envy', which gave off a slightly sour taste.

"Although I will definitely go to Yuanjun's next concert, but he also said, I don't know when the next concert will be held."

"If you want me to wait obediently during this period of time and do nothing else, I can't do that." Miura Yuiko shook her head.

"Fortunately, when Gen-kun told Mrs. Yukinoshita about what he and Yukino had experienced, he once said the name of his school—"

"Holy Eden Academy."

It can be said that all Sakurajima people are familiar with it, and its popularity can be said to be similar to that of the University of Tokyo. It is the place where Yuanjing and Yukinoshita Yukino studied.

"...Yumiko, are you going to take the exam there?" After understanding what her friend meant, Yuihama Yui couldn't help but gasped.

As the best middle school in Sakurajima, St. Eden Academy's threshold is naturally quite high. Its entrance exam is called "Kaguya Hime's Difficulty". It is said that the students who can pass the exam have obvious brains. Different from ordinary people, almost belong to two different species from ordinary students.

As for Yumiko Miura's grades... Yuihama Yui didn't want to be too rude, but she really couldn't imagine the scene where she relied on her own grades to rely on St. Eden.

"After all, it's a test of pursuing love. It's normal to be a bit more difficult." "Kaguya Hime's Dilemma" is also used to make it difficult for the person who proposed to her. Miura Yuiko actually likes this metaphor in her heart.

"Isn't it a student's duty to study hard? Even if you fail the exam, there is actually no harm."

While saying these words, Yumiko Miura seemed to be shining with light all over her body.

She's serious and definitely not joking...

Yuigahama Yui confirmed this in her heart.

If so—

"Can you add me one?"

Yumiko is not the only one who longs to meet the boy again.

Chapter 24 【Wow——】Women are really useless

At this time, Yuanjing didn't know yet, but two more 'kittens' were eyeing his 'big fish', and wanted to join in, to taste whether his taste was sweet or fishy.

Of course, it is still uncertain which side is the one who eats and which side is the one that is eaten in the end.

However, even if Yumiko Miura and Yuihama Yui succeed, it will be a long time later, at least the first half of the year, until Yuan Jing and others enter the second year of high school.

Now Yuanjing has more urgent things to consider.

In the lounge where only Yuanjing was alone again, he leaned back a little, leaned on the back of the chair, and looked up at the ceiling.

While waiting for the three members of Yukinoshita's family to come back, he also took this opportunity to sort out his thoughts a little bit——

"For Yukinoshita's family, this is fine for the time being... At least, the worries of Yang Nai and Yukino have been resolved. '

The reason why Yang Nao was unwilling to show his intentions before was that on the one hand, he was concerned about his younger sister, and on the other hand, he was worried that his mother Yukinoshita Ayano would never agree to 'two women work together as one husband'.

As a result, just this evening, Xue Nai, who was hiding in the closet, took a good look at her face when she faced her. Naturally, she could no longer deny that she 'had no feeling' about herself.

On the other hand, Ayano Yukinoshita, because of this unexpected situation, instead gave him a chance to show her cards and explain everything to her.

The person in charge of the Yukinoshita family is Ayano Yukinoshita, the mother of the two sisters. As long as she can get the job done, then the resistance from the Yukinoshita family will be almost gone.

The difficult problem before Yuan Jing can finally be regarded as a basic solution.

As for the rest...

Hayasaka Ai's side should be easier than Yukinoshita's.

Her father Hayasaka Masato and mother Hayasaka Nao had actually prepared Hayasaka Ai to become Kaguya's "dowry maid". The current situation is obviously much better than that future.

The difficult ones are actually Shijo Makoto and Fujiwara Chika...

On Yukinoshita Ayano's side, he actually just needs to show him that he has the ability to do this kind of thing.

After all, her two daughters both fell in love with Yuanjing, and the palms and backs of their hands are full of flesh. No matter which one of the two of them is ordered to leave her, it is a show of partiality, and it is obviously not fair to the other daughter.

Therefore, after Yuan Jing said that she hoped to marry the two sisters at the same time, and showed a practical way, she would take advantage of the slope to get off the donkey, appearing to be so easily persuaded.

But the Shijo family and the Fujiwara family did not have such concerns.

Even after he showed them that he had the ability to marry their daughters without breaking the law or being gossiped about by others, they should not be so easily persuaded.

The reason is actually only three words——


Whether it's the four real concubines or not.Whether it is Fujiwara Chika, her identity is completely worthy of your Yuanjing, if this is the case, why give up this only position of wife and share it with others?

On this point, no matter whether it is Shijo Zongren who has only met Yuanjing for a few times, or Fujiwara Daichi and Fujiwara Wansui who are already quite familiar with Yuanjing, they will not let go easily.

After all, this is not only an issue involving Yuan Jing and their daughter's generation, but also the status of their grandson or granddaughter.

In fact, if the lower limit of Yuanjing is low enough, the problems of these two companies are not difficult to solve.

For the Fujiwara family, doesn't Chika Fujiwara also have an older sister and a younger sister?Then you can completely refer to the method of the Yukinoshita family, and also bring them into your own claws. In this case, Fujiwara Daichi and Fujiwara Wansui should also be like Yukinoshita Ayano...

As for the only daughter, the true concubine Sijo, Yuanjing could have 'abducted' her away from the Sijo family and hid her in Kansai controlled by the Yuan family.A few years later, he and Concubine Zhen took their children to visit Sitiao's house.

In this case, Sijo Zongren probably could only hold his nose and agree.

Of course, although these two methods are effective, Yuanjing will not adopt them.

His lower limit isn't that low yet.

By the way, there is actually another resistance, which comes from my 'mother' Minamoto Laimitsu.

Although the current Minamoto Raikou can be said to be obedient to him and will hardly oppose any of his decisions, but in the final analysis, it is because he is afraid of losing his "son" and that Yuanjing will no longer recognize her as a mother.

If it's just one or two, Yuan Jing thinks that with Yuan Laiguang's 'cultivation', he can still bear it.

From the fact that she is willing to teach Hayasaka Aiyuan's secret 'house art', it can be seen that Minamoto Raimitsu has actually acquiesced in this matter.

But if not one or two, but ten...

Yuan Jing is really not sure whether Minamoto's nerves can still be supported.

...should be fine, right?

Anyway, my mother knew what happened last Sunday, and she should be mentally prepared for this.

When I go home this New Year, I will also talk to her about this matter...

Just when Yuan Jing was thinking about these things in his heart, the sound of footsteps came from the corridor from far to near.

But they were not the three people Yuanjing imagined, and the speed was quite fast.

Almost at the same time as Yuan Jing moved his gaze from the ceiling to the door, the door was pushed open with a 'click'.

The wooden door panel hit the wall, and there was a very crisp and pleasant 'snap'!

A purple figure rushed in from the corridor, and rushed towards Yuanjing.

This was naturally Yukinoshita Haruno in a dark purple dress.

Now, since her sister has already seen her private face clearly, and her mother has been temporarily persuaded by the person she loves, then she naturally has no need to forcibly restrain herself.

After that day, because of her sister's words, she had endured it for a full five days. Today, to avoid suspicion, she also missed the good opportunity to date with Yuan Jing, and instead let a yellow-haired girl take the lead.

Now Yang Nai feels that the "source scene element" in his body has been completely exhausted, and he must let him kiss and hug him well.

It's a pity that someone doesn't want her plan to succeed.

The dress Yang Nai was wearing was not suitable for sports, not to mention that she had torn a big hole in his skirt before.

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