On Saturday morning, Chiba Prefecture.

"Hey, Sabre, wait for me~"

A brown dachshund was flipping on all fours and galloping, displaying an agility that belied its petite stature.

Around its neck, a golden bell was jingling, and the long dog leash was dragged behind it, knocked up and down by the uneven ground.

And behind this dachshund, a girl in a light brown winter coat is chasing her while calling her pet's name, as if she wants to use this "master's call" to stop this overly energetic puppy .

Unfortunately, she failed.

The dachshund, which he dubbed 'Sabre', didn't understand the meaning of the little master, but thought it was a chasing game, so he ran even harder.

Because it has to go to school from Monday to Friday, only on weekends, it can be played by the little owner on a leash, and it will naturally appear extremely excited.

"Ah, really, if you don't obey me again, don't think about eating at noon today!"

The girl chasing behind looked a little embarrassed.

She has light peach-colored shoulder-length hair tied into a ball by a black headband.

Now because of the strenuous exercise, this 'dumpling' is also shaking gently, echoing the girl's extremely well-developed breasts...

This kind of "chasing game" lasted for quite a while. In the end, it seemed that he could see that his master was panting very badly, and he was obviously exhausted, so the line named "Sabre" also slowly stopped, and was taken by himself. His master was caught.

Regaining control of the dog leash, the girl with light peach color and long hair didn't bother to 'punish' her bad dog at this time, but supported her knees first, panting heavily.

After finally calming down and taking a breath, she had the time to look around, and when she confirmed that she was in a park that she usually brought Sabre to, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Because you're so 'sensible', I won't do anything to your lunch." Leading the little dachshund to a bench in the park, she took out a tissue and wiped it first. Then he sat up.

"However, you have caused me so much suffering just now. Although you have been exempted from the punishment of 'starvation', corresponding punishment is indispensable." Some affectionately patted the dog's head of 'Sabre' and saw It narrowed its eyes comfortably, and a smile appeared on the girl's face:

"Then punish you as my audience, listen to me."

"Let's say it first, this is punishment, and it is not allowed to refuse."

Because it was still early, and this small park was already a bit remote, the surroundings of the girl were actually quite empty.

It is precisely because of this that the girl can confidently and boldly confide her heart to the only audience.

Of course, it should be incomprehensible.

Lifting the big fan-like ears of 'Sabre', the girl coughed lightly, "Sabre, do you think Yumiko's reaction yesterday was a little too big?"

The girl named Yuigahama Yui sighed a little tiredly.

As for [Yumiko] in her mouth, its full name is [Miura Yuko], and she is her good friend.

"Even though today is such a good opportunity, wouldn't she feel pity..." Yuigahama Yui said angrily.


"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, you must be a little confused by telling you this kind of thing without beginning or end, right?" This way of apologizing to it,

"I'll tell you from the beginning."

Let's turn the time back to yesterday——

"" Yumeko, happy birthday! "" Accompanied by such blessings, two beautifully packaged small gift boxes were placed on Miura Yumiko's desk.

Facing such a surprise, Yumiko Miura's green eyes widened slightly in astonishment, apparently caught off guard.

"Thank you, Yui and Hime." After accepting the two gifts, Yumiko Miura hesitated to speak, "But today is not my birthday..."

"We know, it will be tomorrow, right?" The full name of Himina Yumeko said is Ebina Himina, she, Yuigahama Yui, and Miura Yuiko are a very typical trio.

In Sakurajima, it is very important to find a suitable small circle, which may be directly related to the comfort of your life in the future.

"We originally wanted to celebrate your birthday with you at your house tomorrow, but after learning about someone's gift, I think it's better not to be a light bulb." Ebina Himina blinked at Yumi Miura, rather Some said so meaningfully.

"???" Miura Yuiko's face was full of question marks. She looked at Ebina Hime who had a smirk on her face, and then Yuigahama Yui who had an aunt's smile on her face. Obviously, she was a little unclear about the gourd between the two of them. What kind of medicine is sold here.

At this moment, a handsome blond guy came over.

His name is Hayama Hayato, and he is the leading figure in the class of the three of them, as well as the center of the existing group in the class.

Of course, for Yuigahama Yui and Ebina Himina, another identity of Hayama Hayato is actually more important, that is——

The person Yumiko Miura likes.

Both of them are at the top of the class, and they are both handsome men and beautiful women. Both Yui Hihama and Ebina Himina think that they are a perfect match, so today's incident happened.

"Is everyone giving Yumeko birthday presents?" Hayama Hayato looked at the two small gift boxes on Yumeko's table, and he clearly understood what happened just now, "Then I'll join in the fun too. "

Saying so, he reached into his jacket pocket.

'what?Is it so hasty, shouldn't Yumiko be called out alone, and then give her the things? ' Yuigahama Yui's eyes widened.

However, although she is Yumiko Miura's friend, this is a matter between the two of them. She really can't get involved, so she can only watch Hayato take out three tickets under Yumiko's expectant eyes, and let them go. to her desk.

Wait, why three tickets?Shouldn't it be just you and Yumiko?

At this time, Yui couldn't help but have question marks all over her face. Although she knew what Hayama Hayato had prepared, it was a somewhat private topic after all, and she didn't ask about too detailed matters.

She quietly looked at Ebina Hime, and found that she was sighing with her forehead raised, as if she was very pessimistic about what happened next.

"This is the ticket for Touma Yoko's concert tomorrow night." Hayama Hayato obviously didn't notice the strange look between the two, "Yumiko, don't you like Touma Yoko very much?"

"And on the night of your birthday, Touma Yoko didn't choose Tokyo, but chose to hold a concert at Chiba Central Theater." Hayama Hayato said, "Isn't it a coincidence?"

"Of course, although the time for announcement is relatively short, this is Master Touma's concert after all, and it is the first concert held outside Tokyo. It is also said that there will be a 'mysterious guest', so the ticket It's still quite tight." Hayama Hayato smiled apologetically at Miura Yuiko who was staring at the three tickets silently.

"Even if I have acquaintances in this area, I can only get a B-level seat in the end. I hope you can forgive me for this."

In Sakurajima, concert seats are generally divided into four levels: S, A, B, and grass, and the price of seats will gradually decrease according to the level.

Of course, the same is true for the visual and auditory experience.

Is it a matter of seat class, though?no?Even if it's just a C-level seat, as long as it's your invitation, Yumiko will definitely go there, the key is——

Why three tickets?

As if hearing the cry in Yuigahama Yui's heart, Hayama Hayato's eyes shifted from Yumiko to her and Ebina Himina, "Both of you are Yumiko's friends, the remaining two tickets are for you. I hope you have a good time tomorrow night."

"Ah, this..." Ebina Hime let out a few dry laughs, "Actually, I have very important things to do tomorrow night, so there is absolutely no way I can go with Yumiko." While talking, She made a color at Yuigahama Yui.

The latter immediately understood, "Yes, that's right, I have something to do tomorrow night, and I may not be able to spare it."

"And I can't appreciate classical music. It's a waste of tickets that are so difficult to get." Yuihama Yui's mind was spinning rapidly at this time, "Since neither Ji Cai nor I are free, then Mr. Ye Shan, you just..."

Why don't you go with Yumiko?

Just as she was about to make such a proposal, Yumiko Miura, who had been silent all this time, suddenly opened her mouth:

"May I ask, the [acquaintance] that Mr. Ye Shan just mentioned——"

"Is it referring to Yukino Haruno?"

She raised her head, her eyes were as sharp as a sharp sword, and she cast her eyes on Hayato Hayama who was smiling slightly awkwardly.

Under the snow... Yang Nao?

Yuigahama Yui has an impression of this name.

There is a bulletin board in Zongwu High School, on which are posted pictures of outstanding graduates of the school and brief introductions.

Yukinoshita Yoshino was a famous figure here when he was studying at Sobu High School, and later he was admitted to the Science and Engineering Department of Dongda University with excellent grades, so he naturally occupied a seat in it.

Yuigahama Yui has seen her photos, she is really beautiful, it is like [Kira~Kira~] shining outside.

But why did Yumiko mention Yangno-senpai here?

Does she have anything to do with Mr. Ye Shan?

"...No." After a moment of silence, Hayama Hayato shook his head, "Yang Nai didn't even want to see me, probably never put me in his eyes, how could I get from her Got a ticket in your hand?"

"I got it through my dad's co-workers."

The reason why Yoko Touma held a concert here is because she has a good relationship with the Yukinoshita family and is willing to give their family a face.

At least the obvious reason is this.

Hayama Hayato's father is the legal adviser of the Yukinoshita Group, and he can be regarded as a core figure. He is also intentionally training his son and introducing him to his colleagues. He obviously wants Hayama Hayato to succeed him in the future.

The Yukinoshita family provided the company's senior employees with an internal channel to buy tickets, and Hayama Hayato's three tickets were obtained in this way.

"In other words, you still went to find her, but she didn't have time to see you, right?" Miura Yuiko caught the loophole in Hayama Hayato's words.

"..." Hayama Hayato looked a little sad, but did not respond aloud.

This is actually an answer.

Yumiko Miura took a deep breath, as if she wanted to use this method to withdraw the tears from the corners of her eyes.

"Since Yui and Hime are both involved, then I can't accept these three tickets." Pushing the three tickets in front of him in the direction of Hayama Hayato, "Sorry, I didn't tell you before, but Dad Mom actually got me concert tickets already, and it was the best S class."

"So, this thing is useless to me."

"I've let down your good intentions, I'm really sorry." Although the words were an apology, there was no apology in Miura Yuiko's tone, "Go and give it to someone else."

Before Hayama Hayato could answer, Miura Yuiko stood up abruptly, her long blond hair drawing a beautiful arc.

"I have something to do, so excuse me for now."

Holding the gift from Yuigahama Yui and Ebina Himina in her arms, Miura Yuiko left the classroom at a very fast speed.

When she passed by him, Yuihama Yui could even see the crystal tears in the corner of her eyes......

"Why did you get the tickets a long time ago? Yumiko really wants to save face." Yuigahama Yui didn't care whether Sabre understood or not, and just poured bitter water on it, "Really, a good birthday made this happen. look."

It's not that Yui can't understand Yumiko's mood. When the person she likes gives her a birthday gift, she clearly shows her love for another girl. Although it's just a fruitless unrequited love, the diaphragm in her heart It must be inevitable.

"Love is really difficult, don't you think so, Sabre? Sabre?" Yui said with emotion, but such a topic might still be too difficult for a dachshund.

Sabre is clearly not interested in human love.

It seemed that its little master had almost rested, so taking advantage of Yui's lack of grip on the dog leash, it nimbly broke free from Yui's embrace again, and started having fun again.

"Sabre, you really don't want to have lunch, right?" Yui was really angry this time, and secretly made up her mind, no matter how pitifully Sabre looked at her at noon, this time she would definitely Not soft-hearted.

Be sure to starve it well so that it can have a long memory!

However, before that, she had to catch this lively puppy again.

This chase didn't last long.

Under Yuigahama Yui's surprised eyes, this lively and active puppy ran straight towards a young man in dark clothes.

It seemed to be very interested in this young man who was looking at the surrounding scenery thoughtfully, and ran directly to his feet, just turning around him in circles.

The boy's attention was obviously also attracted by the puppy, and he looked away from the surrounding scenery. He just squatted down like this, looking very interested in it.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Yuigahama Yui who arrived later said nervously, "But, please don't worry, Sabre doesn't bite...huh?"

But what happened before her eyes made her slightly open her mouth in surprise.

I saw that the boy was stroking Sabre's dog's head with both hands very skillfully, the latter's eyes were narrowing in comfort at this moment, his throat made a very satisfied purring sound, and even his body was a little weak.

...Obviously he didn't have such a big reaction when he was masturbated by me.

Some subtle jealousy ignited in the girl's heart.

Noticing Yui's arrival, the boy raised his head and looked at her.

Those were a pair of clear and transparent eyes, shining with sparkling light, as if all the stars in the sky had been crushed into them.

'Can such a face really exist? Yui couldn't help taking a breath in his heart, "It's strange, I haven't seen him before, but the look in his eyes..."

'Looks like you know me? '

A little curiosity emerged in the girl's heart.

Chapter 12 I know you're in a hurry, but don't be in a hurry (5k)

"Are you a tourist from out of town?" While clapping his hands to attract Sabre's attention, Yuigahama Yui tentatively asked, the other party had just 'stopped' Sabre for her, and... .....

Although I am not a nympho, who would not be happy if I could have a few more words with the beautiful boy?

"In this case, Disneyland is not in this place. You are obviously going in the wrong direction, right?"

The Disneyland mentioned by Yui Hahama actually refers to Tokyo Disneyland.

Although the name has the word Tokyo in it, the No. [-] Paradise in Asia is not located in Tokyo, but in Chiba Prefecture, which is next to it.

Together with Narita International Airport, it may be the two most famous landmarks in Chiba Prefecture.

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