Gulping down the strong wine in the cup, Touma Yoko let out a very comfortable voice:

"Wow, cool!"

"Sure enough, in such a big winter, you should drink strong wine."

Yuanjing only found out today that Dongma Yaozi turned out to be a big wine tycoon.

The 50-degree liquor was poured down cup by cup with the appetizers. Seeing that half of the bottle had bottomed out, she didn't even hiccup, and her cheeks were only slightly flushed.

The current Touma Yaoko is still extremely agile even in her speech, without any slurred or gibberish.

Regarding Saturday's concert, Touma Yoko paid much more attention to it than him, the master.

After school on Friday, when Yuan Jing walked out of the school gate, he saw a very familiar Bentley parked by the side of the road. Seeing him coming out, Ms. Touma Yoko who was sitting inside rolled down the window of the car and turned towards He waved.

...almost exactly the same scene as when the two first met.

Although the two had already drawn up tomorrow's program list by phone, Touma Yoko felt that it was necessary to try to rehearse at her home first.

It is precisely because of this idea that Yoko Touma waits outside the campus after school on Friday to 'catch people'.

Unable to accept the hospitality, Yuan Jing sent a message to Hui Ye and Ai on his mobile phone, and after explaining the reason, he boarded Touma Yoko's 'Bentley'.

"Please drink slowly." The black long straight girl sitting next to Touma Yoko urged with some concern, "Drinking too fast is not good for the stomach."

However, this beautiful girl is not Touma Yoko's daughter Touma Kazusa, but——

"Oh." Touma Yoko stretched out her hand, hugged her in the girl's exclamation, and then rubbed her delicate face with her cheek, "Sure enough, Xiao Yukino cares about Auntie, unlike a certain Heartless."

When she said this, she glanced at another beautiful girl with long black hair and straight hair who was sitting across from her with chopsticks and carefully picked out the fishbone with some resentment, "When I saw my lover, I forgot about my mother. The little lover is so busy, she is not even willing to say a word of worry."

"Mom." Touma and Sa glared at his unscrupulous mother angrily, "Didn't I persuade you many times when it was just you and me, but did you forget all about it today?"

Putting the thorny fish into Yuanjing's bowl, Touma Kazusa glanced at Yukinoshita Yukino who was a little overwhelmed by her mother's overly intimate gesture, "Yukino, you don't have to worry about her. Drinking capacity. She usually has to drink two bottles of wine of this strength before she really gets drunk."

After Yuanjing got into the car, Touma Yoko didn't start it directly as before, but sent a message to her daughter with her mobile phone.

After Yuan Jing sat in the car for a while, the two black long straights ran out from the school gate and got into Dongma Yaozi's car directly.

I don't know if it was Yukinoshita Yukino who Kazuya took the initiative to look for after receiving the text message, or she was staying with Yukino at that time.

It doesn't really matter anymore.

All in all, not only Yuanjing, but even Yukinoshita Yukino came to Touma House on Friday night, which is why this scene happened now.

"There's no way, it's all done through practice." Dongma Yaozi originally poured the wine in the bottle into the quilt to drink, but she looked around and found that the three of them were under the legal age for drinking, so she also I was too lazy to do this, and started blowing directly on the bottle.

"Aren't you going to Vienna during the winter vacation? You should bring more thick clothes." Drinking too much didn't damage Touma Yoko's ability to speak, "The winter there is much colder than Sakurajima, my drinking capacity , I practiced it while living there.”

"At that time, I was still very poor, and I just wanted to save some money on fuel, so I bought a big bottle of strong liquor and tasted it when it was cold... I was also confused, let me tell you What are you doing?" Only halfway through her words, Touma Yaozi realized that she had made a slip of the tongue, seeing the slightly sad expressions on the faces of the three juniors, she hurriedly shouted.

"That's all in the past, and I'm not living a good life now." She raised the wine bottle in a somewhat exaggerated manner, "Anyway, toast tomorrow!"

However, she only took a sip before the bottle was lightly snatched away by one hand.

"Just drink this." Putting the lid on the wine bottle in his hand, Yuan Jing ignored Touma Yaoko's pitiful gaze, and just put it out of her reach, "Those are the limits Now, if you continue to drink, no matter how much you drink, it will cause harm to your body."

"Hey, why is this?" Dongma Yaozi looked at the bottle of wine eagerly, "I can still drink it..."

"It's useless to just talk about it." Yuan Jing looked extremely hard-hearted, "If you really want to prove that drinking alcohol has no effect on your health, please go to the hospital for a detailed examination, and then... ..”

There was a slight pause in his words, but he continued immediately, "Then use the data to tell me how healthy your body is."

This is the purpose of Yuanjing.

In the previous life, apart from being the mother of Touma Kazusa and a super-class pianist, Touma Yoko actually had a somewhat unfavorable 'setting'——

That is she will suffer from leukemia.

Yuan Jing remembered quite clearly that the time of Touma Yoko's diagnosis was almost two and a half years after Touma Kasa graduated from high school.

In other words, there are still almost five years from now.

In fact, this world respects the "original setting" of the characters, as long as it can be realized, it will try to realize it in this world.

In this case, Touma Yoko's fate should also be something she cannot escape.

Fortunately, there is still time.

As long as it is discovered early enough, leukemia is not an incurable disease with current technology, and it can be treated with modern medical methods.

Logically speaking, for a celebrity like Touma Yoko, regular annual physical examinations are a must, but when Yuan Jing made a side note before, she found that she hadn't had a serious examination for several years body.

As for the reason...

"I ate well, slept well, and didn't get sick. What do I do for a physical examination? It's so troublesome."

In other words, it is——


Today's Yuanjing finally found such an opportunity for Touma Yoko to have a thorough physical examination.

As for his slightly suspicious pause just now.

The reason was that his feet under the dining table were entangled with something soft.

Small, soft, and's a girl's little feet.

Just when Yuan Jing was talking about Touma Yoko, that little foot lazily climbed up to his foot, entangled with each other, you and me.

He didn't feel the touch of the socks, that is to say, the other party had a pair of bare feet.

Xue Nai is not so free at Hesha's house, she is still wearing black stockings now.

Considering the position of the little foot and what he just said...

Yuan Jing glanced slightly at Touma Hesha beside her.

Although the girl was lowering her head and earnestly picking out the thorns from the fish with chopsticks, Yuan Jing couldn't see her expression, but between her long black and beautiful hair, there was a little shiny red The ears, however, fully reveal the mood of its owner.

The little foot seemed to know who Yuanjing found it belonged to, so it lifted it up as if coquettishly, and covered Yuanjing's instep with the sole of the foot flatteringly, rubbing gently gently.

Yuan Jing withdrew his gaze, and continued to look at Touma Yoko, "If the data proves that you are in good health, then everything is easy to talk about."

"But if that's not the case, I'm going to 'help' you quit drinking."

"Quit, quit drinking?!" At this time, Touma Yaozi showed an expression like a bolt from the blue, "As for this?"

"If your health is really poor, then it's all for nothing." Yuan Jing said quite mercilessly.

If it's just drinking, it's okay.

But judging from Touma Yaoko's previous situation, this is completely out of the scope of 'drinking', and it is an out-and-out 'drinking'.

Even without the original setting of 'leukemia', Yuanjing would not let Touma Yoko continue to drink like this.

Her liver won't be able to take it that way.

"Don't be afraid, in terms of pain-free quitting alcohol, I actually know..." Yuanjing's voice broke off indistinctly, "I know a prescription."

This is naturally the secret medicine of the Yuan family.

The so-called 'alcohol addiction', in Yuanjia's view, is also a kind of 'devil' in the heart, so naturally they want to find ways to 'kill' him.

The basic principle is to temporarily change people's sense of taste, turning the stimulation of alcohol into an indescribable strange smell. Once you taste that taste, no matter how addicted to alcohol you are, you will have a certain psychological shadow on alcohol afterwards .

I can't get the previous happiness from drinking, but I will feel a little nauseous. After a few days of this kind of life, the demand for alcohol can be reduced by more than half...

For those tribesmen who are greedy for what's in the cup, this method of "abstinence from alcohol" is simply tried and tested.

As for Yuanjing's pause just now...

Just like before, another little foot pressed up.

However, Yuanjing felt a special slippery feeling this time.

This is the touch of stockings.

Yuan Jing glanced at Yukinoshita Yukino who was facing him.

The latter also deliberately didn't look at him at this time, and was obediently lowering his head to eat.

However, under the table, her movements are much more presumptuous than Hesha.

As if he felt that using only one foot was not enough, the other little foot wrapped in slippery stockings also quietly stretched out, and the two feet just clamped one of his feet like this...

Poke here, squeeze there.

The two nimble little feet seemed to have found some interesting toy, and they played with it very happily.

Until they touched a smooth little foot.



It can be seen that both Dongma Hesha and Yukinoshita Yukino are very surprised at the moment.

Both of them first glanced at Yuanjing, who was looking at the two with a half-smile, and then carefully looked at Yoko Touma, who was looking sad because of the "maybe quit drinking".

Then the two exchanged a hidden glance with each other.

After that, the two didn't take their feet back, but each occupied one foot, as if what happened just now hadn't happened.

Hey Hey hey!

Yuanjing raised his head helplessly, just in time to meet Touma Yoko's meaningful eyes.

Taking advantage of the two girls not paying attention, she winked playfully at him, as if asking how does it feel?

Touma Yoko is not a dull person, but she can be said to have a clear understanding of the actions of the two girls who think they are extremely concealed, but she just pretends not to know because of their relatively thin face.

'Yue Nao and He Sha are both very good girls, you can't let any of them down. ' Touma Yoko's eyes seemed to say so.

Yuanjing's eyes are soft and firm——

'of course. '

This is the promise of a man.


This dinner was cooked by Yuanjing, Yukinoshita Yukino helped her.

After eating, the work of arranging tables and chairs, washing pots and washing dishes was taken over by Dongma mother and daughter.

After that, Yuan Jing returned to the underground music room of the Dongma residence.

Before dinner, he had already played the repertoire for the three of them tomorrow.

However, since it's a concert, it's a bit boring to always play it so rigidly.

It is always necessary to do some flower work to make the scene a little more lively.

Like...well, intentionally playing with only your left hand or your right hand?

Just as he was thinking about it, the door of the underground music room was quietly pushed open, and a black figure flashed in.

It's Yukinoshita Yukino.

Her steps hesitated at first, but soon became smoother.

Like a cat, she gracefully walked to the opposite of Yuan Jing, Yukinoshita Yukino just sat down lightly.

"I will stay here overnight, and tomorrow, Aunt Yaozi will drive me, no, she will drive us to Chiba together." Yukinoshita Yukino said.

The source point of view nods.

"Have you talked to your family?" he asked.

"...No," Xue Nai shook her head, "Neither my parents, nor my sister, I didn't tell them that I'm going back tomorrow, I also told Aunt Yaozi, hoping she would hide me, Don't let them, especially my sister find out."

Yuan Jing did not make any comments on the girl's actions, nor did she ask her what her intentions were.

He just grabbed the girl's cold little hand, and silently passed on his own warmth.

"Thank you." Xue Nai smiled, and then, as if she was explaining, and as if she was talking to herself, the words slipped from her mouth quietly——

"If there is no me, what will my sister look like when facing you?"

"I really want to see..."

Chapter 11 Seeing the Source...(4.5k)

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