This was somewhat beyond Yuan Jing's expectation, at this time he had already arrived at the door of his house, and was about to use the fingerprint of his index finger to open the outer door of his villa.

After hearing this, he froze slightly and turned his head.

The middle-aged man felt that this was the first time that this young man saw himself completely in his eyes——

"Don't worry, although it's only for a short time, what I have obtained in a short period of time can be said to be priceless."

"This should be one of the most profitable transactions I've ever done in this world."

"Ha..." Although I didn't understand what the young man meant, it seemed that I was asking myself to accept this reward with peace of mind?

"By the way, I guess there will still be things that need your company's help in the future. It's different from this time. It's a serious move."

"It's just that at that time, it should become someone else moved here."

"At that time, please worry about it."

Nodding towards the middle-aged man, Yuan Jing turned his head back again.

At this time, with the sound of 'di', the door in front of him slowly opened...

Pass through the courtyard, walk into the beautiful white building, and then use your fingerprints to open the door on the first floor. Yuan Jing is at the entrance, and sees a blond girl standing tall and graceful.

"Welcome back." Ai Hayasaka, who was in school uniform, pinched the corners of the long skirt with both hands, bowed gracefully, and made a very standard skirt-raising ceremony.

"Well, love, I'm back." Yuan Jing responded softly, and then he looked inside, "Where's Hui Ye?"

"Our princess, you should still be in a hurry to clean up yourself right now?" Hayasaka Ai chuckled, "Unkempt hair, dark circles under the eyes, chapped lips, no washing..."

"How can you use this appearance to welcome the one you love, don't you think so?" She blinked at Yuan Jing, "Ah Jing, it's a pity that you weren't here just now. It's the first time I've seen you." Kaguya's expression of sincerity, I think I will never forget it in my life!"

"Heh heh heh, I recorded it. By this time of year, I will play this 'hopeful' recording to her, and make a good laugh at her." Hayasaka Ai had a sinister smile on her face. , as if he had already figured out how he would 'bully' Kaguya at this time of year.

"Don't always bully Hui Ye like this?" Yuan Jing's voice was a little helpless, "If you really feel that you haven't vented enough..."

He wrapped the girl's right hand with both hands, and just put it under his cheek, "It's okay to just beat me like this."

"...Why did I hit you?" Hayasaka Ai moved her eyes and muttered, "Ajing is obviously a victim too, and you didn't do anything wrong to me..."

"If it's such a 'victim', there might not be many men in the world who wouldn't be willing to be it, right?" Turning his head and continuing to look at Hayasaka Ai's sky-like blue eyes, Yuan Jing said: "And, now I It’s not just apologizing for what happened yesterday.”

"I'm also apologizing for what I'm going to do." The young man's words were quite earnest, "I always hate others arranging my future, ignoring my opinions and turning it into what she wants. Because of this, I have always Unwillingness to behave similarly to others, especially significant others."

"However, I might make an exception today." The boy's big hands overlapping hers were extremely hot, just like the boy's sincerity at the moment——

"Love, I will not let you leave me." The words full of strong will, like an oath, poured out from his mouth, making Hayasaka Ai's heart tremble continuously.

"This is, do you mean that you are not going to let me go? You have already done that with seven people..." Ai Hayasaka said in a sour tone, but she was not so much blaming, but rather More like coquettish——

"You greedy scumbag!"

"I don't deny this." Yuan Jing said very frankly, "Not only you, Qianhua and Xue Nao, I am not going to give up either, I am such a greedy guy."

"But," he said in a strong tone, "although I'm not greedy enough, I'm also a scumbag who can bring you happiness."

"I don't know, with my previous reputation, can I convince you of this?"

In the quiet and deep eyes of the young man, there was a firm confidence and a domineeringness that he had hardly seen before.

After such an absurd day, while his body grew, Yuan Jing's spirit also quietly transformed.

Ai Hayasaka felt her heart beating very fast.

Now she finally understands what the so-called "contrast cuteness" in various comics, novels, and film and television works is.

Yuan Jing who has always been calm and calm is certainly exciting, but now this domineering appearance makes people want to stop even more.

Ai Hayasaka tried to avoid Yuan Jing's gaze again, but just like before, this unrealistic expectation was completely destroyed by Yuan Jing.

Usually she was the one who teased Yuanjing, but this time the two of them changed their identities suddenly, which made her a little uncomfortable.

Of course she will not leave Yuanjing.

However, she was also quite angry and very sad about what happened yesterday.

That's all for Dongma and Sa, what are the other six people?

Obviously she came first...

Her current psychology is actually very simple, that is——

I'm upset and want you to coax me.

However, Hayasaka Ai never thought that her defense against Yuan Jing would be so weak.

According to her expectation, at least a one-day romantic date, after the candlelight dinner, Yuanjing held her hand and came to the high-end hotel that had been booked long ago...

In the end, she was so shaken all of a sudden after only being said a few words by him...

No, it can't go on like this!

You have to run away for a while, and prepare your scattered military spirit!

"It's almost time, it's time for me to go to school." Ai Hayasaka murmured as she struggled weakly to grab her hands wrapped in Yuanjing.

Facing Yuanjing's fierce attack, she had to go to school to find her two allies.

Especially Qianhua, she has the most evil ideas, and she will definitely come up with a good way.

But to achieve this goal, he must first escape from Yuanjing's hands.

Ai Hayasaka didn't think it was an easy task. After all, anyone with a discerning eye could tell that she had already softened into meat on a chopping board...

"As for what you said..." After hesitating for a moment, Hayasaka Ai felt that she still couldn't betray those two people, and finally snorted softly, "Look, let's see how you behave later."

"Okay." There was a smile on Yuan Jing's face, he naturally knew that as long as he persisted here, it would not be very difficult for Hayasaka Ai to accept his request.

But he is unwilling to do so.


The girl in front of me deserves better.

With a slight force on his arm, amidst the girl's exclamation, Yuan Jing hugged Hayasaka Ai in his arms.

"What are you going to do?" Suddenly surrounded by Yuan Jing's breath, this made Hayasaka Ai's body a little weak, but she still tried her best to stare at Yuan Jing, and asked with half joy and half hope.

"Love, have you forgotten, the house rules of this villa." Yuan Jing said with a light smile, "When leaving school, the 'jiu' wishing 'good journey' is indispensable."

"Liar, I've never heard of such a home... um."

'Of course you haven't. '

'Because I just added this today. '

'After all, it is the head of the family's power to make the rules of the house...'

After catching a certain dishonest 'little snake', Yuanjing thought so in his heart while quietly tasting its sweetness.


After seeing off Ai Hayasaka who was in a trance and her steps were a bit fluffy, Yuan Jing walked up the stairs.

After stopping outside a door with the name [Shimizu Kaguya] on the second floor, he stretched out his hand and knocked on the door for the first time.

"Please, please wait a little longer!" A somewhat anxious voice came out, "Just give me a few more seconds!"

Sure enough, it was exactly as he said, after about ten seconds——

"Yes, yes, please come in."

After obtaining the permission, Yuanjing naturally pushed the door open.

What came into view was the oriental beauty with black hair and blood eyes standing nervously in the middle of the room.

Obviously, although the time was very short, she still tried her best to dress herself up.At least on the surface, the original haggardness has been covered up by light makeup, and Shimizu Kaguya has regained the appearance of the previous peerless beauty.

Her hands were twisted together like this, and she was looking at him with very nervous eyes.

"Hayasaka..." Shimizu Kaguya hesitated to speak.

"Love is gone." Yuan Jing knew what she wanted to ask, so he didn't need to wait for her to finish, so he replied, "Today is Monday, but she still has to go to school."

"Oh..." Shimizu Kaguya responded, and after that, an awkward silence fell between the two of them.

'Open your mouth, Kaguya, haven't you already thought about it countless times in your head?Why are you dumb at the critical moment?You coward! 'Shimizu Kaguya scolded herself mercilessly in her heart.

After what happened this morning, Shimizu Kaguya had actually made up her mind to reveal everything to Yuan Jing, but when Yuan Jing really stood in front of her, she suddenly didn't know where to start.

Should I go up to him and hug him, begging for his forgiveness, or...

"Aren't you angry?" In the end, it was Yuanjing who spoke.

"...Actually, there were some in the beginning, but they disappeared soon." Shimizu Kaguya said with a wry smile, "I don't have the qualifications..."

What he did in the morning was not Yuanjing's style, that's why Kaguya was so disappointed at the beginning, because she never thought of this possibility.

Then, the person who proposed this plan to Yuanjing is naturally——

"Compared to this kind of prank, what I did hurt her more deeply, if this can make her calm down with me..."

"What if she doesn't calm down?" Yuan Jing interrupted Kaguya's murmur, "What if she has already broken her heart for you as a betrayer, and doesn't want to continue to see you by my side?"


"Moreover, it's not just love, if both Qianhua and Yukino think so, and seek you out in private, and ask you to leave me," Yuanjing said in a voice without any emotion, "what would you do, be obedient Obedient, disappear from my face?"

"No." Kaguya replied without any hesitation.

Although there were only two short words, she spoke clearly and resoundingly.

"Why? Is it because I have to pay back the money?" Yuan Jing asked back, "If it's because of the 200 billion yen..."

"It has nothing to do with the 200 billion!" It may be the first time for Kaguya Shimizu to refute Yuan Jing's words so loudly after leaving Shinomiya's house.

"Even if all the debts are paid off, even if someone accuses you of being shameless, I will continue to stay by your side!"

"Because I'm a good boss?"

"Because you are my lover, I love you!"

' Finally said, the words I tried so hard to keep hidden in my heart. '

Accompanied by it, there are crystal clear teardrops......

"I'm sorry...I love you..." Shimizu Kaguya couldn't help but burst into tears.

Obviously, obviously this is something she absolutely cannot do...

With tears in her eyes, she saw Yuan Jing walking towards her——

"Hui Ye, do you still remember the contract you made with me?" Yuan Jing's words were still extremely calm, "What reason did you use to convince me at that time, do you remember?"

"...Because I'm different from others, I don't covet you..." How could Kaguya forget the source of all this pain?

"That's right, now, can I think that you have not achieved this?" Yuanjing is still approaching.

"...Yes." Subconsciously avoiding the most tragic ending, Shimizu Kaguya could only keep backing away.

However, the whole room is so big, where can she retreat?

Soon, her back hit the wall, and she could only watch Yuanjing get closer and closer.

"Then, can I think that, Kaguya, you have breached the contract?" Stretching out an arm and pressing against the wall, Yuan Jing further narrowed the range of activities of the girl in front of him.

"...That's right." Shimizu Kaguya wanted to lower his head and not look into Yuanjing's eyes.

But she soon discovered that such behavior was just an escape.

"At least, please let me look at my lover's face and hear his judgment on me clearly..."

Gathering up all her courage, Kaguya raised her head and looked at Yuanjing who was looking down at her from a high position.

"The consequences of breaching the contract were not written in the contract at the time, what does this mean, Kaguya, do you know?" Yuanjing asked.

It can mean any kind of punishment.

"Well, I understand." Kaguya nodded.

No matter what kind of punishment, she can accept it, as long as...

As long as you can stay by his side.

"Generally speaking, if you break the contract, you will be charged double or even triple the penalty, but Kaguya obviously doesn't have that much money, so you can only continue to sell your labor..." Yuan Jing pretended to think After a while, he said lightly——

"Then punish you to stay by my side forever."

"...Huh?" Shimizu Kaguya blinked, feeling like he was hallucinating for the second time today.

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