As someone who watched the previous episode of Conan, his 'detective radar' started frantically calling the police after detecting this information:

Could it be that this is throwing corpses together...

"Ah, here we come." Accompanied by a somewhat old-fashioned notification sound, the middle-aged man's mobile phone rang a notification that he had received a message.

"Let me see, what is the destination... what!" Looking at the screen of his mobile phone, the middle-aged man looked shocked.

I knew it!

The young man looked serious.My master has been engaged in moving work for half his life, what kind of storms and waves have he not seen?

The place that can shock him so much——

"Is it a haunted house in the woods in the wilderness, or an empty warehouse in an abandoned dock?" The young man asked solemnly, taking out his mobile phone and preparing to call the police.

"...What a mess." The middle-aged man gave his apprentice a strange look, as if he was looking at a mentally retarded person.

He handed him the mobile phone in his hand, "It's a bit complicated to say, so you should read it yourself."

The young man took the phone in a strange way——


Then they uttered the same exclamation.

It should be said that he really deserves to be a master and apprentice......

Standing by the window of his own bedroom, watching the white car gradually go away and finally disappear out of sight, Shimizu Kaguya couldn't help lowering his head.

Tears... have no energy to flow out.

Ever since Yuanjing told her about 'leaving her', Shimizu Kaguya has been in a state of being out of his mind.

After returning to the home she had painstakingly selected and obtained the residence permit, Kaguya Shimizu kept herself locked in her bedroom.

As long as he doesn't appear in front of Yuanjing and obstruct his eyes, then he may forget his existence and just live here for a while.

But now it seems...

It really was just her unrealistic fantasy.

Somewhat in despair, she opened the door of the bedroom, and Shimizu Kaguya walked out just like that.

Now that Yuanjing has left, shutting himself in his own bedroom will lose even the most basic function of 'self-deception'.

Not only did she not sleep all night, but she also did not drink a sip of water or eat a grain of rice...

It can't go on like this.

Her body no longer simply belonged to her.

If Yuanjing thinks of her again later and wants to ask her to do something...

It's impossible to do it with this weak body.

And when she went down the stairs and came to the restaurant, ready to eat something casually, a completely unexpected figure appeared in front of her——

"Hayasaka, why are you still here?" She looked at the blond girl sitting at the dining table, and said in a shocked voice.

Ai Hayasaka gave her a strange look, raised the bread in her hand, "As you can see, I'm eating breakfast."

"Is it time to eat breakfast now?!" A force surged out of his weak body, Shimizu Kaguya came to Ai Hayasaka angrily, "Ajing has already moved away."

"It's time to start talking about Ajing..." Ai Hayasaka muttered in a low voice, and then said in an indifferent tone: "So?"

"So?!" Shimizu Kaguya's cheeks flushed, but it was not because of shyness as usual, but because of the anger and self-blame burning in his heart, "Shouldn't you go with him? Since he has If you dislike me, then you are the only one who can take care of him by his side?"

"Ah, I have a different point of view." Compared with Shimizu Kaguya, who has lost his mind, Hayasaka Ai is much calmer, "For Ah Jing, as long as he wants, this Tokyo It can be said that 'everywhere is home'."

"..." Shimizu Kaguya bit her lower lip, but there was no way to refute it.

Naturally, there is no need to mention the Touma family and the Fujiwara family. If Yuan Jing wanted to live with Yukino, Kaguya felt that the latter would definitely not refuse.

And after yesterday's incident, Sawamura's family still has four real concubines, so they probably wouldn't refuse his stay...

"And, what reason should I continue living with him? Kaguya, I don't think you have forgotten the reason why I can live here?" Putting down the bread in her hand, Ai Hayasaka obviously I also lost my appetite.

"...It's because of me." Shimizu Kaguya's words were dry and astringent, like fish dried in the sun.

Although the three of them lived together before, in fact, Hayasaka Ai did not get the residence permit that Yuan Jing said.

She is Kaguya's 'guest'.

Just stay here and don't leave.

At least on the surface.

"That's right, the reason why I live with Ajing is because you live with Ajing," Ai Hayasaka pointed at Shimizu Kaguya with a finger, "and since you no longer live with him If we are together, I will naturally lose this reason.”

"...Are you the kind of person who cares about such things? It's your style to cling to him while yelling 'A-Jing-A-Jing', right? You're obviously moving away from me After that, I immediately lived next door to Ah Jing..."

"Can it be the same as that time this time?!" Hayasaka Ai was not in a good mood at first, but now she became angry.

"What was Yuanjing's state at that time, single! How about now, huh?" Tears were faintly shining in her blue eyes, Hayasaka Ai just looked at Shimizu Kaguya, with a faint cry in her tone:

"What do you want me to say to her? 'I'm here to snatch your man, so can you show mercy and give me a place to live?' If it can be done, of course I don't care about face, but you Do you think that's possible?"

...obviously, not possible.

The reason why the matter between a man and a woman is called a [fait accompli] is naturally because it originally represents a complete change in the relationship.

Before this, the reason Hayasaka Ai was able to attack unscrupulously was because Yuan Jing was 'single'.

He has not established a definite relationship with any girl, so as long as she likes Yuanjing, he can attack boldly.

but now......

"Where Yuan Jing is going now, there is a girl who has already had a relationship with him." Hayasaka Ai was in a rather depressed mood, "No matter how thick-skinned I am, it is impossible..."

"So, Hayasaka, so you know Ajing's new home, right?" Shimizu Kaguya said suddenly.

Otherwise, how could she say what she just said?

"..." The latter immediately closed his mouth, and his eyes became a little erratic.

Taking a few steps forward to hold Hayasaka Ai's hands, Shimizu Kaguya's blood-colored eyes were full of pleading, "Can you tell me?"

"...Even if I tell you, so what?" Ai Hayasaka looked away, as if she was afraid of being soft-hearted, and stopped looking into Kaguya Shimizu's eyes.

"Aren't you more miserable than me? At least I can express my love for Ah Jing unreservedly, but what about you?"

"Even if you did something like that with Ah Jing yesterday, you must have told him that it was just out of love for the 'boss' from the 'subordinates', right?" Ai Hayasaka curled her lips contemptuously.

"What do you mean by that sentence, 'I have no desire for you'?"

"You coward!"

Ai Hayasaka was right.

That's what Shimizu Kaguya said to Yuan Jing.

In fact, although she was determined to hand herself over to Yuan Jing, she didn't intend to become Yuan Jing's lover by virtue of this.

This is her 'sugar cube' for herself.

As long as she has such an experience, she can continue to grit her teeth and persevere.

Moreover, after all, we already have such a relationship, if Yuanjing wants, maybe he can think of her as a 'convenient woman'.

but now......

"Please tell me Ah Jing's new home, before it's too late!"

"Didn't I say it all, you have no reason at all..."

"I love him!" Shimizu Kaguya saw Hayasaka Ai's eyes widen in surprise, "I fell in love with him hopelessly when he rescued me from Shinomiya's house!"

"I want to marry him, and I want to have at least nine children for him!" In this somewhat desperate situation, Shimizu Kaguya finally showed his sincerity without reservation.

"Before it's too late, please tell me where Yuanjing's new home is!"

"Catch, catch up?" Ai Hayasaka opened her eyes wide.

"That's right, the moving company is driving a truck, and it's still in this high-end residential area, the speed is definitely very slow!" Without hesitation, he took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and Shimizu Kaguya dialed the taxi company very quickly phone.

"Just tell me the address, and you don't have to do anything else, Hayasaka!" Although he hadn't slept all night and was hungry and thirsty, at this moment Shimizu Kaguya was shining with a divine light.

That is the radiance that can only be found on people who have made up their minds in their hearts and absolutely want to do something.

"Sorry, I want to call a taxi, the location is Minami Azabu 4-9-34," Shimizu Kaguya said as he put the phone to his ear, "Please tell the nearby driver, the person who arrived first, I will give him a tip of 10 yuan."

Of course Shimizu Kaguya could come up with more.

But that would lead to scrambles and unnecessary disputes.

"Hayasaka, the residence!" Shimizu Kaguya has not talked to Hayasaka in such a young lady's tone for a long time, but it is obvious that she has already put up a little bit of a fight today——

"You don't want to be separated from Ah Jing either? Then let me do it, let me snatch Ah Jing back!"

"Wh... wait, are you serious? It's just disheveled..." Kaguya is obviously the person who pays most attention to his own image...

"If you don't hurry up, Ah Jing will never come back again. Under such circumstances, how can you care about your image!" Hui Ye's words seemed to be both an order and a plea...

"...I think it might be too late..."

"That kind of thing, how do you know if you don't try it? Quick!"

"Okay, okay, I understand." Under Kaguya's pressure, Ai Hayasaka sighed, and said in a voice that was defeated by you, "The new home is in Minami Azabu."

It's so close... Ah, it's where Sawamura Eriri and Shiina Mashiro live.

Is the blonde sister flower really too fragrant?

"To be precise, it is 4-9-34 Minami Azabu." Ai Hayasaka finally revealed the specific location.







"Minami Azabu 4-9-34..." Shimizu Kaguya read the place name, looking a little dull, "...Isn't this the place?!"

"I'm not lying, there is indeed [the existence of a girl who has already had a relationship with him] here." Ai Hayasaka stuck out her tongue mischievously. At this time, she no longer looked distressed as before, but had a mischievous expression on her face smile.

"What am I going to say next?" After thinking about it for a while, Ai Hayasaka tapped her palm with a powder fist, and said to Kaguya in a pitiful voice:

"Hui Ye, I'm here to snatch your man, so can you show mercy and give me a safe place?"

"..." Hui Ye was a little speechless.

Even she is a little down now.

But Hayasaka Ai turned her ears to listen at this time——

"As I said just now, it seems that I really can't catch up."

"Because he has already arrived at the [new home]."

At this time, Shimizu Kaguya also heard the whistle of the car.

That was, a very familiar voice that she had heard not long ago...

Chapter 140 Sorry...I Love You

"Then, goodbye, both of you." Nodding towards the two staff members of [the0123], Yuan Jing turned and walked towards home.

"Wait, wait a minute!" The middle-aged man between the two hurriedly shouted at the young man, "You haven't taken those boxes from my car..."

"Ah, those," Yuan Jing didn't turn his head, but just waved his hands back. "Those are empty boxes, I will trouble your company to deal with them."

"So it's empty? I said why it's so light to lift." The young man muttered softly.In the past, because he was a little uneasy, he actually weighed every box lightly, lest there was something tricky in it.

"But, in this case, what our company pays is not worthy of the price you offered," the middle-aged man ignored his apprentice, "Master, what are you doing!" ' eyes, insisted so said.

Just carrying an empty suitcase and wandering around with a young man, it is too outrageous to get such a large sum of money all at once.

A young man like his apprentice may be greedy for such cheap things, but his rich life experience has taught him to restrain his greed, which is also what his master taught him.

It was fine when he was kept in the dark before, but now that everything has come to light (at least for them), he has no way to accept this kind of salary that does not match his salary at all with peace of mind.

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