The best things in the world are there.

The kimono that Minamoto Shinpei prepared for the young master of the Minamoto family was naturally made of the highest quality materials, but compared to the perfect touch of the young man's skin, it was inferior by more than a notch.

Not only that, because of the special state at this time, Yuan Jing's skin was also stained red, as if the dye had spilled onto the painting paper.

'Heida' asked about a very pleasant smell.

It was the smell of the incense stained on the kimono.

Mixed with the unique youthful breath of the young man, it is like the epiphyllum quietly blooming in the summer night. Although it is quiet and quiet, it is also extremely coquettish when you smell it carefully.

'Heida''s jasper-like eyes were full of intoxication and confusion.Her heart was beating a little faster, pounding against her left chest.

For her, this is also a very novel feeling.

She has always been a very calm person.

Even on the battlefield, in that bloody environment, Artoria's heartbeat has always been extremely stable.

Only by keeping calm at any time can we make the most appropriate response according to the changing situation...

This is also one of the tricks of her previous invincibility.

However, it may be because of the personality change, or it may be because of the 'side effect', of course, it is more likely because of the boy's extraordinary charm and his previous words...

The soul that was originally as dead as a desert seems to have returned to spring at this moment, with signs of recovery.

As if knowing that it was futile, Yuan Jing hadn't put up any resistance since being plotted against by 'Heida', as if he had already agreed with the fate he was going to face next.


"Lily," while stroking, 'Heida' also subconsciously approached Yuan Jing. When Yuan Jing called out her name, the foreheads of the two had almost touched each other, and there was only a slight distance between the tip of their noses. The lips of each other are almost only the thickness of a few coins.

"Huh?" 'Heida' snorted lazily, asking Yuanjing what else he wanted to say.

"There's something I've always wanted to ask you, but I haven't found a suitable opportunity before." Gently touched his forehead, Yuan Jing stared at the beautiful face of 'Heida' who was close at hand, "I'm doing these things Before, can I ask you?"

"Ask, as long as I know something, I will tell you everything."

This was also the last question she was going to answer Yuan Jing.

After that, she would pull Yuanjing's belt off and enjoy the short time before disappearing.

"I want to ask, how did you live from more than 1500 years ago and still maintain youth?"

"Master King Arthur?"

'Heida' stopped suddenly.

Not only that, Shitiao Zhenfei, who couldn't help but run over, and wanted to stop the 'Hei Dai' even if it was futile, was also stunned.

"King Arthur?!" Her starry eyes widened, and she couldn't help looking at 'Heida'.

This world does not have the famous Xingyue world, but in Sakurajima, the deeds of King Arthur are still widely spread.

This is thanks to the horizontal version of the arcade game called "Knights of the Round Table" launched by Capcom.

In the 90s, these three knights looking for the Holy Grail could be said to have swept the streets of Sakurajima, and they can be said to be childhood memories of countless people.

Concubine Shijo thought for a while about the brown-haired and bearded uncle made of pixels on the game interface, and looked at the blond, youthful and beautiful 'Heida', and couldn't help shaking her head——

Did Yuanjing make a mistake, how could King Arthur be a girl?

"...Yuanjun, how do you think I did it?" Contrary to Shijo Zhenfei's expectation, 'Heidai' did not deny Yuanjing's previous statement, but she did not answer directly either, Instead, he said in a quizzical tone.

"As for whether King Arthur is a real person, because there is indeed a lack of reliable records, historians have different attitudes."

"However, since there is such a legend, then I think there must be a character as its prototype." Maintaining the state of touching his forehead, Yuan Jing's gaze was quietly looking at 'Hei Dai'.

The latter didn't speak either, just gave a 'and then? ' look.

"If that's the case, then it's better to look for clues from the legend."

"According to the legend, King Arthur ended up being sent to an ideal land far away from the world by her mortal enemy and sister Morgan, which is an island named 'Avalon'."

"The island is guarded by elves. There is no time or age, and everything will never grow old."

"If there really is a place like [Avalon], then as long as you stay there, even if the outside world has spent 1500 years, King Arthur can naturally maintain its original appearance."

"But, how could there be a place like [Avalon] in this world?" Shijo Zhenfei couldn't help but said, "It's just a fabricated fairyland, just like heaven."

"That's true." Yuan Jingtou agreed, "However, since there are such rumors, there must be a certain prototype."

"Without time and years, nothing ages."

"Although it is far from reaching such a standard, in modern times, there are all kinds of ways to slow down time on something. Among them, the most widely used..."

"Ah, it's a refrigerator?" The four real concubines responded very quickly.

"That's right." Looking at the silent 'Heida', Yuan Jing continued, "If you think about it from this aspect, what kind of place is the so-called [Avalon], you can make a bolder guessed."

"For example..."

"There is actually a natural [frozen hibernation chamber]?"

Chapter 130 Ugh! (5.6k)

Cryonics has actually been an evergreen tree in science fiction.

The original origin of this idea should be the hibernation of animals.

In winter, in order to cope with the arrival of severe cold and the accompanying lack of food, some animals will enter a deep sleep called 'hibernation' at this time.

They will adjust their life activities to the lowest point to reduce energy consumption, quietly waiting for the day when the spring flowers bloom.

Unfortunately, although the behavior of "hibernation" is extremely common in nature, humans, who are the masters of all spirits, do not have such a convenient ability.


The Pandoragon family is a family that flows with dragon blood.

For creatures like 'dragons', falling into a long deep sleep is an extremely common thing. least that's what the mythology has always said.

"Earlier than the time of King Arthur, there were legends about the fight between the white dragon and the red dragon."

"It is said that in ancient Britain, a terrible cry can be heard every May. This is actually the painful cry of two giant dragons, one red and one white, fighting."

"In order not to disturb his people with this huge cry of grief, King Lud, who ruled Britain at the time, dug a deep pit in the center of Britain and filled it with honey wine on the advice of his brother. At night, after the two dragons were tired from fighting After going to the pit to drink and drinking, King Ludt wrapped them in cloth and put them in the sarcophagus while the dragons were sleeping."

"During the time of King Vortigern, under the guidance of Merlin, who was only seven years old at the time, the brother of King Arthur's father dug up the ground and found the sarcophagus."

"The two dragons in the sarcophagus took this opportunity to wake up and fought again. Finally, the red dragon defeated and drove the white dragon away. Since then, the red dragon has become the totem of his kingdom."

"Struggle, deep sleep, final recovery..."

"The experience of this red dragon is very similar to that of King Arthur."

When Yuan Jing was telling these deeds, 'Hei Dai' didn't interrupt him, and those green eyes just looked at him without blinking, even the little hand that had reached into his lapel understood. stopped moving.

Seems to work?

The concubine Sitiao at the side breathed a sigh of relief, and the heart that had been raised in her throat was slightly relieved.

Seeing that 'Heida' was completely focused on Yuan Jing and had no time to take care of this, she quietly lowered her eyes and glanced at the bracelet she was wearing on her wrist.

"However, unlike the red dragon that was tricked by someone, King Arthur probably drank the relevant secret medicine on his own initiative."

"After all, at the end of the legend of King Arthur, the one who guided him to board the ship to [Avalon] was Morgan, who is very good at making potions. The so-called boarding, I think, should be a metaphor, similar to [ Ascending the Stairway to Heaven.”

"The role played by [Avalon] is actually the sarcophagus."

"It should not be some kind of fairy island in the lake, but should be a natural 'freezing cabin' buried deep underground."

"If you search all the lakes of Great Britain thinking it is an island, you will never find it."

"In this case, it is not a lie to say that it is [far away from the world] and [absolutely inaccessible to ordinary people]."

"This remark is quite interesting." 'Heida' commented in this way, she didn't just deny Yuanjing's point of view, but she also never affirmed——

"Is there any conclusive evidence?" She still had a smile on her face, and asked leisurely.

"Of course there is no conclusive evidence, but there are quite a few scattered clues." Yuan Jing said quite frankly.

This is not a story about finding the murderer according to the plan and handing him over to the police to bring him to justice, so naturally you only need to make your own reasoning 'reasonable'.

"When we met for the first time, you looked at the starry sky and called the Polaris [Cynosura]," Yuanjing recalled the night he and Artoria met for the first time. "Of course it's not a mistake, but only The ancient Britons would have called it by that word."

If you want to compare the relevant examples of Huaguo, you should point to the Polaris and call it [Gouchen].

"In the previous kendo class, you were dragged by Qianhua to change clothes. After that, Qianhua secretly told me that you had dark red scars like burns on your body."

"However, the cause of those scars should not be burns, but the opposite, frostbite."

"Although [Avalon] can make you fall into a state where your life is almost stagnant, the severe cold in it is unbearable even for a body that has been tempered, and it is quite normal to leave traces."

"The scars left by burns and frostbite are actually quite similar. Qianhua is not a professional doctor, so it is very normal to admit mistakes."

"Besides that, it's the "Red Dragon Roaring Picture" you once drew for me."

"When you handed it over to me, you said it was the most representative badge of your family."

"But the main body of the Spencer family's coat of arms is actually a huge double-headed vulture, not a red dragon."

"From this point, it can be concluded that Lily, your real surname is not Spencer."

"If my guess is correct, it should be [Pandoragon]."

"I don't know if I'm right?"

"Paji paji paji..." "Heida" didn't take his hands out of Yuanjing's lapel, but made a clapping sound with his mouth, as if he was using this method to Yuanjing's conjecture is affirmative.

"I didn't expect there to be so many loopholes," she seemed a little emotional, "You can deduce my real identity from these details, Yuan Jun, you are really amazing."

"Yes, I am the prototype of the legend of King Arthur, and my real name is not Lily Spencer. It's—"

"Arturia Pendaragon."

When he said this name, a trace of nostalgia flashed in the eyes of 'Heida', as if he was remembering his family that had disappeared in the long river of history.


"Even if I admit it, so what?" Her small hand, which had been stationary for a while, stretched in through the opening of the boy's chest, gradually became restless at this time.

Like a spirit snake, she stretched out to Yuanjing's back, and lightly clasped his back with her fingertips, as if hugging the boy in her arms all at once.

The boy's already messy skirt was opened even more at this moment, and he could easily see the boy's broad chest.

Although it wasn't as serious as Yuanjing, but the 'Heidai' at this moment was also indulging the flame in his heart.

Because of the extremely close distance, Yuan Jing could even see the blush gradually appearing on the other party's snow-white skin, as well as an extremely wonderful fragrance from the air.

That was definitely not the scent of shower gel or laundry detergent, but the scent of a girl.

As for whether this is Arturia's natural traits, or because of the secret medicine she had taken, it is unknown.

"The current situation has not changed, or," he just pressed Yuanjing's forehead, "Heida" breathed like blue, "Compared to an ordinary member of the Spencer family, who took away your virginity?" The man turned out to be the ancient king..."

"This will make you feel better, won't you be so unwilling?"

"Well, when did I say that I'm going to lose my virginity here?" Yuan Jing pursed his lips, showing a very characteristic smile, "I told Shiina Mashiro before -"

"Everything is planned, don't worry about it."

"I'm not in the mood for breaking my promise."

Before 'Heida' could respond to his words, Yuan Jing said sharply:

"True concubine!"

"Got it!" Didn't Hui Ye say that she didn't tell Yuan Jing, why did he know?

Such doubts flashed in Shijo Zhenfei's heart, but now is not the time to be entangled in such things!

Thanks to Yuan Jing's delay, the subordinates of Concubine Shijo had already come to this dressing room with the "safety measures" that Kaguya had mentioned to her.

And the so-called 'safety measures' are the shiny metallic objects in their hands——

Liquid nitrogen gun.

The liquid nitrogen sprayed from the nozzle can quickly absorb the heat of the surrounding environment to achieve the purpose of rapid cooling.

This is actually a medical device, mainly used for cryotherapy to remove sarcomas and warts on the skin.

"Spray around!" Shijo Zhenfei ordered.

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