And Yuanjing's statement of "normal phenomenon" obviously brought back a certain memory of "Sawamura Eriri"——

"Is that the one, the sequelae of the thing that classmate Lily taught you?"

In the studio of Eriri and Mashiro, after seeing the paintings restored by Shiina Mashiro, Yuanjing suddenly felt a little strange.

"I remember that you seemed a little uncomfortable at the time. Is what she taught you so important, even at the risk of learning? I don't think you lack these things... .Well, isn't this question a bit presumptuous?"

After peeking at Yuanjing's expression, 'Sawamura Eriri' realized that he seemed to have asked some questions that he should not have asked in his own capacity.

"Did you just find out, Ms. Sawamura?" Yuan Jing glanced at 'Eriri Sawamura' unhappily, and the latter stuck out his tongue a little, looking like he wanted to pass the test with 'Moe'.

"Human beings' pursuit of [powerfulness] is endless, so it's better not to think too much of me." He is a man who aims to be [the strongest]. For those who can help him achieve this goal Nutrients, of course he will absorb them.

"This is the main reason, but..." Yuan Jing hesitated a little here, as if he was considering whether to continue talking.

"However, even if there is no such reason, I guess I will try my best to learn what classmate Lily taught me."

'Eri Sawamura' blinked her big eyes a few times, looking a little surprised——


"Because Lili seems to really value these things." Yuan Jing said, "Although she always laughed at herself saying that these are [ancient antiques that have not kept up with the trend of the times], after discovering that I have an extraordinary talent in this area , the look of surprise in her eyes cannot be faked at all."

"..."'Sawamura Eriri' opened her mouth, as if she wanted to refute, but at the same time she seemed to want to agree, but in the end she closed her mouth and listened to Yuanjing's words very quietly.

"Besides, when classmate Lily was teaching me these things, I always felt that she looked a little strange." Yuan Jing recalled, "I always felt that she was more like explaining the funeral than preaching and accepting vocation... .”

"I don't know what happened to classmate Lily, but she doesn't look like a girl of her age at all. Instead, she looks like an old monk who has been knocking wooden fish in a temple all her life."

The Yuan family is a religious family, so Yuan Jing used something he is more familiar with as an analogy.

"There is a lot of old spirit in her, and there is always a feeling of [how to be happy in life, why not to be afraid of death]." When he said this, Yuan Jing had already subconsciously tightened his brows, obviously thinking that Lily Spencer's The situation is very difficult.

"...Didn't you think about asking her?" 'Eri Sawamura' seemed to have finally regained her ability to speak, she asked Yuan Jing.

"Ah, of course you have to ask, but if you want her to confess to me, I think you need to find a certain timing." After all, although they hit each other very well, it's only been a week since the two met each other.

It is obviously a bit too self-centered to want to pry into the secrets deep in his heart based on such a short-term relationship.

"So, I thought to wait until at least I had achieved something in what she taught me, and then take this opportunity to ask her to see if I can change her concept."

Therefore, even though his heart would be burned, the young man in front of him didn't think about giving it up.

Because he sees this as an opportunity to save 'her'.

"...Why did you do this?" Unknowingly, 'Sawamura Eriri' has quietly bent down, staring at Yuan Jing's dark and deep eyes, as if she wanted to see His true thoughts deep in his heart, "You obviously have no obligation to save this foreign stranger, why do you choose to do so?"

"How can there be so many reasons?" Yuan Jing gave her a strange look, "If you see someone standing on a tall building and wants to jump off the top, you will try to hold the other person's hand, hoping to Use this method to save the other party's life..."

"Isn't this a matter of course?"

Although Yuan Jing never likes to meddle in other people's business, but if it is related to the life of the other party, then it's a different matter.

The turning point in the easing of the relationship between him and Fujiwara Chika was that after the latter confided his secret to him, she seemed to want to go to the rooftop to do something.

Even though the chance of the other party doing something stupid is not high, just in case, Yuan Jing made an exception to stop her behavior.

In the matter of Artoria, it is actually the same.

It is indeed not easy to eliminate the other party's will to die and frustration. Even Yuan Jing can only think of such a way at the beginning.

Of course, this was the plan before the 'Hei Dai' appeared, as for now...

Yuan Jing's answer obviously exceeded the expectation of 'Sawamura Eriri', after a moment of daze, a smile burst out from her face.

It was a beautiful smile without a trace of haze.

Joking, sarcasm, depression, self-deprecating... All these negative emotions can't find a trace in this smile.

"Sure enough, [my] luck is really good..." After whispering so softly, before Yuanjing could ask a question, 'Sawamura Eriri''s hands had already quietly touched the boy's chest.

On Friday, 'Heidai' once taught Fujiwara Chika a little trick, pointing out that a certain position behind the earlobe is actually the trigger that catalyzes Yuanjing's heart fire.

That's really just one of the triggers.

How to disintegrate the resistance of Yuan Jing, who is as skilled as himself, is actually something that 'Hei Dai' has planned for a long time.

For this, she actually made a lot of preparations.

And now is the day to reap the fruits.

The current state of Yuanjing is actually the state after suppressing his anger with the method he taught him.But the purpose of that method is not [suppression], but [accumulation].

Now is the time to release them all.

The boy's white cheeks were now as red as fire, and because of the burning heart, his limbs became sore and weak.

He looked at 'Eri Sawamura' in surprise, and still didn't seem to understand what was going on.

Compared with words, 'Sawamura Yingli Li' tends to use actions to explain.

After removing the two pieces of shiny things from the eyes, the eyes as blue as the sky turned into jasper in the next moment.


This is the sound of braids being untied.

The original twin ponytails were untied, and the soft and shiny blond hair spread behind the girl like waves.

'Sawamura Eiriri', no, it should be 'Heidai', just winked playfully at Yuanjing.

"You will become what you are now, because of me." She said so softly, "In this case, of course I have to take responsibility."

"Are you right, Yuan? Jun?"

And at this moment-

"Let him go!"

Accompanied by such a sharp girl, the paper door that was originally closed by Yuan Jing was opened again.

This is the voice of the four real concubines.

Chapter 120 IX Kimono is one of the best clothes in the world

After opening the paper door, Sijo Zhenfei had a panoramic view of the situation in the dressing room.

Finally caught up!

Concubine Shijo really wanted to say this very much, but it was a pity that although the current situation had not reached the one she was most worried about, it was actually not far behind.

Apparently because of intentional calculations or unintentional reasons, Yuan Jing, who is the highest combat power, is sitting on the ground a little weakly at this time, his handsome face is covered with red clouds, and he seems to have lost the ability to resist.

A jade foot stepped on Yuanjing's thigh, making him unable to get up when he was so weak, the girl with bright blond hair looked at the four real concubines.

However, there was no anger or panic on her face, but she was quite calm. Obviously, 'Hei Dai' didn't take Si Tiao Zhenfei seriously at all.

Even after confirming the identity of the visitor, 'Heida' turned his face without interest, and said with a smile like Yuan Jing: "Mr. Yuan, your charm is really great."

"Look, before I was ready to start cooking, someone came to me after smelling the aroma, wanting to share a piece of the pie."

Between the words, the contempt for the four real concubines is beyond words.

In the eyes of 'Heida', the only person who is really worthy of her calculations is Yuanjing.

As for everyone else...

It's just a chicken and a dog that can collapse at the touch of a finger.

The four real concubines gritted their silver teeth secretly, but facing such an arrogant enemy, she had nothing to do.

Although she and Kaguya had already been notified of the 'safety measures' that she had discussed with Kaguya, it still took a little time for them to arrive here.

After all, this is the depths of the shrine where idlers are not allowed to enter. Out of respect for the gods and the Yuan family, the people under Shijo Zhenfei did not barge in blatantly, but chose to stand by outside.

In fact, the most correct way for the four real concubines should be to meet them and then break into the dressing room by surprise, only then can they have the power to stop or even subdue 'Hei Dai'.

However, she was so anxious that she couldn't bear it anymore.

What if it is too late by that time?

As a result, this somewhat embarrassing situation has been created——

That is, she did encounter the behavior of 'Hei Dai' who wanted to do 'bad things', but she was completely unable to stop the other party's ability, and as a result, she could only watch all this happen for the time being...

"However, no matter how impatient you are, I can't give you this soup, at least until I've had my fill."'Heida' even added fuel to the fire.

Under Shijo Makoto's murderous eyes, she bent down, as if she was studying how to take off the kimono on the young man.

As I said before, what Yuanjing is wearing is a set of Monfuhaori hakama kimono.

Just like the shrine maiden costumes worn by several girls, this set of [Monfuhaori Hakama] is actually composed of three parts.

They are [haori] (also known as the coat), [long] on the upper body and [hakama] on the lower body.

The kimono does not have the structure of buttons and zippers. Because of this, the front of the [haori] cannot be closed, and the most important part of the whole kimono that can be worn on the boy's body is actually the A belt wrapped around the boy's waist.

As long as you can untie the belt, it is as if you have untied the ribbon wrapped outside the gift box, and you can enjoy the beauty inside.

"So, where is the real Sawamura Eriri?" Although the situation was extremely unfavorable for Yuan Jing, the boy did not show any panic.

Looking back at the gaze of 'Heida' that seemed to swallow him whole, he even had the leisure to care about others.

Is it the feeling that you have lost and therefore you have given up completely?

"Don't worry, I didn't do anything to her." When he grabbed the outermost haori with his hand and tore it off the boy's body, Hei Dai replied, "Go out through this door. , walk about [-] steps along the stone-paved road, and you will see a wooden house on the right hand side."

"There is the warehouse of the shrine."

"The current Sawamura Eriri should be sleeping soundly in it, right?"

"Oh, that's right." Being reminded by Yuan Jing, 'Kurodai' obviously remembered what he had promised to Shiina Mashiro and Sawamura Eriri before.

Throwing the haori in his hand aside, 'Heida' looked towards the entrance of the dressing room.

There, Concubine Sijo was biting her lower lip unwillingly, looking at her with extremely stern eyes.

Turning the other party's stare like needles into nothing, as if the chef who is cooking gourmet food is ordering the helper, "Hei Dai" said in a somewhat domineering tone: "Student Shijo, since you already know Eri Sawamura Now, can you do me a favor and wake her up and bring her here?"

"By the way, you should have met Shiina-san just now, right? Then please bring her here too."

"Student Shiina helped me a lot before. I once asked her what wish she had, and the answer she gave was that she hoped that Yuan Jun could be her model."

"Preferably the one with no clothes on."

"Now, it's time for me to fulfill her wish."

The reason why the personality of 'Kurodai' unexpectedly surfaced is due to the restored paintings of Shiina Mashiro, so of course she will do her best to satisfy the girl's wishes.

Anyway, it's just a little effort.

"You, you, you want them to watch you do such a thing?" Staring at 'Heida' in shock, Sijo Zhenfei stammered.

Obviously, for her as an innocent girl, such a shameless move by 'Heida' really broke through the lower limit of her imagination.

However, it would be too early to be so shocked just by this level.

"Of course, if you think it's not good to only tell these two people, then you can also call everyone else." In this regard, 'Hei Dai' was quite magnanimous.

She can't wait for things to get bigger and better.

After about two hours, she will return to silence, and 'Bai Dai' will wake up at that time, regain control of this body, and get her memory during this time.

As for the current state of mind of 'White', no one knows better than 'Black'.

If she wanted to rekindle the flame of survival in her already ashamed heart, she needed an extremely vicious potion of tiger and wolf.

According to 'Hei Dai''s mind, the most ideal awakening state for 'Bai Dai' should be when she is riding on someone in full view.

When she suddenly encountered such a scene when she woke up, even Artoria, whose heart was as firm as a rock, would never be able to maintain her original appearance.

As for what Arturia will do in the future, will she choose to take everything on her back and kowtow to Yuanjing and the girls, or she will simply do nothing and make everyone an 'accomplice'... ..

That's not something that the current 'black fool' can understand.

Don't forget, Yuan Jing is not the only one who is troubled by the sequelae of the cheating exercises of the Pandaragon family, but also the 'Hei Dai' at this time.

Although it is definitely not as good as the source scene where she used a specific method to make the fire accumulated before burst out together, but at this moment, the fire in the heart of 'Hei Dai' is also burning extremely vigorously, emitting a very charming pink light .

However, after throwing Hanori aside, 'Heidai' didn't rush to grab Yuanjing's belt directly.

Just imagine if you were presented with your favorite food that is also the most delicious food in the world, and you only got one chance to eat it, you would be eager to eat it all at once As for the belly, should I lightly lick it with my tongue first, chew carefully and slowly?

Obviously, 'Heida' chose the latter.

Regardless of whether Concubine Sijoo listened to her order, a small hand was dishonestly stretched in from the open skirt of Yuanjing's chest,

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