There are many people who yearn for luck.

There are also many ways to crave luck.

Divination, feng shui, ceremonies, worshiping gods... If you really want to go back to the source, the initial purpose of these behaviors is just to 'seek good luck and avoid bad luck'.

That is to 'get lucky'.

That's right, although it looks a bit illusory, [luck] can be regarded as one of the most precious things in this world.

Many people are willing to give a lot and sacrifice a lot to hold it firmly in their hands.

So, what is the so-called "lucky"?

According to the definition in the dictionary, 【Lucky】actually refers to 'a good thing that is difficult to happen unexpectedly happens'.

In other words, it must have a certain degree of cherishment.

'The sun rises in the east today' is not a good thing?

This is of course an undeniable good thing.

Otherwise, the change of the self-biographical direction of the earth is absolutely a very serious disaster.

But does anyone feel lucky?

Very little.

So, here comes the question, is [Lucky] precious because it is really rare, or is it really extremely important?

If you can easily obtain such an incomparably precious thing to ordinary people, the so-called "miracle" in the eyes of others is nothing more than something you can get by bending down a little...

So, in the eyes of this "chosen one", does the so-called "lucky" still have such a strong attraction?

It's like when a farmer thinks about the emperor's life, he can only conclude that the emperor used a golden hoe to hoe the ground! 'Same.

As ordinary people, it is of course difficult for us to imagine what kind of life this "chosen child" and "center of the world" lives.

However, if you really look for it, you can actually find a speaker who can answer this question.

But that person was not Yuanjing.

It was Arturia.


Quickly manipulating the buttons on the handle, the few slender fingers almost turned into afterimages. Under the control of 'Heida', the ninja with a 'prosthetic hand' can be said to be familiar with his Wei Ming, the teacher of the school, cut down under the sword with all his heart.

Although the game "Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice" is a standard soul game, it is only for ordinary people.

But for a superman like 'Hei Dai' who surpassed ordinary people both physically and mentally, this difficulty was nothing at all.

Except that at the very beginning, because he was not familiar with the operation, the car overturned by accident, 'Heida' never died again.

Then Wei Ming Yixin, known as the 'Sword Master', did not cause any obstacles to her.

To be honest, this kind of human-shaped enemy is actually the one she is most familiar with. What kind of actions can the opponent make, what kind of attack will it make...

"Hei Dai" may know more than the production team himself, and it is too simple to make a prediction.

She directly connected the computer to the TV, leaned on the sofa, and played while watching the big screen.

After defeating Wei Ming Yixin, 'Hei Dai' threw the handle aside, stretched lazily and stretched her figure, and after drawing a beautiful curve, she looked at the girl on the big screen Scrolling the plot, while reaching out to touch the hamburger and coke on the table.

If there is no barrier due to difficulty, the game time of "Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice" will be about 20 hours.

After all, 'Heida' is not a god, nor does he have any special power to manipulate time, so although he was much faster than ordinary people, it took more than 10 hours.

From 10 o'clock last night until now, 'Heida' has actually been fighting in front of the big screen.

She didn't even have a serious breakfast on Saturday, but asked the kitchen to make some convenient and high-calorie things, generally known as 'junk food' to satisfy her hunger.

Originally, as a "visited guest" of the Shijo family, there should be absolutely no reason for the kitchen to serve her such food that is harmful to health.

However, today is the day when the Shijo family will hold a grand dinner for Emperor Shijo. Because of the importance of this matter, the original chef of this house has been transferred to the head of the Shijo family to participate in the preparations for the dinner.

What remained was his apprentice, who was also his assistant cook.

Although the difference in culinary skills is not too far from his teacher, his status as a "cook helper" made him dare not raise any big objections to the request of the guest "Hei Dai".

After some weak protests, he obediently complied with the unreasonable request of 'Hei Dai', and began to rack his brains on how to make things like burgers, French fries, and fried chicken nuggets healthy. It's delicious, and I lost a lot of hair because of it.

'Hei Dai' was not too surprised that his 'conspiracy succeeded'.

Compared with what happened to her before, especially compared to her during the 'King Arthur' period, this level of 'luck' is actually nothing at all.

Dip the crunchy fries in a sweet and sour tomato sauce and toss it in your mouth.

After feeling the delicacy gradually spreading from the taste buds, 'Heida''s jasper-like pupils narrowed slightly, revealing a warm expression that seemed about to melt.

Although his personality has changed, no matter he is a 'black darling' or a 'white darling', his enthusiasm for food has not weakened in any way.

It's just that there are some differences between the two about what kind of food can be called "food".

As if he suddenly remembered something, 'Heida' glanced at the clock hanging on the wall, "Well, is it already 10 o'clock in the morning?"

Use your thumb to wipe a small piece of ketchup from the corner of your mouth, and before putting it in your mouth, stick out your little tongue to lick it off. 'Hei Dai' said somewhat vaguely:

"I don't know if it's going well with Qianhua or not."

In terms of how to 'eat' Yuanjing, although 'Heida' didn't finalize all the steps one by one, the outline in his heart was very clear.

First of all, the source scene under normal conditions is definitely not acceptable.

For the nature of this young man, the 'Hei Dai' who has the same memory as 'Bai Dai' actually knows quite well.

If he didn't really have a good impression of him in his heart and was ready to take on the other person's life, Yuan Jing would never have made any overly intimate gestures.

Even if the other party is a beautiful girl.

While having doubts about love, he actually held it quite high in his heart.

With his appearance, wealth, conversation, and family, as long as he wants to, grabbing the hearts of girls can really be said to be a bag.

After winning their hearts, the girls' bodies are actually completely in their hands.

It is actually quite simple to do this kind of thing, and there is no need to make any promises or oaths at all——

It is enough for him to mobilize the competitive spirit of the girls.

'If you don't do this, you will be overtaken by other girls, and you will be abandoned by Yuanjing in the end'.

As long as such an atmosphere can be created among the girls, driven by this sense of crisis, even Yukinoshita Yukino, who has the strongest concept in this regard and is the most self-sacrificing, will not be able to escape from the opponent's clutches in the end.

Most importantly, Yuanjing didn't even have to pay any price.

After all, this is what the girls 'willing to do'.

'Well, there seems to be a new name for this kind of thing in modern times? Swallowing the french fries in his mouth, 'Heida' stretched out his hand and pulled over the large can of Coke.

'I remember, it seems to be [introduction]? '

However, Yuanjing has never used this method.

He is a self-respecting person, so he naturally respects others, and has no habit of turning other people into his playthings.

'Bai Dai' is actually very fond of this kind of spirit, and 'Hei Dai' is also the same.

However, the admiration in my heart is admiration. When this became a stumbling block on her way, 'Hei Dai' actually did not hesitate to trip her up. She has actually done quite a lot in this regard, for example, the The method of accumulating 'heart fire' is said to be the method of relieving the symptoms and taught Yuanjing.

And the trick she taught Fujiwara Chika yesterday was actually one of them.

If she wanted her affairs to develop smoothly tomorrow morning and not encounter too much resistance from Yuanjing, then she must continue the flame in her heart that could burn out her rationality.

This was what she was supposed to do, but today is Saturday, and she has no way to have a reasonable reason to contact Yuan Jing, so she can only give Chika Fujiwara a false hand.

This is actually not a bad thing.

Compared with her 'accidentally' bumping into something, it is actually more natural to leave this matter to Chika Fujiwara, who is her fiancée, and it is not easy to arouse the other party's suspicion.

As for whether this kind of "subsidy" will be the last straw to break through the membrane between Chika Fujiwara and Yuan Jing, "Hei Dai" is actually not worried at all.

She's not someone who cares about chastity.

As a lover and tauren, she has no qualifications to care about such things.

However, if Chika Fujiwara and Yuan Jing did something good, and let all the flames in the young man's heart be vented, the difficulty for her to "make things happen" would immediately soar tomorrow.

It was with this in mind that she informed Kaguya Shimizu of this information after winning the internal response, hoping that she could become Chika Fujiwara's brake pad.

Of course, this is just an insurance measure.

Even without Shimizu Kaguya, 'Heida' didn't think there would be any breakthrough between the two.

To say why-

Because she doesn't want this to happen.

Then it will never happen.

'Heida', no, it should be said that Artoria actually has such confidence.

The world favors her.

This is not some arrogant raving, but a fact that has been proven countless times.

As early as when she was King Arthur, relying on her extraordinary luck, she accomplished things that were completely unbelievable in the eyes of others, and went through dozens or hundreds of battles, large and small, without losing a single one.

However, even this kind of favor like "world eccentricity" has something that can't be done.

That is old age and death.

After his father Uther Pendoragon lingered on the sickbed and finally passed away due to aging, a fear of this doomed ending began to be buried deep in his heart like a seed.

That's why there was a move to find the 'Holy Grail of Almighty' afterwards.

She originally thought that no matter how lucky she was, such absurd wish would never come true.

But it turns out she was wrong.

Although the result made her extremely painful, the world still used a series of coincidences to achieve what can be said to be completely impossible.

Regardless of how she is being persecuted by the Spencer family now, it can even be said that she was exiled to this Far East.

But the psychology of 'Heida' is actually very clear, this is actually the wish deep in Artoria's heart.

She is actually in self-exile, and wants to leave the sad place of England and start a new life in Sakurajima, which is also an island country.

You see, isn't this a beautiful boy who is appreciated by Sakurajima and can open his heart to Sakurajima?

While accepting the wish in his heart, the world also felt the will to die in his heart.

The appearance of Yuanjing and "her" is actually just the world's desire to save the life of the person she favors.

This is the so-called 'God Helps'.

Even though I tried my best, I didn't let myself be truly hated by everyone, but became the object of worship;

When she wanted to leave England, a member of the Spencer family on Sakurajima happened to die because of 'drinking', which gave her a reason to intervene;

In the middle school where it is located, there happens to be Shijo Emperor, the heir of the Shijo family, who can let the Spencer family, who is not convenient to work in Sakurajima, entrust this matter to him...

All of these are evidences of God's favor.

So far, the only thing that doesn't suit his interests is 'Yuanjing asked for leave on Friday'.

'Hei Dai' actually thought about it afterwards, thinking that this was a warning from the world, warning her that if she acted too hastily, she would not be able to make this matter a success.

'By the way, it might be inconvenient to wear this kind of thing tomorrow. '

As if thinking of something suddenly, 'Heida' swallowed the food in his mouth, and shifted his gaze to his ankles.

That was the tool the Spencer family used to humiliate her—

A pair of shackles.

After thinking about it for a while, she took out a toothpick from the table for a chicken nugget.

Chapter 110 Eighth

Finally it's Sunday.

Fish sauce fades to the east.

The smell of morning light began to permeate, and the night was drawing to a close, and the steam hissed.

The first train of the Tokyo Tram system began to move, which was the signal that Tokyo, a super-large modern city, woke up from its sleep.

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