The new exchange student turned out to be the king of a foreign country 1500 years ago...

How can this be a conclusion that a normal thinking person can draw?

However, at that time, Yuan Jing did not throw this conclusion to her without any explanation, but attached a whole set of logical inferences.

In his words, he hoped that Kaguya would be able to criticize this whole set of inferences to see if there was anything that didn't make sense, so that he could take this opportunity to reorganize his thinking.

"Although it doesn't look obvious on the surface, I am quite aware that Lily's current way of thinking is actually quite negative."

"No, it's more like a [self-destructive tendency] than [negative]."

"In the eyes of Lily Spencer now, everything should be indifferent."

For this point, Yuanjing actually sees it quite thoroughly.

Arturia herself, in fact, did not deliberately conceal this aspect.

"I don't want her to die."

In his previous life, Artoria was a character he liked very much, and he even bought a figure of this model girl.

And in this life, although there were some unexpected situations, Arturia and him already had a "teacher-student friendship".

Whether it was the past life or this life, Yuan Jing didn't want Artoria to die like this.

She has suffered too much, and he hopes to let this noble king live a happy and happy life.

This is also the most important reason why he will find a way to take it away from the hands of the Spencer family.

"The reason for this [self-destructive tendency] is actually quite simple—"

"That's loneliness."

"Don't look at her as if she is very close to me, but I am quite clear that Lily just regards me as a younger generation who can support me, a successor."

In fact, this was an opportunity that came about only by chance and coincidence.

If it wasn't for that encounter under the moonlit night, if it wasn't for Shizuka Hiratsuka's 'grabbing' her into Class A, if Yuan Jing couldn't figure out the essence of her martial arts just from her scribbled portrait, if she didn't have a good relationship with Yuan Jing Feeling guilty about King's current situation and ready to take responsibility for fixing it...

It was these superimposed coincidences that gave Yuanjing a chance, a chance to save Artoria.

"In fact, I have always hated the word [bond]." While speaking, Yuan Jing and Shimizu Kaguya had already arrived in the kitchen, which also meant that the conversation had gradually come to an end.

"How should I put it? Although the word [fetter] has a positive and beautiful meaning, it can also be interpreted as [shackle] or [unfreedom]."

"However, this is what classmate Lily lacks most now."

Following Yuanjing into the kitchen, Shimizu Kaguya started to roll up his sleeves after putting down the ingredients he bought.

Although Yuanjing is the one who does the cooking, Kaguya can still share Yuanjing's worries with some preparation work, such as washing and choosing vegetables.

Taking out the newly purchased fresh vegetables from the package, Kaguya Shimizu hesitated for a moment, then asked in a slightly low voice:

"...So, why me?"

Seeing Yuan Jing's eyes, she immediately explained in a panic, "Look, if it's really my turn to make friends, isn't Qian Hua much better than me? Even now, apart from Yuan Apart from you, the closest student Lili is actually Qianhua."

He was so close that he would make a small fuss about him in private.

Shimizu Kaguya added this sentence quite sourly in his heart.

In fact, she also knew that the other party's purpose of teaching Fujiwara Chika was not very pure.However, only taught Qianhua, but did not tell others about it, which is actually enough to explain the problem.

"For Qianhua, I don't need to explain it specifically, she is someone who likes to do this kind of thing very much." Yuan Jing didn't say anything, "You are my most trusted subordinate, so you will entrust this kind of thing to me." you! ' and the like.

He has always disdained to tell such lies.

Although he had expected it in his heart, Kaguya was actually a little injured.

She didn't expect Yuanjing to say any sweet words, which didn't fit their identities and each other's personality.


'You are the most suitable candidate' or something, or 'I'm most comfortable leaving this to you' or something.

Just needing such a little bit of sweet words is enough to brighten her mood.

Although she felt a little depressed, Kaguya didn't show it.

She is the 'tool' in Yuanjing's hand, and 'tool' cannot be emotional.

...She is not qualified either.

However, just when she was about to accept this task calmly and skillfully as usual, Yuan Jing's words sounded in her ears again:

"Besides, I also hope that Kaguya can have one more friend for you."


"After leaving the Shinomiya's house, Kaguya, you are much happier than before, but how to put it, I always feel that the focus of life is too much on me, and the work I give you is too important."

"Maybe as a boss, it's a bit strange to say that." Yuan Jing couldn't help but smile when he said this, "However, I don't want the matter of 'working for me' to become the whole of your life. "

In front of Yuan Jing, Shimizu Kaguya concealed her love affair very well, but there is really no way to hide certain things.

From Yuan Jing's point of view, Shimizu Kaguya seems to regard the matter of "repaying money from work" as the most important thing at present, and it can even be said to be the meaning of her life recently.

This kind of thinking is obviously quite unhealthy.

"In addition to the status of [my subordinate], Kaguya, you are also a young girl in your prime."

"How about thinking about yourself a little bit and enjoying your youth?"

"Student Lily is a person who can be friends with deeply. I think it's actually a good thing for both of you to be friends with her."

"Of course, these are just my suggestions, not mandatory tasks."

"It's not a mission..." Shimizu Kaguya chewed on Yuanjing's last few words, and the cloudy mood that was originally cloudy suddenly cleared up uncontrollably.

Forcibly suppressing the smile on his lips, Shimizu Kaguya stopped the movement of his hands, his ruby-like eyes were shining, and he just looked at Yuanjing——

"Since it's not a task, then, can I understand that when he said these words, the identity Yuan Jun used was not [boss] at all?"

The emotion called 'joy' danced lightly between the words.

"Then, can you allow me to ask, in what capacity is Mr. Yuan proposing?"

She tilted her head slightly to one side, and asked the question in a slightly expectant tone.

"Hmm...a friend of the same age?" Yuan Jing replied after thinking for a while.

"Why is it a question sentence?" Shimizu Kaguya said angrily, but did not continue to say anything.


This word kept echoing in her heart, filling Kaguya's heart that was a bit empty at once.

Although this is not the evaluation she wanted the most, but...

For Shimizu Kaguya, this level is completely enough.

One day, she will ask Yuan Jing to add the word "male" in front of this "friend".

After that, it is [fiance], [husband] or [husband]...

Shimizu Kaguya made such a determination in his heart.


At this moment, an extremely intense electronic sound was being heard from the bedroom of a residence under the name of the Shijo family.

That's the sound of the game.

And the one who is holding the handle and manipulating the characters on the screen to play the game is Artoria, whose alias is 'Lily Spencer'.

No, now, in fact, 'Hei Dai' is the most appropriate title.

'Darkness' started very early on Saturday.

...Although I really want to continue to use this sentence pattern, it is actually not very accurate.

Because she actually didn't sleep all night.

No, it should be said that not only Friday night, but even Thursday, that is, the night she 'woke up', she didn't close her eyes all night.

Time is actually very valuable to 'Heida'.

She knew quite well that if she kept her own place and didn't do anything foolish, then after 'Bai Dai' woke up, maybe she would have a chance to reappear and take a breath outside.

But she doesn't.

She is so proud that she doesn't need this kind of pity. If she is to be a good baby, she would rather disappear immediately.

In other words, for 'Hei Dai', the end of his life is actually at noon on Sunday, that is, after 'Bai Dai' opened his eyes.

After that, she will enter a long deep sleep.

Maybe until this body dies, she won't have the chance to appear again.

Fortunately, not only food, but also entertainment, modern times are many times more developed than her era.

For example, the game she is playing now called "Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice" can be said to exist completely beyond her imagination.

She's been working on this for hours, and she's about to clear it all.

And after that, there are "Resident Evil", "Grand Theft Auto", "Dark Soul", "Three Kingdoms Warriors" and other games waiting for her "favor".

'Heida' actually didn't plan to go to bed this Saturday night. She was going to spend all her energy in this illusory world until she left to do big things tomorrow, looking like an Internet addicted girl.

In this residence of the Sijo family, at the beginning, 'Hei Dai' was actually thinking about the daily life of 'White Dai', trying to cover up as he did in school.

And as that date approached, she actually gradually became presumptuous.

What, you said, since 'Heida' is going to play games until departure, is he fully prepared?

Well, this question is still quite difficult to answer.

Because in terms of cognition of this kind of thing, she actually has a certain deviation from ordinary people.

In other words-

She hadn't really prepared anything.

That's right, apart from what we did on campus and what we already know, 'Heida' didn't actually make any extra preparations.

Like going to Yushima Tenmangu to get familiar with the environment first; or what kind of preparations should be made in case things don't happen as she imagined.

She did. did. did not do!

After being 'persuaded' by her, Shimizu Kaguya once asked her what her plan was for Sunday.

She said at the time that it was top secret and could not be told to her.

This is actually not quite accurate.

Because she herself didn't actually have a detailed plan, just a rough outline.

If you really want to say it, you can actually only say the four words 'adapt to the situation'.

Even so, 'Hei Dai' didn't have the slightest doubt about tomorrow's success.

This is not because of the existence of Kaguya.

But because-

Artoria is lucky.

The world had treated her so favorably that no matter what irrational wishes she might have, it would let them go.

In a sense, her current predicament is actually self-made-self-accepted!

Chapter 110 Seven: I am the center of the world and the person it prefers

On the Internet, there is such a popular saying, that is "I am not RMB, how can everyone like me?"

This sentence is actually not quite correct.

Because although there are very few people, there should still be people in this world who don't like money from the bottom of their hearts.

So, is there a way to replace the 'renminbi' or 'money' in this sentence with something else so that it becomes more accurate?

There are actually many choices.

However, one of the more indisputable options should be——


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