After all, for her, this is not a punishment at all.


At this time, Genke had no idea about the conversation between Shimizu Kaguya and her third brother, and he was being dragged to their studio by Sawamura Eriri and Shiina Mashiro.

"The painting is finished, so soon?" Yuan Jing's words were quite pleasant, "I thought it would definitely be next week."

Hearing this, Shiina Mashiro puffed up her chest, and her pride was beyond words.

Sawamura Eriri glanced at her with some envy, and then took credit for Yuan Jing, "Since she got the VR glasses, she has been soaking in the studio no matter at school or at home, and finally she has it." some results."

"However," Eiri Sawamura at this time, another figure she had a crush on appeared in her mind, and she became a little hesitant to speak, "We are going to inform Lily and let her come to see it too. see?"

She, Yuan Jing, and Shiina Mashiro have not actually seen the real work with their own eyes, and the only one who has done this is Lily Spencer.

Therefore, she is the one who can judge whether Shiina Mashiro's painting restoration project is successful.

Yuan Jing also thought of this, and he frowned, feeling a little awkward.

He was taken away from the classroom by Shizuka Hiratsuka, and he didn't ask Artoria where she would go and what she would do in the future.

She also doesn't have her own mobile phone (according to her, she accidentally 'lost' it).

According to Hayasaka Ai's information, she should be wandering around in St. Eden Academy as usual now.

However, this is not urgent. Anyway, Yuan Jing is in the same class as her, and I will definitely see you tomorrow morning. After the morning self-study get out of class is over tomorrow morning, I will talk to her about it and bring her here. up.

Yuanjing thinks so.

However, the meeting between the three of them and Artoria happened much earlier than Yuan Jing expected.

When Shiina Mashiro opened the door of her studio, the three were a little surprised to find that Artoria was sitting upright on the chair in the studio, as if she was closing her eyes and meditating.

After hearing the sound of the door opening, she opened her eyes at once, and when she saw Yuanjing, Shiina Mashiro, and Sawamura Eriri, her jasper-like eyes showed great joy.

She clasped her hands together and said in a somewhat apologetic tone, "Although I wandered outside for a while, I was really concerned about the progress of the painting, so I came here, but none of you were here..."

Artoria's tone seemed a little embarrassed, "Sorry, I took a peek."

Shiina Mashiro shook her head, saying that it was nothing, because this was originally for her to evaluate.

Instead, she stared at Artoria eagerly, and asked nervously, "How?"

Arturia gave a thumbs up, and she was not stingy with her praise, "Shiina-san is amazing, even better than I expected!"

"It never occurred to me that someone in modern times could restore it to this form only by oral description and video."

"This is even more authentic than the real one! It's a miracle!"

She exclaimed in an extremely shocked tone.

"However, Yuan-kun," she suddenly looked at Yuanjing, said in a solemn tone, "It is precisely because Shiina draws so well that there are some problems."

Artoria raised her right hand, leaving only a small distance between her thumb and index finger.

"For Sawamura-san and Shiina-san, this thing is just an ordinary painting. It may be a little shocking, but in fact it doesn't feel too deep."

"But for people like me and you, especially you who are watching this for the first time, the excitement may be a little bit too much."

The so-called people like Yuanjing and Artoria obviously refer to people who have practiced the secret arts of the Pandaragon family.

After all, this painting is the core of the core of the secret art, and it is very normal that it will stimulate the two of them.

"So, my suggestion here is that it's better to stabilize your mind first and make some mental preparations." Artoria warned.

Yuanjing is naturally good at what he does.

He actually trusted Arturia quite a bit, and she didn't have any need to harm him.

Therefore, he suppressed his curiosity first, found a chair in the studio and sat down, closed his eyes and began to adjust his mentality.

Although Sawamura Eriri and Shiina Mashiro were a little confused, they still looked at Yuanjing with concern on their faces.

Artoria also looked at Yuanjing.

However, besides caring, there was also an emotion in her eyes.

That is--


As if feeling thirsty, Artoria licked her lips.

In those jasper-like flawless eyes, there seemed to be a flash of dark gold.

Chapter 92 The final boss of this volume finally appeared!

Up to now, although some places may not be very clear about the secret conspiracy of the Spencer family (such as why King Arthur appeared in modern times 1500 years ago), the general process is actually almost clear.

However, I don’t know if you have ever thought about it, if you are really afraid of Artoria, why not just kill her in your own territory, but have to exile her to this extreme eastern place for thousands of miles? ?

It is actually not very easy to completely erase the traces of a modern person.

In addition to her parents, friends and people who knew her, the most important thing is actually the extremely complete household registration management system in modern times.

In modern society, for all abnormal deaths or disappearances, a reasonable excuse or reason is actually needed.

But for Artoria, who is an ancient person, there is no such thing at all.

She is alone in this world, there is no one who knows her at all, and she does not have any household registration information.

She is, then, a 'person who does not exist' for modern society.

For the people of the Spencer family, even normal people who grew up in modern society and have a sound social network, it is not difficult at all to make them disappear reasonably, not to mention Arturia who is not Nobody's there anymore.

As a result, instead of taking away her freedom, they gave her the name [Lily Spencer], giving her the necessary information to survive in modern society.

Moreover, after feeling the threat from her, he did not simply let her disappear, but instead sent her to Sakurajima.

What's even more outrageous is that, except for Rita Einsworth, who was forced to do so, they didn't place their own staff among the other seven exchange students. Instead, they concealed the necessary information. Can't wait to hand over the follow-up work to the Shijo family, it seems that as long as Arturia is sent away from England, everything will be fine...

This approach, compared with their domineering style in the past, can be said to be compromised.

Could it be that they were also impressed by Artoria's charisma, so they couldn't bear to take the life of the holy king in British history?


of course not.

No, it should be said not entirely.

In the Spencer family, there are indeed Arturia's fans, but they only account for a very small part, and there is almost no way to influence the decision of the entire family.

And the reason why Arturia was able to save herself from this family and make this family fear her was because of herself.

So far, in front of Yuan Jing, Artoria's performance is completely consistent with that of King Arthur in the anime in her previous life.

Seriousness, integrity, bravery, kindness, self-improvement...these shining points of humanity can be seen in her.It is the mixture of these beautiful qualities that makes Artoria's extremely special personality charm.

Even Yuan Jing, who has always disliked being too close to others, did not hold any rejection or guard against Artoria's closeness, and the root cause was this.

However, this side is not all about Artoria, a girl.

In the Xingyue world of the previous life, in fact, he liked to use the method of "blackening" to discover the other side of the character.

This is reflected to a certain extent in Yuanjing's stepmother, Minamoto Raimiko, who is also the prototype of Arturia in the moon world.

Unlike Minamoto Larimitsu, Artoria, as one of the pillars and kanban girls of Xingyue World, can almost be said to be the originator of the blackened form.

Of course, this was when a certain purple-haired passer-by was excluded.

And this point has also been inherited by Artoria of this world.

However, in this world that lacks mysterious support, and therefore naturally does not have a holy grail contaminated by malice, Artoria will naturally not be blackened just because of being polluted by magic power.

In this world, the direct cause of Artoria's personality is the 1500 years that are almost static, lifeless and deathless.

During her 1500 years of immortality, what kept her alive, so as not to die completely, was the most basic desire of almost all life, that is——


And when she opened her eyes again and regained consciousness, what she faced was the cold muzzle of the heavily armed scientific expedition team...

She didn't know what it was at the time.

However, with her amazingly keen intuition, she was able to determine the threat to her life almost the moment she saw these things.


Then there was the news that 'the scientific expedition team formed by the Spencer family unfortunately encountered a landslide during the underground survey, and all members were killed'.

And after the life crisis was lifted, this side naturally dived, allowing the "Holy King" side to surface again.

Between the two personalities of Arturia, memories are interlinked.

That's why she felt a certain amount of guilt towards the Spencer family and was willing to bear the humiliation of being handcuffed.

However, this is already the limit.

After that, the Spencer family actually wanted to get rid of this unstable factor many times.

However, the plan is often immediately discovered by Artoria, who has a very keen intuition, and after that...

During this period of time, Arturia herself has actually roughly figured out the conditions for her side to appear, which is actually quite simple, that is——

I have entered into a crisis that is fatal enough.

In other words, this is actually a kind of personality safety insurance measure.

Even in modern society, it is very difficult to make a warrior of Arturia's level disappear.

Moreover, in order not to cause unnecessary trouble, they did not let people from other families know about it.

If Arturia is a completely 'good person', then she can still 'deceit'.

However, she has been frank herself, and even she has no restraint on this dark side of her heart.

If he hadn't been eliminated, if he was only wounded but not killed, the Spencer family would face the extremely tragic revenge of this personality.

The Spencer family wanted to reconcile with Artoria just like this, and treat it as raising an idler.

That's why she was given the status of adopted daughter of the Spencer family and allowed her to start school.

However, even though Arturia had no such intentions, her natural leadership qualities gathered a group of supporters in her school in just a few weeks.

Such a talent makes the Spencer family feel intimidated.

They were a little afraid that Artoria, the 'adopted daughter', would eventually occupy the magpie's nest and become the master of the Spencer family instead.

In a sense, the whole of England is actually Arturia's territory, which naturally includes the Spencer family.

Fear of this future, but unable to get rid of Arturia, then, the Spencer family has only one choice——

That is to exile Artoria.

Just at this time, Sawamura Eriri's father died of alcoholism, and they took this place in the extreme east as Artoria's place of exile.

Just like when the Europeans exiled Napoleon to the island of Elba in Italy.

After arriving at Sakurajima, she never entered a situation that would endanger her own life, so the other side of Artoria has been sleeping deep in her consciousness, and has never surfaced again.

Arturia originally thought that the "she" in her heart would never wake up, and she was greatly relieved.

Obviously, her view is too optimistic.

In fact, just like what she said before, Arturia was really concerned about the progress of Shiina Mashiro's painting, so she went to the studio to find her.

At this time, the two happened to be called by Shizuka Hiratsuka, so they were not in the studio.

Half bored, half curious, Arturia began to appreciate the paintings of Shiina Mashiro and Sawamura Eiri.

After she lifted the white cloth covering the painting, the "Red Dragon Roaring Picture" broke into her field of vision so abruptly.

Taking this as an opportunity, a certain switch was turned on at once.

Normally, 'she', who would only wake up when Arturia was in crisis, opened her eyes at once.

Arturia was switched to another personality in such a somewhat abrupt manner.

Moreover, because the trigger this time is not 'life-threatening', the timing of its replacement is not at all certain.

The side effect of the martial art of the Panduolagon family actually acts on the spirit.

Artoria's main personality has successfully passed that stage, but this darkened sub-personality has not.

But at this moment, her state is actually very similar to Yuan Jing.

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