In other words, it was before Yuan Jing and Minamoto Raimiko fought and settled everything.

The reason why Kaguya proposed that he wanted to inherit the Shinomiya family was——

'Want to be his strength'.

It is naturally self-evident who "he" refers to here.

At that time, Hui Ye, although he had great confidence in Yuan Jing, was actually not [-]% sure whether he could become the final victor.

Once Yuanjing succeeds, then naturally everything will be easy to talk about.

But if he fails...

Then with Minamoto Raimitsu's temperament, he will definitely take Minamoto away from Tokyo, treat him as his most important treasure, and just hide it privately, not showing it to anyone.

For Kaguya, this is naturally the worst ending.

However, instead of silently praying for Yuanjing's victory in her heart, Kaguya actually made some preparations of her own.

That is the declaration of 'taking the head of the house'.

If things really got to that point, then she would need to have an arm wrestling with Minamoto Raimitsu.

At that time, one would naturally need to become the head of the Sigong family in order to have such 'strength'.

Fortunately, the final winner was Yuanjing.

The worst future has yet to come.

Although, this also means that the plots such as "You saved me before, now it's my turn to save you!" can't be staged, but Kaguya actually breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

She doesn't have much attachment to power, the position of head of the family where the three elder brothers almost beat out their brains is far less attractive to her than Yuanjing's 'subordinates'.

Although she has the support of Sigong Yan'an, as long as she thinks about it, the position of Patriarch can be said to be very hopeful.


Why would she bother with that?

With this skill, she might as well think about how to be a "stealing cat". This is the "big event" that is closely related to her lifelong happiness.

Because of this, after the cultural festival, Kaguya actually cut off all contact with the Shinomiya family quite neatly. She didn't even touch the channel to contact him that she had discussed with Sinomiya Yan'an before. Pass.

In the end, it was Sigong Yan'an who was a little anxious.

Sigong Yunying is not like Sigong Qinglong.As the stepwife's son, if he was as useless as his direct descendants, he wouldn't be able to grow up so big.

When Sigong Yan'an found him and hinted that he would do this kind of thing, he had roughly guessed what was going on.

The fact that his father's favorite heir was Kaguya was actually not too surprising to him.

As Kaguya's nurturer to a certain extent, he can be said to have a good understanding of Kaguya's talents. If Kaguya was not a daughter, Huang Guang's position in the four palaces might not be so stable.

Before coming, he had actually resigned himself to his fate.

Compared with that idiot, it is not unacceptable for him to have Kaguya as the head of the family.

But the result now is far beyond his expectation.

"So, can I understand this? You lied to the old man?" Sigong Yunying asked in disbelief.

"He has deceived so many people in his life, so he can't be deceived just once?" Shimizu Kaguya asked back, quite naturally.

She hasn't thought about what Shinomiya Yan'an did to her mother, it was just a lie, Kaguya didn't feel any guilt in her heart.

Moreover, what she said to him was not all lies.

Like, to have nine or something...

Chapter 91 Punish her to be my child's nanny!

"This is not a place to talk, so come with me." After saying this, Shimizu Kaguya waved to his original third brother, and then walked towards the depths of the garden.

Facing Kaguya's appearance of shouting and shouting at her, Shinomiya Yunying was not angry, but just followed her silently.

On the one hand, as someone who watched Kaguya grow up, Shinomiya Yunying actually knew Kaguya's character quite well.

On the other hand, when he was called by Sigong Yanan to act as Xiang Huiye's mouthpiece, he had already been beaten by this old fox, implying that he had to 'listen to his sister'.

At that moment, he felt that he and Sigong Qinglong were two crickets kept in the Gu by his father. Obviously, his father already had a candidate, but he still wanted to watch the two of them fight each other for fun.

He even gave up on himself a little bit, so he came to St. Eden Academy alone without a guard.

The garden of St. Eden Academy is quite large, and it can be said that it is very easy to find a place where others will not overhear.

Soon, the two siblings, with a huge age gap (about 20 years), came to a clearing surrounded by maple trees.

After looking around and nodding in satisfaction, Shimizu Kaguya turned around and faced his third brother.

"I know what the old man thinks very well." Supporting the elbow of his right hand with his left hand, and standing up the forearm of his right hand so that his palm could rest on his cheek, Kaguya Shimizu said in a somewhat boring tone.

This is a posture she likes to use very much. In this posture, it is especially easy for her to calm down and think about problems much faster.

"As he is getting old and the three sons in the family are completely useless, there is no way to stop the rise of the Sijo family."

There are three main reasons for this.

One is that Sijo Zongren, the modern patriarch of the Sijo family, was in the heyday of the Spring and Autumn Period. Although it is still slightly inferior to the Sigong Yanan in its heyday, it must still be far superior to those three waste snacks.

Second, Sitiao Zongren's sons and daughters, Sitiao Emperor and Sitiao Zhenfei, are definitely the best among the younger generation.Counting the Sigong family's contemporaries over and over again, they are full of dandies and drunks, and together, there may not be this pair of siblings who can fight, which guarantees the future of the Sijo family.

The third is that the Sijo family came here full of hatred and vigor; but the Sigong family did not have the courage to break the boat at all. The previous Sigong Huang Guang even thought that if he was at a disadvantage after he succeeded to the throne, he would use Political marriage to seek peace.

Because of these three reasons, it is almost inevitable for the Sigong family to be defeated by the Sijo family, and even annexed. No one in the Sigong family can change this ending.

Of course Shinomiya Kaguya couldn't do either.

In talent, she may indeed be much stronger than her three brothers.

However, her background was too bad.

If she were to lead the Shinomiya family, there would be no way to convince the public.

"The old man can see quite clearly, but he can't do anything about it." Shimizu Kaguya's voice was calm and flat, like a deep lake, and the thoughts from the bottom of his heart popped up, "Cultural Festival At that time, it was he who wanted to provoke the elder brother to see if the elder brother had the courage, but unfortunately..."

She then shrugged her shoulders, indicating that everything was unspoken.

"However, that encounter made him find someone who could save the Sigong family by accident."

"That's me."

Even when Kaguya commented that he was far inferior to Shijo Zongren's waste dim sum, Sigong Yunying, who was not angry, but listened with great interest, also showed doubts at this time, but before he Asked the question, Shimizu Kaguya immediately gave an explanation——

"To be precise, it is me who is the [wife] of the Patriarch of the Minamoto family, or at least the [lover]."

she added.

No matter how talented she is, Kaguya will not be able to become the leader of the Shinomiya family, one is because she is a daughter, and the other is because of her humble status.

However, if she becomes the woman of the Patriarch of the Yuan family, then these two points will naturally be resolved.

Because of this, Sigong Yan'an allowed Sigong Kaguya to leave the Sigong family, so that she could become a dark chess piece buried deep in the ground.

After a few years, when the relationship between Kaguya Shimizu and Yuan Jing has reached a certain level, the Sigong family is probably overwhelmed by the Shijo family.

When the time comes to announce this news, even if the Shinomiya family members are reluctant, they will have to "welcome Kaguya's return to the throne".

Yuanjing will definitely not just sit back and watch it when the time comes.

Then, under the mediation of the Yuan family, although the Shinomiya family will inevitably be severely damaged, at least they will not be annexed.

"I have a question." Shinomiya Yunying raised his hand and asked, "If the old man does this, the Shitiao family may indeed be unable to annex the Sigong family, so has he considered whether the Yuan family will do this? Woolen cloth?"

"After all, the Shinomiya family at that time didn't have the slightest resistance to the Yuan family."

"Of course it could happen," Shimizu Kaguya said in an unsurprising tone, "but it's actually not very likely."

"First of all, the Yuan family's desire to expand is actually not that intense. This can be seen from the fact that they have always been content in Kansai."

"Secondly, 'I' won't let the Yuan family do that."

"No, no, no," Shimizu Kaguya continued, "It should be said that the 'I' at that time would try my best to protect the Shinomiya family, because that was 'my strength'."

"If I were the only woman in Yuanjing, I would be very happy to see the Yuan family do this, right? After all, these things are meant to be left to me and his children."

When talking about the child, Shimizu Kaguya's cheeks were slightly flushed, but his words were still smooth.

"Unfortunately, I can't be." She said in a quite calm tone, "If you don't talk about anything else, if you just talk about the engagement with Chika Fujiwara, Yuanjing probably won't break it."

After all, even if he really succeeds, it's just a 'third party stepping in', and it's impossible to squeeze out Qianhua, the 'original match'.

"At that time, in order to fight against Qianhua who has the support of the Fujiwara family, I will need the Shinomiya family as my backing."

When the family grows and grows older, the thoughts between each other cannot be as simple as they are now.

Shimizu Huiye can be sure that her love for Yuanjing will never be reduced by then, but she still has to think about her children...

The world of adults will inevitably become dirty and more realistic, there is no way around it.

The Four Palaces Goose Anan probably figured this out.

"At that time, one or several children of Yuanjing and I may have the surname Sigong. Only in this way can we inherit the Sigong family." Shimizu Kaguya sighed.

"Thus, despite the embarrassment, the Sigong family can still continue. This is the old man's idea."

After saying this, Shimizu Kaguya became silent.

Sigong Yunying was also a little speechless because of the shock.

Between the brothers and sisters, there was only the howling cold wind blowing the bright red maple leaves scattered on the ground.

"However, I will not do what he wishes."

Although she was already calm, but when she said this, the girl also put her own determination on it.

"It's all about scheming against me, but even Yuanjing's children and I dare to schem, it's simply unforgivable!"

When saying the last four words, Kaguya Shimizu gritted his teeth.

"That," Sigong Yunying raised his hand again hesitantly, "I heard that you haven't settled that Yuanjing yet, and now you are talking about the child..."

Is it a little too early?

After all, this sentence was not uttered, because Kaguya gave him a hard look.

The back of Sigong Yunying's neck felt a little chilly, and he felt something called 'murderous aura' for a long time.

"There will be." Shimizu Kaguya snorted softly with his nose, "Definitely!"

Talk about it, if you insist.

Sigong Yunying quickly put down his hand, indicating that there is no problem here.

"The whole family still has to calculate each other, arguing endlessly for the benefit, is it annoying?" Qingshui Huiye clenched his fists and said rather angrily, "I don't think Qianhua will bully her because of her family. Me, if she does..."

"I'll go and sue Ah Jing and punish her to be our child's nanny."

"Anyway, she [wow——] is so big, she definitely has plenty of milk."

Kaguya is not ready to fulfill the promise with Shinomiya Ganan.

Normally, he would leave her aside and ignore her, but when he saw that he was useful to him, he held himself in his palm and pretended to be a good father.

Do you think she will be grateful to Dade?

Think beautiful!

However, if Minamoto did not deal with Minamoto in the end, but instead was taken away by her and left Tokyo, Kaguya would not hesitate to control Shinomiya even if he could clearly see Shinomiya Ganan's intentions Home.

Because only in this way can she help Yuan Jing and rescue him from Yuan's house.

From this aspect, it will become what it is now, which is actually the result of Yuanjing's own efforts.

Shinomiya Yuntaka shook his head, as if he couldn't laugh or cry at Kaguya's childish revenge, and also seemed to be full of envy for the previous relationship between Shimizu Kaguya, Genkei, and Fujiwara Chika.

But after that, he said with some worry: "But, in this case, Hui Ye, aren't you afraid that the old man will tell Yuan Jing about this?"

"If he knows that although you have broken contact with the Sigong family in name, all of this is just acting..."

"I'm not afraid." Shimizu Kaguya obviously thought about this a long time ago, "Not to mention whether Yuan Jing would believe the old man's one-sided words, even if he did, I would be innocent and never betray him the behavior of."

"In this case, Ah Jing, who has always [discuss deeds regardless of heart], probably will spank my ass at most and give me a little punishment."

Shimizu Kaguya held a finger in his mouth, smiling a bit seductively.

"I wish he did."

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