Since Shiina Mashiro is not wrong, and Yuanjing who never instigated Shiina Mashiro to do this is also not wrong, then, isn't there only one person who is wrong?

In a sense, Shiina Mashiro's behavior can naturally be regarded as a kind of "bad mother".

Of course, she doesn't actually have any malice in herself.

Looking at the two girls behind Yuanjing with tender eyes, Artoria smiled a little.

Whether it is Sawamura Eiri or Shiina Mashiro, in her eyes, they can actually be regarded as "good boys" out of ten.

For the interaction between the two girls and the interaction between them and Yuanjing, she looks at it from the perspective of an elder full of tenderness.

Is this youth?This is the feeling in Artoria's heart now.

With her physical fitness, she would naturally not be affected in the slightest by the cold air.

Somewhat curiously, he listened to the mechanical buzzing that came along the walls and ceiling from the top floor, making one feel as if the bones of the whole body were creaking along with it, feeling the biting cold air pouring down from above, Artoli In Yana's emerald green eyes, there was a light of interest.

She looked at Yuan Jing and asked, "Is the Akasaka Ryunosuke we are looking for here?"

"Well, that's right."

The source point of view should be visited.

If you think carefully about the semester that Yuanjing has spent in St. Eden Academy, you will naturally find that the proportion of women can be said to completely overwhelm men.

Hiratsuka Shizuka, Yukinoshita Yukino, Fujiwara Chika, Touma Kazusa, Hayasaka Ai, Shimizu Kaguya, Ningguang... The female content in dealing with Yuanjing can be said to be overwhelming. The surrounding area can be said to be full of people.

However, it would be too arbitrary to say that Yuan Jing does not have any male friends.

Akasaka Ryunosuke was one of the few men who had dealt with Genkei.

His acquaintance with him was at the earliest in the "swimming pool strange case" of the lamb department. After that, under the leadership of Ningguang, who is his boss and also the student council president, he also cooperated with Ryunosuke Akasaka Completed the stock attack on Sigong Group.

Contrary to the domineering achievements he has made, Akasaka Ryunosuke is a boy with a slender body, fair skin, a high-pitched voice, and a baby face.

He has a pair of very beautiful big eyes and a head of jet-black glossy long hair that reaches to the back.

In other words, he actually looks quite like a girl.

Although there is almost no communication in normal times, Akasaka Ryunosuke and Genkei have actually added a "Line" to each other, and they are friends who occasionally chat with each other on their mobile phones.

This is not because the relationship between the two is cold, but simply not necessary.

Both Yuanjing and Akasaka Ryunosuke are actually the kind of efficient cooks who hate unnecessary communication. The latter even specially wrote an intelligent AI called "Little Maid" to handle all kinds of problems online. various human interactions.

However, regarding Genke, Akasaka Ryunosuke did not include it under the jurisdiction of the "Little Maid".

Akasaka Ryunosuke is the fourth son of the Akasaka family. The family members include father Ryoma, mother Ruriko, eldest sister Sumiko, second sister Ranko, and third sister Yuriko.

The reason why he came to St. Eden Academy was to be able to start his own company in the future.

Because of this, he was persuaded by Ningguang and was recruited by him.

As for Genkei who dared to face the Shinomiya Group directly, and took a large piece of wool from his body, almost balding him, but still retreated unscathed, Ryunosuke Akasaka didn't say anything. , In fact, I am quite admirable in my heart.

Just like the double messengers are attracted to each other, there is actually a gravitational force between capable people and capable people.

Because of this, when Yuan Jing told him about this matter, he also readily agreed.

However, even though they are Yuanjing's extremely rare male friends, whether it's Ningguang, or the girls around Yuanjing like Fujiwara Chika, they are actually intentionally or unintentionally preventing the two of them from contacting each other.

This is also the reason why he was rarely mentioned in the article before.

If you want to ask why, it is because you are afraid that Ryunosuke will ruin Yuanjing.

When Ryunosuke Akasaka was a child, his father was a househusband who took care of all the housework, brought up 4 children and continued to work part-time.

Affected by this, Ryunosuke thought that all housework should generally be done by his father until the senior grades of elementary school.

And due to the influence of his mother, Ryunosuke's three older sisters have all become demonic big sisters who play with men in their hands. After they go home, they will report to each other how they felt on the day of the date.

Affected by these things, Ryunosuke has personally experienced the horror of women, and began to become unable to trust women, and suffered from quite serious female phobia.

When you are close to a woman, you will have a cold war, when you are very close, you will get hives, if you touch it, you will faint...

That's how serious his condition is.

The debuffs on Yuan Jing are already enough, and it is already difficult enough to attack, there is no need to add some 'misogyny' to increase the difficulty!

Girls are not hard-core players who are as difficult as possible. On the contrary, if they have cheating tools, everyone except Yukino probably won't hesitate.

Therefore, it is natural that Ryunosuke is extremely repelled, and he doesn't want Yuanjing to learn from him.

"Ryunosuke's IT department has the best VR equipment in the whole school, and possibly in Tokyo, and in terms of modeling technology, the IT department he leads is also the best in Tokyo."

"This is the last step of [seeing the dragon]."

Yuan Jing said this to Artoria, and behind him, Eri Sawamura and Mashiro Shiina.

Chapter 73 The unspoken prophecy of the friend, the final result is...?

With the current technology of human beings, is it feasible to reproduce some kind of creatures that are extinct or do not exist in the world at all?

The answer is of course yes.

Even though dinosaurs have been extinct for about 6500 million years, we can still see this behemoth on the big screen today.

All kinds of dinosaur-themed movies (the most famous example should be "Jurassic Park") are still sweeping the box office of people all over the world.

When it comes to reproducing creatures that do not exist in the world at all, there are all kinds of magical animals (such as basilisks and phoenixes) in "Harry Potter" that are more fantasy and serious, and sharks that are more exotic and sand-sculpted. All kinds of strange sharks in the film...

The so-called virtual reality technology is what makes these creatures that can only survive in people's fantasy into what can be seen with the naked eye and heard with both ears.

That is the so-called VR.

St. Eden's IT department is a veteran of VR technology.

Here, I would also like to mention the strange swimsuit case that has a place in the "Murder Case Book".

In the past, the "swimming pool strange case" of the Lamb Club appeared because Ryunosuke Akasaka, the head of the IT department, invented a technology that can convert real photos into Two-dimensional images.

Such technology can greatly reduce the cost of mobile game art, so after it was developed, it was used by the IT department eager to make money to make a game called "Heartbeat? Saint Eden" Academy! "Garbage mobile game.

However, such a mobile game based on real characters has no way to bypass the [portrait rights] mountain. It is estimated that if it is really listed, it will be sued because of it, and a huge sum of money will be lost on it.

It is precisely because of this consideration that the IT department headed by Akasaka Ryunosuke finally sealed up this technology with great regret, and a certain garbage mobile game was naturally stillborn, and it was not spread to the market to destroy Sakurajima The livers and pockets of the nerds.

However, Akasaka Ryunosuke is obviously not dead, and he has not given up his ambition of using mobile games to grab his first pot of gold in entrepreneurship.

This is also impossible.

Sakurajima's class is quite solid, and if he wants to rely on traditional industries to make a lot of money and achieve a leap in class, the resistance he has to face can be said to be beyond imagination.

But the mobile game industry is a hot industry that has just emerged this year. Although countless people have already smashed their heads here, there are also many people who make a lot of money with this.

In Akasaka Ryunosuke's view, if you want to exchange technology for money, developing mobile games is undoubtedly one of the fastest paths.

Yes, he has learned the previous lesson this time——

The competition in the 2D mobile game market is extremely fierce, and it can be said to be a red sea full of blood and tears.

If you can't use the technology that converts realistic photos into Two-dimensional images, it is impossible to greatly reduce the cost.That being the case, it can be said that there is no advantage in the body, so Ryunosuke Akasaka gave up this idea very decisively.

However, when it comes to 3D mobile games, especially high-quality 3D mobile games, Sakurajima is still a completely blue ocean.

The reason why this happens is actually very simple.

Compared with 2D mobile games, the threshold for 3D mobile games is much higher.Such a high threshold naturally blocks a group of small companies that are not strong in capital and technology and just want to take advantage of the popularity of mobile games to get a piece of it.

However, for those big companies that have this technology to enter the market, it is a very risky gamble to invest funds in the development of 3D mobile games.

You know, these big companies often already have one or two popular 2D mobile games.Compared with spending funds and manpower on the research and development of 3D mobile games, it is more direct, safe and secure to use it directly to announce and release your own 2D mobile games, to produce more characters and to carry out a certain degree of micro-innovation on the game itself. And the way to get money is faster.

Because of this, there appeared on Sakurajima such a strange scene where 2D mobile games competed fiercely with each other, but almost no one cares about 3D mobile games.

And this is exactly what Akasaka Ryunosuke is aiming at.

Recently, in addition to the normal maintenance and update of the various systems of St. Eden Academy, almost all the staff in the IT department have devoted all their energy to this aspect. Ryunosuke Akasaka himself has been working overtime and Given the authority and cover, skipping classes as much as possible to squeeze out time to do various jobs.

For 3D mobile games, modeling is one of the most important.

Just like the vertical drawing of 2D mobile games, good-looking characters and monster models are the golden signs of 3D mobile games, which directly determine people's first impression of it, and are the most important elements to attract people to play.

It was because of this information that Yuanjing entrusted this commission to the IT department where Ryunosuke Akasaka was.

Of course, although the friendship with Akasaka Ryunosuke is good, and they should be regarded as friends, Yuan Jing does not intend to let the other party pay in vain.

Although as long as he said it, Akasaka Ryunosuke probably wouldn't be likely to refuse, but in that case, it would appear that he was 'whoring' the other party, which was not right.

The brother still has to settle accounts clearly, not to mention, he can't afford the money.

In short, in this matter, the two have an extremely pure money relationship, the kind of money that is paid with one hand and delivered with the other.


Walking to the top floor of the club building, which is also the gate of the IT department, before Yuanjing knocked on the door, a female voice came from the intercom on the gate——

"Ah, Master Boss Master is here, I'll open the door for you right now!"

And just as the words fell, the electronic lock on the door was opened with a 'click', and the entire door opened inward as if being pushed by an invisible palm.

This somewhat abrupt sound startled Sawamura Eiri and Shiina Mashiro, but Artoria glanced at the place where the sound came from, showing a look of great interest.

Unlike Sawamura Eriri and Shiina Mashiro, she is actually very interested in the development of modern technology, and she is at the stage where everything is novel to see, so when she sees such things that seem to be magical in the story, she is more surprised than surprised. , she was even more amused.

"This is an intelligent AI written by Ryunosuke Akasaka, the head of the IT department. You can call her [Maid-chan]." Yuan Jing explained to the three girls, "In addition to receiving and sending various emails, thereby taking over the complete control of its master In addition to all kinds of interpersonal interactions that I'm not interested in, [Maid Sauce]'s scope of responsibility actually includes all kinds of chores in the IT department."

"In the IT department, you can regard it as [Siri] or [Xiao Ai] with richer emotions and more powerful functions." Yuanjing explained in an easy-to-understand tone as much as possible.

"Even if it's Master Boss's master, if you compare me with those low-level things, I will be angry!" From the intercom, there was a voice like an angry little girl, quite angry.

"[Maid-chan] is the greatest masterpiece of the master Akasaka Ryunosuke, and it is the crystallization of his wisdom far beyond ordinary people. It is not at the same level as that kind of garbage AI!"

"Such an analogy is disrespectful to me and my master. Even if it is the master of the master's boss, it can't just be left alone!"

However, in the face of [Maid Jiang]'s 'anger', Yuan Jing didn't panic, he didn't seem to regard the other party as a rigid data piled up from such cold data as [0] and [1], but rather As if she was a real woman who was talking to her on the walkie-talkie, she asked, "If that's the case, what should I do if I know I'm wrong and want to appease [Maid Sauce]'s anger? "

"of course--"

"Add money!"

Accompanied by [add money] from the walkie-talkie, the sound of gold coins falling to the ground was also heard all at once.

Although the IT department holds the absolute bulk of the student union's annual budget.

But at the same time, the cost required to maintain its normal operation is not comparable to that of other societies.

What's more, the current IT department's main focus is on the development of 3D related technologies. This is a bottomless pit that cannot be filled with gold coins and banknotes.

For the IT department, lack of money has never been in the past or in the future, but the eternal 'present tense'.

Because of this, [Maid Sauce], who can almost be regarded as the housekeeper of the IT department, is somewhat close to [Death for money] in character.

The eyes of Eriri Sawamura, who was hiding behind Yuanjing, were full of shock.

Unlike Artoria, who is ignorant of modern technology, and Shiina Mashiro, who is not interested in anything except painting, she obviously knows more about AI like [Siri] or [Xiao Ai] , and use it more, fully aware of how rigid it is.

Therefore, she naturally knows how abnormal it is to be able to make such an intelligent AI show such a natural response.

How can this be an intelligent AI, it is no different from a real human being.

Is the IT department of our school actually such a powerful club?

Eri Sawamura's feelings are also one of the reasons why Akasaka Ryunosuke entrusted the job of "door god" to "maid-chan".

Although he is quite accomplished in computer programming, he can almost be said to be the man standing at the top of Sakurajima, but on the one hand, Akasaka Ryunosuke is currently only a sophomore in high school, and has no advantage in age.

In addition, he himself is a boy with a slender body, fair skin, and a high-pitched voice, but he has a baby face that looks very young.

Such an image can't calm down all kinds of people who come to the IT department, and will definitely be looked down upon, so that they will be in a rather disadvantageous position in price negotiations.

Therefore, [Maid Sauce] is the countermeasure he prepared.

Anyone with a little discernment can see what kind of epoch-making technology is condensed on [Maid Sauce], and awe can't help but arise in their hearts.

In this way, the disadvantages and shortcomings brought about by his too young and neutral appearance can be alleviated to a considerable extent, and it can also raise his own level in the other party's mind at once, which is more beneficial to future generations. Negotiations on remuneration.

Without waiting for Yuanjing to make any response on the matter of [adding money]——

"【Maid Sauce】." A thin, androgynous voice came from the opened door.

A boy who was only about 165 years old and had waist-length black hair appeared in front of Yuanjing, Sawamura Eriri, Shiina Mashiro, and Artoria.

This person is naturally Ryunosuke Akasaka.

"Yes, master. I'm off to do other things." Although Akasaka Ryunosuke just called her name, he didn't give any instructions.

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