It's not entirely impossible.

Recently, because of major events closely related to her life one after another, they kept hitting her like a raging wave. It had been too long since she picked up the paintbrush used to draw the book.

Just like what I said before, Eri Sawamura is a down-to-earth emotional painter.When he was crying silently in his heart, there was no way to focus on this kind of thing that was produced to make people feel happy.

But now the whole thing has taken a turn for the better, and the dawn can be said to be just around the corner. Under such circumstances, Sawamura Eriri's long-suppressed mood naturally relaxed.

Otherwise, she would never have thought of using such a 'absurd and unreliable' method to verify this kind of thing.

And the way to verify whether your relevant skills are unfamiliar is actually quite simple.

Just replace it.

Eri Sawamura's blue eyes quietly shifted from Lily Spencer to Yuan Jing who was next to her.

This, this is just an academic study, just to confirm something in my heart, it doesn't mean anything!

After making the following explanation in mind, Eri Sawamura quietly started the brain supplement mode in her heart.

Now, the protagonist changed from her and Lily Spencer to her and Yuanjing.

After that, of course...

Evans springs up.

No, it's still a bit too light to describe it with words like "spring spring".

A more appropriate metaphor should be [volcanic eruption].

It may be because she hadn't drawn a notebook for too long before, which caused the thoughts accumulated in her heart to burst out all of a sudden.

On the drawing board of her mind, various pictures appeared one after another, the scale was so large and the details were so fine that even Sawamura Eriri herself was a little dumbfounded by it.

'I... am I such an astringent girl? '

While confirming that his related skills have not regressed, and feeling a little relieved in his heart, Sawamura Eriri was also hit hard at the same time.

"Otherwise, I will treat Yuan Jun..."

'No, no, it's not my fault, it's definitely the reason why Mr. Yuan's character fits so well with the book! '

'Handsome appearance, powerful abilities, slightly cool personality, emphasis on commitment, and a kind heart wrapped under a hard shell...In real life, this can be said to be almost Perfect posture, but in the book, these are all flaws! '

'The more powerful and beautiful a diamond-like figure is, the stronger the urge to defile it will be, which can be said to be the saddest nature of book painters. '

'If you want to ask why, of course it's because it's enough [squeaky]! '

As if to confirm that he did not have unreasonable thoughts about Yuanjing, it was just because the nature of the book artist was at play, Sawamura Eriri instantly replaced herself in her heart with Mashiro.

Although one of the protagonists has changed, the inspiration in her heart has not shown any signs of weakening.

Through such a control variable method, Sawamura Yinglili finally found the truth——

It's not that she has any unrealistic and unreasonable thoughts about Yuanjing, it's just because his character design is too easy to attract people's imagination.

Wow, Yuan-jun is really a man with deep demonic nature.

Just when she was feeling so emotional in her heart, Yuan Jing's words also reached her ears, which was the reason why she blushed just now.

Ying Lili couldn't hate Lily Spencer at all, and this was Yuan Jing's request, so she didn't mean to refuse.

"It's all right, I don't have any particular type of painting that I don't like." Yuanjing's intention in doing this is, on the one hand, to simply find something to do for Sawamura Eriri and Arturia, and prevent the two from being in Shiina Mashiro. I feel bored during this period of finishing the painting.

On the other hand, he also wanted to see how Artoria and Sawamura Eriri treated each other.

"Mashiro, how long will it take for you to finish this painting?" He turned his head to look at Shiina Mashiro who was mixing paints on the palette while watching the keel model.

"There is no need to make a perfect and complete product, as long as there is a more detailed appearance."

"The auxiliary props I prepared today are not just this keel model. When we find the last person, you should have a more detailed understanding of this [dragon]."

There was a lot of doubt in Shiina Mashiro's eyes.But obviously, the trust in Yuanjing still firmly holds the upper hand in her heart.

After thinking for a while, Shiina Mashiro stretched out five fingers, "50 minutes."

On the one hand, the original painting is originally a mural. For Shiina Mashiro, this is actually a rather simple way of painting.

On the other hand, regarding this "Red Dragon Roaring Picture", she no longer knows how many times she has copied and inferred its original appearance, so she is naturally familiar with it.

"Fifty minutes? That's about right." Yuan Jing looked at Eiri Sawamura again, "If that's the case, can you ask Sawamura-san to compress the creative time to about 50 minutes as much as possible?"

"Are you sure?" Eri Sawamura couldn't help raising her eyebrows slightly, "If it's only 50 minutes, it's definitely too late for oil painting and watercolor. I might have to use sketches."

"Is this okay too?" Her eyes turned between Yuanjing and Artoria.

"Of course." This is the common answer of the two.


"By the way, to see what Yuan-kun means, are you going to meet someone later?" Sketching is the drawing method that Sawamura Eriri is best at.

After all, strictly speaking, the genre of comics is actually sketches.

"Who are you going to meet?" Sawamura Eriri asked curiously, "Of course, if it's inconvenient..."

"No, it's not something that needs to be kept secret." Yuan Jing waved his hand, and then pointed to it with his finger.

"In a while, we should go to the top floor."

"Top floor? IT department?" Eriri Sawamura responded quite quickly, "Are you going to find Ryunosuke Akasaka?"

Chapter 72 Yuanjing also has a male friend!

In Two-dimensional, there are actually two well-known Ryunosuke.

One is Ryunosuke Yusheng in the Xingyue world. If you want to label him, the most suitable one should be "Madman Killer".

And secondly, the next person they are going to look for is Ryunosuke Akasaka, the head of the IT Department of St. Eden Academy, who is also one of the countless weirdos in this school.

"Wow, it's so cold." Before reaching the top floor, even if she just came to the stairwell on the lower half floor, Sawamura Eriri shivered from the cold air swooping down from the top floor.

In terms of heating supply, St. Eden Academy is naturally not stingy. The entire community building is surrounded by floor heating, which can almost be called as warm as spring.

And the only place that is highly consistent with the severe cold outside, or even surpassed, is the top floor of the club building, where the IT department is located.

If someone wants to ask, among the hundreds of societies in St. Eden Academy, which one is the most important to the school?

Then the vast majority of people will say the name of the IT department in a tone of extreme reluctance, but at the same time full of admiration.

The maintenance and update of the school's official website, the establishment and support of campus monitoring and broadcast communication networks, and even the development and application of school-related programs used by teachers...

In this St. Eden Academy, as long as it can be related to computers, behind it, it can be said that there is the shadow of the IT department led by Akasaka Ryunosuke.

Because of such an important position, the IT department not only gets the highest proportion of the annual budget of 30 billion.Moreover, it directly occupies the entire space of the uppermost floor of the St. Eden Academy community building.

"Isn't it December now? Why do you have to turn on the air conditioner so much?" Eri Sawamura naturally seemed quite uncomfortable from the other floors where the seasons were like spring to the top floor where the winter was almost severe.

Although the IT department is extremely important in St. Eden Academy, it is also quite famous.But at the same time, it also has the [reputation] of 'Ghost Gathering Camp'.

In fact, in the early years, the IT department did not have such a lofty status as it does now. Although the scale is not too small, in this St. Eden Academy, it can only be said that it is completely out of the crowd.

What changed all of this was Akasaka Ryunosuke, who was still a junior high school student at the time, and the gaze of a talented person with insight.

With Ningguang's strong support and Akasaka Ryunosuke's almost unreasonable horror technology, it only took a few years for the IT agency to expand into the behemoth it is now.

Because of this, the entire IT department can now be said to be full of admirers of Ryunosuke Akasaka.

While respecting him as a god, because of the idol worship effect, these people will also involuntarily imitate the words and deeds of this talented minister.

Akasaka Ryunosuke himself, if he puts aside his talent in electronics and only looks at his personality and behavior, he is a complete monster.

And imitation and learning will naturally produce certain exaggeration and distortion of the original object.

For example, Ryunosuke Akasaka himself really likes to eat tomatoes.

Affected by it, the entire IT department followed suit one after another. They also specially made bright red tomato juice with edible coloring as the only designated drink of the IT department.

He likes to drink bright red beverages, he lives indoors all day long and has fair skin caused by not seeing too much sunlight, coupled with dark circles under the eyes often caused by staying up late, and a personality that is extremely sleepy during the day...

It's no wonder that in St. Eden, the members of the IT department are actually a group of vampires. They have all accepted the first embrace of Akasaka Ryunosuke as the ancestor, and have since become no longer mortals. The legend of the school.

Naturally, Sawamura Eriri would not believe such rumors.

But since there are such exaggerated rumors about Yinger, the name tree, it means that there are indeed a bunch of weirdos in the IT department.

Because of this, she can almost be said to keep a respectful distance from the top floor of the club building.

After complaining a little, Sawamura Eiriri hugged her arms to resist the air-conditioning, while looking in the direction of Shiina Mashiro with a concerned expression.

In my own words, because I usually still take physical education classes, although my physical fitness is completely lower than that of women of the same age, it is at least a little better than Shiina Mashiro.

She has always regarded herself as Shiina Mashiro's owner and sister, so she is naturally very concerned about Mashiro.

Since she herself is a little uncomfortable and feels extremely uncomfortable, will Shiina Mashiro, who is weaker in physique, be even more unbearable?

But when she looked back, she didn't find Mashiro Shiina in her vision.

Huh?I clearly remember that she is in this direction, I heard her footsteps before, how could...?

Just as she was looking around with doubts, a small head with amber hair suddenly poked out from Yuanjing's shoulder, just in time to collide with her gaze.

"Ah." After a short exclamation, Sawamura Eriri was a little speechless with Shiina Mashiro who was hiding behind Yuan Jing, relying on her broad back and the body temperature of the surroundings to resist the severe cold.

Zhenbai, are you getting too close to Yuan Jun?Haven't I already taught you what is the so-called great defense between men and women?Why are you still like this?

Shiina Mashiro seems to have misunderstood the meaning of Ying Lili's eyes.

Of course, the greater possibility is that she didn't get it wrong, but she just wanted to do it.

Anyway, hiding behind Yuan Jing, she beckoned to Sawamura Eriri, "It's really warm here, Eriri, you can come too."

"No, it's not a question of whether you're warm or not. Before doing these things, I hope you can consider the so-called girl's pride..." Eriri Sawamura, like an old woman, began to put these things in earnest again. Instilling things into Shiina Mashiro, it seems that she is afraid that she will suffer a loss without knowing it.

And Shiina Mashiro's reaction is actually very similar to a rebellious girl who is nagged by her mother every day——

"Eiriri, you're so naughty." Cheeks puffed up slightly like a puffer fish, Shiina Mashiro stepped out of the defensive circle formed by Genkei's body, and directly grabbed the arm of Sawamura Eiriri who was still chattering.

Afterwards, she immediately dragged the latter to Yuan Jing's back.

"...It's really warm." Eri Sawamura opened her eyes wide in surprise.

Shiina Mashiro did not lie.

In this small area behind Yuanjing, it seemed that the cold air was also afraid of this young man, not daring to invade this area protected by his body at all.

Of course, Sawamura Eriri understood that this was just an illusion.

The real reason for the formation of this [Inviolable Land] should be the heat emanating from the boy's body.

This is it, boy?

Sawamura Eriri peeked at Yuan Jing's broad back, her heart was beating a little fast for some reason.

From childhood to adulthood, Eri Sawamura grew up surrounded by women.Because of her outstanding appearance, there are actually many boys who pursue her.

But for one thing, if a girl her age had a boyfriend, she would be ridiculed by other female friends.She has a thin face, but she can't stand it.

And the second reason, which is also the most important reason, is that she basically doesn't look down on these boys, so while rejecting the boys' requests for dating, she also keeps a distance from other men.

Apart from her father, Yuan Jing was the man she had the closest contact with.

On the one hand, because the other party is kind to her and her mother, she naturally has a good impression of the boy.

On the other hand, it is because Shiina Mashiro's completely different intimacy towards Yuan Jing often drags her into the water together.

It's exactly the same as it is now.

...Well, build a good relationship with Mr. Yuan, so as to get his help and get rid of the control of the Spencer family.This is something that has been decided long ago.

Although he has already made an agreement with Zhenbai, this is the matter of their Sawamura family after all. As the center of the vortex, it is naturally impossible for her to throw all of it on Zhenbai, and she should express something.

If this is the case, doesn't this mean that she is walking on the right path at the moment?

From this point of view, it can be said that Zhenbai's approach cannot be criticized at all.On the contrary, it's me, isn't it too twitchy?

In other words, true white is right, but the one who can't let go is wrong.

Eri Sawamura always felt that something was wrong.

But she herself couldn't tell what was wrong.

In the eyes of the mother, no matter how wrong her own child is, she will subconsciously excuse her and find various reasons to prove that she is not wrong.

As the current owner of Shiina Mashiro, and of course her older sister (self-proclaimed), Eri Sawamura naturally has the same "maternal love" filter for her.

There were only three people present.

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