Yuan Jing read out the words she wrote on the blackboard, becoming more and more puzzled.

Fujiwara Chika's level of escape of thinking, even he can't keep up.

Is this what you want, Jing Luo is ecstatic?

"Okay, students!" After writing this word, Chika Fujiwara turned around cheerfully and faced the other three members of the Lamb Society.

"On top of today's world history lesson, let's talk about the Holy Roman Empire!"

Chika Fujiwara wants to teach the three-person world history of the Lamb Society?

The three were stunned.

But before anyone else raised objections, our Fujiwara teacher (self-proclaimed) began to talk about it on his own.

Listening to her fluent words, it became clear that she was actually prepared for this.

"There was a sarcastic scholar in France in the [-]th century, named Voltaire. He criticized the Holy Roman Empire [neither holy, nor Roman, nor an empire]." Chika Fujiwara pushed the glasses on the bridge of her nose.

"That's an exaggerated statement. Isn't that the same as saying that Tokyo Disneyland [it's not in Tokyo, Walt Disney is dead long ago, and the park is just an ordinary amusement park]?"

Yuan Jing blinked, he was not sure whether Chika Fujiwara was agreeing with Voltaire or contradicting him.

After all, Tokyo Disneyland is indeed not located in Tokyo, and its founder, Walt Disney, has indeed passed away a long time ago. As for whether the name "Paradise" is worthy or not, everyone has a different answer.

"For the Holy Roman Empire, especially the later Holy Roman Empire, scholars' evaluations are actually similar to those of Voltaire."

"The small countries in the empire were not united at all. After losing to Napoleon, they were disbanded in a few moments. They were not like a country at all. Moreover, when the empire existed, the emperor had no power to command the lords of each small country. There is no patriotism in the empire either."

"Because the name of the Holy Roman Empire is too majestic, future generations imagined that it was a great empire. But it's not like that."

"Emperor Shinra adopts a ballot system, and the election method is actually similar to the way the modern chamber of commerce elects the president."

"The chairman of the modern chamber of commerce is elected from among the presidents of large companies, and the Holy Roman Empire is also elected from among the powerful kings. Therefore, the elected monarch originally has royal power and territory, and has nothing to do with the empire itself."

"Because of this, the Holy Roman Empire did not actually have a clear capital." Fujiwara Chika continued, "The electoral system led to the constant change of the emperor's throne, so the location of the emperor at that time was barely regarded as the capital of the empire. In the later period of the empire, the formalization of the electoral system led to The Habsburg head of the household became the hereditary emperor."

"The Habsburg family has territories in Spain, Italy, Hungary and other places, but the family center is mainly Austria. Therefore, the actual capital of the empire is—"

She turned her head and wrote the name of a city on the blackboard.


"This is the actual capital of the late Holy Roman Empire."


After Yukinoshita Yukino saw the name of the city, her red lips parted slightly, she seemed to understand Fujiwara Chika's intentions.

"However, Mr. Fujiwara, I don't think so." Chika Fujiwara puffed up her chest. After a long opening, she was finally ready to get to the point.

"Why did the emperors of all dynasties try their best to continue the Holy Roman Empire even though the empire was just a collection of small countries, without real power to rule and not valued by the people?"

"To resist the invasion of the Ottoman Empire?" Shimizu Kaguya replied abruptly.

"Beep beep, Kaguya-san gave the wrong answer!" Chika Fujiwara made a big cross in front of her chest, "Mr. Fujiwara, please don't give such a realistic and cold answer."

"Since this is about Rome, please answer Roman (romantic)."

Her eyes wandered over the faces of Yukinoshita Yukino and Yuan Jing, showing a cute expression of 'come and cooperate with me'.

Yukinoshita Yukino was still a little confused, but Yuan Jing understood what she meant.

"Because he's handsome." He replied following Chika Fujiwara's meaning. If it was the emotional Chika Fujiwara, that's what she wanted to express, that's right. "Look, it's sacred, Roman, or Empire or something..."

"Yes, yes, yes! That's it!" Fujiwara Chika jumped excitedly, obviously, Yuan Jing and her were so connected, which made her extremely happy.

"The teacher believes that the driving force behind the continuation of the empire is the longing for the ancient Roman Empire; the lifeblood of the empire is the dream of mastering the whole of Europe like the ancient Roman Empire!"

"Dreams and visions are endless!"

"Precisely because all the emperors of the past have dreamed of mastering Rome, and hoped that their city would one day become a new Rome, they would painstakingly maintain the banner of the Holy Roman Empire."

"Then, the capital of the Holy Roman Empire is undoubtedly Rome!"

"Pa, pa, pa." Yuan Jing applauded softly.

Although Chika Fujiwara's remarks cannot be said to be correct, they are indeed quite romantic, and—

"So, this year's winter vacation, is St. Eden Academy's destination Vienna or Rome?"

He thought of the meeting with Touma Kazusa this morning, and said with a sense of comprehension.

In the original game, there was such an event.As long as you get in the top three in the midterm or final exam, or in the top three in honor points at the end of the semester, you can unlock additional maps.

He got No.1 in the previous midterm exam, so he is naturally qualified for this.

"Well, Yuan-san is still so sharp." Chika Fujiwara puffed up her mouth slightly, and then tapped the handwriting of "Vienna" on her blackboard.

"According to reports, the destination of the freshman year is Vienna, and the leader of the team is Mr. Shizuka Hiratsuka."

Fujiwara Chika has her own channel to obtain information, but she has an 'internal response' among the teaching staff.

"Vienna?" Yuan Jing nodded knowingly.

"Hmm!" Chika Fujiwara cleared her throat first, and then said with some coyness, "As for me, I'm actually very interested in Vienna, so..."

"No, no, no, I think it's useless no matter what you say." Shimizu Kaguya precisely defeated Fujiwara Chika's delusion.

"Qianhua, in the mid-term exam, you are almost 3 points behind the No. [-] Shijo Zhenfei. Now the final exam is less than a month away. No matter how hard you try, you can't catch up, right?"

"Dreams, dreams and longings are endless!" Chika Fujiwara repeated her previous words a little out of breath, but of course she knew that this dream was too far away for her.

However, her purpose was not to show determination, but—

Chika Fujiwara clasped her hands together and made a pleading appearance towards Yuanjing.

"Student Yuan, can you help the teacher?"

"I don't know if you are free this weekend. If you are free, I wonder if you can come to my house. How about we have a small study session?"

Chapter 22 Concubine Zhen, my little wingman

"Qianhua, Yuan-jun may not have time this week." Before Yuanjing could reply, Qingshui Huiye said so first.

As Yuanjing's subordinate, she put on the mask of 'wicked person' with great astuteness, and began to find excuses for him——

"Ms. Minamoto's train leaves on Saturday morning, and Minamoto-kun is going to the station to see her off."

The reason why he didn't choose a faster plane was because Minamoto Raimitsu didn't trust this huge steel raptor flying high above the sky.

According to her, if something happened to the ship, car or train, she could still save her life with her own skills.

But if the plane had an accident at high altitude, then even she would have nothing but hatred on the spot.

This distrust of airplanes is actually a common problem of the Yuan family.

This is also one of the reasons why the Genka lacked interest in expanding their influence outside of Sakurajima.

"And after that, there are matters related to moving out of the Shinnomiya villa," Shimizu Kaguya showed regret on his face, "So..."

So another day?

Shimizu Kaguya wanted to use the word 'drag' first, to drag this weekend over first.

Obviously, she didn't want Yuan Jing to go to Fujiwara's house just like that.


"If you want to move, it won't take two days, right?" Shimizu Kaguya's next words were blocked just like that.

Because the person who said this was not Chika Fujiwara.

It was someone she simply had no way to refute.

That is her current 'boss'.

"Tomorrow morning, I have to send my mother off, so I don't have time. However, after that, it will be fine." Yuan Jing turned to Shimizu Huiye, "Huiye, mother's train departure time, I think it is 9:40 tomorrow morning Minute?"

"Yes, that's right." Although her mind was shaken, Shimizu Kaguya naturally remembered this kind of thing very clearly, when Yuanjing confirmed this to her, she subconsciously gave an affirmative answer.

"Chika, your home is in the Shoto area of ​​Shibuya, right?" After getting a positive answer from Shimizu Kaguya, Yuan Jing turned to Fujiwara Chika.

"Huh? Ah Jing, how do you know?" Yuan Jing agreed to her request so easily, even Fujiwara Chika was a little surprised, and she was even more surprised that Yuan Jing even knew where her home was.

"When I met Auntie Wansui on the second day of the cultural festival, she told me." Yuan Jing thought of the very talkative and friendly 'big Qianhua'.

Ah, yes, except for the boobs.

"She also invited me, saying that she would like to take a walk when I am free."

'Mom, good job!I love you to death! 'Fujiwara Chika cheered so much in her heart.

"In that case," Yuan Jing estimated the time in his mind, "I will probably arrive at 11 o'clock."

He looked at Chika Fujiwara, "I don't know, do you mind having an extra pair of chopsticks for lunch?"

"Of course I don't mind!" Chika Fujiwara showed a smile as bright as the sun, "Mom and Dad will definitely be very happy too!"

This is true.

Her mother, Fujiwara Wansui, was naturally extremely satisfied with Yuanjing, the son-in-law-to-be.

As for her father, Fujiwara Daichi, since that time when he went to discuss the marriage contract, although on the surface he was still picky about Yuanjing, Fujiwara Chika knew that his father had a positive attitude towards Yuanjing in his heart.

He never mentioned the idea of ​​annulling her engagement with Yuanjing, this is the proof.

"As for, after signing the relevant procedures this afternoon, tomorrow's moving matters." Yuan Jing obviously did not forget what Qingshui Huiye said.

Thanks to Sayuri Sawamura's previous preparations, and the fact that Yuan Jing was not too picky about this.

So after looking through the notebooks prepared by Sayuri Sawamura, Yuan Jing chose one of the places that looked the most pleasing to the eye.

Its location is also in Minato, but it is no longer [Azabu].

Now Sayuri Sawamura is negotiating related matters, Yuanjing just needs to sign after school today.

"Hui Ye, I'll leave it to you."

In the four palaces, he only lived for about two weeks.

Except for a large pile of clothes that Minamoto Raimitsu bought for him, his personal items can be said to be very few.

In addition, he saw that Shui Huiye was full of energy and wanted to pay off the debt as soon as possible, so he also decided to create more events for her to get bonuses.

The house he bought this time is still a second-hand house, and the decoration has been perfected.

It is easy to move in, and you don't need to bother to decorate, which is the biggest reason why he prefers second-hand houses.

"...Okay, I will do everything beautifully." Facing Yuanjing's trust and kindness, Shimizu Kaguya could only nod in agreement.

"Well, I believe in you." Yuan Jing gave her an encouraging smile, then lowered his head and began to unpack the bento he was carrying.

It's lunch break now, and eating is the top priority.

As for why she agreed to tutor Chika Fujiwara, the reason is actually very simple:

Between him and Fujiwara Chika, there were hugs and kisses, so naturally the attitude would change.

Although this is necessary to defeat Minamoto Raimitsu, such a thing would not have happened if he hadn't had a certain liking for Fujiwara Chika.

Humans are not machines, and after a period of events, they can use methods such as 'restore factory settings' to restore everything.

The current Yuanjing is willing to meet some of Fujiwara Chika's demands that are not too excessive.

The requirement of tutoring learning is naturally not out of bounds.

In addition, there is another reason that is not too important, that is, he actually wants to ask Fujiwara Manho, who is a diplomat, something.

That's about Mr. Spencer's untimely death.

For now, all the information he has obtained comes from Sayuri Sawamura and some news.

He didn't suspect that Mrs. Sawamura wasn't telling the truth, but as the saying goes, "If you listen to one side, you will believe it, and if you listen to it, you will be enlightened."

What is going on with this incident, what is the attitude of the Spencer family on the other side of the ocean, and what are their demands...

For these things, we need to ask Fujiwara Wansui, who is in charge of this matter, in order to have a clear and overall understanding.

Oh, right.

"Yukono, I remember that your grade seemed to be No.4 in the midterm exam?" In the conversation just now, Yukinoshita Yukino just listened silently. Although she hesitated to speak several times in the middle, she finally Still didn't speak.

However, Yuan Jing noticed that when she mentioned [Vienna], there was a clear emotion on her face.

"Are you sure you will get into the top three this time?" Yuan Jing asked with some concern.

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