She doesn't want to know either.

"That's it, Mrs. Sawamura, if there is nothing else, please take Sawamura-san and Shiina-san back." Shimizu Kaguya glanced at the two next to Sayuri Sawamura, and then stepped down A eviction order was issued.

"Wait a minute." Sayuri Sawamura raised her hand, signaling that she still had something to say.

Shimizu Kaguya tilted her head a little cutely.

Sayuri Sawamura's attitude of never giving up for her daughter, she doesn't dislike, on the contrary, she appreciates it.

"Mrs. Sawamura, do you have anything to say?" She said, "If you want to ask to see the boss, then I have to remind you that although he is very nice, the way of stalking is not right for you." He's useless."

"He actually doesn't like contacting others. If you don't really think about it, I don't suggest you to waste this hard-won opportunity."

There was a hint of warning in her words.

Naturally understanding the meaning of her words, Sayuri Sawamura shook her head——

"I'm not going to see Mr. Yuan." She denied.

She naturally knew what Shimizu Kaguya's words meant.If she didn't have the certainty of 'one hit kills', she would not use this extremely precious opportunity.

"I still have something to say to you, Kaguya."

"Me?" Shimizu Kaguya was a little surprised, she looked at Sayuri Sawamura, "What do you want to tell me?"

"I want to ask, do you need an adult to be your helper?" Sayuri Sawamura had already considered this situation when she was on the road, so she said very fluently——

"You have seen my working ability today." She was referring to the big notebook she showed Shimizu Kaguya in the reception room of the real estate agency, "I don't think I should be clumsy. That kind of person is right."

"Through the previous incidents, you also found out, Kaguya?" Sayuri Sawamura said, "If there is a trustworthy adult to help, many things will be much easier."

Kaguya Shimizu is a student.

Going to school takes up most of her time.

Take this time looking for a house for Yuanjing as an example, she thinks she has paid enough attention to it, and the efficiency can be said to be very high.

But due to her status as a student, she can only handle related matters after school every day.

It's okay if everything goes well, but once there are some twists and turns in the middle like this time, it will easily delay Yuanjing's affairs.

And it would be different if she had a competent and trustworthy adult outside the school as a helper.

She can leave things like meeting people and screening listings to her, which saves a lot of time.

She can still have more time to serve by Yuanjing's side...

"If it's an on-campus matter, I believe Kaguya you can do a good job, and you don't need me to intervene at all. But if this is the case, if you need to contact people outside the school and need to travel around, I think an adult outside the school , can save you a lot of things, what do you think?"

Seeing Shimizu Kaguya sinking into deep thought, with an expression of excitement on his face, Sayuri Sawamura said this while the iron was hot.

"...Let me say it first, although I am the boss's subordinate, I will not make any decisions for him." After thinking for a while, Shimizu Kaguya said, "I don't have that power, nor Willing to do that."

"At most, I can only say a few words for you at the right time."

"Now I can only make such a promise."

Shimizu Kaguya said so.

"Is this condition acceptable?"

"Yes." Sayuri Sawamura nodded vigorously.


At this moment, Yukinoshita Yukino, who was doing her homework at home, suddenly trembled a few times on her mobile phone placed aside.

This is a sign of news.

After she stopped writing, she held it in front of her, and after unlocking the screen——

"What a pity, Yukino."

Such an endless message appeared in front of her.

This is a message from Shizuka Hiratsuka on [Line].

Under the snow, Yukinai Liu frowned slightly, looking a little bewildered.

During the cultural festival that just passed, the relationship with my classmates has been greatly eased because of my duties as a committee member.

The reputation of the Lamb Society has also gradually increased, and the relationship between myself and my sister Yang Nai has gradually eased, and it is no longer as rigid as before.

Obviously everything is going in a good direction, why did Shizuka Hiratsuka suddenly send her such words on [Line]?

"What's the pity?"

Yukinoshita Yukino typed on the phone and returned.

Soon, she received a call from Shizuka Hiratsuka.

"Of course it's about the mid-term exam. It turned out to be No.4 and not in the top three. To be honest, it's a pity."


How long has passed, why did Shizuka Hiratsuka bring up the old story again today?

"It doesn't matter, I will be in the top three in the final exam." The second lady replied on the phone.

Even though she said that, she wasn't really confident.

The top three in the grade are Yuan Jing, Shimizu Kaguya, and Shijo Zhenfei.

Not to mention Yuanjing, whether it is Shimizu Kaguya or Shijo Zhenfei, they are extremely formidable opponents, and she is really not sure of winning the battle.

"It's better to be like this, otherwise, I won't be able to bring you along with Yuan Jun on our trip to Vienna."

Hiratsuka Shizuka was still at the end, adding a somewhat embarrassing dog head emoji.

Yukinoshita Yukino was suddenly stunned——

Shizuka Hiratsuka wants to go to Vienna with Yuan Jing?

This is how the same thing?

Chapter 21 Qianhua: Can you come to my house?

"So, Sayuri Sawamura is now your subordinate?"

On the way to school on Friday morning, after Kaguya Shimizu reported yesterday's events to Yuan Jing, the car arrived at the long ramp outside the gate of St. Eden Academy.

"Strictly speaking, it should be regarded as the object of labor dispatch." Shimizu Kaguya corrected, "As far as the current situation is concerned, your off-campus affairs are not so many that you need people to be on call 24 hours a day, so now Sawamura and I Sayuri adopts the employment method of labor dispatch."

"Usually, Sayuri Sawamura has free time. I will contact her only when I need to travel outside like now."

I get it, it means temporary workers.

Yuanjing nodded knowingly.

At this time, the car had already stopped slowly, and after pushing the door open, Yuan Jing grabbed his schoolbag and got out of the car.

And Shimizu Kaguya followed closely behind.

The morning sun was shining through the gaps between the treetops, casting dappled shadows on her body.

In this interlacing of light and darkness, that touch of bright red is extremely eye-catching.

As if reflecting the owner's mood, the bright red 'butterfly' danced lightly under the breeze.

Still maintaining a distance of half a step behind, Shimizu Kaguya continued behind Yuanjing, "By the way, about Ms. Laiguang tomorrow..."

"Yuanjun!" Before she could finish speaking, a joyful cry rang in the ears of the two of them.

Following the prestige, he saw a girl with fluttering long hair walking quickly towards the two of them.

No, it would be somewhat incorrect to say that it was 'two people'.

From the beginning to the end, she actually only had Yuan Jing in her eyes.

It was Dongma Hesha who hadn't seen him for many days.

After getting closer, she found Shimizu Kaguya behind Yuanjing, and after nodding and greeting her, she took the position next to Yuanjing as usual for reasons.

After all, for a long time before this, it was her Touma Kazusa's privilege to walk up the ramp to school with Yuan Jing.

After coming to Yuanjing's side, she skillfully handed over an earphone.

"Aren't you busy with your first album recently, have you taken a break from school?" Yuan Jing naturally took over the earphones, there was no expression of resistance on his face, but a bit concerned, "Why did you come to school suddenly today?" gone?"

"Well, logically speaking, that's true." Touma Kazusa nodded, "However, Teacher Shizuka Hiratsuka contacted me yesterday and said that there is something very, very important to inform me today, so please come to school by all means."

'Moreover, it's still related to Yuanjing. 'This is what Hiratsuka Jing revealed to her on the phone.

"Coincidentally, I'm a little irritable when recording songs every day. I just took this opportunity to come out to change my mood, so I simply came to school."

After Touma and Sasha operated on the mobile phone, a beautiful piano sound came from Yuanjing's earphone.

"My first album, in addition to "Descent", I plan to include nine songs," urged Yuanjing to put the earphones in his ears, Touma Kazusa seemed to be a caring person showing off his treasures Child, "This is one of them."

"Listen, do you think it's good enough to be on the same album as Arrival?"

"Aunt Yaozi's taste, I still trust." After putting the earphones in his ears, Yuan Jing narrowed his eyes slightly, "Since it is a work carefully selected by her, I don't think there is any possibility of problems. Not much..."

Looking at the two people who were talking harmoniously in front of them and sharing a pair of earphones without hesitation, Kaguya Shimizu felt a little stuffy in his chest.

She originally wanted to discuss with Yuanjing about sending Minamoto Raiko away tomorrow and about moving later, but it seems——

Now doesn't seem like a good time to talk about this.

The breeze has stopped, and the 'wings' of the bow that were flying have stopped dancing, looking a little listless.

Knowing Yuanjing's birthday, choosing his future residence, getting the right to live together from him, and the 'gift' she is wearing on her head......

These things before went so smoothly, until Qingshui Huiye had forgotten that she was not Yuanjing's 'girlfriend'.

She is just a 'subordinate'.

And the reason why this relationship can be established is because of the promise she made to Yuanjing before...

In fact, she had long thought that if she wanted to stay by Yuanjing's side as a 'subordinate', such things would happen sooner or later.

Shimizu Kaguya had thought about this a long time ago, and had done psychological construction for himself in this regard.

But it's one thing to be prepared, and it's another matter how you feel in your heart after you actually encounter such a thing.

Worse, there was nothing she could do about it.

If it's Ai Hayasaka, even if she insists, she will get in between those two, right?

But she has no such position.

After all, she is only Yuanjing's 'subordinate', someone who has received his favor.

She may be the person closest to Yuanjing in reality, and his trust in her is unadulterated.

But in terms of spiritual distance, she is definitely the farthest one.

Shimizu Kaguya still had a gentle smile on his face.

She stepped back lightly, making enough room for the two in front of her.

But the hands behind her back were slowly clenched, and some sharp nails pressed marks on her white palms, causing little stinging pain.

She is using the tingling to remind herself of her identity, to remind her——

You need to be patient.


During the lunch break, when Yuan Jing came to the Lamb Club's room with a bento box, he saw Chika Fujiwara standing in front of the blackboard, writing something very seriously.

When she saw Yuanjing push the door open, she stopped writing and turned to Yuanjing.Only then did he realize that Fujiwara Chika had specially put a pair of glasses on the bridge of her nose.

"Student Yuan, class is about to start, please go back to your seat."

After pushing the glasses on the bridge of her nose, she signaled Yuan Jing to sit in his exclusive seat.

Where is this going?That's why you rushed out of the classroom immediately after class?

Yuan Jing was full of question marks. After entering the room, he found that Yukinoshita Yukino and Shimizu Kaguya had also arrived.

They also had the same doubts on their faces as Yuan Jing.

And when Yuan Jing sat in his seat, Chika Fujiwara just finished writing a noun.

'Holy Roman Empire'?

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