'Don't panic, don't panic, Yukinoshita Yukino, think carefully about your performance just now, and you will definitely be able to find a solution to this desperate situation! '

Yukinoshita Yukino's memory has always been very good, so she can almost recall every detail of what happened just now.

But the more she recalled, the more desperate she became——

'Isn't this a complete slut? ! ’ She overturned the table in her heart, “What did I do just now! '

Yukinoshita Yukino walked into a dead end.

"The current Yuanjing is definitely looking at me with a look full of disdain [I didn't expect you to be such a person]," the second lady of Yukinoshita's family thought a little bit without tears, "If you are treated as [ Disgusting woman] words...'

She didn't dare to think about it anymore.

And at this moment, she felt a slight vibration from the sofa.

Although one is at this end and the other is at the other end, what the two are doing is the same couch after all.

Although she dared not show her face to look at Yuan Jing, Yukinoshita Yukino has actually been using her other senses to capture Yuan Jing's reaction as much as possible.

Therefore, even a slight vibration was easily captured by the extremely sensitive Yukinoshita Yukino at the moment.

'Lower weight on the couch?Yuanjing left the sofa?Is he... leaving? '

Yukinoshita Yukino felt exactly right.

At this time, Yuan Jing had indeed left the sofa and stood up, and the direction he was facing was also the gate of Lian Yan's club house.

But before he could move away, a slender white hand grabbed his wrist.

Although a small, but quite firm force was transmitted from this hand.

'Please don't go. ’ That’s the message the hand was sending him.

Yuan Jing turned around, and what caught his eyes was Yukinoshita Yukino's long black and smooth hair.

It is really convenient to be black and straight, you can easily cover your face with your own hair.

Yuan Jing tilted his head to the right, and Yukinoshita Yukino also tilted his head to the right as if in response.

He turned his head to the left again, and she turned her head to the left as a result.

Anyway, no matter what, she tried her best not to let Yuanjing see her cheek.


What Yukinoshita Yukino has never discovered is that her mood has actually been exposed long ago. The 'spy' is the pair of small and exquisite ears protruding from between the long hair.

This pair of ears, which were shaped like little ingots, were already glowing red.

This is not the first time they have betrayed their masters.

"...I'll just go out for a while, and I'll be back right away." As someone who has peeked into Yukinoshita Yukino's heart, Yuan Jing's tone is naturally quite soft, he said so in a tone like coaxing a child.

Shake your head, shake your head.

Yukinoshita Yukino did not speak.The long hair was fluttering, and she swayed from side to side several times, which also showed her attitude.

Her grip on Yuanjing's wrist tightened even more.

Well, don't words make sense?In that case...

"Ah!" Yukinoshita Yukino let out a brief exclamation.

Although the hair can block the line of sight, it is vulnerable to the real thing.

She felt the touch of her fingers on her cheek.

If that's the case alone, it's nothing, the most important thing is——

'Why is it wet? '

Such doubts surged in her heart, and they were answered in the next second.

"You can feel it, my ears are actually as wet as this finger." Yuanjing's voice came into her ears, "I can't just wait for it to dry naturally, can I?"

After being attacked by Yukinoshita Yukino's 'lips and teeth', Yuan Jing's ears would naturally not be unscathed.

Beautiful girls naturally have saliva, so he naturally had to clean his wet ears.

But even with such a legitimate reason, it did not pass Yukinoshita Yukino's 'review process'.

Although she felt even more ashamed in her heart, she was still afraid that Yuanjing would just leave and never return.

"I'll dry you off."

Yuan Jing felt the pulling force from his wrist.

Carrying a handkerchief with you is a lady's etiquette, and Yukinoshita Yukino is no exception.

But before she reached into her pocket with her other hand to take out the handkerchief, she heard Yuan Jing let out a very obvious sigh.

Yuanjing's wrist shook slightly, and a strong force came from it, which made Yukinoshita Yukino's hand numb, and then she involuntarily let go of her grip.

However, the other party did not just leave.

The slightly wet index finger on her cheek moved down extremely briskly, and it and its four partners moved to Yukinoshita Yukino's chin, lifting her cheek that had been looking down.

The black hair that was originally intended to cover the facial expression was also brushed away with the other hand, as if lifting the black tulle, Yukinoshita Yukino saw the light again.

The cheeks that she tried to hide originally were shown by Yuan Jing so mercilessly.

Ah, I still can't hide it after all...

Yukinoshita Yukino raised her cheeks in a self-defeating manner, but suddenly she was a little dazed——

"I can't let you do this, Yukinoshita-san."

Although this action exposed Yukinoshita Yukino's cheeks in front of Yuan Jing, it also allowed her to see Yuan Jing's current appearance.

"In this case, under the guise of cleaning my ears, I actually planned to use cold water to calm myself down, wouldn't it be exposed all of a sudden?"

Although it wasn't as obvious as Yukinoshita Yukino, but because the young man's cheeks were extremely fair, the few blushes on his cheeks could be seen very clearly.

He blushed because of me?

"Oh, no, we are dating now, right? Then, it seems that it is not very good to call Yukinoshita-san."

Gently cupping Yukinoshita Yukino's cheeks with both hands, Yuan Jing leaned down and whispered in her ear——

"I'll be right back, so can you wait for me for a while?"

"Xue Na?"

Accompanied by the warm breath, such words were softly blown into Yukino Yukino's ears.


"Thank you for the hospitality, I'm full." Yukinoshita Yoshino put his palms together, looking satisfied as if he had just enjoyed a perfect delicacy.

As a rational type of sister-in-law, she is not the selfish type who will hold her sister in her palm and never let go.

On the contrary, she is the kind of open-minded type who will regard her sister's happiness as her own happiness.

Although she usually teases her younger sister with some bad intentions, if she is to rank Yukinoshita Yukino's happiness, she is very likely to be at the top of the list.

After seeing the rare picture, Yukinoshita Yono felt satisfied and turned his head to Fujiwara Chika: "Since the reward has been received, it's time to work, right?"

"...It's strange, Sister Yango was obviously worried just now, but now she suddenly became more open-minded." Chika Fujiwara looked suspiciously at the smiling Yukinoshita Yango, "This Did you think about it all of a sudden?"

"It's not like I'm thinking about it." Yukinoshita Yono shrugged, "I just found out."

"What did you find?" Fujiwara Chika asked curiously.

"I found this young man named 'Yuanjing', and his rank is indeed frighteningly high." Yukinoshita Haruno said in amazement.

As the heir of the Yukinoshita family and a college student who has been exposed to society, her vision is naturally much broader.

But even so, she couldn't help being a little speechless.

It's also fortunate that the other party is not the kind of Neptune who is interested in sex, otherwise...

Yukinoshita Yono seemed to have seen something bad, shivered slightly with some fear.

Then with a relaxed look on his face——

"Well, although there are two more dates in the future, judging from the current performance, there should be no things beyond his control, so I am naturally relieved."

Chika Fujiwara: "..."

Was she being looked down upon subtly just now?

Chapter 93 Chika Fujiwara wants to break the defense (4k)

"The current time is 11:39," Yukinoshita Yoshino and Fujiwara Chika checked their watches.

She didn't come to the cultural festival of St. Eden Academy to see Yukinoshita Yukino and Yuan Jing exchanging sweets.

No, it should be said that it is not just to see Fatang.

Otherwise, there is no need to pretend to be your own sister.

She has a mission of her own, and now is almost the time to act.

"That's right, it's also 11:39 on my watch." Chika Fujiwara also looked at the watch on her wrist, then nodded.

In the future, she will still sit in the monitoring room, giving orders as the 'brain' of the plan.

This consistency in time is extremely necessary for the accurate implementation of their plans.And in a while, after Yukinoshita Yukino's 'date' with Yuan Jing is completed, she will also check the table with Yukinoshita Yukino.

"Before noon, Aunt Mina's progress was 47, well, now it's 48 clubs." After removing his eyes from the screen where his sister was, Yukinoshita Yoshino looked at another screen .

In the picture shown above, a purple-haired peerless beauty cut the opponent's wooden knife in two with a wooden knife.

Even Yukinoshita Yono, when seeing such a scene, his pupils not only shrank slightly.

Wooden knives are not real swords, but imitations of swords.

Even if you don't start the front, it is really dangerous to use a sword made of real steel for daily practice and competition. Because of this, modern Sakurajima Kendo uses wooden swords or bamboo swords as substitutes. Improve security.

St. Eden Academy is a noble school with a long history, and it can almost be said to be the best middle school in Sakurajima.The Kendo Club is the most famous signature club of St. Eden Academy. Since more than ten years ago, it can be said that it has almost monopolized the top three in all kinds of Kendo competitions in Sakurajima.

Such a star club can naturally get strong support from the student union, and the wooden knives it uses will naturally not be cheap.

Woods that are hard but easily broken, such as red oak (red oak) or white oak (white oak), are not considered at all. The materials used are all 'black sandalwood'.

A wooden knife made of such a material with extremely high hardness and a certain degree of toughness will not be easily broken even if it is confronted with a real sword made of steel, let alone it has never been broken. The fight between the sharp wooden knives was over.


Yukinoshita Haruno looked at the feet of the purple-haired and purple-eyed woman.

There, there are at least a dozen 'remains' of wooden knives piled up in a haphazard manner, which are obviously the masterpieces of this woman.

And it took her a little more than 10 minutes to complete such a scene, and this also included the time spent on etiquette such as changing people and saluting each other before the competition.

Even Yukinoshita Haruno has heard about the person who was defeated by Minamoto Larimitsu just now.

The other party is the daughter of the famous Sakurajima kendo family, the daughter of the Busujima family. Her kendo strength is among the young women in Sakurajima. He was humiliated and cut off the wooden sword in his hand.

"As the orthodox descendant of Minamoto Yorimitsu, the Minamoto family is best at swords, so it is not surprising to have such a victory." Unlike Yukinoshita Haruno who was a little shocked, Fujiwara Chika can be said to be the source of the Minamoto family. I know everything, so it's no surprise.

She also looked at the screen where Minamoto Raimiko was.

As one of the most representative and largest clubs in St. Eden Academy, the place where the Kendo Club competes with Minamoto Yorimitsu will naturally not be a cramped club classroom.

After the division of the classical music department, they can allocate dedicated practice classrooms to aces like Touma Kazusa, and the kendo department will naturally be more generous——

They can be said to have established a dojo directly in St. Eden Academy.

However, unlike the dojo, the hanging plaque does not show the school of kendo it teaches, but only the words "Kendo Department".

After defeating Saeko Busujima, the head general of the Kendo Club and the head of the Kendo Club, Minamoto Yorimitsu waved his arm, and a black light flashed, and the wooden sword he was holding in his hand disappeared in the next second. It was nailed to the plaque of the Kendo Department.

In an instant, sawdust flew.

This wooden knife with an astonishing record, after piercing through the plaque, almost completely disappeared on the wall behind it.

When Fujiwara Chika saw this, her eyes lit up slightly.

She is not an all-round genius like Shinomiya Kaguya, she is not a martial artist, and she knows nothing about things such as kendo.

What kind of method Minamoto Larimitsu used to accomplish such a shocking thing, she naturally didn't know at all.

She doesn't need to know either.

From Minamoto Raikou's actions, she only needs to know one thing, and that is——

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