She wanted him to feel her presence strongly, to make his body tremble and struggle because of her.

This extremely novel feeling made her addicted to it very quickly.

And after Yukinoshita Yukino switched to the 'bad boy' form, the original situation where Yuanjing was dominant suddenly turned upside down.

The original two people actually had a slight distance between their knees.And now, Yukinoshita Yukino's knee has already aggressively stretched between Yuan Jing's legs.

In addition, she began to use her accidentally discovered 'weapon' more frequently, causing Yuan Jing to fall into a 'silent' state from time to time.

This action is actually quite effective.After noticing that every time he did this, Yuan Jing's reaction of shrinking his neck slightly would make Yukinoshita Yukino feel some ripples called 'joy' in his heart.

However, although Yuanjing is on the defensive, its defense is actually quite tough.

No matter how easy the trick is, if it is used all the time, it will naturally have a day of failure.

Yukinoshita Yukino (Bad Boy Ver.) obviously already knew this, but she still took it easy.

As early as the moment she lightly licked Yuanjing's earlobe, she had already thought about the next 'movement'.

That was the means that could bring her victory.

After Yuan Jing got used to the wet stimulation, Yukinoshita Yukino's lips showed a smile that can only be described as 'seductive'.

She opened her lips slightly, revealing two rows of white teeth.

She tilted her head forward slightly lovingly, and then—

Biting Yuanjing's crystal earlobe that was already a little red.


Yuanjing's wavering is extremely obvious.

He doesn't feel pain.He has practiced martial arts since he was a child, and his tolerance for pain is far beyond ordinary people.

But Yukinoshita Yukino's original intention was not to make him feel pain.

She didn't use much strength, and her movements were as gentle as a newborn kitten nibbling its owner's fingers with its mouth.

But this kind of action that can't be called biting at all is quite enough.

Yuan Jing is not afraid of pain.

But that doesn't mean he's not ticklish.

"...Arthur... Conan Doyle..."

After a long silence, Yuan Jing made such an answer.

Logically speaking, at this moment, the source scene should be changed to the question, but——

"It's too slow, Yuan-san." Yukinoshita Yukino whispered in Yuan Jing's ear, and the hot and humid air he exhaled gently brushed the fine fluff in Yuan Jing's ear——

"As a punishment - "Around the Earth in Eighty Days." She started asking questions directly.

That's right, this game called 'The Masterpiece by the Ear' is wrapped in a shell called a knowledge quiz, and the condition for judging the winner is whether you can answer the opponent's questions.

In other words, in this game, the loser is definitely the one who 'answers'!

If that's the case, just try to be the questioner as much as possible!

If it is the person who made the question, he will definitely be invincible.

This is Yukinoshita Yukino's strategy.

She stabilized Yuanjing's head with both hands, and put her lips next to his ear.

Breathing out deliberately while asking questions, and wielding her 'weapons' with increasing adroitness.

Such behavior, if she thinks about it afterwards, she will probably be ashamed to hit the wall with her powder fist, but now she only thinks about 'beating Yuanjing', and her head is not 'awake' at all, so naturally Can't be ashamed either.

Now she is in a kind of frenzied excitement for being able to suppress Yuanjing.

""With the wind"?"

"...Margaret Mitchell."

"Don Quixote?"

"...Cervantes Saavedra."

""Robinson Crusoe"?"

"...Daniel Defoe."

Even though he was treated like this by Yukinoshita Yukino, Yuan Jing has always been quite tenacious.

Compared with the name of a famous book, the author's name is naturally more difficult to remember, but even so, Yuanjing still maintains a [-]% accuracy rate.

Although his tone was a little trembling compared to his usual calm tone, considering his current situation...

It is estimated that I can only say "hard work" to him.

However, even though Yuan Jing was extremely tenacious, as the saying goes, if you keep going for a long time, you will lose. If this situation continues, then even he will definitely make mistakes.

You have to find a way to fight back.

In fact, the method is on his lips, but——

On the one hand, it is not the best time yet; on the other hand, Yuanjing still has some hesitation about whether to take such an approach.

However, he is also a vigorous young man;

Yukinoshita Yukino's unscrupulous behavior also made him a little angry, and wanted her to taste the consequences in his eyes;

And wrapped in this strange atmosphere, even he was a little bit involved in it, and his sanity began to be a little unclear...

Therefore, when his "struggle instinct" as a warrior told him "It's time!", he instinctively adopted the most effective means of counterattack——

He poked his head out extremely quickly, and whispered softly beside Yukinoshita Yukino's crystal clear earlobe:

""Say at the Center of the World——" This paragraph Yuanjing deliberately said it very vaguely.

""Love You"." Regarding this word, the boy said it quite clearly.


Yukino Yukino uttered a mournful cry, and her head, which was not sober at first, was hit hard again—she was obviously a little confused.

If this is an animation, she should have turned into Mosquito Eyes.

"Ah, that, Yuan-san, what are you...?"

"Okay, time is up." Yuan Jing made such a judgment when the other party was in chaos.

"I won."

Putting his hand on the girl's slender shoulder blades, Yuan Jing gently pushed Yukinoshita Yukino away.

He glanced at the "Love Notes" on the table, and seemed a little terrified.

Sure enough, you can't underestimate other people's delusions. The author of Love Notes undoubtedly had an IQ of over 180 when writing.




There was silence in the monitoring room.

"...Forgive me," Yukinoshita Yono carefully glanced at the frozen Fujiwara Chika, "Are you sure, this is the second date?"

She had to carefully assess the bad influence these 'filthy girls' had on her sister.

Especially this Chika Fujiwara who is 'difficult to fill' and 'shameless'!

Chapter 92 Today marks the [-]th anniversary of Tom being played with

In almost all games, a common treatment method is basically adopted for the state of berserk, that is——

Significantly reduce one's own defense power in exchange for a terrifying increase in attack power.

That is the so-called 'high attack paper defense'.

The previous Yukinoshita Yukino can be said to be in this state.

It must be mentioned that at the very beginning, Yukinoshita Yukino never thought that the situation would develop like this.

Regarding the "Love Notes" of Lianyanhui, she had always been skeptical about it before.

There is no way, although it calls itself the 'Love Research Club', but in this club, it is basically a group of singles who 'have no friends of the opposite sex for the same time and age'.

Such a group of people gathered together to promote the notes that can help enhance the relationship with the opposite sex...

Do you think this is a very normal thing to be unreliable?

It turns out that Yukinoshita Yukino was quite wrong.

As a kind of creature, human beings have only two instinctive impulses, namely [survival] and [reproduction].

As long as these two impulses are concerned, the intelligence level of almost all human beings has the possibility to surpass Einstein.

And love is closely related to [reproduction].

Therefore, this "Love Notes" with an exaggerated name can be said to be the crystallization of the delusion of these "Einsteins".

By the way, besides the "Music in the Ear", we will try our best to cooperate with us today after receiving Chika Fujiwara's "Genjing", so it doesn't matter to be a little bold, please seize this golden opportunity! 'After the information, Yukinoshita Yukino actually chose another game as an alternative.

Its name is - Immoral RPG.

The so-called RPG is an abbreviation of 'role-playing game'. Generally speaking, it will think of games such as manipulating heroes in a fantasy world.

The so-called 'immoral RPG' also just as the name suggests, refers to the game played by both men and women by playing their respective roles.

To put it bluntly, it's playing house.

However, compared with playing house, the roles it plays are much richer.

It can be butler and lady, maid and master, president and secretary, boy and big sister, coach and player, Her Majesty and secret agent...

In short, as long as it is 'convenient', any relationship is fine.

If this is the case, it can only be called ordinary, and the trick to sublimate the game lies in the word 'immoral' in front of it.

Its meaning is that the role played, the less tasteful the better.

[The party who can't continue acting due to face loss will lose.]

This is the winning and losing condition of this RPG.

Take, for example, the relationship between Her Majesty the Queen and her secret agents.

If such a relationship is chosen, then Yukinoshita Yukino is naturally Her Majesty the Queen, and Yuan Jing is naturally her most trusted spy.

And Yukinoshita Yukino's task is to do everything possible to make Yuan Jing abandon such a character design, and Yuan Jing is the same.

In such a relationship, Yukinoshita Yukino will naturally be the one with the advantage. After all, she can preset scenarios that are as beneficial to herself as possible, such as:

Yuan Jing failed to complete the task she secretly entrusted to him, so she called him to a secret room where no one was there, and had a 'one-on-one' secret punishment or something.

Once Yuanjing said something like 'I don't play anymore! ’ or ‘Have you had enough trouble? ' and other words, then it is her victory.

In other words, unlike ordinary RPGs, the blood bar in [Immortal RPG] does not represent physical strength, but——


To criticize the other party as much as possible and break their [shame], this is the essence of this game.

However, it is a pity that the current Yukinoshita Yukino should not be able to continue to use sophistry such as "Although I haven't said it before, but we are adopting the 'two wins in three games' system." stage].

After gradually returning to rationality, Yukinoshita Yukino turned back to the upright, upright and upright her, and naturally she didn't bother to use such ghostly tricks.

However, the more important reason is that her [Health Bar] has already been emptied by the previous "famous book in the ear", and she is really "powerless".

After being broken by Yuan Jing, Yukinoshita Yukino's 'madness' state was easily eliminated.Now she is in an extremely serious [weak state after madness].

Of course, for this state, there is actually a more easy-to-understand explanation, which we generally call——

Shy as hell.

Now she is curled up on the sofa of Lianyanhui, hiding her cheeks that seem to be bleeding behind the book of "Love Notes".

Being able to treat the culprit of this book as the last straw shows that she is really completely panicked...

"Ah, what should I do, what should I do, what should I do..." She was thinking in this way, "In this case, will he be regarded as a shameless girl?" '

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