In fact, he was not very curious about what happened to the Qian family brothers, but the Qian family had given a lot of help to the adjudication organization these days, and now that he had the opportunity to ask the truth, he naturally had to try it.

As for asking Chris to do three tricks, if he takes it seriously, he can only be blamed for being too naive.

But Chris is really not a fool, he directly rejected Yang Xi's proposal, "I'm sorry, I prefer to make things difficult for you rather than you asking me to do three tricks."

"Oh, really?"

Yang Xi narrowed his eyes.

Just as the two men were at the point of their swords, an unexpected voice sounded from the side.

"You are... Miao Miao's 'best friend'."

The handsome middle-aged man with blue hair and blue eyes appeared above the clouds. It was Qian Youque who was infected by the dark blue mother plant!

"Qian...Uncle Qian!!"

Chris' face changed drastically, Qian Youque's appearance was definitely beyond his expectation.

"Didn't you become a vegetable?"

Had it not been for Zhao Jinyin's sudden appearance and rescued Qian Youque, Chris would never have spared his life.

This guy was also an existence of the third-order limit back then!

Only one step away, you can step into the fourth-tier master!

Compared with the moment when he just escaped from the Iron-Blooded Sea, Qian Youque occasionally flashed some humanity in his eyes at this moment, but most of the time, he was still in a state dominated by the deep blue consciousness.

Although both belong to the deep blue family, his state is obviously different from Chris's.

The latter has his own independent thinking, but Qian Youque is always controlled by the deep blue consciousness.

It's like one is a collateral line and the other is a direct line.

He glanced at Yang Xi blankly, "Although I don't know who you are, since you want to know the truth, it's okay for me to tell you.

Afterwards, if you help me tell the family, it can be regarded as my end of a layer of fetters. "

"That day, Miao Miao begged me to save his 'good brother' Chris, saying that he was kidnapped by the Deep Blue Clan..."

"...No one expected that we lost a lot of people and rushed in, but saw this guy chatting and laughing with that deep blue commander, waiting for us to 'enter the urn'..."

"Miao Miao, who felt extremely guilty, gave up the chance of living for me to wait for the queen, but in the end we were under the hands of the fourth-rank dark blue clan, and we couldn't survive a single move. If I hadn't been rescued by Jinyin in the end, I'm afraid I would have died too .”

When telling the truth, Qian Youque seemed to be explaining something that had nothing to do with him from the perspective of others.

Fortunately, Yang Xi's strong mental power was able to capture the fleeting look of struggle in his eyes, otherwise he would feel very strange.

"Duo Duo's father seems to be controlled by something."

Yang Xi frowned, and probed his spiritual power. As soon as he touched Qian Youque's spiritual world, the latter changed his previous indifference and looked at Yang Xi with a "divine" gaze.

Rao Yi Yang Xi's mental strength far surpassed that of ordinary fourth-order powerhouses, and under such gazes, he couldn't move any longer, as if he had encountered some terrifying existence.

Immediately, his mind began to involuntarily ascend the dimension, crossing countless planes in an instant and reaching a mysterious area.

The void...the endless deep blue...the sound of tidal breathing...

"What is the end of mysteries and rules?"

"Is what I saw the truth?"

"Constrained by the limitations of cognition, how to overcome?"

"Oh, what a frustrating discovery..."

Yang Xi trembled in his heart. Although he was many times stronger than before, his mind was still as fragile as a seedling in the wind and rain amidst the broken thoughts whispered by an ancient god.

It seemed that if he was not careful, his sense of autonomy would be shattered.

However, this time, he was stronger than last time, barely opened his eyes and took a look.

In this void, there is a huge dark blue plant, its root system is connected to countless planes!

Yes, it's planes, those egg-like existences, but Yang Xi saw their essence at a glance!

458 You chicken is in danger! (two in one)

In a daze, Yang Xi seemed to see an indistinguishable face from the blue veins of the plants.

This face is incomparably handsome, and also incomparably huge, even compared to those planes, it is as big as a pigeon egg.

Just when Yang Xi was excited and curious to see this mysterious existence, this face made of plants in the void suddenly opened his eyes, and a gaze instantly traveled through countless spaces and dimensions, looking directly at him !

At this moment, Yang Xi felt his soul was frozen!

"Funny little guy."

An infectious voice sounded in Yang Xi's mind, and it kept repeating.

With just such a sentence, Yang Xi felt an urge to pay homage to him!

"No, you must not fall into it!"

Yang Xi is very familiar with this situation, isn't it the process of the inner changes of those targets when they are controlled by his even-controlling ability!

Although compared with this contagious power, the ability to control couples is thousands of times worse, but in essence, it is indeed the same!

"Damn it!! Damn it!! Why do I have to die and use my mental power to investigate this stupid thing!!!"

Yang Xi was extremely remorseful.

Curiosity killed the cat!

There seems to be a devil whispering in his ears, telling him that as long as he follows the will of the deep blue, he can get what he wants, strength, power, talent... everything, as long as you want, the deep blue consciousness can be given you!

But Yang Xi knows the consequences of being captured by the deep blue consciousness, he will become an existence with no independent feelings like Qian Youque.

So—absolutely don’t give in!

He gritted his teeth and persisted, constantly resisting the erosion of the deep blue consciousness in the spiritual dimension. He tried his best so hard that he almost fell into a state of no resistance in the outside world.

Even a Tier [-] superhuman could possibly kill him in this state!

Moreover, because of the coherent consciousness of distraction, the clones of Duran, Bi Yuewu, and Haizhu were in a stalemate at the same time.

Duran's avatar was hiding in the command ship, and it was Duran's uncle Hood who first noticed his abnormality.

After discovering that Duran had entered a state of rigidity and did not respond to any calls, Hood decisively took over the command, so that the abnormal situation that occurred on Duran's clone did not cause irreparable consequences.

"Whatever you look at, let me continue to work hard. The commander-in-chief fell ill due to the hard work of the past few days, and needs to rest for a while!"

Hood stabilized the other personnel in the command room, and signaled Shirley with his eyes to take Duran's avatar into the lounge to rest.

Although he didn't know what happened, Hood understood that their Keith family must not lose their position as the city lord of Bright City and the commander-in-chief of the new coalition forces!

Therefore, Dulan must not make mistakes here, and he does not allow mistakes!

When Bi Yuewu's avatar fell into a frozen state, it was in the midst of a fierce battle.

Fortunately, Liu Yuan discovered his anomaly in time, thinking that he was being controlled by the enemy's psychic supernatural powers, and very loyally blocked the knife for Bi Yuewu's avatar, and was chopped three or five times on the back.

"Blanche, come here quickly, Yang Xi was attacked by a psychic power!"

Under Liu Yuan's reminder, Blanche discovered the abnormal state of Bi Yuewu's avatar.


She exploded without hesitation, no longer retaining the power on her body, the red and blue lights lit up, killing the enemies who were evenly divided just now within a few breaths.

But the price is also huge. She doesn't have much power left in her body, and she doesn't know if she can last until the end of this war.

The situation of Ji Yourong and Li Caiwei was similar. After realizing that there was an abnormal situation on Yang Xi's side, they also risked injury, quickly killed the enemy, and moved closer.

"What's going on, the captain's mental power is definitely stronger than ours, why is he under control when we are all fine!"

"It doesn't matter that much, form an formation, protect the captain first!"

The sandwich seaweed team formed an array in place, surrounded Bi Yuewu's clone, and looked at the enemy vigilantly.

After Yang Xi's Haizhu avatar fell into a frozen state, it was only noticed by Yang Feifei who stayed in the imaginary temple to practice.

Originally, the latter couldn't detect this abnormality, but Suzaku tried his best to convey the news to Yang Feifei, the second most authoritative existence in the adjudication organization, at the moment Yang Xi fell into a freeze.

Later, as Yang Xi's subordinate will, she also fell into the predicament of wrestling with Deep Blue's will.

"What the hell is going on outside!"

Yang Feifei looked anxiously at the frozen Haizhu avatar.

She has already tried to use the most effective moves, but she still can't wake up the Haizhu clone that is in a state of stiffness.

This caused her to stare blankly from the sidelines—even if she was also a fourth-rank powerhouse, it would not be easy for her to leave the Void Realm without Yang Xi's help.

Moreover, something unexpected happened to Yang Xi, and Yang Feifei was also afraid that if he forcibly left the virtual world, it would have a blow to his brother's mental strength.

If he fell into a disadvantage due to this accidental factor in the mental confrontation, then she, Yang Feifei, would be a sinner!

But going out and being unable to get out, Yang Feifei didn't mention how anxious she was!

"Brother, you must not make any fools!"


In the outside world, when the Youji vest fell into a frozen state, it was quickly discovered by everyone.

At the beginning, the Ossaid powerhouses also guessed that they had such a great ability to control a Tier [-] powerhouse—they didn't have such a powerhouse on their side.

But then, I heard Chris gloating.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect this guy, Youji, to be so stupid. He dared to use his own mental power to spy on the deep blue consciousness. Now he is reaping the fruit, and he has been caught by the deep blue consciousness, and he is starting to bite back!"

The "divine nature" of Wei Ran in Qian Youque's eyes disappeared, and his dull look returned.

The "culprit" who caused Yang Xi to fall into desperation did not express anything. It seemed that he was not the one who asked Yang Xi to tell the family the truth.

In fact, this can't be blamed on Qian Youqian, even Yang Xi's powerful mental power fell into this passive state under the gaze of Deep Blue Consciousness.

Not to mention Qian Youqi, who was completely captured by Deep Blue's consciousness, it's already very good that he can squeeze out some moments of regaining his autonomous consciousness.

Zhao Jinyin, who was fighting fiercely with the arbitrator, shouted in grief and indignation: "There is a lack, could it be that you plotted against Youji!"

The moment Qian Youque appeared, Zhao Jinyin spotted him.

Originally, she had hoped that Qian Youqi might return to her original state and stand on the human side again.

But unexpectedly, she had only fought a dozen rounds with Ossaid's strong man, and a major situation appeared on Youji's side.

She knew the strength of Youji, and she lost the ability to fight in such a short period of time, so she had to wonder if it was her ex-boyfriend's black hands!

If this is the case, then she, the one who rescued Qian Youque from the dying state, will be the sinner for the defeat of this counterattack!

Tier [-] combat power is invaluable, and the lack of one will be a major blow to the Azure Star Human Race!

Ouyang Guanhe obviously thought of this too.

It's really a thousand calculations, and he didn't count the adjudication organization that he had placed high hopes on, but actually dropped the chain at the most critical moment!

"Damn it, Youji was plotted against, Haizhu, Shenhou and Suzaku, why haven't they shown up yet!"

If the zodiac position of the Judgment Organization falls because of the counterattack launched by their chamber of commerce alliance, then their relationship with the Judgment Organization will drop to freezing point, which is something Ouyang Guanhe doesn't want to see!

"You must not let the chicken die!"

Ouyang Guanhe didn't intend to get entangled with Venerable Lei Ming any more, he broke out the secret of speed, and wanted to rush back to Yang Xi's side to protect him.

But how could Venerable Lei Ming give him such an opportunity?

"Hey, want to leave? You look down on me too much, don't you!"

Blue-purple arcs appeared on Venerable Lei Ming's body, and he chased after him relentlessly.

Although his "Thunder Mystery" can increase speed, it cannot be compared with Ouyang Guanhe's Speed ​​Mystery.

However, he has more profound understanding than Ouyang Guanhe, and it is not a pure speed competition now, so he can cling to Ouyang Guanhe so that he cannot rush to rescue Yang Xi.

"You bastard, don't force me to kill you!"

In desperation, Ouyang Guanhe's face has no elegance, every gesture of his hands is full of terrifying murderous intent!

His fingers froze in the air suddenly, and a crescent-shaped sickle weasel appeared.

This sickle weasel looks ordinary, and it seems to be not much different from the skills used by ordinary C-level abilities.

But in the eyes of Venerable Lei Ming, who is also a fourth-rank powerhouse, this sickle weasel is extremely terrifying!

If your mental power is strong enough, you can see that the wind element in this sickle weasel is switching between extreme speed and extreme slowness at the same time. This strange feeling of harmony between fast and slow is simply vomiting blood!

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