This was the first time he encountered such an outspoken enemy, and in his heart, he had already sentenced this Ossian to death.

"You are noisy."

Ye Fan slapped the ground, leaving an afterimage on the spot.

The next moment, his fist was already waving towards Priestley.

Priestley sensed the coming fist wind, with a mocking smile on his face, he moved slightly to the left, avoiding Ye Fan's fist.

Afterwards, Ye Fan's fist hit like a storm, and Priestley put his hands on his shoulders and moved easily, dodging all of Ye Fan's attacks at close range.

He could even say in a teasing tone: "Is this the third-level strength of your natives? The punching speed is too slow!"

Jian Xiaohao at the back had a gloomy expression on his face, even Ye Fan's current strength was enough to beat him.

But I didn't expect that there was nothing I could do to this Ossaid third-order powerhouse!

If he hadn't known that Ye Fan still had hole cards to use, Jian Xiaohao's face would have been even more ugly.

"The strength of these aliens, how can they be so powerful!"

His tone was full of disappointment. He was originally the leader of the Rangers of the Heroes Association, but he can be regarded as the number one figure in the world.

But in front of these monsters, he felt like a waste.

"Ye Zi is looking for this guy's weakness! Captain, let's stop sticking around here, just leave it to Ye Zi!"

Marukyu clenched his fists, turned his head resolutely, and rushed towards the surrounding battlefield.

Even she had to admit that the opponent who could fight Ye Fan was no longer something she could interfere with.

Instead of staring blankly here, don't help other comrades in arms.

Now that the free army is at a disadvantage in numbers, they must know how to make full use of their combat power.

Hearing this, Jian Xiaohao didn't care about Marukyu as a team member, commanded him as the captain, manifested his own night crossbow, stepped on the aircraft provided by Marukyu, and shot a hidden arrow at the nearby enemies.

Perhaps in his mind, the real captain of the Dark Night Squad has become Ye Fan.

After all, no matter whether it is strength or character, this kid is enough to be the captain of a ranger.

Seeing that Marukyu was about to leave, Priestley sneered, "Sorry, I'm not interested in playing with you anymore.

Then, wring your limbs first! "

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand abruptly and grabbed Ye Fan's fist.

The purple-skinned Ossaid powerhouse showed a cruel smile: "Desperate? No matter how hard you attack me, in my opinion, you are dancing like a baby!"

Well, I changed my mind, crush your fist first! "

Unexpectedly, Ye Fan, whose fist was squeezed by him, did not show any panic expression.

What Priestley could read from Ye Fan's eyes was the cold killing intent.

This killing intent was so real that it made him feel palpitations.

How can this guy be so calm!

As a Tier [-] powerhouse who grew up from fighting, he instinctively sensed something was wrong.

But by this time it was too late.


With the arrogance emanating from Ye Fan's body, he held Priestley's arms with his backhand, and in the latter's horrified eyes, he slammed his forehead into his eyes!

Pfft, the energy barrier covering Priestley's big eyes shattered, and in the dazzling backlight, Ye Fan blasted his head off with a head hammer!


Ye Fan threw his body away and chased in the direction of Wan Jiu.

456 You Chicken, Long Time No See!

Compared with the battlefield below, above the clouds, the movements between the fourth ranks are somewhat small.

Except at the moment when the war started, after each of the powerhouses of the fourth rank broke out the fluctuation of the law and profound meaning, the powerhouses of the two sides were only confronting each other from a distance.

The white fabric around the Arbiter's eyes flutters in the wind, looking very chic and elegant.

Beside him, there is the thunderous venerable who is covered with thunder, the amethyst python less than half a meter long, and Chris who is not abnormal and floats quietly.

On the side of the Azure Star Human Race, standing in the middle is the Ouyangguan River surrounded by the blue gangster wind, beside Zhao Jinyin with a pair of wings on his back and a pair of light wings, Tongtian with a fairy sword on his feet, and the black robe shrouded in black. In, Yang Xi wearing a chicken mask.

After a long time, Ouyang Guanhe finally spoke.

He said with a regretful tone: "Chris, as the former heir of the Green family, you have met me several times. I didn't expect that we will become hostile now."

Hearing this, Chris was not disturbed by the emotional cards played by Ouyang Guanhe.

He smiled faintly: "Uncle Ouyang, it's meaningless to say these things, if I don't become a fourth-order powerhouse, I'm afraid I won't even have the chance to talk to you.

Besides, the Green family is just my past, and I am now a great deep blue family, and it is not you natives who can randomly grab relatives. "

The three of Yang Xi were not annoyed by what Chris said, after all, what he said was the truth.

But Zhao Jinyin glared angrily and scolded: "Shameless traitor, since you don't admit that you are a member of our Azure Star Human Race, why are you still acting like this!

Why don't you learn from Nezha in ancient mythology, cut off your own flesh and blood, and return to your mother clan, I respect you as a man! "

Hearing Zhao Jinyin's words, Chris's smile disappeared and his eyebrows drooped, "If you were talking about my original physical body, I would have paid it off."

At the beginning, he was forced to blow up by Yang Xi, and had no choice but to abandon his original body.

For a small number of dark blue people, getting rid of their mother's body is also a psychological test.

Some people will be depressed after this step, while others will let themselves go completely after this step.

Now that Chris is nominally the guest of the mercenary union, the arbitrator will naturally not let him be attacked by Zhao Jinyin.

He spoke the common language of the blue star proficiently: "Friends of the blue star race, let's let brother Chris go for now, everyone has their own choice, right?

Our mercenary guild has always loved talents. If you can break through to the fourth level without any guidance, if this kind of talent is transferred to our mercenary guild, I can guarantee that your prospects will definitely be better than those of a doomed one. Declining native races are better.

After all, after becoming a fourth-order existence, you will have a long life, and you will have a lot of time to enjoy life, and even follow us back to the world of Ossaid civilization, and establish your own family, wouldn't it be wonderful! "

Seven points of the arbitrator's words are true and three points are false.

To be honest, he really admired the talents of Ouyang Guanhe and the others, and he thought to himself that they would not be able to achieve their current achievements.

If it weren't for the massive resources provided by the mercenary union, he might not even be able to get a glimpse of the fourth-tier doorway now.

However, there are fixed regulations within the mercenary union to subdue the fourth rank of natives, and the treatment is not as good as he said at the moment.

At most, he is a high-level thug. If he wants to gain access to real power, at least he has to wait until he has completely ruled out his tendency to betray.

Besides, no matter how determined the mercenary union is to such people who have betrayed their original race, they dare not entrust them with important tasks.

Who can guarantee that he will not betray a second time before new threats or interests?

Still have to be careful.

"My Hundred Cities Federation is also interested in cooperating with you, let's make a fortune together!"

Venerable Lei Ming is not to be outdone, the fourth level, especially the native fourth level, has amazing potential. If you cultivate it well, you may even break through to the fifth level!

Amethyst Python looked at them with disdain. The mechanism of the Alien Beast Alliance was different from the other two forces, and he couldn't recruit the fourth-order natives.

Besides, on their side, apart from the position of Chris, who was originally from the Azure Star Human Race, in terms of understanding of the natives, he, one of the masters of the Alien Beast Alliance, has a deeper understanding than the other two.

The natives of this plane are not the soft bones of some planes, they are very brain-dead.

Moreover, in the cognition of Amethyst Python, the Ossaid people refer to the Azure Star people as aborigines. In the eyes of these "natives", why don't they regard them as "enemy barbarians"?

They just look down on each other, who is more noble than whom?

Big fist is the last word!

If it weren't for Ossaid's formidable strength, how could their Alien Beast Alliance be willing to be cannon fodder?

Ouyang Guanhe and Zhao Jinyin looked at each other and laughed loudly at the same time when they heard the outsider's words persuading them to surrender.

"It's so ridiculous! Do you think that our Azure Star people will be like that beast, abandoning our mother clan to be dogs to the enemy!"

"Jin Yin is right. Originally, your looks were good. I thought you were a good opponent. I didn't expect you to be such a naive idiot. You have reached this level, and you still want to use your mouth to solve us?"

Ouyang Guanhe cast a contemptuous glance at the Ossaid fourth ranks, "I won't talk nonsense to you, here today, either you die, or we live!"

Venerable Lei Ming is not very proficient in the common language of the blue star, and has only a half-knowledge of some idioms and allusions of the blue star human race.

"Either we die, or they live? Brother Arbiter, is there such a sentence in the aboriginal saying? Thinking about it, we are all at a loss!"

The arbiter said with a gloomy face: "This guy deliberately misused and is mocking us!"

Hearing his explanation, Venerable Lei Ming was immediately annoyed, and cursed a few words in Oster's words.

Ouyang Guanhe listened, and laughed: "If your forehead is electrified, don't speak bird language, see the real chapter on the palm of your hand!"

As he said that, he activated the speed mystery and jumped out with a whoosh.

The sound of continuous air explosions came, and the two of them reached the depths of the clouds in the blink of an eye.

The wind and thunder are raging, and the sound of the fourth-order battle is much louder than the battle below.

For a moment, it seemed that the end was coming.

Many low-ranking fighters knew that the bosses in the sky had officially fought against each other!

A large number of light particles erupted from Zhao Jin's body, and she stared at the arbiter.

"Old guy, you used tricks to slip away from me, today my aunt wants to see how good you are!"

The arbitrator didn't hesitate at all, Linglong Profound Art made a move, and a large amount of water elements began to gather.

Tong Tian killed the Purple Crystal Python without saying a word.

The rest of Yang Xi and Chris naturally became rivals.

New and old hatred mixed together, Chris gritted his teeth and said: "You chicken, long time no see!"

457 Deep Blue Whisper

Yang Xi was also lamenting Chris' fate. It was not easy for this guy to get to the fourth level. If he made a mistake in the middle part, he might burp.

"Are you in a hurry? Speaking of which, you have already suffered losses twice under the hands of our ruling organization."

After Chris heard Yang Xi's slightly joking words, the expression on his face turned bad again.

But he quickly slowed down, and he couldn't lose in momentum!

Be in a good mood!

Speaking of which, if it wasn't for the adjudication organization, he might not be able to discover the mystery of the crystal diamond, and the deep blue commander would not be seriously injured.

You must know that the deep blue leader comprehends the mystery of lifeline. If he was not seriously injured that day, Chris wanted to use the power of the crystal diamond to swallow him, and the risk was not ordinary.

"I'm not in a hurry to do anything." He glanced at the battle in the distance, "I still have to thank you, without the 'foundation' laid by your adjudication organization, I might still be a third-order ability user who can be manipulated by others .”

In the early years in the inland area, by chance, he entered the plane of Ossaid, and saw a horrific scene that almost made him collapse, which made him infinitely pessimistic about the future of the Azure Star race.

That's why he resolutely chose to become a member of the deep blue clan. For this reason, he did not hesitate to betray his friends and family members to enhance his strength.

Originally, he planned to turn all the direct descendants of the Green family into the Deep Blue family. In this way, his right to speak in the Deep Blue family on the Azure Star Plane would also be greatly increased.

However, the battle on Banana Island destroyed his many years of planning.

But by accident, he finally became a fourth-order dark blue clan. Speaking of which, his goal in the first stage has been achieved.

After becoming a Tier [-] powerhouse, he has the strength to survive on the Ossaid plane. Perhaps it is not impossible to rebuild a brand new Green family there.

The reason why he still stays in the Azure Star plane now is because the movement of activating the white cavity is too big, and he will inevitably be blocked by the strong people of the Azure Star Human Race, and also covets the still sleeping deep blue sub-strain.

For him, being able to devour the dark blue strain, he can almost lay down the foundation for becoming a fifth-order heavenly position.

This kind of temptation is worth his staying and taking the risk.

But now, the timing of these two plans is not yet ripe, he has to muddy the water.

"Speaking of which, I have always had a doubt in my heart. With your original strength, how did you kill all the masters of the Qian family?"

Back then, the two brothers of the Qian family were both at the third level, and now they can be regarded as masters.

Chris smiled faintly: "You said it was a murder, so naturally some tricks were used.

But what is my obligation, do I need to tell you? "

Yang Xi was not angry when he heard this, "Well, if you answer my question, I can give you three tricks, how about it?"

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