In order to obliterate this talented fifth-order powerhouse, the Ossaid plane took advantage of the stability of the colonial plane's magical environment and decisively sent several fifth-order powerhouses to obliterate this monster-born fifth-order powerhouse!

The dominance of the Ossaid plane can be seen!

"Well, speaking of it, the background of our Keith machine is indeed not too small. Some families have more than one visualization map, and even the essence and blood of the strong come from several ancestors."

After all, in the history of the Keith family, there has only been one Tier [-] powerhouse.

Yang Xi's heart moved when he heard this, in fact, he already had a guess in his heart

A kind of ability can comprehend different profound meanings, and a kind of profound meaning can also derive different abilities.

There has never been a simple one-to-one correspondence between the secrets of laws and abilities.

To be on the safe side, Evans demonstrated it several times, and after confirming that Yang Xi had memorized it, he took the sapphire gourd and began to teach Yang Xi how to take out the strong blood from it.

After Yang Xi was fully familiar with the various steps, Hu De, who had been silent for a long time, came forward and solemnly told Yang Xi: "Duran, promise me, once I want you to take Shirley to escape, don't hesitate, you That is the hope of our Keith family."

He hesitated for a moment, as if he had made up his mind, "Even at a critical moment, you can even sacrifice Shirley!"

Hood knows very well that Duran, who has the potential of "Super Cangmu Yanlong", is the most likely clansman of this generation to break through to the fourth level.

As long as Duran is still alive, even if all the other clan members are dead, when he breaks through to the fourth level, he will still be able to rebuild a more vibrant Keith family.

At that time, the Keith family will have a much deeper foundation than it does now.

Yang Xi was thinking about when he would come to this secret room and take away the inheritance stone and the blood essence of the strong man, but he "seriously" agreed to Hood's request.

If he is really in danger and needs to abandon Shirley to escape, Yang Xi will throw Shirley down without Hood teaching.

Although she has been with this unruly and willful young lady of the Keith family for a while, in Yang Xi's eyes, she is no different from those Yingyingyanyan collected by Dulan.

After all, it's not my race.

However, the Ossaid people are really similar to the Azure Star people. At most, the strong ones have a longer puberty. Shirley is already in her 30s, and she looks similar to a human female high school student.

The average life expectancy of the Osaid people has reached 170 years, which is far longer than that of humans.

"However, there is no reproductive isolation between the Ossaid people and the Azure Star people. This is a reason worth pondering."

Yang Xi felt that behind this excessive coincidence, there must be other reasons.

Perhaps, the relationship between the Ossaid people and the Azure Star people is not that simple.

Maybe we all had the same ancestors in the distant past.

"The succession ceremony of the head of the family is arranged after the funeral, Dulan, you have to learn the relevant etiquette during this period, and you can't lose the chain on important occasions!"

Hu De instructed earnestly.

Yang Xi was absent-mindedly dealing with this cheap second uncle, but his thoughts had drifted away from Keith's family.

"One, two, three so many guests with different auras, it seems that there are so many forces who care about the Keith family!"

Yang Xi changed into a plain white robe, and the left chest was the dragon head clan emblem composed of a few strokes.

"I just don't know if they care about the wealth of the family, or the thing that Walker is mysterious and hidden."

"Tonight, the answer to the mystery should be revealed, right?"

Yang Xi is completely optimistic about the show, he wants to speed up the process in the southern continent.

396 I am actually the third-order limit

Late at night, light rain.

The light of the magic crystal lamp rendered a kind of solemnity in the dark crowd.

In the Ossian plane, funerals are generally held at night, because the Ossian believe that the night is the home of death.

The rain soaked the skirt of the clothes, but everyone didn't realize it.

Except for a small number of people who are really immersed in the grief of the death of the patriarch, more people are worried about the future.

It is really worrying that such an accident happened at the critical moment of competing for the position of the city lord of Guangming City.

If the Keith family became a victim in this competition, then the fate waiting for most of the clansmen was death, or, like those indigenous peoples, reduced to slavery.

In addition to members of the Keith family, there were also guests from other families at the funeral.

The Clark family of the Six-eyed Cicada, the Murphy family of the Extreme Ice Magic, the Rupert family of the Wild Lion of the Prairie, etc., all stood in the middle.

Behind them are some small families.

Among the four forces, except for the Alien Beast Alliance, which did not send anyone, the other three all came with their representatives.

Among them, the one from the Hundred Cities Federation is the most powerful. He is called Dick. He is a third-order extreme powerhouse in the inheritance system. He is the most powerful assistant of Platinum Deacon Occam. He has broken chestnut hair and wears a scarf. Look polite.

But don't be deceived by his appearance. Anyone who has heard his rumors knows how crazy this Platinum Deacon's assistant is when he is caught in a battle!

In comparison, the representatives of the Bernadotte Empire and the Mercenary Union were relatively ordinary.

In Yang Xi's perception, the two of them together are not necessarily Dick's opponent.

"My condolences, on behalf of Lord Occam, I once again apologize."

Dick had a painful expression on his fair and handsome face.

Hood has regained his former composure and didn't attack on the spot, but he didn't even bother to deal with fake smiles in social situations, and said nonchalantly: "Thank you, Mr. Occam, for your concern. Please be sure to thank the Keith family. love to bring."

Even if it is suspected that Occam, a Tier [-] powerhouse, killed his elder brother Walker, Hood had to endure the humiliation for the continuation of the family.

If he hadn't fallen into rage, he wouldn't have questioned a Tier [-] powerhouse in front of everyone.

After all, the existence of Tier [-], in New Frye Continent, represents absolute force.

Otherwise, the light eclipse saint came many years ago and arbitrarily occupied the position of the city lord of Guangming City, and would not be recognized by all parties.

In addition, there are some important reasons that led to his behavior being acquiesced.

First of all, he did not destroy the balance of the major forces in Guangming City, and it was still within an acceptable range for the Quartet forces.

Moreover, not every faction can afford the price to be paid to kill this fourth-order powerhouse of the light system from the Alfonso family.

If one is not careful, the entire Guangming City will be sunk in the battle of Tier [-], then the gain outweighs the loss.

Therefore, the attitude of the four parties is to woo the saint of light erosion, a fourth-order powerhouse who does not belong to any force for the time being.

The position of the city lord of Guangming City, he can only do it for decades.

Watching Hood socializing with people from all walks of life, Yang Xi was quietly paying attention to the movement in the dark.

Dick suddenly found an excuse to leave temporarily.

It was now the most critical moment of the funeral, when all the attention was on the front hall, the guests lurking in the dark finally made a move.

"Where did these families come from?"

Yang Xi muttered something, informed Hu De, and followed.

He found that, including Dick, there were a total of four third-order extreme powerhouses sneaking into the Keith family's clan, as if they were looking for something!

Obviously, they should have information on the internal terrain of the clan.

"These guys, are they here to take advantage of the fire?"

Good guy, even his own heir is not very familiar with these corners, but these four guys are obviously easier and more efficient than him!

"Sure enough, there is a specialization in surgery!"

Yang Xi sighed sincerely, and continued to follow with mental strength.

Obviously, once Walker died, the Keith family lost the deterrence of the third-order extreme combat power. These four waves of "guests" acted decisively, and the only remaining caution was probably reserved for other forces.

"Duran, why are you going!"

A faint fragrance wafted from Yang Xi's nostrils, and at some point, the girl Xue Li followed her.


"Nonsense, the toilet is clearly here."

Shirley's face was full of suspicion.

"Be honest, what are you going to do on such an important occasion!"

Yang Xi pushed her head under her body, just now, because Xue Li almost exposed his position!

"Oh, Duran, you woo woo woo!"

I'm sorry, cheap cousin, I'm doing this to you for the good of your Keith family.

Yang Xi had a hunch that the person who killed Walker must belong to one of the forces.

"What I need to do is to identify them one by one." Yang Xi let Shirley breathe for a while, and then gagged her cherry mouth again.

After Yang Xi did this several times without explaining, Shirley also learned to behave, and cooperated with Yang Xi honestly, not daring to move around.

After realizing that Shirley was being honest, Yang Xicai explained: "Someone has sneaked into the family, and I am secretly watching them. Do you understand the situation now?"

Shirley, who was gagged, blinked her big eyes, indicating that she understood, and Yang Xi stopped gagging Shirley's mouth.

She panted a few times before recovering, "Dulan, why don't we tell Father? Let's mobilize everyone's strength to subdue them?"

Yang Xi shook her finger, "My dear cousin, you are so naive."

"Do you really think that among the guests at the scene, there will be no one who is unaware of the actions of these infiltrators?"

"Secondly, these four guys are all strong at the third-order limit. It's useless for you to call the second uncle over."

"Then you are even worse, your strength is not as good as my father's!"

Shirley gave Yang Xi a push.

Yang Xi almost got angry, and gave the blond double ponytail a vicious look, "My ignorant sister."

"It's time to tell you the truth!"

Yang Xi's tone was full of the taste of a magic stick, and he once again used his strengths.

It just so happened that Walker was dead, so he could blame everything on him, since there is no proof of death anyway.

"Do you think that I, who possesses the potential of the Super Cangmu Yanlong, will not be as powerful as Second Uncle?"

Yang Xi shook his shoulders, "Actually, when I left Chishuang Island, my strength had already reached the limit of Tier [-]. In the battle for the Philosopher's Stone, the benefits I got are beyond your imagination."

"But after returning to Guangming City, my lord father wants me, a strong man with the limit of the third level, to pretend that I have just broken through to the third level!"

"All of this is to leave one more hole card for our family in the turmoil of the battle for the city lord!"

"And now, it's time to use this hole card!"

397 Here Comes the Blame Blaster

Xue Limei's red mouth was opened in surprise, and Yang Xi could even see the pink and tender uvula deep in her throat trembling slightly.

Heh heh, I'm scared, I don't know much!

The Ossiders are also a bunch of old hats.

For Yang Xi, who has already upgraded the stripping ability to the fourth level, it is not difficult to create a strong third-level limit relying on the adjudication organization, which continuously provides him with dark energy cubes and ability beads.

"Are you serious?"

Shirley asked again in a very classic way. After all, she still didn't quite believe that Dulan, a cousin who used to be ignorant, is now a strong third-order limiter!

You know, Duran's age is not much older than her!

"Otherwise? Do you think that with my aptitude, I can achieve a breakthrough in the category of Tier [-]?"

Shirley stammered a little, "It seems like it won't work."

Yang Xi touched her little face, "Okay, I don't mean to lie to you, I'll have to fight with these guys in a while, if I don't have the strength of the third-order limit, I'm going to die !"

"What you have to do now is to tell the second uncle the truth about the situation here, and let him get ready. Go!"

This oil bottle, Yang Xi wished she would stay far away, otherwise, how could he take the opportunity to swallow the Keith family's inheritance stone and strong blood essence?

Yang Xidu decided to blame the four infiltrators.

After much deliberation, the thing they were looking for should be hidden by Walker in the family's secret vault, right?

If they didn't know the way, Duran had to give them a little guidance.

Hood would never have thought that, just to be on the safe side, he taught his eldest nephew how to open the family's secret vault, and this guy did it backhandedly.

When Shirley heard this, her little face was full of complicated expressions.

She never thought that she would feel such a reliable feeling from Duran!

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