Hearing this, Hood looked up in a daze, and he glanced at Yang Xi, tears welled up again.

It is difficult to understand the relationship between Hood and Walker if it is not for him.

When the family was in catastrophe, only he and Walker escaped with a group of people.

At that time, Walker had only the second level of combat power, and the younger Hood had only the first level.

If Walker hadn't sacrificed his life to save him along the way, Hood would have died hundreds of times.

Up to now, Hood still remembers the words that Walker said with a smile after he blocked the knife and killed the enemy with a backhand: "You are my last brother, you must not die!"

Hood touched the position of Walker's chest. At the beginning, that line was only half an inch away from Walker's chest. If it was a little further away, even the Cangmu Yanlong bloodline could not resist this kind of injury.

"Brother, now, after all, I am the only one left!"

Xueli heard the words, took her father's hand, and tried to comfort her: "Father, you still have me, and cousin Dulan!"

Yang Xi pouted secretly, sorry, your cousin is dead.

Hood cheered up a little, put Yang Xi's and Xue Li's hands together, and said with hope on his face: "My brother and I only have one heir, and you two will be the closest people in the future, don't target each other anymore, you know ?"

Yang Xi fully agreed: "Second Uncle, look at what you said, it's too late for me to love Shirley!"

But what kind of pain, I can not guarantee Kazakhstan.

Shirley gave Yang Xi a white look, and muttered, "How dare I target him now."

Hood shook his head, and suddenly said solemnly to Yang Xi: "Duran, it is a fact that your brother passed away, but our Keith family cannot be without a master for a day. After his funeral is over, you will inherit the position of the patriarch!"


Yang Xi was a little speechless, I've become the head of an Ossaid supernatural family?

Could this be the fate of spies!

"Second Uncle, this is not very good, isn't it because you are still here, the position of Patriarch should be inherited by you!"

Yang Xi hypocritically declined.

Hood shook his head and said, "You must be the head of this family!"

"Duran, I'm telling you the truth, if you are still the useless dude from before, then even if I risk being stabbed in the back, I will become the head of Keith's family!"

With that said, Hu De patted Yang Xi's shoulder in relief, "But after the battle on Chishuang Island, you seem to be a different person!"

"Not only has his mind become calmer, but his strength has also improved a lot, and he has the potential of the super Cangmu Yanlong in the family legend!"

"I think it's because of these gratifying changes in you that brother dares to commit the crime alone!"

"Because he knows that even if something happens to him, this family can still count on you, Duran!"

"And your calm performance when I lost my mind also further illustrates this point."

"The new patriarch of our Keith family must be you!"

Looking at the frank and excited Hood, Yang Xi no longer "refuses".

He said loudly: "Second uncle, you are right, this is my responsibility as the heir of the Keith family!"

"I swear, as long as I, Duran, are alive, our Keith family will definitely prosper!"

"very good!"

Hood thumped Yang Xi's chest hard, "This is the good son of our Keith family!"

Shirley couldn't react, Dulan just became the head of the family?

Then wouldn't she be able to call "Duran" and "Duran" in the future?

"Could it be possible to call Patriarch Brother?"

394 Octahedron and Sapphire Gourd

"It will take a few more days to prepare for the funeral. Before that, I will take you to find out the way."

Hood signaled Shirley to stay where she was, and then brought Yang Xi to the family's ancestral hall.

Looking at the ancestors enshrined in the ancestral hall, Hu De took Yang Xi to worship again and again, "From the establishment of our Keith family by our ancestors to the present, our family has killed thousands of supernatural warriors in order to continue the supernatural bloodline. .”

"But the only ones who can enter the ancestral hall and enjoy the worship of the latecomers are the powerhouses of the third rank!"

According to Dulan's memory, Yang Xi is no stranger to this ancestral hall. Every time Dulan gets into trouble, he always thinks about his mistakes here.

But this guy is a real jerk, in order to vent his dissatisfaction, he almost burned this place down.

As a result, Walker severely punished him. From then on, when he came here to be punished, Duran only dared to face the wall honestly.

"A few days later, the crystallization of my brother's life will also be enshrined here. As the patriarch, he will be placed in the top row."

On the plane of Ossaid, the customs of treating the dead are different from those on the plane of Azure.

Instead of simply engraving the name of the deceased on the wooden spirit tablet, they sealed up part of the body crystal with magic crystals and made it into a diamond-shaped container, about the size of a fingernail, called the crystal of life.

Under the energy provided by the magic crystal, coupled with the alchemy matrix engraved in it, it can be suspended and glowing, and even some high-level life crystals can leave battle images of the dead during their lifetime.

The reason why it is so small is also for the convenience of transfer.

Assuming that the family needs to migrate due to force majeure, it only needs to activate the alchemy matrix on the life crystal, and hundreds of life crystals of the ancestors will gather together and become an easy-to-carry crystal ball.

In this way, the Ossaid will not lose their ancestors.

In the plane of Ossaid, the continuation of a supernatural family depends largely on the blood essence of the strong left by the fourth-order ancestors, which also makes them particularly important for inheritance.

Hood finished his worship. At this time, an old man came in from the side door of the ancestral hall.

He looked very old, and the aura on his body at this time was impressively at the third-order level.

"I met Lord Hood, Master Duran."

The old man saluted the two of them respectfully, there was a hint of surprise in his cloudy eyes, but he quickly regained his composure.

Obviously, he also knew what the purpose of Hood bringing Duran to the ancestral hall was at this time of year.

Hood introduced: "Duran, you should be familiar with this senior. He is Evans, the personal butler of the previous patriarch, and he is now in charge of taking care of the ancestral hall."

Yang Xi nodded. In Dulan's memory, this old man also appeared several times.

It's a pity that Duran at that time thought he was just a marginalized servant, calling him around.

"I've seen Senior Evans, how offended I was before!"

Like those clingy Yingying and Yanyan, Du Lan's mistakes can only be recited by Yang Xilai.

Evans, the former housekeeper, said again and again: "Master Duran, please don't insult the old man. I was originally a servant of the Keith family, and those things should have been done."

How could Hood not know about Duran's bastard?

But now that the eldest nephew has changed his past, there is no need to hold on to it any longer.

"Uncle Evans, you should have guessed the purpose of my coming here, right?"

Evans nodded, and said a little lonely: "Is the family at this critical moment again?"

He couldn't help recalling that decades ago, when the Keith family suffered a change, the old patriarch led the two brothers Walker and Hood to the ancestral hall.

At that time, he was still the personal butler of the head of the family, but that night, he became the guardian of the ancestral hall until now.

Yang Xi was confused. What kind of charades are these two Ossaid people playing?

Hood said seriously: "Brother is dead, and now you and I are the only ones who know the location of the family inheritance stone and the blood essence of the strong man, so I brought Dulan here in advance, just in case. "

Hearing this, Evans said with a serious face, "Did you notice anything unusual?"

"Not yet, but I feel that the Keith family seems to be targeted by a powerful force. Doing this now is also a precautionary measure."

Yang Xi smiled secretly, the Ossaid idioms are not bad!

"If the family needs me, the old man can also go to the battlefield. How can I say that I am also a third-order supernatural fighter!"

If they don't break through to the fourth level, as the Ossaids grow older, their strength will continue to decline.

Evans is currently only in the middle of the third stage.

Hood shook his head and said, "Not yet."

He walked up to Evans and said in a low voice: "Besides, I hope that you can take Duran and Shirley away at the most dangerous moment, just like you took me and my brother back then."

Hood looked at Evans, his eyes full of nostalgia. Through the wrinkled old face in front of him, Hood could still recall the appearance of Evans in his prime.

"In this case, let's listen to your arrangement."

The old man sighed, he also thought of the scene when he was in danger and was ordered, but the child who wanted to hide under his wings and escaped for his life has now become an indomitable and strong man.

It may be the fate of a small family like theirs to be displaced.

Perhaps only the high-ranking Celestial family can dominate one side, without having to be exiled to the indigenous plane because of a sudden disaster, and compete with a group of losers with similar fates for the opportunity to return to civilized society.

Hood said to Yang Xi: "Duran, you come with us, it's time to tell you the location of the family inheritance stone and the blood essence of the strong!"

This is so sudden?

Yang Xi had a feeling that he had nowhere to go. Originally, he was still worried about how to find a way to get the inheritance stone and the blood of the strong.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Walker died, Hood sent the things over.

Let me tell you earlier, we are also in the fourth rank.

He said obediently, "Yes, Second Uncle."

Under the leadership of Evans, the three came to a secret room.

Evans skillfully followed the established steps to activate the matrix of the secret room door.

In an instant, the faint red light illuminated the entire corridor, and the portraits in the corridor also looked a little weird against the light.

Entering the secret room, apart from some high-purity magic crystals and alchemy equipment piled up on the ground, the most eye-catching thing is the two vessels sealed in the icicle.

One is an octahedron made of magic crystal, covered with dense alchemy matrix, with Yang Xi's fourth-level strength, he can feel the faint law fluctuations emanating from it.

At the other end of the icicle, there is a sapphire gourd with a narrow mouth, which also emits similar lawful fluctuations!

395 Shirley can be sacrificed when necessary!

"This is the inheritance stone and blood essence of our Keith family!"

There was a flash of flame in Evans' eyes, and the steaming icicles dissolved within a few seconds, but the two things did not fall to the ground, but continued to hang in place.

"Lord Hood, Master Duran, wait a moment."

After Evans finished speaking, he took out a pair of gloves studded with magic crystals from the alchemy equipment on the side.

After wearing it on his hand, he dared to touch the two items that contained the fluctuation of laws.

"Master Dulan, remember, before you reach the fourth level, you must not touch the inheritance stone directly. For the blood essence of the strong, three or four drops are fine. The blood essence of half a gourd is also very heavy on the body. .”

Evans took off the inheritance stone and said: "Look, let me demonstrate the steps to open the inheritance stone!"

I saw that the guardian of the ancestral hall was repeatedly dotted on the junction of the alchemy matrix. Under the stimulation of magic power, this perfect octahedron slowly unfolded and became a visualization map, sinking into the spiritual power, Better results.

The visualization of the Cangmu Yanlong's bloodline ability is very simple and rough. It is a Cangmu Yanlong that is tearing up its prey. The flames on his body are blue, green, and yellow.

The yellow flames are mainly concentrated on the eyebrows, spine and tail, and it looks like it outlines some kind of totem.

"This is the first form of the inheritance stone, the visualization map, can you remember the steps, Master Duran?"

Yang Xi nodded.

Evans, who received an affirmative answer, showed a satisfied expression. This step is complicated and complicated. If it is simple, it is actually not that difficult. The key is whether to pay attention.

Master Duran can remember it once, which shows that he attaches great importance to this matter.

The prodigal son will not change his money back!

Afterwards, Evans showed Yang Xi several other new forms of the inheritance stone through different opening steps, including the running route, the breathing rate summed up by several predecessors, and the meditation posture, which are suitable for people with different aptitudes. people.

"In the future, if there are clansmen with outstanding talents, they can create more efficient cultivation methods, and they can also be re-recorded on the inheritance stone!"

Well, there is also the function of updating in time. This inheritance stone is indeed one of the proud crystallizations of Alchemy in the Ossian plane.

Without the technology of the inheritance stone, it would be very difficult for the Azure Star people to reproduce the meditation method that is as useful as the Ossaid people.

But that's the case, the Ossid colonists spared no expense to buy the "Secret Seal" service from the mercenary union. It was really because of those who got the idea of ​​meditation, their strength improved by leaps and bounds, and the Ossids were beaten up in their own plane. The native races were terrified.

Although there is no sound magic power and alchemy system, there are always a few extremely dazzling geniuses in each indigenous plane, and they can understand by analogy after seeing the meditation methods of the Ossaid people.

Or use this to quickly enhance the strength of people around you, or feel your own cultivation path, and even with the blessing of the legendary power of the plane, there have been fifth-order celestial powerhouses!

However, the native plane that gave birth to the fifth-order powerhouse had a very tragic ending.

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