"Sai, Seven?! No, no!"

The Yabo people realized that this was not the Ultra warrior he knew, and the moment the Ultra warrior stood up straight, the Slan star quickly fired light bullets towards the city on the left.

Facing this attack, the red giant didn't respond. He directly zoomed in and kicked the Silan star away again with a fierce forward kick, but this time the opponent's flying trajectory was towards the barrage over there.

The strong light produced by the explosion in the distance broke into the barrage.


The Refret star quickly stopped attacking. Even so, the Slan star still endured several blasts from light bombs.

Galuffas shifted his gaze, it reflected the enemy's posture, but found no relevant data.

After the barrage terminated, the light and smoke gradually dissipated, the particles fell to the ground and shattered, and the black light shot from there hit the left arm of the Refret star's defense.

"Idiot! How could such an attack—"

Before he finished speaking, his shield was directly blown to pieces in the spinning spiral.


The Refret star evaded in time, and in the distance, Empat withdrew his left fist, and the previous blow had been completed.

At this time, the two giants, one on the left and one on the right, stood far away from each other.

'That is......'

Empat can see the whole picture of the red giant. He doesn't know him. Could it be an Ultra warrior in this universe?

'Is it dark? '

The red giant can also see Empat with a fierce appearance on the other side. He does not come from this universe, but another universe, and he came here for investigation.

It's just that he was convinced just now that the dark giant in front of him should not be the target he was looking for.

"Wait! Don't move!"

The Refleet star targeted the city on the other side, threatening the enemy as before.

But facing this action, the red giant raised his head slightly and made a provocative gesture.

"Try firing."

After saying this, he rushed forward without the slightest hesitation.

After a short stay, the perception released by Empat told him that there was no one around at least [-] kilometers away.

The next moment, the long knife that Gallufas swung collided with the raised left arm of the red giant. Before Galufas counterattacked, Empat, who had passed the red giant, accelerated and stepped on it with both feet.

Empat Chapter 91 Again

Justis, this is the name of the red giant. He comes from another universe far away, and his purpose is to search for the conflict point of power.

Even in another universe, shock fluctuations can be detected, the initial dimensional shock, the subsequent universe overlap, and the latest new, less exaggerated dimensional shock.

Something is disrupting the order of all multidimensional universes, knowing this requires action, and Justis and the huge organization named Dracion began to search for the source of the crisis.

This is his most basic purpose, but it does not mean that he does nothing else.

For example, what we need to do now is to defeat the evil parties that are disrupting the order of the earth.

At this moment, in front of Justis was the shorter Galuphas, because the metal giant's shoulders were trampled, and the force imparted by the tens of thousands of tons of weight almost knocked Galufas straight to the ground. Step into the ground.

The next moment, Empat, who stepped on Gallufas, used Galluas as a springboard to jump up, so Justis punched without any scruples, and punched the falling Galufas with a full uppercut from bottom to top. Fars hit the sky again.

The scene of the tens of meters tall behemoth ascending into the air is full of impact. At this time, the body of Empat who jumped up before was still in the air and then turned upside down. Earth shot down.

Justis, who had charged up for a short time, stepped forward and punched, hitting the enemy with a straight heavy blow, sending him flying.

It wasn't until this time that the Silan star, who was in pain from the attack of the friendly forces, came to his senses, and the Refret star subconsciously took a step back. One Ultra fighter was enough trouble, and now there is even one more.

Why did the other party suddenly not care about the situation of the hostages?


If you listen carefully, those human cries have disappeared.

'how so! '

It's just a guess, did the red one quickly move everyone in the city away when the silver Ultra warrior was hurt?

If that's the case——

Before the Refret star could think about it, the enemy he was attacking just now had charged towards him.

At the same time, Justis turned to face the Silanian whose figure kept multiplying.

Galluphas was still gliding on the ground after smashing several buildings.

Such scenes were all filmed, Galufas is just a weapon, and of course a weapon will have a manipulator.

Its owner Tara star turned around quickly because of a sentence, that sentence is:

"What are you waiting for? Turn around and leave the earth immediately, leave this universe, I have all the technology and information in my mind, there is no need to stay here."

The Yabo who returned to the spaceship at some point said ruthless words, and he didn't care about the "comrades" who are still fighting on the earth today

Without waiting for the Tara star to refute, the Yabo people continued:

"I understand the characteristics of Ultra fighters. The crystals on their chests will turn red and flash when they lack energy and are seriously injured, but look at that silver guy. Blue, whether it's a minor injury or no injury at all is definitely against us."

The Yabo people felt that he misjudged the situation. The timer on the opponent's chest flashed red in the last fight. Maybe it was not because of injury, but because of the lack of energy caused by the long journey.

Just now when he used different-dimensional energy to restrain the opponent, he broke free even for a second, which is enough to show how strong the enemy is.

So there is no need to continue to stay here, just go now.

"Go right now!"

This sentence was said by the Tara star, and he had already started to control the standby spaceship halfway through his words.

Two seconds later, the stationary spacecraft ignited its propellers, and the engines ran at full power, aiming for the opposite direction of the earth, beyond the Milky Way.

As for those people on the ground...the fellow travelers are just fellow travelers, they don't have any feelings at all, they just gather for the same thing.

Now that what you are looking for has already been obtained, there is no need to continue to entangle.

Another second later, the spaceship disappeared from the vicinity of the earth, and it rushed forward to escape.

The Yapo man in the boat breathed a sigh of relief for a while, and he began to recall in his brain the knowledge he had gained when possessing himself.

'Happyton... what a nice name. '

The hull moved forward steadily, sprinting towards the edge of the Milky Way, and then the spaceship came into the eyes of 'them'.

Something is happening off Earth, but something is already going on on Earth.

In order not to be drawn into the distance, the Reflet star kept firing with the gun attached to the shield in his left hand. The particles scattered and sparks overflowed, and the forward movement was not at all slow. Empat ignored the shots on his body and continued Refret star in boxing.

The Refret star retreated in order to lose his strength. His spherical armor not only refracted light, but also had a structure to cushion the impact.

What about chopping?

Unstraight dark energy erupted from the inside of Empat's wrist armor. Red and black mixed into a fierce blade with pitted edges, which seemed to be broken at any time.

That edge is like a sawtooth, tearing off the flesh and blood of the prey.

Turning around once, he slashed and pulled the Refret star's outer armor, leaving deep marks, and the tearing wound seemed to be bitten by some ferocious beast.

"Wait! Wait! I surrender! I surrender!"

The Reflet star raised his hands and screamed loudly.

Empat's thrust halfway forward stopped here temporarily, and the next moment, Galufas, who got up from the ruins, fired with the energy core in his chest.

Several destructive light bullets struck from the side, they were straight rays that could be avoided by jumping.

At this time, Feishe's chain was tightly wrapped around Empat's wrist, and the Reflet star who had just raised his hand in surrender pulled the chain, trying to lock Empat in place.

Seeing this movement, Gallufas kept firing while sprinting, holding a long knife to close the distance.

A little forward in time, a large number of phantoms surrounded Justis, and the body of the Slan star was hidden in it, waiting for an opportunity to attack.

Each phantom is real enough, with just one weakness.

Justis crossed his fists in front of his chest, and then quickly stretched them left and right. That movement brought out an orange-red light on his chest, and this light spread to his whole body with his raised arms.

When Justis lowered his arms again, his body showed different postures from the light. The originally black breastplate turned golden, and the black lines extending from the upper body to the legs were also divided, changing everywhere.

In terms of body size, there was no difference between the front and back, but the next moment, Justis moved.

Before the Silanians could react, a storm rolled up.


The pain was transmitted to the brain, and the Silan star was kicked out.

Justis thought about how to decipher the opponent's clone phantom, and then gave the answer in the simplest and rudest way.

In other words, 'destroy the opponent at a faster speed'

Car racing drivers on Earth will flick their tails in place, creating what is known as a 'burnout'

What Justis did just now was a similar thing. He used the original position as the center of the circle, and quickly drew a perfect circle around it with kicks.

The avatar on the kicking route was directly penetrated, and the Silan star who failed to react was injured in the waist, and the whole person was kicked out.

Without waiting for the opponent to fall, Justis jumped out.

At this time, he has improved in all aspects compared to before, and the increase brought about by the crushing form cannot be underestimated.

Justis grabbed the Silan star who hadn't landed yet, and threw him to the other side again.

Just as he used the Slan star as an obstacle to prevent the attacks of the other two enemies, Justis did the same thing now.

The Silanians, who had no ability to fly, lost their balance in the air and directly broke into the route of Galuphas.

At this time, Galufas charged with a long knife, and the Refret star bound Empat with chains.

However, the Refret star made a mistake, that is, when the strength gap is large enough, it is not a restraint, but a cocoon.

Empat wrapped more chains in circles with his bound left hand, and then grasped the chains with his right hand.

The next moment, the spherical armor of the Reflet star turned him into something like a meteor hammer.

Gallufas, who briefly lost his vision, saw Empat again, who was throwing something.

The enemy tracking system told Galuphas to dodge, but it was a pity that both fists of Justis closed at the left waist and then struck out at the same time, and the light called 'flash effect' bombarded Galuphas' side.

On the opposite side, the Refret star smashed into Galufas's body, and the two hard objects made dizzy and harsh noises due to the impact.

Galufas' body was crushed and deformed by the flank attack.

At this time, Galufas collided with the Reflet star, and the Slan star fell to the ground. He sent a signal, but did not receive a response.

"Tara! Tara! Yapo! Damn it!"

This is not a sign of refusal to communicate, but a simple failure to connect to the signal. In this case, there is only one answer.

'Those two bastards dropped us as bait and ran away! '

Angry, immense anger.

The three got together, so Empat's right arm was forward, and the red and black Darkblade was aimed at them.

"Tell me, why on earth are you chasing Baite Stars? What do you want to do? Who is behind it?"

This is undoubtedly a threat. Justis on the other side didn't act immediately. It's one thing for the villains to be punished, but if the small evils are eliminated indiscriminately and the big evils are ignored, the loss outweighs the gain.

"I, I know, I surrender! But you must promise not to kill me!"

It's useless even if you want to play small tricks, the gap between the two sides is already obvious, messing around will only lead to death in vain, and...

"We came here from another universe to track down the Baxter star. He holds the technology that must be destroyed. The Baxter civilization in the past used advanced technology to continuously invade other planets and seize resources."

When the Silan man said this, he did not lie, and the Baxter civilization was prosperous and destroyed because of this.

"In our investigation, the last Hypagedun developed by Baxter Civilization has the power to destroy stars by itself. No one can rest assured of this technology, not to mention that this technology is still in the hands of the descendants of the invaders. hands."

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