Empat gave up his power to use the Pelio rays. He combined his arms in front of him to form a cross, and the enhanced Spicyum rays, which are proud of their penetrating power, formed petal-shaped lines and then overlapped and fired.

The straight blow was diverted at the moment of impact, and it was wrapped around the enemy like a piece of rag.


The falling being continuously rotates its body at a super high speed, and his body is wrapped with the purple light of the strengthened Specium light, and a strange scene like a mirror surface emerges.

In the next moment, the enhanced Spathum light bounced back with a changed angle of incidence as if refracted by a mirror.

In the needle-shaped particles that exploded, Empat, who had only had time to defend with his wrist armor, fell downward due to the impact of the trauma.

It was a prosperous city, and in a prosperous city were people running in panic. They followed each other and overthrew the people around them just to run faster.

This is not reality at all, how could there be such a thing in reality.

On the first floor of the commercial building, the employees screamed loudly when they saw the metal giant that had fallen before, and Galufas raised his head just as he stood up.


The loud noise was mixed with piercing cracking sounds, and the employees who retreated in panic did the right thing, which is why they were not hurt by the shattered glass.

They were quickly pulled away by an invisible force, and what they saw in their sights were two huge existences that were entangled after the impact.

Finally, I saw a huge silver fist in my sight, and a large amount of glass shattered after falling to the ground, and Empat, who adjusted his position and landed, smashed his raised fist down and slammed it on the metal face.

Empat stood up immediately, his slightly shadowed body symbolizing the use of super speed movement.

At this time, the Rayfret star who had reflected the light fell to the ground. He was amazed that his target was hit by the light reflection and still had the strength to adjust his landing position, and he chased Galufas.

Now, the target in sight directly grabbed Galufas with both hands and rushed towards him. Galufas' huge body was used as a throwing object.

Empat Chapter Ninety Chapters of the Red Giant

This is a city, and there must be people in the city, and if there are people, it means they may be hurt.

The body of the Reflet Starman is covered with spherical armor, which is how he reflects Empat's light.

This body looks very dull, but it is not.

The Refret star jumped back to avoid smashing the street and shaking the earth, and Galufas fell directly to the ground. This was nothing to the hard metal giant. The punch that hit it in the face just now Even more powerful.

Empat's speed is very fast, but it's useless to be fast.

The Refret star raised his left hand over his shoulder and pulled the trigger backwards. The purple light bombs fired outside the atmosphere before blasted directly at the unsuspecting city.

Unsurprisingly, Empat's movements changed, and the light arrow from the palm of his hand blocked the progress of the light bullet in the middle.

But the price of doing this is that Empat is temporarily unable to use his hands, so he chose to jump when he got closer, and kicked the right arm raised by the Refret star. The spiked shield on the right arm was emitting a dull sound Vibrated violently after the sound.

Protected against damage, but not impact.


The Refret Stars realized one thing. Their advantage was not because they were stronger than each other, but simply because they had no intention to calculate.

As the Yabo people said, the so-called Ultra warriors have a meaningless desire to protect and cannot ignore the injuries of innocent people, and destroyers are always easier than guardians.

The Refret star who successfully defended against the attack failed to counterattack immediately, because the impact of the flying kick directly knocked him back nearly 300 meters, and the street under his feet completely collapsed in the friction, almost causing him to lose his balance and fall to the ground superior.

However, Empat, on the other hand, failed to pursue it successfully. He swung his raised right arm forward, but the snake belly sword he was holding tightly was blocked before he could extend it.

Galuphas defended with a shield, and the moment he got up quickly, he swept the long knife.

The silver slash directly cut off several buildings, and Empat, who jumped up to avoid it, swung the snake-belly sword down according to the gravity, but was blocked by the raised shield.

Empat couldn't use his mind power at this time, because most of his mind power was tearing thousands of people away from this area, blocking the falling debris from the collapsed building.

Perhaps it was because of the contact with the power of thought, the screams of people's horror, both men and women, echoed in his ears.

During a confrontation, Galufas deflected its head, and a dark golden long sword struck from that position.

After the force of the impact was removed, the Refret star who came over popped out the blade inside the shield in his right hand, and a thrust broke the stalemate.

Without any communication at all, Gallufas immediately followed. In just two seconds, Empat had to face the long knife and long sword blending in front of him.

Slash, stab, slash, stab, completely block all counterattack routes.

'Going to fight back, but—'

Empat could probably guess what would happen next in his heart, and just as he had predicted, the Refleet star fired continuously with the beam gun hidden inside the shield in his left hand in the next second, aiming at Empat, of course.

In a world without guards, Empat blocked the shots with the blade extending from his right gauntlet as a shield.

"Hehe, your hiding method seems to be exposed."

It was the first time the Refret star spoke, but the words were not for communication, but for pressure.

Galufas remained silent and cut down the long knife. This blow collided with the snake-belly sword defended by Empat, and exploded the red and black dark particles that make up the snake-belly sword.

As the saying goes, one person and one weapon attack together, oppressing their target.

To get rid of this situation, the first choice must be the dark field, which directly separates the inner and outer spaces, so that there is no need to worry about causing damage.

But there is a question, why did these enemies come?

The only person Empat has come into contact with in this universe is Chris, the Baxter star who was hunted down. If he can’t observe the outside situation, he may——

"Ouch! Ultra warrior, I advise you to take a look here!"

Hearing someone's shout, what Empat saw in his sight was Chris who was firmly controlled on the roof of a building, with a sharp knife on his neck.

Yellow eyes, black body, legs, shoulders and arms are covered with armor, as long as the target is locked, the opponent will not be allowed to escape, the high-speed spaceman Slan star sneered.

In a short time, those who traveled with the Apo completed their task.

There is only one mission between Refret and Galufas, and that is to contain Empat.

The task of the Silan Stars is to find the Baxter Stars they are chasing during this time, how to find them?

This has to mention the backward technology of the earth. According to the information of the Yabo people, the spaceship of the Baite star has been completely destroyed, and there is a certain possibility that the other party is hiding on a nearby planet called the earth.

So how to confirm?

It's very simple, just search along the Internet, and if you find any traces of recent modifications and extra identities, then there is a high possibility that they are Baxter Stars or Ultra Warriors.

According to the Yabo people, there is a high possibility that these two people will be together, because the Ultra fighters will not abandon the hunted person.

If this is the case, the trace of the Baxter star can be confirmed, and on the other hand, there must be Ultra fighters to obstruct it.

So we must find a way to deal with the Ultra fighters, so the hostage tactic is the best, or it is very effective for the so-called 'good guys'.

So based on this tactic, the Refret Stars and Galufas restrained the Ultra Warriors.

The Silan star directly caught the other party after confirming the trace of the Baxter star through the camera.

At this moment, the actions of the Silan star were full of threats, and he continued:

"If you continue to resist me, you will kill Baxter!"

Words were also threatening words, so Empat stopped.

"I know, don't hurt him."

Such an action is stupid, because there is no way to guarantee that the hostages will not be harmed even if they give up resistance.

What about continuing to resist?Let the hostages die?

Neither side is a good choice, so Empat's words are not the same as his mental activities.

'The target was Chris. '

His guess was verified. The reason why the previous battle was suppressed was not only because the opponent was constantly attacking the city, but also because he was showing weakness.

Even if he doesn't use the dark field, he still has many instant burst type skills.

The question is, how many enemies are there?

Hole cards should be used to their full potential, and now is the time to uncover them.

Overload starts, and the speed explodes.

When the wind and turbulence erupted in the city, the Silan star found that he was unable to react, and Empat crossed the distance of several thousand meters between the two.

The thinking of the Silan star did not rise in time, but the other person had already expected this.

There was one other person in the group, and that was the Yabo people.

The whole plan is led by the Yabo people, and the Yabo people know the Ultra warriors very well.

Whenever he feels confident that he will surely win, the opponent will always find new opportunities to win in adversity.

Therefore, with the idea of ​​'the opponent must still have a hole card', the Yapo people showed his true body.


In Empat's eyes, Chris was looking at him, but inside Chris's eyes were flowing colors, colors of different dimensions.

The Yabo people no longer have a pure body. He has captured the consciousness of Chris, just like the integration of the Ott family.

'I originally intended to leave a manipulable pawn. '

But now there is no need for that, the knowledge has been recorded, and this useless Baxter star will play the final role.

Now in front of Empat's eyes is a strange picture. Chris's eyes are wide open, his mouth is wide open, and a large amount of different-dimensional energy is ejected from there.

This force is not for attacking, but to control Empat when it bombards him.

The Yabo people mobilized all the remaining energy. At the same moment, the Silan star quickly retreated to avoid it. The Refret star and Galufas seized this moment and released the energy.

The light bullets turned into barrages, firing as quickly as a machine gun.


The Yapo found his controls were failing, sooner than expected, but so what?

Empat didn't evade. The moment he chose to protect Chris, he had no way to evade.

In an instant, the violent explosion caused an invisible flash, and the picture was completely captured.

"This, what the hell is going on! The monsters that suddenly appeared on the earth are fighting each other! I don't know how to report it, and what to say!"

The host in front of the camera yelled hysterically, he didn't run away, he insisted on approaching the dangerous place.

This is absolutely great news. After realizing this, he moved forward and became famous. This kind of temptation made him take such an action.

But what happens next?

The photographer holding the video camera opened his mouth wide and confirmed what he saw with his naked eyes.

Behind the host, the Slan star who escaped from the explosion range raised his right arm. Killing a person of a lower race could be regarded as a sideshow.

Just with fun, the Silan star swung down his sharp blade.

Then his figure suddenly blurred and shattered a lot of buildings in agony, eyes scratching at the sharp debris.

For the photographer, the scene just now seemed like a dream, the camera only captured the gray skirt corner.

In the eyes of the photographer, the female body with long black hair leaned forward slightly in order to accelerate, and then suddenly disappeared.

The next moment, the host and the cameraman were stunned because they were now among the crowd.

Are you dreaming?

At least the Silan star can be sure that he is not dreaming. Before his body has adjusted his balance, he saw the enlarged fist again, and the force of the explosion seemed to smash him to death.

The second punch hit the left eye, the sky and the earth appeared alternately in the field of vision, and the body smashed one object after another.

The Silan star vaguely saw the woman approaching, and he yelled:

"You, what the hell are you!"

In order to get rid of the situation at this time, the Silan star directly shattered the entire building, and he raised his right foot and stepped on it when he became huge, and the dust and debris that exploded were scattered.

However, on another building less than 500 meters away from the Silan star at this time, the woman's palms were clenched and pressed against her chest, and the vortex of light wrapped her body.


It was too late at the moment when he realized the danger, and just as Xing Silan wanted to avoid it, he was sent flying again.

The explosion in the city was still going on, the Slans fell around the Refrets and Galufas, and the person who fell together did not cause too much aftermath, and the anti-gravity ability was naturally used.

It has a red body with black stripes, and even the inside of the silver-rimmed breastplate is black.

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