There was hatred in the Yabo man's tone. If it was said that he wanted to kill Empat because of his identity as the "Ott Clan" before, then the two sides have indeed forged an enmity now.

Enpater Chapter 88 The Two People Walking Together

What does the destruction of a planet look like?

Before that, first define what is meant by 'destruction'

Is it called destruction to blow up the entire planet to pieces and leave nothing behind?Or is it called destruction to turn a supposedly habitable planet into a death star?

For Chris, he thinks that the former may be more acceptable, while the latter is completely different. The atmosphere is burned out, and the city is evaporated without even dust left. Thanks to the defense of the battle suit, the eyes Can witness the orange that dyes everything.

But that was not something to look at, because the skin of the compatriots in sight cracked, heat gushed out from their bodies, and finally the whole body turned into ashes and disappeared.

Everything began to be destroyed, and the hot wind of destruction swept over everything, and soon wiped everything completely.

Baxter civilization was destroyed, why?

The strong negative emotions of confusion, anger, hatred, and desire for revenge finally completely disappeared.

Everything has turned into self-abandonment, into pain and sadness, and the emotions that cannot be let go are hidden deep in my heart but there is no way to vent them.

After the update, they approached the door.

The plan that has been designed but has no chance to be implemented is beyond the strongest weapon of all creatures. Some people covet that power and want to get that power.

In order to prevent this power from being obtained by anyone, Chris began to escape, escaping from one universe to another, but he couldn't get rid of the other party no matter what.

Hatred and unwillingness were buried in my heart again, because there was no time to think about those things.


Crashing, as if the whole person fell into the cold water.

There was no time to think about those things in an instant, and I just felt that the hatred in my body was cooled down by the coldness.

Cool, that's all, it doesn't feel cold, there is a strange sense of comfort.

Slowly, Chris's dream returned to the slumber of nothingness, he didn't think about anything, just fell asleep.

In the world beyond the dream, a person stood beside Chris, his outstretched right hand opened his palm, and black lines were converging around his palm.

There is only one person who can be so close to Chris, and that is Nangong.

But now Nangong withdrew his right hand, and what floated above his palm was a compressed dark energy composed of negative emotions.

In the past, he couldn't do such a thing. At that time, he was just a mutant of the giant of light, a person who manipulated shadows, and he was still on the side of light.

But now he has been dyed into complete darkness after accepting the other two powers. What is the characteristic of the dark giant?What are the properties of darkness?

It silently erodes and affects the spirit of others, forcibly seizes the will and body of others, and absorbs negative energy to become stronger. In a word, it can be said to be unique in creating chaos.

But power depends on how it is used. For example, just now, he used his energy as a giant of darkness to forcibly extract Chris’s negative emotions. Now that emotion is floating in his palm and then thrown away , into the dark energy that constitutes the field.

"A person who harbors resentment in his heart."

Nangong realized this, and he knew from the very beginning what secret was hidden in Chris.

Where did that resentment come from?Are you hating the Apo people?

At least the negative emotions just now contained hatred, self-blame, cowardice, fear, and anger, which were complicated and blended together. With such emotions, it is natural to have nightmares while sleeping.

'It's good to be a giant of darkness, too. '

Nangong felt that he might be able to try to become a psychiatrist in the future. Without the professional knowledge of Kyoko, he could cheat by relying on his ability to get rid of emotions that would cause psychological problems. Maybe a few more times would be enough.

Haven't tried it, just guessing.

After finishing this matter, Nangong turned to the side again. He left the field, thinking about what to do next under the night wind.

There is someone who is not easy to let go of next to him, and he is carrying an important task. Unknowingly, he is shouldering more and more things.

He obviously wanted to go home, but what he did in the end seemed to have nothing to do with going home.

'What the hell am I doing? '

Although it looks like it is always taking care of others, who is the person who is actually being taken care of and pampered?

Relying on the inexplicable self-confidence of 'they must be waiting for me', I always do my own thing and leave the people around me behind.

'What the hell am I supposed to do? '

Looking at the sky, I can't think of any answer. I don't want to leave either side, but I always leave the other side when I think about it.

'Maybe I really am a self-absorbed person. '

Nangong took out a familiar object from his bosom. The crystal-clear surface looked like crystal, and the inside of the crystal was black, like a flowing liquid.

The two structures inside and outside constitute a prop called 'Spark Prism', and now he no longer needs this thing, but still subconsciously created this thing for transformation.

This may be a habit, or it may be to not forget something.

Occasionally, I also think sentimentally, what kind of life would I have lived if I hadn't obtained this power at the beginning?

But thinking about those should be useless. After all, if he hadn't obtained this power, he wouldn't have been able to survive when he was killed and dismembered by the Babar Stars.


Lifting up the black spark prism, this sword-like transformation device opens from the center, exposing the crystal inside, and the activated dark energy fills the whole body, but the transformation has not been completed completely.

Nangong was just recalling the past.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

"This energy is..."

The giant took out the equipment again, and the pulsating value proved the activation of dark energy. The previous remnant was enough to make people pay attention, and now this obvious explosion made him realize the danger.

Does anyone have such a powerful dark energy?

But what is this dark energy all about?

The so-called 'dark attribute' is always inevitably contaminated with negative energy, which originates from the negative emotions of living beings.

These emotions can make the dark energy stronger, and at the same time make the dark energy more manic and chaotic.

The characteristic of the dark attribute is to distort the will and thoughts of others invisibly. For example, if the initial thought is "what must I protect", then it may become "everything that may threaten my value" all existence must die'

Dark energy has always been a double-edged sword. It can quickly gain power and at the same time make the user's thoughts messy.

No matter which universe has always had the saying of "falling into darkness", it may be the instinct of life to avoid darkness.

But now this dark energy is different, it is not mixed with any negative emotions, on the contrary it is very 'pure'

It's as pure as light, it's weird to say that, but it's exactly the same, does this exist in the world?

'Is he really what I'm looking for? '

Suspicions had already arisen before they met, and while the giant was suspicious of this, he also accelerated further. He had confirmed the specific location through the release of that force.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

The sky turned from dark to bright. After days of gloom, today's sun finally showed its face from behind the clouds.

The sunshine in winter is not considered intense, it just brings warmth that cannot be confirmed unless you feel it carefully.

The snow began to melt, turning into snow water that drenched the streets.

"It's good to go out like this once in a while, isn't it?"

"Hmm...maybe it's what you said."

Nangong and Chris were walking on the street. Unlike usual, the ordered components had not been delivered yet, and all the things that were usually available in the market had been confirmed, and almost all of them were useless.

To put it simply, Chris fell into a situation where there was nothing to do. Compared with the robot Jayton, the hull of the spaceship was repaired first, as long as there were materials for welding.

Of course, the repair of the interior is still the same as that of the machine Zedon, which requires components.


Another very important reason why Chris came out was that he was inexplicably refreshed today, and for some reason he felt relieved.

"If you say you want to go, where should you go?"

He felt that simply wandering around was a bit pointless and a waste of time.

Hearing this question, Nangong also fell into thinking. He really didn't have any plans.

A few seconds later, he happened to see the advertisement over there and pointed to the lively amusement park there.

"How about going to the amusement park?"

"amusement park?"

Chris, who quickly connected to the Internet and made inquiries, nodded after understanding the situation. How are the entertainment activities on Earth?Just get acquainted.

About 2 minutes later, Chris narrowed his eyes slightly.

"What's this?"

"A balloon."

Nangong has a red balloon in his left hand and right hand. He still has a lot of memories of this little toy that will float up when he lets go, so he bought it after seeing it.


Nangong handed the other to Chris, and after taking it, Chris held the small thin thread and pulled it up and down. After seeing the bright red balloon up and down, he had an idea.

"It should be filled with some kind of gas and floated in the air. Maybe it would be more interesting to fill it with enough gas to lift people up."

Just finished speaking, Chris shook his head.

"The efficiency of gas filling is too poor. It is better to create a machine that can drive people to float or even fly into the air. Only those without wings are eager to fly."

Curious about what kind of world aquatic animals see, curious about what kind of world they see with wings, people always long for things they don't have.

"And that one, it's called a roller coaster on the Internet."

Chris pointed to the screaming people over there again, and turning around several times in a row would definitely make ordinary people's heart beat faster.

"If you want to experience the feeling of rapid heartbeat, it is better to develop virtual cyberspace. As long as you can trick the brain, you can experience that feeling without wasting physical strength. The roller coaster is too primitive."

He talked freely and showed more obvious interest than before, so Nangong suggested:

"Would you like to try it out?"

"I don't think there's anything special about it."

Chris said it naturally.

The clouds in the sky are moving because of the wind blowing, and the movement of the clouds slowly stops because the wind has stopped.

After an exchange of floating and stopping, the roller coaster is heading for the summit.

Nangong blinked, and he turned his head to look to the left without feeling anything.

As a person who often moves at the speed of 'Mach' or even 'light-year', things like roller coasters are really not enough to see.

But the person next to him... his eyes were completely stared, and his gaze didn't move at all.

"It's time to speed up."

Nangong reminded him that he saw the front of the car sliding down.


Chris leaned back, and he leaned back hard, like a cat shrinking into a corner.

The short exhalation sound was due to unconscious laughter, and the next moment, there was a clicking sound.

The photographer who was looking for material in the amusement park felt that he had captured interesting material. Among the people who were terrified or screaming, there was a person who smiled as if nothing had to do with him, and beside him, terrified tourists looked like It's about tucking yourself into your seat.

What is needed is this contrast.

"It's really good."

The photographer went to find the next material with a smile on his face.

The clouds in the sky changed from stationary to moving again, and a roller coaster was completely stationary, waiting for the next batch of guests.

And not far from the roller coaster, Chris felt his heart beating crazily, and he could hear it in his ears.

"Didn't you say you didn't think there would be anything special?"

After all, Nangong still couldn't hold back his strong impulse, so the teasing words came out naturally.

Chris, who was slumped on the public bench, took a deep breath before responding:

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