Dismantling things and then repairing them again, this move gave Nangong a strange feeling.

Xi Li also liked to disassemble things when she was a child. After dismantling...if you can't put it back, you can't put it back, and what you can put back won't work.

I remember when I was ten years old, I said I wanted to be a scientist, so I started dismantling it. I stopped talking about it within a week. The only thing that was repaired was the alarm clock.

After all, it is a child's joke, and a scientist does not know what a scientist is.

The troublesome thing is that it is easy for a person to think about things, and now that the guy who can't stop talking about Sai Luo is not there, he must find something to do now.

"You're back."

At this time, someone said so.


Nangong came back to his senses, he raised his head and saw Chris crawling out of the body of the robot Jayton, he already knew the situation of this weapon during the chat.

According to Chris, he used Jayden as a blueprint to create an existence with Jayden's ability and further strength through machines, that is, the machine Jaydon.

The word Jayton only refers to the appearance, the inside is different from the bio-modified weapon like Jayton.

That's why now Chris can do various things in the body of the robot Jayton.

"How is it going? How's the repair going?"

Hearing Nangong's question, Chris sighed, and he had to admit one thing:

"It's really troublesome without the equipment."

What he holds are all the tools for the emergency repair of the spaceship, which are completely different from the complete facilities in his hometown in the past.

In fact, those custom-made and shipped components are just prototypes, and he still needs to assemble and process them, and then reconnect with the structure inside the machine Jayton.

"It must have been because the maintenance cost was too high that it was not adopted at that time."

Chris expressed his evaluation of the past in a clear tone. Although the machine Zeton has the power beyond the ordinary Zeton, but at the same time it brings about an increase in cost. Repairs require metal and electronic components. Ordinary Zedon Just plug it into the repair fluid to regenerate.

The speaker is unintentional, but the listener is intentional. One of Nangong's bad habits of evaluating good and bad is that he tends to think a lot about something, so he noticed the hidden information in the other party's words:

' was not adopted?Maintenance costs are too high? '

In other words, Chris’s hometown regards Jayton as a tool for production, and the machine Jayton designed by Chris has not been adopted. What is the purpose of mass-producing Jayton?


There are a lot of things that can be vaguely guessed in his heart, Nangong didn't pursue those things, he just raised his head and asked about other things:

"The sun outside has set, do you want to have dinner together?"

Well, one of the super important things is three meals a day.

"Okay, I've come to an end here."

Chris left the body of the robot Jadon, and when he jumped from a high place, the auxiliary flying wings on his back spread out to slow down the speed of falling.

Soon, that posture changed and turned into a human posture...a posture between a teenager and a youth.

Soon after, the two wandered around the city again looking for a place for dinner.

Chris, who glanced left and right, always looked very interested in the earth. What did he see in his eyes?

"What do you think of this planet?"

Nangong asked curiously. After getting along for a period of time, although they would not discuss each other's affairs, they could still talk about some irrelevant topics.

And this question is not difficult for Chris to answer.

"Busy people do their own things in their own positions. They care more about the things in front of them than national affairs. A global unified government has not yet been formed."

His words are legitimate comments, but they are not meant to be critical.

"Perhaps this is better. If the unified government does something wrong, how will people be able to tell whether it is right or wrong? If the concentrated public opinion is the result of manipulation from above..."

Having said that, Chris's expression became gloomy.

"Ah, I ate there at noon, and I thought it was delicious."

Nangong stretched out his finger and pointed to the ordinary restaurant over there. His performance made Chris's mood suddenly change from gloomy to chaotic.

'What's the matter with you asking yourself and acting like you didn't listen at all? '

Is this person really listening?

Chris felt he had no way of confirming that.

On the contrary, Nangong was sure that he had indeed changed the subject, otherwise what would he say?

He can feel that Chris is wary of him. How should you communicate with a person who keeps rejecting you in the dark?

Essentially, Chris is just lamenting to himself, and he doesn't actually plan to discuss it with him, does he?

Nangong understood this point, and he could understand this point unconsciously.

'This is the benefit of living long. '

I met a lot of people, and I was able to understand some things naturally when I watched them.

Walking into the restaurant, ordering food, then waiting, picking up the water glass that was presented on the table first, Nangong looked at Chris motionlessly.

"what happened?"

Chris was puzzled by this.

"I'm a little curious about how you eat under this condition."

Nangong answered honestly, isn't the other party wearing a battle suit?

Then again, he had never seen Baxter's appearance under the costume, and that costume seemed to be the formal attire of the clan.

"... just eat it normally."

Chris said so.

"How ordinary is ordinary?"

Nangong just didn't understand this point, what is normal for one race is another matter for another race.

Some people from the Otto family in the Kingdom of Light go swimming on the stars, which is common in the Otto family's cognition.

"Hey, you're so annoying."

Chris's tone became a little impatient. During this period of getting along, he has perfectly understood one point, that is, the person in front of him is always curious about something inexplicable.

'what. '

At this moment, he suddenly realized that he was speaking irritating words to a person who could crush him with a backhand, but this person was really long-winded.

Before he knew it, had he become so unwarranted?

Unlike Chris's complicated thoughts, Nangong's thinking is very simple:

'In my memory, the mask should have no openings. What kind of eating is normal eating without openings? '

Think and think, can't think of it.

Five minutes later, Chris was eating his dinner while being watched occasionally.

'You shouldn't care about the positioning of this kind of thing...'

Speechless, very speechless, he really didn't understand what the man in front of him was doing.

And Nangong didn't mind too much, he just clearly saw that the other party opened his mouth to eat, and his throat was still moving during the process of swallowing food.

'This is not so much a cross-dressing as a direct imitation. '

Thinking of this, Nangong asked again:

"How was dinner tonight?"

This question is too meaningless.


Chris thinks this is better than those energy drinks that can solve all problems in one sip in the past, and of course the time of eating will be extended accordingly.

Then again, why does this person in front of him always like to ask those meaningless questions?

For example, 'how did you sleep', 'do you need help', 'do you like it here', 'do you know that constellation' and so on.

Don't be so...reminiscent of the past.

"It's good to eat."

Nangong felt relieved, he felt that he probably had another hard-to-break habit of 'subconsciously taking care of others'

It is not a big problem whether to change or not. It is normal for older people to take care of their younger generations. Anyway, they are more than 3000 million years old.


Sero Jae-jae will definitely say, 'Only say these things when it is beneficial to you'

Don't complain, I stole it from you.

The two of them should be fine...

But now all he can do is what is in front of him.

'What was it that I felt before? '

Doubts are indeed hard to answer, but so what if they are answered?

'Exploring the road always has to face risks, there is no way. '

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

'Exploring the road always has to face risks...is that the truth. '

In the new universe I arrived, I can always feel a kind of unnatural quietness. If I really want to say it, it is too empty.

The monsters that travel between different galaxies are extremely rare, and they don't feel too strong.

After following the trace and arriving here, it is indeed possible to capture the remnants of power.

The giant floating in the universe took out the device to detect it, and the detection device wider than his perception showed the approximate direction.

'This force...'

There is no doubt that it is dark energy, and this dark energy is purer and stronger than any dark energy recorded in the previous database.

Is it the holder of this power that causes the phenomenon of cosmic overlap?Or is he just one of the existences in this universe?

'I'll understand after we meet. '

Thinking of this, the giant put away the equipment, turned into a ball of light and disappeared from its original position.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

Only a few people were manipulating the huge spaceship, and now they quickly walked into the location where the recovery module was located.

The stalkers who followed the trail of the Apo found a vital clue, and that clue is now unfolding before their eyes.

Yellow 'Spiked Shoots'

This is what was recovered, which came from the body tissue of the super beast.

There are a large number of missiles on Salousi's body, which were launched during the previous battle with Empat, but was it really just a simple attack?

Just as Empat had worried at the end of the battle, the Yabo people were not so easy to kill.

Slowly, the missiles in front of everyone's eyes transformed into the different-dimensional energy in the super beast's body, and this energy slowly formed a shape.

"Abo people..."

Even fellow travelers couldn't help but feel creepy about it. What kind of vitality is this?

Finally, the missiles in the recovery cabin turned into Yabo people. Compared with the pride and strength when they turned into Saruus, the Yabo people today can be said to be extremely weak.

Most of his energy was exhausted when Saruus was killed, and if he hadn't kept his back, he would probably have disappeared for a long time before he could be revived from resentment.

'The power of that Ultra warrior is much stronger than I overestimated. Speaking of which, before his death, a member of the same race did say that there were Ultra warriors using dark power in the universe he arrived in. Could it be the same? exist? '

Thinking is temporarily interrupted here, because I heard a question from a fellow traveler:

"Yapo people, what happened to bring you to this point? Could it be that Baxter's orphan made such a powerful weapon?"

The Jadon robot, the Yapo people admit that it is indeed a good weapon, but it is a pity that it is impossible to resist him with that thing alone.

"Driving a dark attribute warrior, that guy blocked me."

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