
The previous joy was replaced by disappointment, Yabuki stood up, she looked at the end of the sea and the other side of the sky.

On the other side, day and night are reversed,

?Chapter 92

What exactly is a monster?

What kind of phenomenon is it?

Isn't it the enemy brought by the body brought by the destruction of the root?

Initially, when Kiru emerged from the ground, it was not well understood.

But when more and more monsters emerge from the ground, everything becomes so different.

This is an Australian forest, and a large number of trees collapsed, but it was not because of Gob's fall.

The fragments scattered around were collected and analyzed, and they were fragments of the gob egg.

"It really isn't right."

The so-called eggshell is a matrix made of protein fibers, and then

?Chapter 93 Daily

Everyone plays their own role in this world, doing the tasks assigned by this role.

This is exactly the case for 15-year-old Xi Li. Today is the first day after the holiday. Although everyone must have had some gatherings with friends during this period, they are not tired of being together every day.

That's why I shared what I did during the holidays and asked my friends what they did during the holidays.

She is now looking at Fukaha who is yawning alone on the seat alone. The other party does have an expression of indifference, but people have different ideas.

'No, not at all. '

?Chapter 94 Two Races

"Quick shot quick shot!"

"It's shooting, it's shooting!"

The average person cannot borrow a helicopter, but an off-road vehicle can still afford it.

In the land of Africa, animals run away because they instinctively realize that the situation is different.

Regardless of whether they are natural enemies or not, they all have the same purpose at this time.

There is a certain distance from there, and the photographer's lens is covered with a lot of smoke and dust.

The camera, shaken by the jolt of the ground, captures the dust, the wildlife, and the monstrosity at the same time.

The photographer raised the camera, and what appeared to be a piece of

?Chapter 95 Water and Electricity

Not everyone is able to sleep through the night.

The location is Washington, USA. The woman who became sober in a blur lifted the quilt and got up and walked to the toilet.

After about 2 minutes, she didn't notice that the sound of the toilet was much shorter than that, but she could clearly feel the dryness of her hands.


The faucet has been turned on but there is no response at all, and no clear water flows out of it.

'The water is cut off? '

She felt a little puzzled by this, but she didn't pay too much attention to it. She quickly left the toilet, turned off the lights, and lay back on the boat.

at different locations on the globe, here

?Chapter 96 Dialogue

Feng Shui, a special kind of mystical art.

It originated in ancient China, emphasizing the unity of nature and man, and the harmony and unity of man and nature.

This technology has never been lost. Even today, the site selection of buildings and the expansion of city lines need to consider the local natural environment, just like you generally don’t forcefully dig a river to cross a new road.

This consideration of the surrounding nature can also be roughly attributed to Feng Shui.

It's just that the so-called 'feng shui master' has become a very wonderful profession.

Just like the meaning of the word "xuanshu" - mysterious magic, believe in it, believe in it

?Chapter 97 Raid

This is the sky above the equator, where XIG's air base is located.

As a subsidiary organization of GUARD whose main purpose is to protect human beings, the current situation in various countries around the world cannot be ignored.

Although it has not reached the point of cutting off the water and electricity all over the world, it is true that many cities have fallen into a state of emergency.

Water is the source of life, and electricity is the most important thing. A large number of emergency generators have been transferred to various hospitals in the city, but it is uncertain how long they can last.

If this situation continues and spreads like this, there will definitely be a large number of casualties.


?Chapter 98 The Absolute Guardian

The entire battle was only a short period of time, but that alone was enough to glimpse a corner of it.

Attacking Agru and counterattacking Renlong.

Blue and red, sword and cannon.

The energy bomb that landed expanded nearly a kilometer after detonation, what is that?Tactical nuke?

Terrifying creatures like Renlong actually exist on the earth, not relying on tools, but relying on the strength of its own body.

But fortunately, Renlong has been defeated. With the disappearance of Renlong, the worldwide hydropower interruption has also been liberated.

Although there is no actual evidence of the connection between the two,

?Chapter 99 retrieved

The summer sunset, even so, still did not get rid of the heat.

Without strong sunlight, it became muggy, and perhaps only a downpour could relieve the heat.

When Kazama walked into the house, he felt a strong cool breeze.

It's that time again, the scary time when electricity bills are climbing to the top.

He walked into the living room, and the two who had been bickering recently were dangling on the sofa, looking as if they had burned out.

Thinking about it, the power outage lasted almost half a day, which was quite torture.

At this time, the two who heard his footsteps were just turning around.

?A hundred chapters forward

Something is squirming in the darkness, and I haven't been able to understand what it is, and I can't even see the light.

Immediately afterwards, the sense of panic felt due to the sudden time was irresistible.

He kept struggling, but found that the air was turbid.

In the absence of understanding what is going on, the pain comes.

Hands, feet, trying to curl myself up, but can't relieve the pain.

It was as if there were monsters constantly mocking and speaking in an incomprehensible language.

Finally, this pain was slowly passing away, and even the voice gradually became inaudible.


?Chapter One Hundred and One

What should one do to regain weight when one gains weight?

Naturally choose to go on a diet to lose weight!

But here's a very, very serious question, do you still want to diet and lose weight while living with your dear parents?Do you think something as unhealthy as skipping dinner is allowed?

'Ah, I really want to lie down. '

Dongyang, who found his weight irreversibly lifted after a long vacation, is taking a walk this night time.

Although I originally planned to run, I felt tired after only a few steps.

The only thing that keeps her motivated is this

?Chapter [-] Man or Beast

As said before, the park has become a home for the homeless.

They didn't leave after escaping, they just hid in this large park.

They were far enough apart that they didn't know what was going on until they were rounded up by the police.

murdering case?

What the hell?

But it's still a good kill!

That's what the homeless people who didn't see the corpse thought.

"That's all we know."

They didn't know what happened to the murder at all. The only thing they knew was their terrible situation.


?Chapter [-] Arrest

The night raid team kept quite busy at night, no matter what time it was, they had to act once the strange beasts appeared.

It's just that the alien beast radar has just been manufactured and it seems to have lost its function not long after it was manufactured, which is a bit frustrating.

This time, the alien beast is a type that cannot be observed through vibration waves. What method can be used to find it?

The cameras in the city are called, but the problem is that the cameras are only where they should be, instead of covering all the streets and alleys in all directions.

After all, if you want to do that, issues like human rights and privacy will be forcibly pulled

?Chapter [-] Phase Assault

When people get together, a lot of people, of course it gets buzzing.

Even if everyone is just chatting in pairs, the voice will be quite exaggerated.

During the lunch break, some students are eating, some are playing, and some are exercising.

Not everyone intends to rely on studies to advance to higher education, and some people want to develop in sports.

Of course, these people who don't care at all don't matter at all to the pale man, he just focused his eyes and stared at one person.

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