Erina looked angrily at her father and elder brother who seemed to have let go of their sleep, she was quite dissatisfied with this matter.

The so-called 'restraint of alcohol' seems to have always been to ignore everything as soon as the excitement comes.

Besides, you guys are too bad

?Chapter 79 Thoughts after the war

The fist he swung was very weak, and his outstretched five fingers were no different from ordinary people.

The hardness of the armor is not something that a mere human body can penetrate, it should be like this.

The phalanx broke with a strange sound, and the blood gushing from the wound splashed on the body.

No matter what kind of alien beasts they encounter, they have the courage to fight, but what should they do in the face of enemies with human appearance?

The corpse whose body was broken in two moved quickly with both hands, bringing out disgusting blood.

Everything that appeared in the eyes made the whole place look like hell.



? What Happened in Chapter Eighty



Suck, taste, drink.

Probably such a process, very common.

But... so again.

The weather is sunny, and today's Tokyo is as busy and full of energy as usual.

It's just that there may be a deeper crisis hidden under this peaceful surface.

There are tens of millions of people in Tokyo, and even if tens of thousands of them are unemployed, it is only a small part of this huge base.

Except for the parties involved, more people just heard about it and didn't take it to heart, because they didn't care about themselves.

? Chapter 81


A deep battle roar came from Gaia's mouth. His left fist was behind and his right palm was in front, and he was ready to fight.

And in front of him is an opponent who seems to be very leisurely, his eyes are swinging his tentacles-like arms, all over the top of his head, and the eyes of his legs are all moving as if they are alive.

It seems that the huge eyes have grown hands and feet, and this weird monster gives people an indescribable sense of absurdity.

The so-called fear is not something that can be overcome if it is overcome, and my current dream is in such a state.

Even if you have made up your mind, still because of it

?Chapter 82 Your Record


"what happened?"

"In my imagination, it wouldn't look like this in your apartment..."

Kazama stared at the messy living room in front of his eyes. How should I put it, the last time I saw such a situation was when Uniform.

The problem is that Uniform's character is carefree and boyish, and from the appearance alone, Fukaha is undoubtedly that kind of quiet girl.


Kazama looked at the coffee table, a pile of textbooks were scattered there, and three of them were used to pad the laptop.

do not know why

?Chapter 83 Memories

"So you've actually been funding this... this girl in my grade since three years ago?"

"Probably that's the case, because the recent alien beast... has caused a lot of trouble. I'm afraid that it's not safe for her to live alone, so I hope you can accept her."

Although no matter how you look at it, it is some kind of bad plot that is often staged, but Xi Li still tries to listen carefully to what her father, who has always been reliable, will say.

In the current situation, why does it look like a young woman who came out of nowhere and suddenly replaced her deceased mother as a stepmother.

then basically

?Chapter 84

"Huh? No gifts for visiting? At least some lunch?"

That's what Kazama heard when he walked into the ward.

"Now I can go to the cafeteria and bring it to you."

He pointed to the closed door behind him, and in exchange for Aikawa's boos:

"Tsk, when I was in Qihai, I would be like this when I was here, you dirty pervert!"

"If you are transferred to the hospital in Yokohama immediately, I will go to the market to buy ingredients to make you a sumptuous dinner and deliver it to you."

The conversation between the two seemed to be full of gunpowder, and soon, Aikawa's expression changed.

?Chapter 85 Moving

Where is this place?

The sign with the words 'Kazama' says it all.

The crow that landed on the wall tilted its head and stared at the two people in the living room.

A few seconds later, as if it was bored, it spread its wings and flew away towards the sky, disappearing into the setting sun.

At this time, there were new people in the living room.

Kazama, who had filled the water from the kitchen, carefully placed the two glasses on the left and right sides.

"Please drink water..."

He even became more careful with his words. The two people in front of him have been in this state since about 5 minutes ago.


?Chapter 86 Strange Calm

"Huh? What are you doing?"

It's another day, but today is a little different.

When Shirou woke up from his deep sleep, he found that there was another person sitting in the living room.

Today is Wednesday, since the end of the continuous typhoon and thunderstorm, Erina has to fulfill her obligation, her responsibility, that is... to go to school.

The three big men are at home, and Shirou is the same as Natsume, a fisherman who goes away for a long time once he goes out to sea, and rests for a long time when he rests.

So every time it's time to rest, they always rest indulgently.


?Chapter 87 Today and Tomorrow


On a sunny day today, Kazama, who was watching the chrome Chester simulation training cabin in the lobby of the base, was attracted by the information on his mobile phone.

It was the long-lost parent contact group. After more than a month, the school finally issued a notice to resume school.

In other words, the students were more than a month behind in their learning progress.

Considering this situation, Kazama suspects that this year's summer vacation will disappear completely.

But there was no way around it. The fuel tanker crashed into the school and blew itself up in a super exaggerated manner.

I still remember that the entire teaching building was almost full of

?88 chapters pass

Under the shadow of night, the working hours of the day came to an end.

Kazama said a very important thing before the dining table at home:

"Speaking of which, I received the notice of the school opening before, and it was next Monday."

Probably June 6th, in other words, the middle of the month.

School holidays are generally in mid-July.

From the beginning of May to mid-June, in a sense, Xili and Fukaha's summer vacation has already taken more than half of it.

"What about summer vacation?"

Just like most of the students, Xili also cared about the summer vacation.


Chapter 89 Planetary Crusher

The space is opened and something is about to emerge from it.

Just like when Gob attacked the earth, a rippling white appeared in the black universe, only different from last time, the scope of this white was wider and more exaggerated.

"Sorry, I'm late!"

The door of the air base command room opened, and I Meng hurried in and sat directly in his place.

As the head of XIG, he quickly scanned the data that had been drawn, and then came to a conclusion that shocked him.

If Gob was a drop of water last time, then this time he poured down the whole glass of water.

?Chapter Ninety Stars

It cannot be said that the Meta Domain was absorbed, it can only be said that the Meta Domain was destroyed before it was formed, and the light energy was completely absorbed by Wassert.

"This is......"

Even if he didn't know the meaning of doing so, Empat was still aware of the abnormality at this time.

How many times is this already?

The Meta domain was eroded by Faust, but his power was backlashed by Faust, and Vassett absorbed his power without hindrance.

Everything seems to be as the future Empat said, his power is completely analyzed by others.

However, this strange feeling is

?Chapter 91 The Voice of the Earth

A castle was built on the silver sandy beach, and the women in white were like children who hadn't grown up, carefully building the sandy buildings.

Yabuki's face is full of seriousness. Unlike the hemisphere that was attacked, this side is very least for now.

Just when she was satisfied with her masterpiece, the unfinished castle suddenly collapsed and became a sand pile with remnant shapes.

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