Qihai's eyes kept moving between the two of them, and when the leaving Kazama disappeared inside the elevator, Aikawa spread her hands.

"Don't look at me, my orientation is normal."


Qihai thinks it's okay if the other party doesn't make up this sentence.

At this time, the things in the training ground had nothing to do with Kazama, and he took the elevator all the way to the next level.

Two minutes later, the door of the office was knocked, and he walked into the office with the word "please come in".

Unexpectedly, besides the conductor, there was another person in the office.

This person was wearing civilian clothes, but ordinary people would not appear here.

"This is Officer Yamazaki from the Metropolitan Police Department."


The conductor introduces the two because he doesn't want to waste any time.

"This is Kazama, the captain of the Night Raid Armored Squad."


The introduction is over here, and then go directly to the topic:

"Not much to say, Kazama, recently there have been [-] disappearances in Tokyo within a week. Officer Yamazaki, please explain."


Yamazaki nodded and accepted the command's words:

"The 28 people who are missing are of different ages and genders, but the one thing they all have in common is that they have all recently lost their jobs."

At this moment, Kazama asked:

"Why didn't you notify the night raid team immediately?"

This sentence is like questioning the other party's dereliction of duty, because since they are looking for the night raid team, doesn't it mean that this matter has something to do with the alien beast?

And Yamazaki smiled wryly, and replied:

"Because we are also waiting for the night raid team to notify us."

At this moment, the conductor sighed.

"It's my dereliction of duty."

He then gave his reasons:

"The alien beast radar we installed has no vibration wave response of alien beasts at all. Once the beast radar was assembled, we relaxed."

What do you mean by relaxation?

"Since the radar did not respond, it means that the alien beast did not appear. In other words, it was not the alien beast who committed the crime, not to mention that the night raid team has never heard of it, so we initially determined that it was an ordinary disappearance. The case may be human or organ trafficking."

Yamazaki gave the answer, and they judged it precisely because the alien beast radar did not respond.

However, the number of disappearances in a week was too abnormal. Faced with such extraordinary cases, they chose to seek help from the night raid team.

Trust in tools is a matter of course, maybe it's not necessarily the alien beast that is acting, it may be something else.


Kazama remembered the battle with Faust not long ago, when he was attacked by something he couldn't detect, maybe this is the answer.

"Is there no surveillance?"

He asked again, this is not an era where we could only rely on reasoning in the past, and the high-tech records are enough to directly bypass such a process.

Yamazaki still shook his head.

"The last battle between the three Ultramans and the three monsters caused far more damage to Tokyo than that area. Many nearby streets also had their own damage. The missing people almost all disappeared in places that were not monitored. ,to be honest......"

He was silent for a while, but still expressed his thoughts:

"Being able to understand the city so well, if the number of missing people is not too abnormal, I think it is human beings who are committing crimes."

It would be too sad if it was human beings who committed the crime.

"That's it. There is no monitoring, no clues. I think there is only one more realistic way now, and that is fishing."

The command's words were very clear, so Kazama nodded directly.

"I understand."

To put it simply, since the criminals like to commit crimes in areas that are not monitored, the night raid team pretends to be ordinary people and acts there to catch the criminals like fishing.

This is another desperate job, but the Night Raiders themselves are such an organization.

"Then it's decided."

The makers have no opinions, and neither do the executors, so the efficiency is very high.

"Officer Yamazaki, our night raid team took over this incident, and the Metropolitan Police Department should not interfere."

"OK, I see."

Yamazaki has no objection to commanding such words that seem to drive people away, after all, things like alien beasts...

Their Metropolitan Police Department itself has some understanding of the interior, and the video of the strange beasts running around the city last month has long been rotten.

The kind of monsters that jump more than ten meters or twenty meters high, the kind that can easily blow up vehicles, and the kind of monsters that casually run on the wall, what can they do with just a pistol?

Even if the anti-riot troops are dispatched, it's useless. I don't want to be too rude, please prepare guns for the anti-riot troops.

After getting the answer, Yamazaki got up to bid farewell, and prepared to go back to report.

After 5 minutes, the commander sighed in the empty office, and it turned out that the first unit did the most dangerous work again, because only they in armor had the ability to deal with sudden attacks.

In addition to thinking as a person, as a commander, there is also a commander's perspective.

The job this time is really dangerous. If anyone is lost, it will definitely have a considerable impact on the team, and it may not be able to recover in half a year or a year.

Because 'hardly anyone wants to do the job'

There are indeed very few people who are adaptable to armor, but it is not impossible for a country to make up 1000 people, so the reason for the small number of people wearing armor is its danger.

The salary is very high, it is great, and it may be money that others will not earn in their entire lives.

The question is, do you have money to earn and life to spend?

Therefore, ordinary people who are adaptable are not willing to do this kind of work at all. Now almost all the night raiders in the country are from the army. As for ordinary people...

No need to guess, they are all people who have been hurt by strange beasts like Kazama.

Of course, the command does not mean that he wants to blame those ordinary people who do not participate in the night raid team, but...there is a simple reason. If you don’t know or understand, it doesn’t mean that things don’t exist. If the defense line collapses, the people behind How can it be possible to be alone?

Another reason is also very simple, who would want to die in a normal person?

It is unreasonable to suddenly ask a person to fight desperately. Forcibly throwing him on the battlefield will only usher in death.

The inexhaustible alien beasts are simply malignant tumors for human beings.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

"Well, sorry, I have to work overtime these days, and I probably won't go back tonight."

In the empty training ground, Kazama held the phone in his right hand, and kept telling the girl on the other end of the phone.

"There are different ingredients in the refrigerator. The bottom layer of the sliding door on the left is the laid eggs, the bottom cabinet in the center is fruits and vegetables, and the first layer from the top of the cabinet is——"

Not far away, Aikawa put his hands on his shoulders, he wanted to see how long his captain could talk.

"There are also wontons, dumplings, and glutinous rice balls in the freezer below. If you really don't want to make them, although they are not nutritious, those are okay. By the way, there should be a few cans of beer on the top layer, which is used for cooking Yes, not drinks."

One sentence, two sentences, three sentences.

"What is he saying?"

Olivia asked Nanami suspiciously, after all, it was in Japanese, not English.

"Tell my daughter."


Nanami's simple answer silenced Olivia, her eyes fixed on Kazama.

"and also......"

The words continued, and then Aikawa touched his chin, and suddenly shouted:

"Team leader! The boss is urging you again, have you finished calling yet?"

The voice was transmitted to the other side of the phone, and Xi Li was instantly relieved.

"Go to work first. I'm not a child anymore. It's okay to take care of myself. You can rest assured."

She really wanted to interrupt her father's words, but she didn't know how to speak, so she just took advantage of this opportunity to act.

"Well, well, well, don't worry."

Finally, the phone hung up.

'Group leader, no wonder you are so busy. '

Xi Li put down her phone and looked at the empty living room.

'Just clean up... No, it seems a bit disadvantageous like this? '

Cleaning without being noticed is pointless!

Thinking about this, she decided to lie down on the sofa first, since she was not hungry anyway.

Chapter 71 'Business Opportunities'

"Listen well, absolutely don't have any relaxation, the scope of activities is only as large as the investigation, and shoot immediately after discovery."

Night had already fallen, and the blue and black costumes of the night raiders blended in with the surrounding scenery.

Under the leadership of Tachibana, the members of the second unit were on standby in different positions.

They chose to monitor on the roof of the building overlooking the ground. The Diwait gun was adjusted to high firepower mode, and the special bullet was also replaced.

If I really want to give an example, it is probably the so-called anti-tank rifle. One blow is enough to hit the same or even higher power.

With the guns set up, the soldiers pointed in their respective directions for monitoring.

The essence of the battle this time was fishing. Because of this, the three members of the first team wrapped their bodies tightly, wearing high-necked clothing and windbreakers as if it was autumn and winter.

Under that suit is a red and white armor, and Kazama is no exception.

The serrated blades of the Bermuda armor were not suitable for such a task, so he switched back to the original armor.

As for Olivia, her equipment is not suitable for such a thing, so she is sitting on standby on a transport plane hovering above, ready to be airdropped for support at any time.

The time is 22:00 at night. Tokyo has not yet slept at this time. People are still roaming the streets, going in and out of various stores, and shopping in which department store.

For a country, the economy is the first priority, and it flows from business activities.

People's life depends on these, basic necessities of life, spiritual or physical enjoyment.

In addition, the so-called 'workplace culture' is also the reason why people will play outside at this time.

Colleagues build relationships, superiors and subordinates come and go, and the reception starts like this.

There is indeed a wave of unemployment and layoffs in Tokyo now, but only some people are affected after all, and those who survived are just doing the same things as before.

Kazama walked on a fixed route, waiting for the attack of prey.

The diffuse perception can only detect the noise on another nearby street, such as the entanglement of women's laughter and the pride and expense of men.

There are many ways for humans to release stress, one of which is to indulge in singing.

Regarding this point, Kazama himself has nothing to comment on, it is after all a business that you like and I like.

He dutifully held on to the task and kept his concentration during the boring and uninteresting process.

He wasn't the only one doing the same thing. At the headquarters of the night raid team, the commander frowned tightly. The backup at the base could only observe the situation through the cameras in the helmets of the frontline troops.

The nearby cameras were completely destroyed, and there was nothing left.

The straight lines extending for hundreds of meters are all divided into construction sites, but the noise of the construction comes from farther away.

Tonight, the engineering team is also repairing the destroyed urban area overnight. How long will it take to restore it to its original appearance?

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