In the future, the night raid team will definitely change bases, and Qi Hai doesn't care much about it, she just thinks whether her captain can bear it or not.

If you have family members, you will naturally have ties, and if you don't have family members, you can act freely.

Qihai walked into the elevator and went all the way down.

She watched the layers keep dropping, and thought about the 'J-type armor' again.

It is said that a female dresser about her age came from the United States. She seems to be a person with deep obsessions. I hope it will not become a troublesome situation.

Along with thinking, the elevator descended to the basement.

The door opened, and in the bright and spacious training ground sat Aikawa with a bored face and Kazama who was talking about something.

At this time, the person with his back to her has short golden hair, it seems that it is...

"Qihai, you're back."

Noticing her arrival, Kazama immediately greeted her.

And Aikawa, who was still paralyzed there before, jumped up from his seat when he heard this.

"Is the injury already healed? It's so strange! I didn't say a word when I came back!"

"I don't want to be cared about so much by someone who has never visited a doctor. Don't you think it's fake?"

Nanami narrowed her eyes and responded with thorny words, but unfortunately Aikawa didn't care at all, he shrugged:

"I didn't go to visit the doctor to prevent you from severing your wounds because of my appearance. I came to the conclusion after very serious consideration."

"Ha ha."

The two still couldn't communicate well as before, Kazama sighed in his heart, every time, every day he invited Aikawa to go to the hospital together, but it's a pity that this person doesn't like this at all, and he won't go if he can't.

"Okay, stop arguing first."

Kazama intervened between the two, so they stopped talking as usual.

He looked at Qihai, and then stepped aside as an invitation gesture.

"Qami, this is..."

"I'm Yuan Qihai, the wearer of Type A armor. You must be the Olivia the captain said."

A sentence of English instantly turned Aikawa into a distressed expression. He originally wanted to say that someone finally spoke human language, but another one spoke heavenly scriptures.

"Why is she also good at English?"

Tucao said it naturally, and Kazama immediately gave an answer:

"Because she is a talented student who should go directly to work in a big company after graduation."

It was already obvious that only one of the four people could not do it.

"Crazy, quit your high-paying job to become a soldier in the night raid team."

Aikawa scratched at his already short hair, he was speechless.

Kazama shook his head and did not speak, because it was a personal choice.

At the same time, the two women who had greeted each other before had already walked towards the training ground.

"I don't think he said anything good?"

Olivia knew that what she did was indeed too much, but it was really impossible to control it at the time.

"He said that you can effectively control your own armor, know how to use your own advantages, and are very reliable as a comrade in arms."

Qihai repeated the original words, because of this, she had a good impression of this newcomer.

It's just that this sentence is a bit surreal, so that Olivia couldn't help but glance over there.

"real or fake?"

Qihai paid attention to that reaction, and found that this girl from a foreign country was really a bit young.

Because what Kazama said was all about the 'battle', and there was nothing to comment on the 'person' itself, after all, that person seldom commented on others themselves.

"I've been lying down for a month, and I feel a little sluggish. It's just a chance for us to get to know each other."

"good idea?"

Although Olivia agreed to Nanami's invitation, her own answer was a little uncertain.

Because she doesn't really like wearing armor to fight, it's just that she has to do it when there is a need to fight.

About half a minute later, on the left was a set of heavy armor over two meters, and on the right was light armor that was not much different from the original height of the wearer.

"This contrast, don't be too strong."

Aikawa couldn't stop complaining at all, because the visual effect brought about by the size difference between the two sides was too exaggerated.

"Perhaps it's time to consider a new squad strategy."

Kazama said with his arms folded.

Chapter Seventy: The Disappearance Incident

Ordinary practice battles only show the quality of the armor itself. If the A-type armor focuses on speed and power, then the J-type armor is about defense and power. Its own strength and defense surpass other types.

"It looks heavy, but it actually moves very lightly."

"After all, it is a technique that has been passed down in one line. If it is too slow, even the movements of the alien beasts will not be able to keep up."

Olivia responded to Qihai's evaluation. If she couldn't keep up with the movements of the alien beast, it would be tantamount to building a beaten iron coffin.

Because of this, the J-type armor retains a good speed, that is, a flexible and strong man.

Although it is indeed affected in evasion due to its huge size, it is replaced by the strength and defense to confront the alien beast head-on.

"There are still more new equipment being developed, but they haven't arrived yet."

According to what Olivia knows is a special barrier that can be used to defend against the attacks of alien beasts.

"New equipment, new equipment is good."

Nanami nodded, and the two of them walked to the resting place after removing their armor.

There is only one person there now for the time being, because another person is acting.

When the two women sat down, the tray in Kazama's hand was placed on the table, with room temperature water that was neither cold nor hot.

"Thanks for your hard work."

For him, this seems to be a habit.

In the past summer, after Xi Li finished her homework at home, and after Xi Li finished exercising, he would always prepare something.

This is a natural action for young people. After all, for Kazama, all the people present are young people, and his age is already...

"Thank you."

Nanami thanked politely.


Olivia smiled heartily.

"It's so clever!"

Aikawa said carelessly.

"Get out of here."

Qihai really wanted to punch her teammate out with her tight right fist, would she act good if she got cheap?


Aikawa grinned, picked up the cup and poured water into his mouth.

Qihai turned her head away unhappily, and continued to communicate with Olivia in English. She had already been distanced by the other two. After all, she only met Olivia today, so she had to work harder to understand.

And Olivia didn't have any opinion about it. There are few people in this base who can communicate. Wouldn't it be great to have an extra girl now?

So chirping, chirping, Xiang Chuan felt that he was listening to the bible again, and before he felt tired, a question came to his ears:

"Speaking of which, I don't think I've ever seen you take a vacation?"

Turning his head, it was Kazama who was looking at him seriously.

"No, captain, you actually left two beauties alone to chat with me? Are you on that side?"

Aikawa gave a strange response with a look of surprise.

It's just that Kazama didn't have any special feelings about this sentence deliberately disrupting the situation. He said without blushing and heartbeat:

"I'm afraid you'll be alone and lonely, so I came to chat with you."

As soon as this remark came out, Ai Chuan was stunned, he didn't know how to respond.

Because to be honest, based on his personal understanding of Kazama, the man in front of him is really someone who can do such a thing.

And, can you stop saying that so bluntly?

This is too 'over there'.

Although I know it's not the case that you even have a daughter, but this...

"just kidding."

Before Aikawa continued to struggle, Kazama's light words made him scratch his head again.

"Captain, did you do it on purpose?"

I didn't expect that ordinary honest people would be so terrible when they joked, it's so weird.

"Maybe, so you don't seem to have any vacations?"

Kazama answered uncompromisingly, and asked the same question again.

Aikawa sighed helplessly, and he shrugged.

"I don't have anything to do on vacation. Look at where to travel. Our first team doesn't have that kind of long vacation. If you want to go there, what can you play? I think fighting alien beasts is much more exciting than any other game." .”

"Aren't you going to party with friends?"

Kazama's words silenced Aikawa, which already explained some problems.

Maybe this question is very offensive, but sometimes you just have to offend others.

"Would you like to take a vacation with me next time?"

He made an invitation, and now Aichuan returned to his usual nonchalant manner.

"Huh? A date invitation?"

The previous silence seemed to have never existed, he asked in a shocked tone.

Then, Kazama nodded.

"You just treat it like that."


Aikawa gasped, he found that his captain seemed to have learned.

At the same time, the Beretta placed on the table began to beep and vibrate.

Kazama immediately picked it up and switched it on, and the commander's calm face was reflected inside.

"Kazama, come to the office, there is a task."


The communication was hung up, and Kazama got up from his seat.

"Oh no! Don't leave me!"

Aikawa put his head in his hands, half acting, half telling the truth, because as soon as his captain leaves, he will have to listen to the scriptures again.

"Parting is for a better reunion."

Kazama spoke in a calm tone, as if this was true.

What is the meaning of the conversation between the two?

Of course, there is no meaning at all. Acting each other may also be one of the joys of chatting with others.

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