Seasickness produces vomiting, and vomiting brings a foul smell.

There is no way to open the door, no way to open the window, because the torrential rain outside hits the window, and sea water seeps in from time to time in the gap.

In such a supernatural situation, normal people have no way to save themselves, not even to ask for help.

They are just praying to XIG, praying to Ultraman, praying for something to save them.

At this time, everyone still has the will to survive in their hearts. If this will disappears, it will not be surprising for anyone to fall into madness.

How can we rekindle hope for people?

As the captain, Natsume was at a loss for this, and no matter who faced such a situation, he would definitely be at a loss.

It was at this moment that the ship made the sound of being overwhelmed.

"What, what's wrong?!"

As if to sink the ship and tear it apart, the crew members fell on the 'wall' in embarrassment while tilting, and some people could even feel the cold touch of the window and the wet clothes.

Where the hell is this ship?

Beyond the unseen heavy rain was a terrifying hurricane.

If it was blowing before, now it is inhalation.

A large amount of sea water was drawn into this storm, and the presence inside changed its actions because it had noticed the danger approaching it.

The sea water sucked up, the strong wind blowing, and the water droplets spilled out, these things are not even obstacles to the blue giant who rushed over.

His eyes went straight through layers of barriers, seeing through the enemies hidden inside.

'skyline? '

From the appearance alone, it is enough to find that the metal cylinder is a man-made object, engraved with the word 'heaven' in the ancient characters of another country.

Defeating it will end everything.

But before that, Aguru's eyes reflected the ship that was pulled into the tornado.

One ship, ten ships, and more, they rotate together in the direction of the blowing wind.

In contrast, there is the immobile heaven inside, and this machine seems to have made up its mind to take the fishermen of the Pacific Ocean as hostages.

The energy that Aguru had originally mobilized was withdrawn, and he who stayed in the air could feel a strong suction pulling him to the inside of the wind.

The fishing boats surrounding Tianjie were no different from shields, and the fishermen inside didn't even know what happened, but were pressed against the walls, the ground, and the ceiling of the cabin by inertia.

The natural control machine that manipulated the 'wind' started to move, and it approached Aguru in front.

Every minute you get closer, the wind gets stronger.

And Aguru retreated towards the rear as if he had no other choice. He had no way to attack from the front. Once he broke into the wind, the fast-rotating fishing boat might even hit him to pieces directly. Involve the fishing boat.

It is for this reason that he keeps retreating.

But in the process of retreating, Aguru looked up at the sky, the 'eye' at the center of the typhoon is different from the surroundings, it is the position with the least wind force, and it can be attacked from there.

The premise is that the fishermen can be rescued first.

At this moment, the stronger suction force tore at Aguru who was floating in the sky. Opposite to him was the fishing boat that was rolled up together.

The hard metal began to deform and twist, as if it would be crushed in the next second.

The actions of the heavens seemed to be forcing Aguru to act, either to attack or watch the hostages die.

The next moment, Aguru lived up to the 'expectation' of the heavens and rushed towards a higher sky.

He kept rising, passing through the layer of charged black clouds.

Its blue body began to rotate horizontally, and the palms stretched straight forward were pressed together.

After the right angle is the right angle bend, Aguru seems to be planning to break into the eye of the typhoon from above and directly defeat the enemy.

The Celestials can sense powerful sources of energy approaching from above, and this is its plan.

The 'eye of the typhoon' is the place where the typhoon has the least force, which is true according to nature.

But the heaven itself is not a product of nature, and the wind it raises is also manipulated by it.

The first role of the fishing boat has been fulfilled, and the next is the second role.

In less than half a second, the already strengthened wind increased even further. The fishing boat was absolutely unable to withstand this force. The shredded interior of the boat would probably cause human beings to spill out like garbage. This blow was used to distract the enemy's attention force.

The hurricane began to concentrate, and the surrounding black clouds that formed the thunderstorm were also pulled together.

Appearing in front of Aguru is the path of Thunder, and at the same time, it is also an unbearable wind pressure.

But his movements didn't have the slightest disorder, he just focused on one point and continued to charge forward.

The spinning blue giant is a small tornado charging towards a larger tornado.

Does Aguru not care about the life and death of fishing boats?

Not so, water and wind are mixed together at this moment.

Is the sea water really sucked in by the typhoon?

The sea level of the Pacific Ocean dropped instantly, and the concentrated sea water rushed upwards like a fountain.

How much sea water is there on earth?

This beautiful water star entrusts the will of the ocean to a being named 'Aguru'.

Now the sea responds to Aguru's will and begins to move. The dark blue dragon seems to penetrate the sky, and the strong wind that was originally spinning here can no longer be seen. The gushing sea swallows the wind, the air, and everything.

In an instant, the celestial body could not maintain its original position, and it was pushed out to a higher place, where someone had already been waiting for it.

The spinning and falling Agulu collided with the enemy, and the clouds gathered in the heavens were directly scattered. At this moment, the water column towered into the clouds and became more beautiful under the brilliance of the sun.

"what is this......"

Team Flash arrived on the scene, but they couldn't feel the storm, and couldn't see the enemy.

[-] meters high, the sea dragon reaches the sky.

"what is this......"

The monstrous waves did not seep into the interior of the cabin, and the sailors could not understand what was happening in front of them.

But on the outside of the boat, milky white eyes flashed past.

The covered sun reappeared, the falling sea made a loud noise, and the huge waves gushing out were brought about by weight.

However, this wave did not cause further damage, and it became calm as if it had been appeased.

The schools of fish that weren't supposed to be at that depth started swimming again, and they resumed their normal lives.

On the turbulent sea surface are fishing boats flowing with sea water. Fishing boats from different countries are also fishing in the Pacific Ocean.

They did not sink, and the giants that entered the sea also floated up again.

Aguru rose from the sea, the timer on his chest flickered non-stop, and water droplets left on himself.

He holds two wreckages in his hands, one is the body of the heavenly world that has been pierced through a huge hole, and the other is a strange energy core.

With these wreckages, Aguru left towards the distance.


The door of the cabin was pushed open, and the sun shone brightly after the typhoon.

A warm feeling filled the whole body, and the sailors showed ecstasy. No matter what happened, they would be happy to survive.

Natsume was walking on her own boat, and the wet deck made strange noises.

For a moment just now, he really saw the blue giant.

The posture of being with the sea is simply the god of the sea in legend.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line


Open your eyes, it is the familiar ceiling.

"Ah, I woke up, it's time to wake up again."

It was also a familiar voice that came from his ears.

Fujimiya turned his head to look to the left, Erina was holding a towel in his hand.


I remember after that it was like...

"How weak is your body? I just said that your weight is ridiculously light. I didn't expect it to be so weak that you would faint in the toilet."

A helpless voice came from the door, Shirou said as he walked into the room.

At this time, he seems to have lost the previous stabbing, which is also a matter of course.

When you see a person on the road for three consecutive days, and faint in the toilet, you will definitely feel that this person has no threat at all.

'So all scientists are so delicate and frail?It's more girly than a girl. '

For Shirou, Fujimiya is such a weak man. If he had some complaints about his father's decision before, it is completely gone now.

So fragile, I'm afraid throwing a chopstick on the opponent's head can knock him unconscious.

After a moment of silence, Fujimiya looked at the ceiling again.

"Feel sorry."

He found that the clothes on his body had changed again, in the sea, on the road, and in the toilet.

There are more outrageous appearances these days than in the past 22 years.

The word 'sorry' actually made Shirou feel embarrassed, and now it seems that he is bullying the patient.

"There's no need to apologize..."

He scratched his head, then looked at his sister.

"Are you hungry? Let me get you some porridge? Do you want me to feed you?"


Hearing this, Fujimiya immediately sat up from the bed, but the pain in his abdomen still made him inevitably show a uncomfortable expression, and a forced transformation battle made his injury a little more serious.

"Anyway, I'll get you some dinner."

Saying so, Shirou walked out of the room.

Erina blinked, then continued to stare at Fujimiya.

It was the first time she had seen a person who could be so weak, and it was also the first time she had seen this kind of person who always put on a bitter face.


At this moment, Shirou in the living room made a surprised sound.

He was holding something in his hand, but his eyes were completely attracted by the picture on the TV, because the man in the picture was his father.

The time has come to the evening, this time is the time for get off work, dinner, and news, and it is also the time for overtime work.

Fortunately, a man with a special job in Tokyo didn't need to work overtime today.

He sat in the living room at home and stared at the TV, because the fisherman in the picture was saying something interesting:

"Yes, we were involved by a strange machine, but our luck was very good, because we met the blue Ultraman!"

"The blue Ultraman? Did he save you?"

"That's right! That Ultraman is simply the God of the Sea!"

The reporters on the TV were communicating with the interviewees. Although the fishermen were not fanatical, they were indeed full of enthusiasm.

Just then, the reporter asked another question:

"So, do you think Ultraman is here to protect our patron saint?"

"That's needless to say? It's not the rescue team or the Maritime Self-Defense Force that rescued us, but Ultraman. After all this, do you still have to ask this kind of question?"

In any case, the fishermen are grateful to the blue Ultraman, or to Aguru.

"Are the eyeballs going to fall off?"

One sentence brought Kazama's attention back, he smiled, and began to think about why he didn't feel Aguru's breath.

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