"It's okay. It's not the first time Dad encountered a storm at sea. Do you remember the story he told us before? He said that he fought against the storm for a day and a night, and finally saved himself from danger."

"But isn't a story a story..."

Erina was still very disturbed.

"Based on real experiences!"

Shirou approached his sister with a smile, he couldn't show worry, because it would make his sister even more disturbed.

This is the No. 13 time he has comforted his sister in the past few days, but no matter how many times he is willing to do it.

"Dad has been at sea for almost 20 years. He is a man of the sea. He must have seen worse situations than this, so he must be fine."

"Well... yes."

The elder brother's words seemed to have an effect, Erina nodded, she was willing to believe this sentence.

At this moment, Fujimiya, who had been looking between the two of them, turned around, and this action caught Shirou's attention.

"Hey, it's time for lunch, don't you want to sleep again?"

"Go to the bathroom."

Fujimiya replied calmly, now Shirou really has nothing to say.

But there is one sentence that I still want to complain about in my heart:

'Who would come out of the toilet and suddenly realize that they didn't go to the toilet and run back? '

Are you really okay?

Of course, the boy's voice will not be heard.

Fujimiya returned to the toilet again, he held his right fist in this narrow space, a strange sea-blue light emerged on his wrist, and finally formed a strangely shaped bracelet.

But unlike usual, the bracelet did not rotate and unfold.


He whispered that name, and at this moment, the bracelet responded with a delay and rotated the wings. The light gushing from the wings was the same as usual, and Fujimiya's figure disappeared from the light blue.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

"Sure enough, the situation is not right."

Typhoons, rain, these are all normal natural weather, but this time it was too much anyway.

According to the observations of GUARD branches, the typhoon over the Pacific Ocean has been continuous and has not even moved.

In addition to Okinawa in Japan, there are also non-stop thunderstorms in several areas in several countries.

The direct disaster is that the storm surge caused by the typhoon strikes the coastal cities. If it is not for the timely forecast, the number of deaths cannot be summarized in units of 'thousands'.

The number of victims of storm surge disasters in the past history is even calculated in units of 'millions'.

In any case, GUARD has to respond to the current situation.

It is precisely because of this that the investigation teams of various branches conducted a joint investigation this morning. If you count the time...

The door opened automatically, and this situation immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Walking into the command room, Womeng had a heavy expression on his face. The moment he saw that expression, Staff Officer Chiba secretly said something bad.

"Didn't find anything?"

Originally, XIG should have acted earlier, but the fluctuating life monster that appeared in Japan yesterday took away part of the combat power, so that XIG only investigated this abnormal weather disaster today.

If the investigation doesn't find out... those people above are very annoying.

Facing Qianye's question, I shook my head as if waking up from a dream.

"No, it is true that a lot of information has been investigated. First of all, we can confirm that there is indeed a huge energy radiation inside the eye of the typhoon. There is no doubt that something has caused the current situation."

His words made Qianye feel relieved, since the existence of the enemy can be confirmed, then it is enough to destroy the enemy.


A word from my dream made Qianye lift his heart again, he waited for half a second, and found that my dream had entered the thoughtful state before.

"Don't speak out of breath."

Chiba could barely breathe by herself.

When I was told this, I dreamed to say what he cared about:

"In fact, the atmospheric samples taken near the typhoon showed that harmful components such as fluorocarbons and methane in the interior have decreased sharply."

"Wait, please tell me the conclusion directly."

Chiba no longer wants to hear a term that she doesn't understand at all.

'Isn't what I'm going to say next the conclusion...'

I Meng complained in my heart, and then threw out the simplified conclusion:

"The harmful components in the atmosphere near the eye of the typhoon have been purified. According to this efficiency, the earth's atmospheric pollution will be completely purified in half a year."


The conclusion that came out of his mouth was so shocking that even Shi Shi couldn't help opening his eyes wide.

The so-called air pollution is a by-product of modern human beings.

The rapid development of industry in the past ignored the destruction of the environment, so that it was hard to return.

As everyone knows, the hole in the ozone layer is the result of atmospheric pollution, and then the global warming caused by the chain, the greenhouse effect has indeed affected human beings.

If this continues, the island countries in the future may be completely submerged, and the glaciers in the North and South Poles will begin to melt slowly.

The temperature will only increase, not decrease.

Although all countries in the world talk about protecting the environment and nature, it is actually very difficult to achieve this.

Because protecting nature will always come at the cost of 'slowing down development', and at the same time the benefits brought by development are hard to ignore.

Competition between countries still exists even now, and everyone is unwilling to take a step back.

It is even more impossible for those who hold the interests in their hands to give up the interests in their hands.

So environmental destruction has been going on. It is not the earth that is destroyed by human beings, but human beings themselves.

Now, there is a good thing to purify the atmosphere?


Thinking of this, Shishi quickly let go of his previous thinking, because there are still a large number of disaster reports behind this purification of the atmosphere.

"What will happen if this typhoon blows for another half a year?"

The question he asked made me hesitate in my dream, and this is also the question I was struggling with in my dream, but after hesitating, I still had to give the answer:

"I am afraid that island countries all over the world will be submerged, and coastal cities around the world may not be spared."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone in the command room was poured cold water.

A storm surge is not a tsunami, but it's not much more than a tsunami.

Let this typhoon blow for half a year, who can guarantee that the typhoon will not intensify?

With it as the center, the non-stop marine disasters caused by the Pacific Ocean are enough to kill many, many people.

What's more, no one knows what it is.

Pin your future on the unknown?

"Sure enough, it can only be destroyed."

Shi Shi said the conclusion he had drawn, and I Meng was silent for a while and then nodded.

What exactly is the balance between nature and humans?

No one has been able to give a satisfactory answer to this question until now.

In order to really find out that answer, human beings must always strive and survive.

'That's right, Gaia. '

I dream that this is also the expectation of the earth, otherwise the power of Gaia would not be given to humans like him.

At this moment, the computer's prompt sound attracted Atsuko's attention.

She turned around immediately, and then opened her eyes wide.

"Command! Detect Aguru's energy response!"


---------------------------------------------Dividing line

Pain, tiredness, discomfort.

This feeling is like being sick and having a high fever in the past, but it should be better than that time.

At least when there is a high fever, there will be no tearing pain in the abdomen.

If you really want to say it, you should wait until your body recovers better before acting.

Or simply wait for Empat or Gaia to act.

Obviously there are other better answers, why did he transform himself?

Aguru was advancing rapidly in the air, and the turbulent waves below kept surging, as if to engulf the whole world.

The rain falling from the sky kept hitting his body, and in the interval of the thunder, the timer beeped continuously. At this time, the red light on his chest kept on.

'Maybe it's because...'

Not as Aguru, but as Hiroya Fujimiya, he has something he wants to do.

Fujimiya knew that he had killed a lot of lives that might still be called 'human'. Perhaps in order to eliminate his guilt, he chose to protect more lives.

The problem is, even if he saves more people, the damage done will never be undone.

The world is like this, after making a choice, you have to bear the price.

Just as hypocrisy to make himself feel better, Fujimiya thought he had to act now.

Since it is possible to act, there is absolutely no reason to turn a blind eye.

If he had acted earlier, it would have been possible to save the brother and sister's father and many more people.

With waves and thunder as music, and rain and cold as companions, Aguru flew towards the eye of the typhoon that caused typhoons and thunderstorms.

He has the ability to resist this force, but there are more people on this planet who don't have that ability.

The sea water almost overturned the entire fishing boat. In this heavy rain, let alone looking at the direction, nothing could be seen three meters away.

"damn it!"

The deck was full of rain water, and they were rolled up like this before they had a chance to catch a single fish after going out to sea.

Drifting for three days, the rain continued.

As an experienced captain and sailor, Natsume is very aware of how abnormal it is today.

According to common sense, they should have sunk and died three days ago.

'Not good, not good. '

If there is no way to do it, the low morale will make the sailors kill each other before the ship sinks and dies.

Chapter 68 Sea God

Going out to fish is never a one-person job. Fishermen drive boats and form teams to work together.

There must be enough food, but when faced with natural disasters or disasters that are difficult for ordinary people to understand, the fear in people's hearts comes from the unknown.

"Where are we?"

The shaking continued, and the crew couldn't contact anyone else or what had caused it.

Even walking is so difficult, the sailors who have long been accustomed to the sea even find it difficult to breathe.

If someone walked into the cabin, they would definitely recoil because of the smell.

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