What will happen if you continue to fight?

' No wonder it caused so much trouble. '

The man understood the information he knew. Empat was indeed different from Gaia and Aguru who had just awakened. What happened to that unimaginable fighting style?

Not only in strength, Faust also seems to have a decisive gap with the opponent in terms of combat experience.

'But it doesn't matter, I've thought of an interesting way to do it. '

The man stared at Faust, his non-human tongue brushed across his cheek.

In his eyes, the scene returned to another dark field again.

In that field, Phrogoros had almost no power to fight back.

Although it's just a strange beast used to delay time, it's really disappointing to be able to fight so hard.

Its open mouth was firmly grasped before it could spit out the fireball. Empat forced the mouth shut, and then quickly backed away to drive the enemy, swinging his body and throwing Phoruguros out.

The heavy body of the strange beast fell to the ground in embarrassment and slid forward for a short distance. The timer sounded rhythmically from behind it, but compared with the scene at this time, it was not so much a reminder of a crisis as Said it was a warning to the alien beast, 'You are going to die soon'

Spinning, gusting, and pulling at his legs, Phoruguros struggled in the air before being thrown out a second time.

It crashed into the mountain, exposing its back to the enemy.

Empat's arms were dyed brilliant gold, and he joined his wrists, and the Spathum beam hit Phroguros, tearing and burning it with destructive energy.

At the same time, the dark domain also slowly disappeared due to energy exhaustion.

Chapter 51

"Just relying on our firepower, there is no way to vaporize this monster in one go. The main force is the blue Ultraman. All the machines look at the right time and wait for my order."

The flames on this land have been burned out, or in other words, the burning land has completely disappeared.

The original naval base disappeared, and Bokuragu's raid on Aguru directly shattered that area, and the wreckage mixed with the influx of sea water.

Now in this area, Aguru's consecutive punches hit Bokuragu five times in a row, but they couldn't cause any damage.

'Another monster like this? '

What Aguru thought of was the alien beast Pedron. That alien beast, which was almost made up of liquid, also had high resistance to physical blows, and it felt very strange when hit.

He took a step back, out of the way of the huge claws swung down by the enemy.

Bokuragu's attack is very monotonous, and it is not so difficult for Aguru to evade.

This monster has a high degree of resistance to blows due to its special physique, super-speed regeneration ability, and huge strange power.

But that's all, the trouble lies in the surrounding environment.

Aguru knows that in order to defeat the opponent, he must completely wipe out and evaporate the opponent. This is the problem. If he backs up and accumulates strength, Bokuragu, who realizes the danger, will immediately flee back to the sea behind.

The opponent must be torn away from here, but...

Thinking of this, Aguru quickly locked the enemy's claw attack after dodging it for the second time.

With all his strength, he pulled the 'enemy' up from the ground in one breath.


The sea water sprayed out, Aguru just threw a large amount of water, because the weight disappeared, he staggered a step forward.

"This is?!"

Weiwei's eyes widened, Bokuragu's locked arm turned into a puddle of liquid, and the monster seized the opportunity to slap forward fiercely with the other remaining claw.

The loud noise reverberated, and Aguru was directly sent flying by this force, smashing the ground in embarrassment.

Not letting go of this opportunity, Bokuragu completed the regeneration of the right pincer while moving forward.

Its claws moved forward at the same time, trying to grab the enemy who was lying on the ground again, but Aguru turned around quickly and kicked Bokuragu's abdomen.


This kick was so powerful that it even 'kicked' the enemy's abdomen to pieces.


Bokuragu screamed, but his movements were not slow at all.

It ignored the kick across the abdomen, quickly stretched its claws forward, and firmly grasped Aguru's neck.

At this moment, the intense electric current began to beat again, not only that, the life measuring device on Aguru's chest began to leak blue light.

"Is this monster taking Ultraman's power?!"

Yoneda could see the light flowing from the measuring device melting into Bokuragu's body.

There is no doubt that this monster of unknown origin is indeed absorbing the power of Aguru. While shocking Aguru with electric shock, it absorbs Aguru's power.

"How can I let you succeed!"

Weiwei immediately wanted to pull the trigger and use the remaining missiles to provide assistance, but it was also at this moment that Captain Di's words stopped him:

"Wait! Something seems wrong!"

At this moment, Aguru, whose chest began to flash red, touched the crystal on his head with his right palm, and the blue-white energy gathered here.

'was he caught on purpose like last time? '

What Captain Tsui thought of was the battle in Shinjuku. At that time, the battle data between Aguru and Pedron was also transmitted to GUARD for analysis. That time Aguru had deliberately endured the enemy's attack to lure the enemy.

And this time, as presumed, it was intentional.

Aguru needs an opportunity, an opportunity to directly vaporize Bokuragu. It is indeed unexpected that the enemy can make such a partial seawater change, but it can be done by using this opportunity to lure the enemy.

He quickly slashed his right arm down, and before Bokuragu could react, the blue line slashed down and hit his head, instantly vaporizing the part that made up his head.

There is no moaning because the head disappears.

Aguru quickly adjusted the beam, shooting the enemy from top to bottom.

In order to survive, Bokuragu also quickly turned his body into sea water and sprinkled it on the ground.

It's not that the whole body is turned into sea water, but part by part.

The photon smasher is Aguru's strongest lethal skill, but this time the launch was incomplete, and he omitted the process of accumulating power.

It is precisely because the power has been weakened that the efficiency of evaporation is reduced.

Bokuragu used a part of his body as a shield to block the photon smasher, and turned a part of his body into sea water to rush to the distant sea.

At this moment, a large number of missiles dragged their long tails, and the interweaving of dozens of light bands was the interlacing of tail flames.

Since Team Lightning, the missiles launched by the six fighter planes of Falcon Team were aimed at the pool of flowing sea water.

The next moment, the seawater filled with life surged, trying to swallow the missiles.

It's a pity that this time is different. Before it touches the missile, violent explosions are mixed together, completely engulfing it, and the instant burst of ultra-high temperature evaporates it directly.

After about five seconds, the intense flames disappeared, and the ground where the pit was dug out was only charred traces and black mist floating up.

Agulu on the other side was no longer restrained, because another part of Bokuragu's body that was used as a shield was also completely evaporated by the photon smasher, leaving nothing left.

This dark night has not yet come to an end, Aguru turned his head to look in another direction, it was Gaia's battle.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

Falling from the outside of the atmosphere are eight huge spears, and I, who transformed into Gaia, can see them clearly in my dream.

In order to prevent these things from falling into the city, he chose to directly attack with quantum streamlines.

But the strafing attack missed, and the eight falling spears quickly changed direction and dodged the attack.

They are combined together to become a huge piece of metal, quickly drawing an arc, faster than the pursuit speed of quantum streamlines.

As the distance narrowed, the swooping and rising metal block aimed at Gaia's abdomen, and finally grazed the opponent's waist.

Sparks flew, and Gaia, whose body was out of balance in the air, grunted in pain and began to fall downwards.

One front and one back, one heavy and one light.

Like an earthquake, Gaia smashed to the ground during the violent vibrations, and the floating metal block quickly changed its shape.

Hands, feet, head, body.

The silver metal giant has only one dark yellow single eye, but on its chest is the same crystal as Gaia's life meter, named Apatai.

'This is! '

Gaia, who supported herself to stand up from the ground, of course knew what the measuring device was. The crux of the problem was why this metal giant had such a measuring device.

'Eight spears, metal blocks, and metal giants...this thing can change its posture freely. '

Gaia quickly understood the situation. Is the metal object from the universe sent by the source of the shattered body?

If so, does that mean that the shattering of the root causes a strong interest in experiencing the existence of Ultraman?

No matter what the real situation is, now is not the time to think deeply.

With the left fist behind and the right palm in front, the horse stance sank, and Gaia, who stood up, made a fighting gesture.

Although a little later, Apatai also quickly made the same starting gesture.

There is no doubt that the metal giant is imitating Gaia.

The next moment, the two rushed towards each other at the same time.

The road shattered, partly because of its own weight, partly because the earth responded to him.

Just standing on the ground like this, Gaia felt power flooding his whole body, he stepped on his right foot, and blasted his shoulder.

But his shoulder was touched, and Apatai used it as a support to roll directly across the opponent's back.

One is forward, one is backward, one is hasty, one is precise, and the two kicks collide.

Gaia, who staggered forward due to the hasty attack, took another kick before he had time to stand still, and Apatai watched the thrown enemy move forward again.

'That does not work. '

Gaia knew that he was now turning his back on the enemy, so he would be pursued all the time.

'How to do? '

In a flash of inspiration, he fell to the ground while supporting the ground with his hands. With a push with his powerful hands, he bounced up directly with the anti-gravity ability.

Gaia spins her body and circles directly behind the enemy from above.

As soon as Apatai turned around, he ate the kick from bottom to top, sparks exploded, and one person fell and the other fell.

The form was reversed, Gaia stabilized her body after landing, Apatai stood up from the ground, and the previous attack did not seem to cause much damage to it.

Gaia's left fist was behind and his right palm was forward. This time, Apatai did not imitate that movement. It stood upright, and a strange brilliance emerged.


In front of Gaia's eyes, the enemy's originally empty shoulders emerged with shoulder armor, and the waist also "grown" waist armor, and even the originally covered parts seemed to become thicker.

After completing the strengthening of himself, Apatai attacked again, running and punching the opponent's sideways to hit the air.

Gaia didn't let go of this opportunity, and the whip leg aimed at the waist directly slammed on the enemy's waist, but the sound of metal colliding with metal came, and the pain caused by the recoil reached his mind inside.

Before Gaia could savor it, his leg was directly grabbed by his opponent.

The strengthening of the armor was not false, Apatai easily withstood the attack, it grabbed the left leg that attacked him, pulled it and threw it out.

After drawing an arc in the air, Gaia shattered several buildings in embarrassment and was buried in the ruins.

Apatai showed no mercy, its right arm was twisted and transformed into a long spear.

Gaia, who just got up from the ruins, immediately saw the enemy approaching from above.


Immediately he rolled sideways, and Apatai fell from the air and pierced the ground with his spear.

To this metal giant, the ground seemed to be just a flimsy piece of tofu. It pulled its right arm, and the spear it swept out was still entangled with dirt, dust, and debris.

Sparks flew out, and Gaia was hit again. After rolling a few times on the ground, he raised his body and knelt on the ground.

'Okay, so strong.......'

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