Just destroying with thought power is just destroying the body, and the internal alien animal factors may run around in the city looking for targets that can be infected.

For this attack, there is no need to doubt too much.

Someone must be controlling the alien beast, and he is not only controlling the alien beast, perhaps the monster that sprang out from the sea and is fighting with Aguru is also his handwriting.

Why did he show his presence so unabashedly at this time?

It is likely that after accumulating enough power to put pressure on the countries of the world, facing unknown and unknown enemies and powerful alien beasts appearing continuously, no matter who it is, it will feel uneasy.

No matter where you sit, people are still people, and a high-pressure environment will destroy the spirit.

Empat kept thinking, because a small alien beast like Phrogoros was an existence that could be easily destroyed for him.

The alien beasts pulled together by the power of thought were densely packed, like a swarm of insects gathered together.

Aiming at them like this, Empat directly combined his arms, and the cross-shaped Spaceum turned orange due to the flowing light attribute.

The hit Phoruguros was completely vaporized without any remnants left.

At the same time, strange fluctuations appeared inside this light-filled space.

As a person who constitutes the Meta Domain, Empat can certainly feel this abnormality.

The golden stream of light floats in the sky, like an ocean of light.

And the red ground under his feet twisted, and the existence wrapped in black mist emerged from the pitch-black vortex.

'That is......'

Empat certainly remembered who the opponent was, but the opponent should have been defeated by the explosive force in the short fight just now.

Now, they invaded this beauty tower domain as if nothing happened.

'what happened? '

Did Empat believe the feel of his hit because previous strikes had no effect?

He changed the target of his attack and threw the orange light arrow directly at the enemy in the center of the black vortex.

This shot did indeed hit, but it didn't work.

A cloud of black mist formed an energy ball and threw it. Empat turned his head away, and the dark sphere rayed into the sea of ​​light in the sky. The enemy who had completely dispersed the mist also showed its posture.


Black, red, symmetrical patterns, but opposite colors.

What makes people unable to take their eyes off is the black crystal on the chest. The structure is very similar to the colored timer on Empat's chest.

It’s not enough just to say that, to put it bluntly, that existence is simply another Ultraman.

It's just that the timer and the eyes are pitch black without reflecting the light, and the sharp horns on both sides of the head and the raised toes are reminiscent of demons.

"You are......"

Not far from Empat, the pitch-black Ultraman crossed his arms in front of his chest, and his body grew rapidly.

In a time enough to be described as 'instantaneous', this unknown existence expanded to a height of 48 meters.

As he spread his arms, the space in the Meta Domain seemed to collapse into pure light particles.

These light particles are dyed magenta at an exaggerated speed, eroded from the bottom up.

The light energy that Empat became active because of the special space before has become dull and sticky. For the Ott family, who are the life forms of light, the dullness of light energy is equivalent to weakening of power.

Not long after, the sea of ​​light that originally appeared in the sky turned into a cloud of darkness, and the falling lightning shattered the earth.

'Is this... the dark realm? '

Empat's body still maintains the red color that symbolizes light. In fact, it is meaningless to switch back to the silver color that symbolizes shadow, because——

"After all, it's just a shadow, a shadow made of light. Without light, you're nothing. It's just half-darkness."

The dark giant pointed his right hand at Empat, and he clearly pointed out Empat's essence.

It is neither pure light nor pure darkness, but an ambiguous existence located in the center but biased toward light.

As long as there is light, it is bound to be affected in this dark realm.

This kind of understanding is impossible to ignore. Empat knows that only enemies with sufficient capabilities who have actually fought against him will know what he is.

But is there really such an enemy in this world?

Of course, it was an existence that was destroyed five years ago in memory.

"who are you?"

Even though he had speculations in his mind, he still opened his mouth to ask.

It's a pity that the dark giant didn't intend to show off, he sneered:

"I am your crime, your irreparable scar, I am Faust."

The being that called itself Faust crossed its hands again in front of it, and threw a purple sphere into the sky.

When it rises to the highest point, the huge light ball splits into countless small light bullets, and they fall towards the target under the user's control.

Empat jumped back immediately, and the falling light bullets turned and chased, showing the tracking.

The next moment, jumping turned into flying, and Empat, who hadn't landed, turned around and accelerated, flying at an ultra-low altitude close to the ground.

"Do you think you can escape?"

Faust also jumped up quickly, flying fast at a speed not weaker than the enemy.

He climbed to a higher position, and below was a series of explosions, countless red gravel splashed, but failed to hurt the target he was chasing.

The attack was only just beginning, and Faust's outstretched right hand showed a blue light. When the blue light appeared, sparks exploded from the enemy's body.

'This is......'

Empat who was hit could feel the pain, and he was hit the moment he sensed the attack.

He had seen a trick similar to this in the past, it was the stunt of the Imperial Stars, the super-speed light that made it difficult to avoid.

Empat turned around, and apart from the light bombs constantly exploding behind him, there were also continuous flashes of blue light in the sky.

He crossed his arms in front of the defense, and with the splashing of sparks, he slammed into the mountains of the dark realm with his back.

In less than half a second, Faust turned his body away, and the light that shot through the mountain passed by his side.

The entire mountain was cut open, the light bullet hit, the light tore, Empat broke out from the top with his right hand forward, and what he threw was a flame-colored ultra-high temperature sphere.

The fireball continued to expand as it moved forward, and the energy that was forcibly compressed inside began to get out of control after breaking away from the controller, and the most brutal result of getting out of control was an explosion.

In an instant, the flames that spread and exploded filled the sky, pressing towards Faust who was attacking.


Faust, who didn't want to be hurt, backed away quickly.

'Are you going to distance yourself? '

He thought about the enemy's plan, but was wrong.

The flame that was still expanding before was pulled and attracted, and the energy wasted due to the explosion was irretrievable, but the remaining energy that had not dissipated was gathering in Empat's hands at this time.


Faust realizes he is locked.

The light flow of Dilla Hume pulled the surrounding energy, and Empat, who had suffered damage due to the forced intrusion, was distorted by ultra-high temperature.

He hurt himself with his own attack, and also used the breakthrough to close the distance.

Without any human body, without considering the injury of the human body, what he showed was such a violent fighting style.

The 'berserker' that Tregear had evaluated at the beginning was not a lie.

Empat raised his right hand again, as if he wanted to throw Dila Hume's light flow out.

Faust's palms are facing forward, forming a purple energy round shield.

Flames overflowed around the Dilahulme stream of light, which elongated as it moved, and starlight pulsated inside, as bright as a scorching sun.

At this moment, Empat seemed to be carrying the sun. He held the small sun in his hand and smashed it at the enemy.

In front of Faust's round shield was the Dillahume light stream that began to expand again during the confrontation. This big fireball sent a strong thrust, roaring to drown the enemy.

The ground under the two of them completely shattered and disappeared, and Empat's body flew towards the diagonally upward corner, crossing the expanding Dilla Hume light flow below.

He clasped his fists in both hands, and was about to completely destroy the enemy's defense.

At such a close distance, if Faust's defenses were destroyed, both of them would be engulfed in the exploding Dillahme light stream.

'This guy? ! '

Are you not afraid of taking hurt?

Unlike Faust's shock, Empat had already made up his mind.

He wanted to completely defeat the black giant in front of him, and then arrest him and interrogate where his strength came from and who was behind the scenes.

As long as this can be done, the situation will become very clear.

So what about taking damage for it?

It wasn't that he wasn't injured anyway.

The fists were smashed down, and the head was injured.

Shields shatter and fireballs erupt.

In the explosion of Dilla Hume's optical flow, both Empat and Faust were completely involved.

After a few seconds, the expanding high-temperature mass devoured and burned everything within a radius of nearly a kilometer.

The two people who were thrown from the explosion of flames landed in two different directions, and the sound of the timer began to echo.

'The power is not enough. '

Empat was able to experience this firsthand, the weakening of the Dark Realm had cut his strength so much that the blow just wounded the opponent.

"It's really yours."

Faust stood up straight, and he took a step back while clutching his right arm, which was injured by the light flow of Dilla Hume just now.

"It seems that I underestimated you, but don't think this is the end."

"Want to escape?"

Empat, who endured the pain, flew forward and rushed forward. His palms were shaped like knives, and they were placed on the left and right waists respectively, and then he quickly crossed forward and slashed out.

The golden half-moon was faster than he could fly, but missed.

Faust's body is covered in purple light, and the figure that emerges is nothing but a residual phantom.

"You can enjoy the battle with the alien beast here."

Faust's left hand gushed out a large amount of xenobiotic factors, which began to flicker after coming into contact with the 'wreckage' of Phroguros sticking to the ground.

Combine, replicate, multiply.

In an instant, the twisted chunks of flesh formed Phrogoros, who was comparable in size to Empat.

And the guillotine used by Empat just cut the phantom of Faust, which is teleportation.

Empat could feel the other party disappearing in the fluctuation of space, but he couldn't capture the specific position. The still existing dark field hindered his perception.

'...Faust. '

He sideways dodges the incoming fireball.

I don't know if it's because there are still some memories left, but Phoruguros didn't make any temptations at all, and just attacked with all his strength, as if he wanted to make the red giant in front of him who had killed 'them' pay the price.

In this space, the battle will start again.

In another space, from the dark realm to the dark realm, the timer on Faust's chest changed from black to red. Like other Ultra fighters, his core timer would also start to flicker due to lack of energy.

But compared with this warning, what is more important is Faust's current performance.

He stopped all actions as if he had lost all his soul, and just stood there like a puppet.

"I didn't expect the gap to be so big."

The man hiding in the dark field looked up at the dark giant. Even though they were both giants, the gap was still obvious.

The Dark Realm can reduce the power of light to a rather exaggerated level. Even so, Faust still failed to defeat Empat, and on the contrary drew a tie.

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