'But since there was an exchange five years ago, it's not surprising when they were approached. '

Shishi still had optimistic thoughts in his heart.

At the same time, he was also thinking about Kiru.

"If the monster just came out of the earth's ground, how many monsters are still sleeping on the earth that we don't know?"

One sentence instantly attracted everyone's attention, and Qianye's brows were almost frowned.

"That's not reasonable."

He was quite puzzled by this. With the development of human science and technology, it shouldn't be impossible to find the monsters hidden in the ground.

"Unless those monsters are thousands or tens of thousands of meters underground, but then how do they survive?"

"I don't know."

Shi Shi also shook his head, his major is not geology.

'Where are the earth's hidden monsters? '

Such a question was quickly put on the stage of GUARD for corresponding speculation and research.

But these things have nothing to do with Aguru, he just brought the scarred Kiru back to the home of the monsters.

Above the cloudy sky are flying 'creatures'

Or some kind of bigger 'flying dragon'

These flying dragons are swallowed by bigger monsters, and the food chain also exists.

On the barren land, one spider after another was bigger than a car, and they fled to the distance.

Because the blue giants carry surging energy, they can detect danger.

Aguru had just stepped into the forest, and a flock of birds covered in scales flew away.

A completely different world from the ground, another world imagined in science fiction works is the home of other creatures.

Huge monsters live here, passed down from generation to generation.

In a more primitive environment, the size of creatures and the size of plants far exceed those on the ground.

It is such an environment that allows the survival of the huge monsters, which have given up life on the ground and only go to the ground when needed.

And the time of need is now, when the extraterrestrial threat comes.

However, things don't always go so smoothly.

Kiru closed his eyes and fell asleep in the cold comfort.

Aguru used the power of light to heal the wounds. He never told anyone that there was another world at the bottom of the earth, and he did not intend to tell anyone.

Maybe it's because he doesn't believe in humans, even if it's about humans themselves, is nature protected?

No, say one thing and do another.

It's ridiculous that 'protect the environment' is nothing more than a loud proclamation used by some to make a profit.


The roar came from a distance, and the dragon's head shook slightly, as if it was still not sober after waking up from a long dream.

The monsters that have guarded the earth since ancient times are awakening one by one.

But do human beings have the mind to accept them?

Fujimiya doesn't know this, and the answer will come later.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! No! No! Yes!"

Dongyang rolled around twice on the fairly wide sofa, not caring whether anyone saw her under the skirt, anyway, the only two friends here are girls.

Facing her complaint, Xi Li knew why.


So she said so.

"of course!"

Chunhe immediately echoed, and the two sang and made Dongyang sit up from the sofa.

"Hey, no reporter took pictures of Ultraman's battle, is that reasonable?"

No matter how she searched the Internet, she couldn't find it. It was just someone discussing it, and she didn't even know the specific situation.

The reason is very simple. That area has been blocked since yesterday, and only reporters can enter today. As a result, the reporter experienced the same thing again.

"You can't ask others to be fearless and still carry a camera to shoot the battle between Ultraman and the monster?"

Xi Li shrugged, who is not afraid of death?

Haruhe continued to look at the phone, telling the information he saw:

"However, I saw someone say that it was Ultraman who beat the monster to the ground, because he saw the monster flying in the sky and then falling."

"Is that the human companion?"

Hearing this, Dongyang immediately became energetic.

She didn't know why she cared so much about Ultraman, perhaps because people always seek sustenance under special circumstances.

Alien beasts, extraterrestrial invaders, monsters, such external causes are naturally called special.

"Of course it's a companion."

Xi Li never doubted it.

"Didn't the appearance of Ultraman save a lot of people so far? And my dad..."

She suddenly closed her mouth, and then two people approaching appeared in her eyes.

"What's wrong? Keep talking."

Dongyang is like a cat smelling fishy.

"Hey Hey Hey."

Chun He smiled horribly.

"You, what are you doing!"

"Of course I want to hear the confession of the father-controlled girl!"

Xili's question was quickly answered by Chunhe.

"Who is the parent!"

"Of course it's you who was still the one who grew up with Dad just now."

Dongyang said with a smile.

The two of them were quite interested in Xi Li's father who didn't look like her father.

Coupled with the performance of Xili's father-convicted criminal, this is really interesting.

"Say it! If you don't say it, I'm going to do it!"

"Wait, don't touch it!"

"Chunhe, quickly hold her down!"

"I'm coming!"

Noisy, noisy, because of the noise, I didn't hear the sound of the key piercing the hole.

"I come back......"

In the middle of the speech, Kazama's expression changed from calm to subtle, and what he saw was the scene of three girls entangled together.

The hands of Chun He and Dong Yang seem to be touching Xi Li's armpits.

For some reason, Xi Li's hands are now placed on one's abdomen and the other's chest.





It was really quiet, very quiet, only Xia Chan outside the window was chirping.

At this time, no matter whether you leave or enter, it seems very...

Kazama sighed for a while, his daughter seemed to be having fun.

I remember UNIQ said that girls will act like Lily when they get along, maybe this is one of the situations.

Watch with gentle, gentle, the most gentle eyes in the world.

"You go out!"

Then the father with gentle eyes closed the door of the house a little hurt amidst the daughter's shameful scolding, still holding the ice cream, ice stick pudding and other snacks in his hand to spend the summer.

"Cough cough..."

In the quiet home, Chunhe and Dongyang let go of their hands in embarrassment, while Xili was still panting.

Chapter 45

"Uncle Kazama is really cooking..."

What I really want to say is shocking, except for single men and chefs, Dongyang has never seen a man who can be busy in the kitchen.

This has something to do with the traditions handed down from the past in Japan, and also has something to do with society.

It is almost normal for the woman to be a full-time housewife at home, and it is almost normal for the man to work overtime.

"Speaking of which——"

Before he had time to say that title, Dongyang was mercilessly poked in the waist by Chunhe on the right.

"it hurts!"

'You really don't know how to read words and expressions, you. '

Chunhe complained in his heart about his friend's lack of eyesight. After getting along for such a long time, Xili never mentioned the matter of her mother, which is enough to explain everything.

No matter what the reason is, this side shouldn't ask about it, because the other party doesn't want to talk about it either.

"Have you gained weight recently?"

Chunhe said something irrelevant, but these words were quite fatal to Dongyang, she quickly reached out to touch her flat stomach after sitting down.

"No, it can't be, did I gain weight just by eating and sleeping for a few days?"

This is unreasonable. The softness is due to not exercising much, but there is no protruding place, right?

"So why don't you try a fitness ring?"

Xi Li asked suspiciously. She did try to play that game at night, a game that uses the form of a game to make you exercise.

Although it is all exercise, it does not require you to go out for a run, nor does it require you to buy a treadmill, so it should be considered a pretty good thing.

Unfortunately, this is the crux of the matter.

"Isn't it still necessary to exercise? I hate exercise, and the usual physical education class is my limit."

Dongyang showed a heartbroken expression, every time she finished a long-distance run, she felt like the world was spinning.

Regarding this performance of resistance, the other two could only look at each other for a week and shook their heads helplessly.


Xi Li came to a conclusion.

"Anyway, when you gain weight in the future, you will think about exercising."

That's what Chunhe thinks, he will know the pain of gaining weight when things come to an end.

However, the harmony between the two did not affect Dongyang, she raised the corners of her mouth.

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