"Because I am also an existence from the universe?"

The monster named Kiru also regarded him as the source of the destruction of the root, so it attacked directly, but there is still a problem here.

"Why did Kiru want to destroy the city?"


The question raised by Empat made Aguru fall silent. The answer is actually very simple.

"Because Kiru is also a living thing."

After hesitating, Aguru still answered the question.

"Nature has always been a cycle between biological chains. Humans develop weapons to fight against the hosts of root destruction, and Kiru relies on his own strength to fight against the hosts of root destruction, but the two are not of the same kind, so a battle will break out."

This is the conspiracy of the shattered root to attract the body.

"As long as the monsters on the earth are constantly awakened, the defense systems will fight themselves, and eventually they will die without attack."

Aguru stretched out his arms and picked up the bruised Kiru and stood up.

"Just like this time, even without you, the destructive Kiru would definitely be defined as a large harmful creature by humans and then destroyed."

What he said was an indisputable conclusion.

Empat also understands this very well. He still hasn't been able to find a way to get along with monsters and humans, because the two sides don't have the slightest basis for mutual understanding.

"If you keep doing this, you too will become the enemy of humanity."

Assuming that the destruction of the root cause keeps stimulating the monsters on the earth, making them appear one by one, and they are incompatible with human beings. After solving the vanguard of the destruction of the root, the next target is human beings.

And then......

"What would you do if someone died because of a monster?"

Empat's doubts did not shake Aguru, and Aguru still maintained his original idea:

"It's not going to be like that, because that's what Aguru was made for."

This is Fujimiya's idea. He thought about why the earth gave such a powerful force to a human being.

He knew he was a genius, but he also knew he was a human being, a human being who could easily die.

What is the purpose of entrusting the power of Aguru to such a human being?

Now Fujimiya understood.

If it is said that in the face of alien enemies from the universe, it is necessary to form a defense system of creatures all over the earth, Agur and Gaia must be the mechanism for human beings to coordinate monsters.

So it's not going to be like that, it's going to be blocked before then.

There was no confusion or hesitation in Fujimiya's words, and Kazama who understood this was also relieved.

Half-baked ideas are the easiest to be exploited by others, and the shattering of the root causes the body's tricks to prove its wisdom.

For this reason, Kazama chose to question Fujimiya.

"Sorry, it seems I was talking too much."

Without answering his apology, Aguru disappears in the light along with Kiru.

When the last ray of light dissipated, Empat also looked up to the sky, and the Lightning team who came late in the distance just saw such a scene.

The silver giant flew away into the sky, and the battle was over.

Chapter 44 Wonderful

Everything is over, although the battle damage is a bit serious, but this is just enough to save the construction team the time of smashing, probably.

When Kazama came out of the toilet, what he saw was a pair of eyes full of strangeness.

As a colleague of the night raid team, the woman was looking at him with disbelief.

Because the look in his eyes was so strange that Kazama felt that he had accidentally stained his face with something on his clothes.

But when I glanced at the mirror just now, there was nothing.

Probably because of his puzzled expression, the female colleague pointed to the toilet that Kazama came out of just now.

The sign hanging on the wall beside the door is very obvious red, and the simple and easy-to-understand villain is still wearing a skirt.


How many years?

How old is it?

If Kazama was still a human being with a physical body at this time, his cheeks and ears must have been flushed due to the surge of blood.

In other words, it is called shame.

A violently beating heart is also easy for people to do some stupid things and say stupid things.

So at this time, Kazama is still a little thankful that he has no blood and no heart.

"Sorry, I went wrong."

It's so natural that female colleagues don't know how to respond at all.


She could only give a strange response in a strange tone.

The embarrassment at the scene can only be eliminated by leaving alone, Kazama nodded, and walked quickly to the hall.

As soon as he walked into the corner, he supported the wall with his left hand, covered his face with his right hand and shook his head.

'It sucks. '

This is probably what ordinary people say is getting used to it. Isn't it a very bad thing for men to go into the women's toilet when they get used to it?

If others find out, they may have to go to the police station.

"Kazama, you are here!"

"Huh? Oh! I've been here all along."

Shocked by the call, Kazama stood up straight, and Tachibana walked towards him.

"Why do I think you're weird?"

Tachibana raised his eyebrows, it was the first time he had seen his comrade, who was usually calm, look a little flustered like this.

What's going on, this guy was dropped?

But this kind of thing is fine anyway.

"Empat appeared again just now, where did you go at this time?"

Although there are no special orders for Ultraman above, normal people will think about things about Ultraman.

Empat five years ago and red blue today.

"By the way, what do you think the red and blue Ultraman should be called?"

After the matter is over, he becomes relaxed, so Tachibana's chatterbox also opens up.

Is Ultraman an enemy of mankind or a companion of mankind?

Companion, at least from now on, Empat defeated the black giant five years ago and appeared twice in a row to defeat the monster.

The blue giant and the red giant also fought against monsters that endangered humans, but did not destroy or harm humans.

After thinking carefully, Tachibana had a result.

"Considering the color and the title of Ultraman, the red ultimate man might as well be called Red Superman."


Although Kazama has no sense or interest in fashion trends, even he can appreciate the soil contained in this name.

Gaia is called Red Superman.

"The blue giant is called Blue Superman, right?"

He couldn't hold back for a moment and made a complaint, but what he got in exchange was Ju's shaking his head.

"No, it should be called Sea Superman."


"Because I know you will definitely complain about the name Red Superman, so I named it with the sea corresponding to blue."

Tachibana grinned, and reached out to pat Kazama on the shoulder.

"It is my sincere hope that your nomination will not be passed."

Kazama said helplessly, this is too rustic.

"What era are you from?"

"The Heisei era."

"It must be a person from the Heisei era who was born in the Showa era."

"Say as if you're not."

The two chatted while walking towards the hall.

Tokyo can still be regarded as safe now...well, safe after the crisis is resolved.

So the night raid team is on standby, that is, daily training and rest.

At this moment, the battle has been over for a short time.

XIG's Lightning team landed with the Mir on the site of the battle.

Weiwei walked on this piece of land, and there was a crackling sound of something being crushed under his feet.

It was the black soil after the aftermath of Empat's Specium light hit.

"Why do I feel like I'm a lot shorter?"

He asked suspiciously, because there was no reference, so he couldn't be sure if it was the case.

At this time, I Meng, who heard his question, immediately answered:

"Because the altitude here is 37.3 meters lower than before. In other words, the original ruins were dug out to such a depth by Empat's light."

"real or fake......"

Weiwei subconsciously looked at the pistol on his waist, the gap was a bit exaggerated.

It can only be said that fortunately Ultraman is on the side of humans.

'Is it on the human side? '

At the same time, Atsuko and Qiao Ji of the air base pressed the last button, selected the videos retrieved from the city of Tokyo, and then connected them again. What was finally completed was a video with a strange angle and even a constant change.

'Enpat, who defeated the monster, was about to strike the monster for the last time, when the blue giant appeared suddenly and deflected the light. After that, the two seemed to have some kind of communication, and the blue giant took away the bruised monster together'

Probably some pictures like this.

"Don't giants appear to kill monsters?"

Qianye frowned. As XIG's staff officer, he naturally thought from this position.

What is the mission of XIG?

It is to protect human beings.

There is no doubt that monsters are existences that threaten the existence of human beings.

But Empat and the blue giant showed different approaches, and in the end Empat seemed to agree with the blue giant's approach and let the giant go.

What does it mean?

There is no environment on the ground for monsters to survive.

"Maybe they know something we don't."

Shi Shi speculated about the truth of the matter, and at the same time he was thinking about another matter.

Empat, who came into contact with humans five years ago, did not communicate with humans again after appearing five years later.

If he can tell what he knows, then GUARD can better consider the subsequent actions.

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