Defeating and rescuing are two different things.

In Terra Noyd's view, being able to win support is already a very lucky thing, and it is up to him to pull the earth out.

'Hope they're okay. '

Are Empat and Dyna still alive?

Regarding this point, he is not clear, expecting the aggressor to show mercy is the most stupid idea.

The worst case is, of course, 'all the Ultraman guarding the earth die in battle'

'almost. '

Concentrate and be prepared to be discovered and go to war directly.

Tyranoid entered a deeper space with the data flow, and entered a new foreign object in this world full of red.

Just after entering the interior of Kesia, he noticed a certain abnormality, that is some kind of chaos.

'how? '

Should I say restlessness, or something else.

It seems that something is coming here, and the data flow is vibrating crazily.

The next moment, following his own perception, Tyranoid raised his head.

The red sky reflected a strange existence, it was a pair of hands, these hands touched the top of the sky, and then the top began to collapse.

Huge streams of data that don't belong here are hitting the world.

Tyranoid could feel that light energy, so the tense emotion in his heart relaxed slightly.

Fortunately, his invasion and Dyna's invasion collided at almost the same moment.

The entire Kesia's attention was drawn to Dyna's side, seizing this opportunity, Tyranoid started to act.

At the closest distance, he knew Dyna's survival and counterattack.

For the Star League, it's not so clear.

It takes time to obtain intelligence, and during this time they have to jump through different outposts.

In order not to interfere with the development of Earth civilization, the Star Alliance did not set up space nodes there.

Therefore, it can only be approached with primitive methods like this, and the time required cannot be considered short.

At this moment, the soldiers who were operating suddenly noticed something unusual.

"An abnormal spatial fluctuation was discovered, as if a rift had been opened."

He immediately made a report, and quickly calculated the coordinates of this fluctuation while reporting.

"The source is the solar system, do you want to throw the anchor?"

Nodes, coordinates, that is, the exit of the wormhole.

There is no such thing in the interior of the solar system, so the Star Alliance must use primitive methods to hurry.

But it's different now, it's very inexplicable, the position of the solar system is like shouting 'come here', releasing intense spatial fluctuations.

After a moment of silence, the chief nodded.

"Fix the coordinates."

Although I don't know what's going on, but since there is such a shortcut, it would be a pity not to copy it.

And this node may be the key.

At this moment, Dyna has just completed the invasion of Gilbaris in that distant and long distance, the interior of the galaxy illuminated by the sun, and not long ago, the space opening that Saigon tore apart opened up the space structure of this galaxy. Add new scars.

This unstable wave became the exact coordinates needed by the Star Alliance.

Inside the virtual planet Xia, Terra Noyd is passing through as fast as the data that maintains the operation of this virtual planet.

On the far side, Dyna and Gilbaris appeared to be fighting.

According to Tyranoid, this is a stupid choice that has to be made in this situation.

Dyna and Empat on Earth didn't know about the support of the Star Alliance, so they had to choose to fight with their backs.

It may be to take back the earth, or it may be for revenge.

He hoped it was the former.

On the way forward, there are faint traces left.

Searching for the being known as Earth, Terranoid discovered anomalies in the process.

It was a strange cloud of data, neither flowing nor responsive.

With a vigilant heart, he went to that location.

What I saw there was Empat, who was firmly restrained, the timer on his chest went off, and seemed to have lost consciousness.

But different from the impression he saw at first sight, the other party moved, struggling to break free from the bondage.


Compared with thinking, the body reacts immediately.

Tyranoid headed in the direction of Empat.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

Inside the red planet, anomalies are happening.

On the outside of the red planet, on the blue water star, the symbol of civilization, the human city is illuminated by light.

Under the warmth, the giant named Empat opened his arms to accept the energy bestowed by the sun.

On an uninhabited planet, he will continue to fight.

But until then, there are things to say and questions to ask.

It is absolutely impossible to miss such intense spatial fluctuations, so what happened to the two people on both sides?

"Zamsha, Guregel, you..."

Familiar faces are here, and what the two symbolize is behind the Star Alliance.

"Although there are many things I want to talk about, there is not much time for us to chat right now."

Zamxia put away his sword, and he looked up at the sky, at the clear sky that can only be seen on planets with life.

"In short, that thing called Gilbaris not only intends to destroy the earth, but even the life in the entire universe wants to attack, so we decided to get rid of it here. This is not a battle between the earth and the invaders, but between the universe and the invaders. battle."

Frankly speaking, there is basically no explanation for this response, the only thing that can be understood is that 'the Star Alliance regards Gilbaris as a threat that must be eliminated'

In fact, just knowing this is enough.

"I see, thank you for your support, I will definitely use this kindness in the future——"

"When you are helped, you know that you want to repay the favor, but when you help others, you don't know how to accept it. You really have a problem."

Before Empat could finish speaking, Zamsha interrupted him.

Empat didn't know how to respond to this sentence.

But before that, beyond this blue sky, a burst of energy was felt that signaled the beginning of the battle.

"Hey, wait."

Empat just moved when he was stopped by Guregel on one side.

"Can you fight now? The timer is blinking."

"The wounded just watch from the sidelines."

Zamxia also agreed with this view. He and Guregel came down to support not to let the wounded who had been ravaged by the enemy fly up again to fight for his life.

"But humans are still on that planet."

Empat didn't know what was going on, and it was only him and the earth that were pulled out by Tyranoid.

"Trust your companion, he should still be inside Kesia now."

The reason why Guregel knows this is because the planned Tyranoid cannot leave Kesia, and he is the trump card who acts as a virus internally.

"......I see."

Listening to what the two said, Empat nodded, seeming to understand the current situation.

Just as Guregel and Zamsha relaxed slightly, a large amount of dust floated up on the ground.

That was the power emerging from Empat's body, and that anti-gravity field affected the surroundings to a certain extent.

In an instant, his body became blurred, and the sonic boom that exploded due to the existence of the atmosphere was transmitted.


Zamsha didn't have time to stop the other party, and soon, Empat's back turned into a small dot, and he disappeared through the clouds.

"A little rest for this man is like killing him."

He complained helplessly, and the equipment he took out summoned the fighter jets that arrived on Earth together.

The pure white clouds were pierced, and the two things intertwined inside.

Empat ignored the descending fighter and just kept rising.

The current him lacks energy, and even fighting is nothing but a burden.

As Zamsha said, the wounded should not mess around.

It's a pity that the current situation doesn't allow him to rest.

He is grateful for the support of the Star Alliance.

However, the Interstellar Alliance is the Interstellar Alliance, and the Earth is the Earth. They have no obligation to sacrifice for the Earth. If they develop to a situation where Zhengmu fails and cannot save humans, then maybe there will be no second chance, and humans will be destroyed together with the virtual planet.

In order not to encounter such a situation, he could not rest, nor could he watch there.

There is only one way to heal yourself quickly.

Ignoring the battlefield, Empat just marched toward the goal.

He brings heat, light, life, and is called 'Mother'

Even a giant like Ultraman is just a drop in the ocean in front of it, and now, this drop in the ocean belongs to the sea.

Empat is in contact with the sun, and light energy is injected into the timer and spreads all over the body.

Under the gaze of the stars at this moment, a war untouched by man begins.

It was a scene beyond imagination. The surface of the virtual planet continuously overflowed with a large amount of data streams. These data streams formed a new posture and became a mechanical weapon beyond monsters, Galatron.

Unlike the siege of Empat and Dyna, in addition to the original model, the developed MK-II was also dispatched.

An unknown number of civilizations have been destroyed, and an unknown number of planets have been eaten. How many resources does Xia have now?

'To destroy the Star League is to be prepared to destroy a universe'

Coincidentally, this is the goal of Gilbaris. It has been planned like this from the very beginning, no matter when it is, it is always ready to destroy a universe.

With tens of thousands as the benchmark, the number keeps increasing, and the surface of the entire planet is dyed orange-red, which is unique to data flow.

Countless galatrons are marching in this black sea of ​​stars, their silent roars, and the combat AI of each machine are linked together.

In contrast, the Interstellar Alliance is not such a completely unified existence. As intelligent life forms, what they master is a tool called 'technology'.

Fighters for space are densely packed, pouring out of the ship non-stop.

Judging from the earth's data, the nearly kilometer-long battleship is almost the same as the 'worm nest', with countless insect swarms living inside.

The fighter jets are the swarm, and they march on orders.

If the military strength of Gilbaris is more than [-] Galatrons, then the thousand warships of the Star Alliance have hundreds of thousands of military strength.

Through the wormhole, the fleet broke into battle without Gilbaris' knowledge.

Both sides are also releasing their forces, and the confrontation has already begun from this moment.

Galatron MK-IIs are the commanders of the Legion, they calculate distances and coordinates.

This is the advantage brought by space teleportation, regardless of distance for assault.

At the same moment, the Galatron Legion, which broke away from the planet one step ahead, opened fire at the same time.

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